Author Topic: Death Giant  (Read 2072 times)

Offline oslecamo

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Death Giant
« on: May 04, 2018, 12:45:50 AM »
Death Giant

Table: Death GiantHD: d8





Death Giant Body, Powerful Build, Sold Soul, Souls Cloud, Keening, +1 Str, +1 Cha
Guardian Souls, +1 Str, +1 Cha
Lesser Death Magic, Soul Healing, +1 Str, +1 Cha
Growth, Throw Stone, Catch, +1 Str, +1 Cha
Trample, Adept Death Magic, +1 Str, +1 Cha
Steal Soul, +1 Str, +1 Cha
Greater Death Magic, +1 Str, +1 Cha
Scary Keening, +1 Str, +1 Cha
Master Death Magic, +1 Str, +1 Cha
Safe Soul, +1 Str, +1 Cha
Soul Skill, +1 Str, +1 Cha
Terror Keening, +1 Str, +1 Cha
Soul Feat, +1 Str, +1 Cha
Soul Spell, +1 Str, +1 Cha
Soul Strength, +1 Str, +1 Cha
Soul Smash, Frightful Keening, +1 Str, +1 Cha

Skills: 4+int modifier per level, quadruple at first level. Class skills: Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft (Any one), Diplomacy, Jump, Intimidate, Knowledge(any), Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession (any) Sense Motive, Survival, Spot, Swim and Use Rope

Proficiencies: All simple and martial weapons and his own natural weapons, plus light and medium armor.

Death Giant body: The Death Giant loses all other racial bonuses, and gains giant traits (mainly low light vision), a base speed of 30 feet, two natural slam attacks doing 1d4+Str each and a +1 racial bonus on thrown rocks.  Lastly, he gains natural armor equal to his Con bonus.

Ability score increase: a Death Giant gains +1 Str and +1 Cha for each level in this class, up to a total of  +16 Str and +16 Cha at 16th level.

Powerful Build: At first level, a Death Giant gains Powerful Build.  The physical stature of Giants lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever the Giant is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the Giant is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A Giant is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. A Giant can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.

Sold Soul: A death giant cannot be raised, resurrected, or reincarnated. If a death giant’s soul is not
taken as a guardian soul by another death giant or kept from departing by some other means (such as soul bind),
it is utterly destroyed 1 round after the giant’s death. In addition the Death Giant can use Cha for HP and Fort saves and Concentration checks.

Souls Cloud: The death giant is surrounded by a constantly swirling cloud of intangible spirits. The death giant’s will binds its guardian souls to it. They are not ghosts or undead in the usual sense and cannot be damaged, dispelled, or separated from the death giant. Only a successful turning attempt can quell these spirits for a time. If the turning attempt would turn or rebuke an undead with Hit Dice equal to the death giant’s, the guardian souls vanish for 1d10 rounds, and the death giant loses the benefits of its guardian souls, keening, soul healing, and steal soul abilities until the souls return.

Keening: As a standard action, a death giant can trigger the guardian souls that waft around its body to wail in frightful anguish. One living creature within 20 feet plus 5 feet HD that hear this keening must make a DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod Will save or be Shaken as long as it can hear the keening and remains whitin range. A creature that  Ending the Keening is another standard action and Death Giant cannot start a new Keening while a new one is ongoing. A creature slain while affected by Keening has its soul join the Souls Cloud of the Death Giant. This is a sonic, mind-affecting fear ability.

Keening keeps improving with Death Giant levels.
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Guardian Souls: At 2nd level death giant’s victims become its guardians in death. Each death giant is surrounded by a constantly swirling cloud of intangible spirits. These spirits provide the death giant with warnings
and protection, granting the creature a bonus on initiative rolls, saves, Listen checks, and Spot checks equal to its Charisma modifier.

Death Magic: Starting at 3rd level the Death Giant can use certain SLAs with CL=HD. Any DCs are 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod.
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Soul Healing: Starting at 3rd level when a death giant is protected by its guardian souls, hit point damage due to negative energy (such as from an infl ict spell) heals rather than harms a death giant. Death giants are healed by positive energy (such as from cure spells) normally.

Growth: At fourth level, the Death Giant finishes growing to large size but loses Powerful Build.  His AC, bonus to hit, slam damage, grapple and skills change accordingly, but he doesn't get any ability score bonus or penalties.  His base movement speed increases by 10' (This movement boost occurs again at 12HD and 20HD, as the giant increases in size again).

The Death Giant continues to grow throughout his life:
At 8HD, the Death Giant reacquires Powerful Build, granting partial benefits of Huge size.
At 12HD, the Death Giant grows to Huge size and loses Powerful Build.
At 16HD, the Death Giant reacquires Powerful Build, granting partial benefits of Gargantuan size.
At 20HD, the Death Giant grows to Gargantuan size and loses Powerful Build.

Throw Rock:  At fourth level, the  Death Giant may begin throwing boulders or other large objects.  A giant of at least Large size can hurl rocks weighing 40 to 50 pounds each (Small objects) up to 600 feet. A Huge giant can hurl rocks of 60 to 80 pounds (Medium objects). A Gargantuan giant can hurl rocks of 90 to 120 pounds (large objects).  Inanimate objects of similar size and heft may be used as well, but they deal the same damage as a rock of same weight.

Catch:  At fourth level, a giant that would normally be hit by a rock can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium one, and 25 for a Large one. (If the projectile provides a magical bonus on attack rolls, the DC increases by that amount.) The giant must be ready for and aware of the attack in order to make a rock catching attempt.

Trample:  At fifth level, as a full-round action, The Giant can move up to twice his speed and literally run over any opponents at least one size category smaller than herself. The Giant merely has to move over the opponents in its path; any creature whose space is completely covered by the Giant’s space is subject to the trample attack. If a target’s space is larger than 5 feet, it is only considered trampled if the Giant moves over all the squares it occupies.

A trample attack deals bludgeoning damage (the Giant’s slam damage + 1½ times its Str modifier).

Trampled opponents can attempt attacks of opportunity, but these take a -4 penalty. If they do not make attacks of opportunity, trampled opponents can attempt Reflex saves to take half damage.

The save DC against the Giant’s trample attack is 10 + ½ creature’s HD + Giant’s Str modifier. The Giant can only deal trampling damage to each target once per round, no matter how many times its movement takes it over a target creature.

Steal Soul: At 6th level any living creature with  hit points equal to (Death Giant’s HD-6) or fewer within 15 feet of a death giant must succeed on a DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod Fortitude save each round or die instantly. This is a death effect. Any creature that dies within 15 feet of a death giant has its spirit sucked up into the swirling guardian souls that protect the death giant. Such creatures cannot be raised, resurrected, or reincarnated so long as the death giant lives. Killing the death giant releases the souls. If a living death giant is within 15 feet of a death giant that dies, the souls are not released and are instead transferred to the nearby death giant due to its steal soul ability. The Death Giant may willingly release a soul they have captured if they think they have a good reason for it, probably as part of some bargain. Steal Soul overrides any other abilities that would trap/capture/similar souls. In the case of two Death Giants, the one with highest HD/Charisma/Strength wins (in that order for priority).

Safe Soul: At 10th level the Death Giant becomes immune to Fear and Energy Drain.

Soul Skill: All those soul wails have some interesting lessons once you’re heard them hundreds of times. At 11th level the Death Giant picks a number of Knowledge, Profession and/or Craft skills equal to his Cha mod. He counts as having max ranks in those skills.

Soul Feat: At 13th level The Death giant gains two bonus feats of his choice from the list of Ability Focus, Cleave, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack or Precise Shot. He may change either for another of the options as a swift action.

Soul Spell: At 14th level when the Death Giant charges or full attacks he may use one of his Death Magic SLAs as a free action just before or after.

Soul Strength: At 15th level the Death Giant adds his Cha mod to melee and rock thrown attack and damage rolls, grapple, trip, bullrush and Break checks.

Soul Smash: At 16th level the Death Giant may make a single melee or rock thrown attack as a standard action. After the attack is resolved, if it had hit and the target is left at half or below their max HP, they automatically die and their soul is claimed by the Death Giant. If the target was smaller than the Death Giant and it was a melee attack, it doesn't need to hit, the Death Giant can just suck the soul of the puny weakened creature through sheer size advantage (they still need to be at or below half max HP).

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« Last Edit: May 27, 2018, 09:44:26 PM by oslecamo »

Offline VindAlowd

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Re: Death Giant
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2018, 11:44:48 AM »
Might need to specify the the attack for Soul Smash needs to be successful?


Offline oslecamo

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Re: Death Giant
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2018, 09:45:39 PM »
Well it was intended to work even if you don't hit but that may've been too much so now needs to hit unless you're using it in melee against a smaller weakened targer in which case you still don't need to hit.