Author Topic: Goblin Shaman [Base]  (Read 2023 times)

Offline Stratovarius

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Goblin Shaman [Base]
« on: July 02, 2017, 05:33:30 PM »
Goblin Shaman
"Iz got the da godz wiv me. Whoz you gotz?"
- Inky Skulltalka, Orc Goblin Shaman

A Goblin Shaman's spells are weedy and irritating, but dangerous – just like the Goblins themselves. While Orc Shamans tend to be seen as trance-addled buffoons, Goblin Shamans are cagey and cunning, if no less odd. They often use their magics to barter for tribal influence. Many Goblin Shamans work their way into a top position, either advising the Warboss or even taking the command role themselves. Any greenskin that opposes a Goblin Shaman is apt to suffer nasty rashes, mysterious beetle infestation, or some other wicked malady. In battle, Goblin Shamans turn their spiteful spells toward slaying, or at least annoying, the foe. These spells are more subtle than their larger kin's, but no less effective. When an enemy fails to charge because they have doubled up with itchy hives, or the weapons of the greenskins seem to dart unerringly for weak spots in a foe's armour, it is often due to the magics of a Goblin Shaman.

Making a Goblin Shaman
Shaman exemplify the Goblin tribe to which they belong. For instance, the Shamans of many tribes of Wolf Riders are a feral lot, draped in skins and laden with wolf skulls. Like their comrades, these Shaman are bent, wind-gnarled and bow-legged from their life crossing the plains on wolfback. Shamans of the Red Cloud tribe ritually use their magics to turn themselves at least half red depending on the cycle of the moon. There are bandage-covered Dust-Goblins from the deserts of Araby, shrewd fortune-teller mystics of the nomadic Goblin trader tribes, and more.

Abilities: Wisdom, Constitution.

Races: Goblin Shaman appear only the goblin races.

Alignment: Goblin Shaman are usually non-good, but not entirely so.

Table 1: The Goblin Shaman

Level  BAB   Ref   Fort  Will  Abilities                             
1      +0    +2    +0    +0    Horde, Supreme Cowardice, Sneaky Stabbin' (+1, 0d6), Magic Mushrooms
2      +1    +3    +1    +1    Better Sneaking
3      +1    +3    +1    +1    Sneaky Stabbin' (+1, 1d6)
4      +2    +4    +2    +2    Itchy Nuisance
5      +2    +4    +2    +2    Sneaky Stabbin' (+2, 1d6)
6      +3    +5    +3    +3    What a Stench
7      +3    +5    +3    +3    Bigger Hording, Sneaky Stabbin' (+2, 2d6)
8      +4    +6    +2    +2    Numbers are Better
9      +4    +6    +3    +3    Sneaky Stabbin' (+3, 2d6)
10     +5    +7    +3    +3    Stalking
11     +5    +7    +3    +3    Sneaky Stabbin' (+3, 3d6)
12     +6    +8    +4    +4    Boo!, We Is Many
13     +6    +8    +4    +4    Sneaky Stabbin' (+4, 3d6)
14     +7    +9    +4    +4    Gork'll Fix It, Huge Horde
15     +7    +9    +5    +5    Sneaky Stabbin' (+4, 4d6)
16     +8    +10   +5    +5    Circle Magic
17     +8    +10   +5    +5    Sneaky Stabbin' (+5, 4d6)
18     +9    +11   +6    +6    Curse of da Bad Moon
19     +9    +11   +6    +6    Sneaky Stabbin' (+5, 5d6)
20     +10   +12   +6    +6    We's Never There, Biggest Horde

Game Rule Information
Goblin Shaman have the following game statistics.

Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d6
Requirements: Race must be goblin
Starting Gold: As beguiler
Starting Age: As beguiler

Class skills (6 + Int modifier): Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features
All the following are class features of the Goblin Shaman class.
  • Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Goblin Shaman are proficient with all simple weapons and light armour, as well as shields (except tower).
  • Spells: As beguiler in all particulars.
  • Horde (Ex): A Goblin Shaman is permanently surrounded by his horde, those goblins and orcs that have chosen to follow him to glory and riches. This is represented by the Goblin Shaman permanently controlling a total number of hit dice of goblins and orcs equal to his class level times two. No creature controlled through this ability can have a CR more than 1/3rd the class level of the Goblin Shaman. Thus at 1st level, the Goblin Shaman could have two 1/3rd CR goblins as his horde. As the Goblin Shaman only has goblins and orcs available to him to make up his horde, it is sometimes necessary to advance them as the Goblin Shaman gains levels (a Goblin Shaman can choose to have a large number of much lower CR creatures, if desired). Orcs advance as fighters or barbarians, while goblins advance as fighters, shamans (clerics), or rogues. Creatures come equipped with gear appropriate to an NPC of their level and class, and use the normal array. Any creatures lost from this total are replenished one week later. Horde members act on the Goblin Shaman's initiative. No more than one in five creatures can be a cleric (minimum one).
  • Supreme Cowardice (Ex): If the horde (excluding the Goblin Shaman) takes damage equal to or greater than a quarter of its hit points (this is the sum of hit points for all creatures in the horde), every creature in the horde must make a Will save against Fear at 10 + encounter CR or become shaken. This effect lasts until the encounter ends, or the horde is healed above the total at which it was forced to save. Every quarter of the horde's hit points (so at 75%, 50%, 25%), every creature must save again. If the horde goes past two points from one attack or action (say, drops from 80% to 45% of their total hit points) they save twice. In addition, the first time any member of the horde is struck during an encounter, they must save against the DC described above or become panicked for one round. The effects of multiple failed saves stack.
  • Sneaky Stabbin' (Ex): Goblins and their shamans see absolutely no point in a fair fight, and want to be as far away from one as possible. At 1st level, he gains a +1 dodge bonus to his armour class. At 3rd level this ability adds 1d6 Sneak Attack (with all attendant rules and restrictions) damage to the Goblin Shaman's attacks. For every four levels after 1st this ability grants a further +1 dodge bonus to armour class. For every four levels after 3rd this ability adds 1d6 additional Sneak Attack damage to the Goblin Shaman's attacks. Members of the horde also get Sneaky Stabbin', using their hit dice in place of the Goblin Shaman's character level.
  • Magic Mushrooms (Ex): Goblin shamans get their inspiration from a rather unhealthy relationship of magic mushrooms. Which comes at a bit of a cost. When casting a spell, there is a 25% chance (rolled after the spell is cast) of being dazed until the end of his next turn. If the goblin shaman becomes immune to dazing, his spellcasting ceases to function.
  • Gifts of Mork (or Gork): The god(s) of the greenskins have seen fit to bless the goblin shaman, as well as all of those who follow his lead. Any of these gifts that require an action to activate use a standard unless otherwise specified.
    • Better Sneakin' (Ex): The goblin shaman and all members of his horde gain a bonus to Hide and Move Silently equal to his class level.
    • Itchy Nuisance (Su): There's always something up a sleeve... Once per encounter, any enemy adjacent to a member of the horde must make a will save at 10 + 1/2 class level + charisma modifier or be afflicted with horrible itching for three rounds. They take a penalty on attack rolls and skill checks equal to the goblin shaman's charisma modifier.
    • What a Stench (Su): All members of the horde surrounded by a nauseous cloud of foul particulates, affecting the squares they are in and all immediately adjacent squares. Treat the effects of this as stinking cloud. Members of the horde are immune to this effect. It lasts one round for every two goblin shaman levels, and can be used a number of times per day equal to the goblin shaman's charisma modifier.
    • Numbers Are Better (Ex): If a member of the horde is able to sneak attack an enemy that has at least two other members adjacent to it, that creature gains +1d6 bonus to damage and a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saving throws for one round.
    • Stalking (Su): During combat, all members of the horde (not including the goblin shaman) are invisible until they get within 30 ft. of any hostile creature. Individuals can raise or lower this ability as a swift action if desired.
    • Boo! (Ex): Any time the goblin shaman or another member of the horde is able to cast a spell from hiding or invisbility, it does not break invisibility or reveal the creature.
    • Gork'll Fix It (Su): Once per encounter, any enemy adjacent to a member of the horde must make a will save at 10 + 1/2 class level + charisma modifier or be horribly cursed. Enemies so afflicted must roll all attacks and saves twice and take the lower result for three rounds.
    • Circle Magic (Ex): The Goblin Shaman has realized that maybe he can get a little bit more out of his shamans if he sticks them all in a big group. So he does. Shamans in the horde can now use circle magic, with the goblin shaman or the highest hit dice shaman in the horde treated as the circle leader.
    • Curse of da Bad Moon (Su): Nothing's better than making all your enemies weaker than they were before. Once per encounter, any enemy adjacent to a member of the horde must make a will save at 10 + 1/2 class level + charisma modifier or be afflicted with a negative level.
    • We's Never There (Su): As Stalking, except the effect is ethereal instead of invisible.
  • Bigger Hording (Ex): The horde now has a total number of hit dice of equal to his class level times three, and the maximum CR is 1/2 the class level of the Goblin Shaman.
  • We Is Many (Ex): All members of an Goblin Shaman's horde now pool their hitpoints into a single great mass. None of them die until the pool is emptied, at which point they all die.
  • Huge Horde (Ex): The horde now has a total number of hit dice equal to his class level times four, and the maximum CR is 1/2 the class level of the Goblin Shaman.
  • Biggest Horde (Ex): The horde now has a total number of hit dice equal to his class level times five, and the maximum CR is 1/2 the class level of the Goblin Shaman.
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« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 10:29:42 AM by Stratovarius »

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Re: Goblin Shaman [Base]
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2017, 09:21:05 PM »
So, reviewing this class, there's a number of abilities I don't like, but I'm not sure how to replace. They are:

Spell list - I think I need to take the effort to make a custom list.
Escape Plan - While it's kind of thematic, it doesn't quite feel like it fits.
Speed of Fear - Copied over from the Warboss, this seems like it should be something else to reflect the more cowardly and dastardly abilities of the goblin.
Get Aways From Them - One random ranged ability that doesn't fit.
Bigga Designs - Spellcasting benefits just don't seem to work.
Send In Da Gitz - As above
Just Making Sure - As above
We Own The Dark - While it's kind of thematic, it doesn't quite feel like it fits.
Inspirational Magic - While it's kind of thematic, it doesn't quite feel like it fits.
'Eez Not Bad - While it's kind of thematic, it doesn't quite feel like it fits.
Energy Reserves - Spellcasting benefits just don't seem to work.

I'm tempted to throw all of that away, which leaves the class looking like this (table only):

Level  BAB   Ref   Fort  Will  Abilities                             
1      +0    +2    +0    +2    Horde, Supreme Cowardice, Sneaky Stabbin' (+1, 0d6)
2      +1    +3    +1    +3    Find the Dark Places
3      +2    +3    +1    +3    Sneaky Stabbin' (+1, 1d6)
4      +3    +4    +2    +4    Sneaker's Magic, Its Your Turn
5      +3    +4    +2    +4    Sneaky Stabbin' (+2, 1d6)
6      +4    +5    +3    +5   
7      +5    +5    +3    +5    Bigger Hording, Sneaky Stabbin' (+2, 2d6)
8      +6    +6    +2    +6    Its Your Turn
9      +6    +6    +3    +6    Sneaky Stabbin' (+3, 2d6)
10     +7    +7    +3    +7    Mind Above Matter
11     +8    +7    +3    +7    Armour? What's That?, Sneaky Stabbin' (+3, 3d6)
12     +9    +8    +4    +8    Sneaker's Magic, We Is Many
13     +9    +8    +4    +8    Circle Magic, Sneaky Stabbin' (+4, 3d6)
14     +10   +9    +4    +9    Huge Horde
15     +11   +9    +5    +9    Sneaky Stabbin' (+4, 4d6)
16     +12   +10   +5    +10   
17     +12   +10   +5    +10   Sneaky Stabbin' (+5, 4d6)
18     +13   +11   +6    +11   
19     +14   +11   +6    +11   Sneaky Stabbin' (+5, 5d6)
20     +15   +12   +6    +12   Biggest Horde

I'm tempted to go further and revamp everything into something like this (all even levels):

Gifts of Mork (or Gork): The god(s) of the greenskins have seen fit to bless the goblin shaman, as well as all of those who follow his lead. Any of these gifts that require an action to activate use a standard unless otherwise specified.
  • Better Sneakin' (Su): The goblin shaman and all members of his horde gain a bonus to Hide and Move Silently equal to his class level.
  • Itchy Nuisance (Su): There's always something up a sleeve... Once per encounter, any enemy adjacent to a member of the horde must make a will save at 10 + 1/2 class level + charisma modifier or be afflicted with horrible itching for three rounds. They take a penalty on attack rolls and skill checks equal to the goblin shaman's charisma modifier.
  • What a Stench (Su): All members of the horde surrounded by a nauseous cloud of foul particulates, affecting the squares they are in and all immediately adjacent squares. Treat the effects of this as stinking cloud. Members of the horde are immune to this effect. It lasts one round for every two goblin shaman levels, and can be used a number of times per day equal to the goblin shaman's charisma modifier.
  • Numbers Are Better (Su): If a member of the horde is able to sneak attack an enemy that has at least two other members adjacent to it, that creature gains +1d6 bonus to damage and a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saving throws for one round.
  • Stalking (Su): During combat, all members of the horde (not including the goblin shaman) are invisible until they get within 30 ft. of any hostile creature. Individuals can raise or lower this ability as a swift action if desired.
  • Boo! (Su): Any time the goblin shaman or another member of the horde is able to cast a spell from hiding or invisbility, it does not break invisibility or reveal the creature.
  • Gork'll Fix It (Su): Once per encounter, any enemy adjacent to a member of the horde must make a will save at 10 + 1/2 class level + charisma modifier or be horribly cursed. Enemies so afflicted must roll all attacks and saves twice and take the lower result for three rounds.
  • Circle Magic (Su): As before
  • Curse of da Bad Moon (Su): Nothing's better than making all your enemies weaker than they were before. Once per encounter, any enemy adjacent to a member of the horde must make a will save at 10 + 1/2 class level + charisma modifier or be afflicted with a negative level.
  • We's Never There (Su): As Stalking, except the effect is ethereal instead of invisible.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 10:19:27 AM by Stratovarius »

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Re: Goblin Shaman [Base]
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2017, 10:30:04 AM »
Brand new Goblin Shaman class up