Author Topic: Volibear  (Read 3167 times)

Offline oslecamo

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« on: October 23, 2019, 02:14:26 AM »

The ursine are a group of bear-people living in the frozen north. Some of them manifest natural storm powers, such as channeling the storm through their bodies, and become known as Volibear, in honor of the legendary first hero of their kind that unleashed such abilities.

Hit Dice:d8
LevelBABFortRefWill   Special
   Volibear Body, Chosen of the Storm, Volibear Talent, +1 Str
   Volibear Talent, Snow Resistance, +1 Con
   Volibear Talent, Storm Resistance, +1 Str
   Thunder Claws, +1 Str, +1 Con

Skills: 4+Int mod, quadruple at first level, Class Skills are Balance, Climb, Craft(any), Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Knowledge(any), Sense Motive, Survival, Spot, Swim

Proficiencies: Light, Medium and Heavy armor, simple weapons, his own natural weapons.

Volibear Body: The Volibear loses all of his previous racial traits and instead gains monstrous humanoid traits (basically darkvision 60 feet). He is a medium sized monstrous humanoid with base speed of 30 feet and two natural Claw attacks dealing 1d10 damage each. In addition he gains a natural armor bonus equal to half his Con mod.

Chosen of the Storm: If the Volibear drops below 30% max HP, at the start of their next turn they recover HP equal to 30% their max HP (and if they were unconscious and fallen, they can automatically stand up whitout provoking attacks of opportunity). This doesn’t trigger if the Volibear dies before their next turn arrives, and after it is triggered, it cannot trigger again for 5 minutes. If there's actually a storm going, this can trigger even if the Volibear is dead and brings them up to 30% of their max HP regardless of how dead they were, but no more than 1 free storm ressurection per year, and the storm must have started before the Volibear died.

Volibear Talent: At 1st, 2nd and 3rd level the Volibear picks one of the following options. No one may be picked more than once.

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Ability Score Increase: the Volibear gains +1 to Str at levels 1, 3 and 4, and +1 Con at levels 2 and 4, for a total of +3 Str, +2 Con at 4th level.

Snow Resistance: At 2nd level the Volibear gains resistance to Cold equal to 5+HD.

Storm Resistance: At 3rd level the Volibear gains resistance to Electricity and Sonic equal to 5+HD.

Thunder Claws: At 4th level as a free action 1/hour for 3 rounds the Volibear’s claw attacks deal an extra 1d6 electricity and 1d6 sonic damage. Whenever they hit an enemy with their claws while this effect lasts, they may make the thunder jump to a second target whitin 30 feet, then a third target whitin 30 feet of the second, inflicting them the bonus electricity and sonic damage. At 8 HD and every 4 HD thereafter, increase the electricity and sonic damage per 1d6 and one extra enemy may be affected. No enemy may be affected by each “chain” of Thunder claws more than once per round.

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« Last Edit: October 23, 2019, 04:07:17 AM by oslecamo »

Offline ketaro

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Re: Volibear
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2019, 03:46:32 AM »
Do all dead volibears across the world spontaneously resurrect from the dead every year when a storm happens? Evil druid abuse right there. Annual army of dead bears that can never be permanently slain.

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Volibear
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2019, 04:05:56 AM »
It was meant that the storm had to be going when the Volibear died, clarified. If they die and a storm comes hours/weeks/days/months later, it's no good.

Offline WarHunter

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Re: Volibear
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2019, 06:48:27 PM »
Its going to be sad when the volibear rework is finished.

Offline TC X0 Lt 0X

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Re: Volibear
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2019, 01:30:26 PM »
Its going to be sad when the volibear rework is finished.

Stop you are going to make me rant about how shitty Riot is.
Im really bad at what I do.

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Re: Volibear
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2020, 06:54:00 PM »
When fullattacking in melee an opponent that the Volibear had already attacked in the previous round, the Volibear makes one extra claw attack per round they’ve been fighting before.

This seems pretty darn strong, considering they're already able to make a *bonus* bite that always hits. Perhaps make these followup attacks at its Secondary Natural attack bonus (-5), or cap it down to a -2 penalty to hit from its standard? Even picked at level 3, its stronger than the other abilities!
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I just need a minute to appreciate the words 'goliath lamp-post sneak attack'. That's a thing of beauty, right there.

Greedling avatar by Ceika from Giantitp.

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Volibear
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2020, 03:22:31 PM »
Is it really? Combat in D&D usually doesn't last that long, so usually you'll be hard pressed to get more than one extra attack., plus you need to remain still to full attack.

Meanwhile Rolling Thunder is dealing extra damage right now while helping you close in melee along a disable (even if it allows a save, in particular since Ref saves are usually lower), while Majestic Roar is a debuff+damage Aoe.

Offline Doxkid

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Re: Volibear
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2020, 12:41:58 AM »
This seems more fitting as a prestige class for your Ursa (which it already improves upon) than as a standalone, but that's a matter of preference.

-Volibear Talent Cooldowns-
*)-Would you consider breaking the cooldowns apart a bit to match the in-game CDs? 1d3 for Rolling Thunder, 1d6 for Frenzy, 1d4 for Majestic Roar; possibly reducing each ability's standing cooldown by 1 for every 10 HD?

-Rolling Thunder-
*)-I would split off "ignore the movement speed penalty for medium/heavy armor" and add that to -Volibear Body- if only to declutter the ability. Something like this:

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*)-For the first part of the ability it would be easiest to just grant the 'Rend' ability for Claw attacks and allow the 'Two Weapon Fighting' feat chain to work on the Claws. The sudden Bite portion should probably have an attack roll associated with it if it's going to be an execution-type ability; it's fun when used by players but unfun when used against players.

-Majestic Roar-
*)-Nitpick, but consider this wording: "As a standard action the Volibear's roar erupts forth as a squall."

-Snow/Storm resistance-
*)-Kind of weird that it gets Cold resist before Sonic or Electric resist considering that it can learn to physically channel storms at level 1. Also a bit weird that its Cold resist matches its Electric+Sonic resist for that same reason; consider swapping the two and allowing Storm Resist to become Sonic+Electric immunity at some point after all Volibear levels are taken?