Author Topic: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios  (Read 7472 times)

Offline Nanashi

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New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« on: November 18, 2019, 01:36:41 AM »
Posted a few things in the Pathfinds thread, figured I'd skim through all the scenarios (thankfully almost everything is in a sidebar and/or chronicle sheet that makes its newness obvious) and list everything that wasn't printed elsewhere. These are all OGL content so I'll copy them in full. Spoilers have been applied to anything that has plot details in description. This stuff is quite poorly documented. I'm not bothering with anything a player can't use, such as templates, monsters, items include poisons without listed cost (be they explicitly artifacts or not), diseases, ect. since the GM can already do whatever he wants. Monsters are both annoying to reformat and require me to check if they're actually from or reprinted in something else.

Season 0 (note: D&D 3.5) for mechanical stuff
Quote from: 0 1
Aura faint illusion; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 75 gp
This body art plays out a repeating short scene of up to 30 seconds in
length. The image does not have sound, smell, texture or temperature.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, 4 ranks in Craft (tattoo),
silent image; Cost 37 gp, 3 XP

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0-28 has a unique artifact I won't bother with since it's an artifact.

Season 1:
You deliberately slice and scar your own flesh creating a thick and protective layer of scar tissue. prerequisite: A member of the Rumawa tribe in the Mwangi Expanse.
Benefit: Provided you are not wearing any other form of armor, you gain a +2 natural AC bonus. The bonus increases by +1 per every five character levels.
(Yes, this does stack with Monk AC bonus)

1-45 has another artifact, as does 1-46

Ring of the Binding Word
aura strong transmutation and conjuration; CL 13th
slot ring; Price 40,000 gp; Weight —
This black iron ring always bears an engraving in Infernal that serves as reminder to the wearer of a pact made with a devil. The ring may only be crafted in the presence of a devil while a mortal enters into a contract with it. During forging, the ring creates a telepathic bond between the devil and mortal as per the spell. Additionally, once per day, the wearer or the devil may activate the ring to utilize greater teleport with the restriction that the wearer teleport only to the devil’s side. If the terms of the contract are met or either the mortal or devil are killed, the ring reverts to a mundane piece of jewelry. The mortal may not remove a ring of the binding word while it remains enchanted.
Requirements Forge Ring, greater teleport, telepathic bond, a mortal must enter into a binding contract with a devil; Cost 20,000 gp
(may be useful for a Summoner, otherwise plot device power)

« Last Edit: November 19, 2019, 03:37:04 AM by Nanashi »

Offline zook1shoe

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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2019, 02:52:53 AM »
so you can have a gif tattoo
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Offline Nanashi

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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2019, 11:46:48 AM »
(For the record, I'm not posting monsters, templates, poisons without cost, or diseases. Only stuff a player could use.)

Season 2:
Robe of the Pure Legion
Aura faint abjuration; CL 5th
Slot shoulders; Price 750 gp (+1), 3,000 gp (+2), 6,750 gp (+3),
12,000 gp (+4), 18,750 gp (+5); Weight 1 lb.
This traditional Rahadoumi garment in the white and gold colors of the Pure Legion acts identically to a cloak of resistance, except its resistance bonus only applies to saving throws against spells, spell-like effects, and supernatural abilities from a divine spellcaster or a source such an outsider that serves a deity.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, resistance,
creator’s caster level must be at least three times
the robe’s bonus; Cost 375 gp (+1), 1,500 gp (+2),
3,375 gp (+3), 6,000 gp (+4), 9,375 gp (+5)
(Meh, not enough of a cost discount. Remember arcane classes have a higher priority than divine ones in determining what class's casting an spell like ability is based on.)

Not mechanical, but a piece of lore that answers a question I had: 2-07 establishes druids, oracles, rangers, and witches are all legal in Rahadoum. I guess the iconic Oracle was just unlucky. Curiously, non-PFS paladins don't need to follow a deity yet the whole class is forbidden.

Pipes of Terror
Aura moderate necromancy; Cl 7th
Slot none; price 9,000 gp
These iron panpipes are warm to the touch and emit a strangely hollow sound when played. When played by a person who succeeds on a DC 15 Perform (wind instruments) check, the pipes create an eerie, spellbinding tune. Those within 30 feet who hear the tune must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or become panicked for 7 rounds. Those who make their save are instead shaken for 1 round. While pipes of terror may be played as often as one chooses, their fear-inducing qualities may only be activated once per day.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, fear; Cost 4,500 gp

Ring of the Weary Sky
Aura moderate enchantment; Cl 7
Slot ring; price 11,200 gp; Weight —
This scintillating ring glows softly,
emitting alternating shades of red, green,
blue, and white light. Once per day, the wearer
of this ring may attempt to charm any creature with the
elemental subtype (as charm monster, Will DC 15 negates).
Requirements Forge Ring, charm monster; Cost 5,600 gp
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2-12 has a mundane item (it can explicitly be copied) with plot significance that can be kept but has a cost and mechanical benefit.
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Nightmare vapor flasks are small vials filled with nightmare dust and combustible salts. When thrown, they shatter upon impact releasing a 10-ft.-radius and 10-ft.-high toxic cloud of nightmare vapor poison (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 560). The cloud dissipates in 1d4 rounds. You can throw a nightmare vapor flask as ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet.
(Price isn't listed in description, but chronicle sheet gives value as 2,000 GP).

New Animated Object abilities in 2-18 (Already mentioned in the pathfinds thread).
Amalgam (ex, 2 cp) The object is made up of smaller but
similar objects. Its ability to constantly shift its form grants
it immunity to critical hits and flanking. It also does not
take additional damage from precision-based attacks like
sneak attacks. The object can move through spaces half its
size without squeezing, and receives a +10 racial bonus on
Stealth checks.
Guardian (ex, 1 cp) The object has been granted the ability
to follow basic orders and watch for enemies, changing
its Wisdom to 10 and giving it a +2 racial bonus on
Perception checks.
Smother (ex, 1 cp) The object may smother a creature with
a successful grapple check, dealing 1d8+10 points of
bludgeoning damage as it draws its victim into its body.
Toughness (ex, 2 cp) The object gains 2 additional hit points
for each Hit Die it possesses.

2-22 has an artifact, a plot important magic item with no cost, and this
Stone of Sending
aura moderate evocation; cL 8th
Slot —; Price 16,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This paired item is created from a single geode divided into two halves. Any individual who concentrates upon one of the halves can use it to send a mental message to the individual possessing the other half as though she had cast a sending spell. The sender must spend a full round concentrating upon his half of the stone to deliver the message. The message can be longer than for a sending spell, but no longer than 100 words. If the receiving stone is unattended when a message comes through, the gems on its inner surface glow faintly until the geode is touched, releasing the message to its new possessor. If a message comes to an unattended stone that already holds a message, the new message erases and replaces the first message. A stored message lasts for 24 hours before dissipating naturally.
Each half of a stone of sending can be used once per day to initiate contact with the other.
requirements Craft Wondrous Item, sending; cost 8,000 gp

(A bit more than a Shell of Sending, but more powerful)

2-25 has another costless magic item, as does 2-special

season 3:

3-10 (not original, but only time printed in a Paizo source)
Steal book
School divination; Level bard 3, inquisitor 3, sorcerer/
wizard 3, witch 3
casting time 1 standard action
components V, S
range touch
target one book touched
duration permanent
Saving throw Fortitude negates (object); Spell
resistance yes (object)

Often used by bards, spies, and arcane scholars to steal important texts without alerting their owners, steal book allows you to copy the contents of one book, folio, scroll, or other text to a blank one of sufficient size. In doing so, the original pages are wiped blank, though any covers or binding remain unchanged. Differences in size between the original and the blank folio don’t matter, though the blank folio that the information is being transferred to must have an equal or greater amount of space (in number of pages or inches of scroll), or else any text that overflows the document is lost forever.

This spell cannot transfer magical writing (such as a wizard’s spellbook or a magical scroll). At GM’s discretion, the spell can restore lost information, such as a page obscured by spill wine, text erased by magic or mundane means, or even pages lost to fire or another type of damage.

When steal book is cast from a scroll, the beginning of the stolen text appears on the steal book scroll until you select a target book for the text to appear in. The stolen text glitters and sparkles while it remains on the scroll.

Canid Carcanet
Aura faint divination and transmutation; CL 5th
Slot neck; Price 15,000 gp; Weight —
This copper and onyx amulet is shaped like the howling head of a jackal and grants its wearer a special connection to hyenas, jackals, and other doglike animals. Three times per day, the carcanet’s wearer can take the shape of a Small or Medium canine (dog, fox, jackal, wolf, etc.) or hyena as per the beast shape I spell. Additionally, the wearer benefits from the constant effect of speak with animals to communicate with dogs, hyenas, and doglike animals.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, beast shape I, speak with animals; Cost 7,500 gp

Braid of a Hundred Masters
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 5th
Slot neck; Price 3,600 gp; Weight —
This elaborate braid is made of strands of hair from a hundred martial arts masters. If the wearer has levels in monk, his fast movement and unarmed damage are treated as a monk of 2 levels higher. If the character is not a monk, he gains the fast movement and unarmed damage of a 2nd-level monk. This fast movement functions just like the monk’s fast movement class feature. These bonuses do not stack with those granted by other items or effects.
In addition, as a swift action three times per day, a character with the flurry of blows class feature can use the Braid of a Hundred Masters to apply 1-1/2 times his Strength bonus on damage rolls for successful attacks made with flurry of blows. This ability must be activated before the damage from the attack is rolled, though it may be activated after the attack roll is made and before the damage roll. Once this ability is activated, its effect lasts for 1 round.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, longstrider, stone fist (Advanced Player’s Guide 247); Cost 1,800 gp
(Note that a level 2 Monk doesn't actually have fast movement...)

Sword of Station
Aura faint abjuration and enchantment; CL 1st
Slot belt; Price 360 gp (lesser), 1,680 gp (normal), 4,120 gp
(greater); Weight 5 lbs
This ornate sword and belt impart uncanny confidence and insight while worn, granting a +2 competence bonus on Sense Motive checks. Three times per day, the wearer may draw the sword and deliver a single-word command, as per the spell. Lesser versions of swords of station exist that allow the wearer to cast command only once per day, and that lack the confidence-boosting enhancements. For greater swords of station, the competence bonus on Sense Motive checks increases to +5. A sword of station is blunted and poorly balanced, intended as a showpiece rather than a weapon. If used in combat, treat it as an improvised club.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, command, remove fear, creator must have 2 ranks in the Sense Motive skill; Cost 180 gp (lesser), 840 gp (normal), 2,060 gp (greater)
(Sadly in one of the most important slots and thus useless)

Lotus scent is a powerful sleeping gas used by Vudranhealers to numb patients before painful or anxiety­ inducing procedures. Each failed save of exposure imparts the fatigued condition on the target, which is heightened to exhausted on a second failed save, and finally unconsciousness on a third failed save. When incorporated into a trap, lotus scent increases the trap's challenge rating by 3. One dose of lotus scent costs 1,200 gp.
Type poison, inhaled; Save Fortitude DC 15
Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds
Effect become fatigued; a creature that becomes exhausted from this poison and fails an additional save falls unconscious for 1d4 hours; Cure 1 save

Aura faint divination; CL 1st
Slot none; Price 6,000 gp; Weight -
This flawless crimson diamond is indistinguishable from an ordinary jewel in appearance. When any creature of the demon subtype comes within 30 feet of the diamond of demon seeking, it glows with a blood-red radiance. The glow from the diamond functions as the light spell. The diamond does not reveal invisible or otherwise hidden demons, but rather simply alerts the wielder to their presence. Spells or effects that protect a demon from divination or alter a demon's alignment prevent a diamond of demon seeking from detecting a demon under such an effect.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, detect chaos, detect evil, light; Cost 3,000 gp
« Last Edit: November 18, 2019, 01:11:38 PM by Nanashi »

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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2019, 02:04:27 AM »
Quote from: 0 1
Aura faint illusion; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 75 gp
This body art plays out a repeating short scene of up to 30 seconds in
length. The image does not have sound, smell, texture or temperature.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, 4 ranks in Craft (tattoo),
silent image; Cost 37 gp, 3 XP

Reminds me of the movie Moana and the demigod's moving tattoos

Offline Nanashi

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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2019, 03:32:15 AM »
Personally it reminds me of Eberron's Glamerweave.

Offline Power

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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2019, 11:38:03 AM »
This seems like a must-have for Bards:
Source Plunder and Peril pg. 46
Aura light evocation CL 5th
Slot none Price 9,000 gp Weight 2lbs.

The horns of three disparate creatures (chimera, dire ram, and satyr) make up this magical instrument, interlocking into one shofar about 2 feet long. Once per day the horn can be blown to affect all allies within 30 feet that can hear it. Affected creatures gain sonic resistance 10 and a +2 bonus on saves against spells and effects that deal sonic damage, are language-dependent, or must be heard to be effective. This protection lasts for 10 minutes. If a bard uses the horn to start a bardic performance, all effects of that performance are calculated as if the bard were 6 levels higher. This doesn’t grant the bard access to new bardic performances; it only enhances those to which the bard already has access.

Cost 4,500 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, shout

Should stack with Banner of the Ancient King for another +4 levels and Dervish Sikke for a +1 to all inspire courage bonuses. At level 7 you would have the inspire courage of a 17th level Bard, making bardic performance progression irrelevant for anything other than upgrading the action type, but you already get Move action performances at level 7 and swift actions are more useful for spells you cast with lesser metamagic rods of Quicken Spell anyway. That would free up Bards to take spellcaster prestige classes now that losing bardic performance progression is no longer a concern.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2019, 11:41:06 AM by Power »

Offline zook1shoe

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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2019, 01:50:45 PM »
one of my personal favs....

Quote from: Realm of the Fellnight Queen
Crook of Cildhureen
Aura moderate illusion; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 16,800 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
This twisted and gnarled black oak staff draws upon the
formless magic of the Shadow Plane to allow use of the
following spells:
• major image (1 charge)
• shadow conjuration (2 charges)
• shadow evocation (3 charges)
In addition, the staff can further influence shadow
conjuration and shadow evocation spells, whether cast from
the staff or the wielder’s daily allotment of spells, without
increasing the spell’s level. By expending extra charges,
the wielder can increase the shadowy substance used to
form such spells by +10% per charge, up to a maximum of
+50%. Using the staff for this purpose does not increase the
casting time of these spells.
Requirements Craft Staff, major image, shadow conjuration,
shadow evocation; Cost 8,400 gp
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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2019, 03:41:41 PM »
Yeah, it's a fun one for making spells more than 100% effective if someone disbelieves. Solid Shadows metamagic (+20% reality to shadow spells) is a nice one to add to that, if you use a metamagic cost reducer anyway. Shadowcaster Wizard at level 10 gets another +20% reality to shadow spells. Shadow Bloodline at level 20 (16 with a Robe of Arcane Heritage) gives you another 20%. You can get both by going Shadowcaster Wizard 10/Bloatmage 10 and then drinking a shadow conjuration's blood with your Bloatmage capstone to get the Shadow bloodline.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2019, 03:48:39 PM by Power »

Offline Nanashi

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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2019, 04:32:00 PM »
Season 4:
4-01 has the Goblin equipment updated for 3.5. This was included in UE within a month (and later in RotRLAE) however.

4-01 has a plot device magic item with GP cost
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(so a 4500 GP premium to eat up a slot and cast a spell on yourself that's actually detrimental? Only good part is it's crafted as a wondrous item instead of a rod.

"Trusty Buddy" ( adamantine crowbar; 3,002 gp, limit 1; +4 circumstance bonus on Strength checks to open doors and chests, bypasses DR when used as improvised weapon

Page new content not found.

A shambler vine is a single-use variant of the traditional rope of entanglement, and is occasionally found on the corpses of particularly magical shambling mounds.
Aura strong transmutation; CL 12th
Slot-; Price 600 gp; Weight 1 lb.
A shambler vine resembles a leafy green plant vine about 6 feet long, wrapped in a coil. If touched, it writhes as if alive. Up to three vines can be stored in a small sack, though the price is for one. When thrown at an opponent, a vine grows in midair, and acts as a rope of entanglement. It can reach 20 feet forward or 10 feet upward to entangle the target. The entangled target can break free with a DC 20 Strength check or DC 20 Escape Artist check.
A shambler vine has AC 22, 12 hit points, hardness 10, and damage reduction 10/slashing. It does not repair itself, and if it is severed (all 12 hit points lost to damage), it is destroyed. The vine lasts for a single use before withering away, and if left on a target that is unable to get free, the vine withers after 1 hour.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, entangle, plant growth, vine must be from a shambling mound; Cost 300 gp

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Unholy shit! 4827 GP for a +2 bonus of a rare type to a save? No, getting this isn't an evil act and in-fact getting it and keeping it is actually the objective for Shadow Lodge players.

Evil artifact

As mentioned in Pathfinds, a broken magic item for evil characters. Really surprised this isn't an artifact.
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(The society has no access to a master swordsmith? Really? I'm sure Craft: Weapons is a reasonably common day job pick in organized play and there's a fair chance a player character could fix it themselves if any kind of DC was given. Not to mention it's only CL5 so magic fixing is also an option.)

edit: Just realized a really fun way to use this: Attach a Scrap Collector's Strap. 2015 for the longsword, 4000 for the +2 makes the intelligence (whatever use it is) worth only 1000.

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(Based on the award text, it's clear the +1 is the lesser version and +2 is the non. Not nearly as good as the previous item in this series. Fairly niche use for price and the moving to a random location, like your face, really hurts this.)

Season 5:
Robes of Pure Legion show up again. Also different rules for Rahadoum, stating only Sorcerer/Wizard spells are easily obtained (I'd stick with the older one since they explicitly depend so much on bards).

5-11: Magic item that only has cost properly listed in chronicle sheet (GM's version lists requirements, but not cost). Some plot importance.
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Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 2,250 gp; Weight —
This brass orb is a bit larger than a human fist. It’s covered with symbols of goodness and law and thick studs. If used as an improvised weapon, it deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage and serves as a good weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

The faith orb is activated when a special stud is depressed, usually marked by a different color metal. Activating the orb is a standard action, though the orb may be thrown as a ranged touch attack (10-foot range increment) as part of the same action used to activate it. At the end of the action or when it hits its target, it triggers a flame strike centered on the orb. Creatures caught in the blast area suffer 9d6 damage as the spell (Reflex DC 17 half). The faith orb is consumed in the process.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, flame strike

SLOT none CL 11th
8,000 GP
WEIGHT 4 l bs.
AURA moderate divination
When created, this clear glass jar contains four eyeballs floating in a viscous fluid. As long as the jar contai ns at least three eyeballs, the eyeball jar grants its wielder all-around vision. Additionally, the
eyeball jar grants its wielder a + 2 bonus on saving throws against gaze attacks. Any time the jar's wielder fails a save against a gaze attack, she may, as an immediate action, expend one eyeball to absorb the effects of the gaze attack. This negates the gaze attack's effects as if the wielder had made her save, but destroys th e eyeball. When the la st eyeball in the jar is destroyed, the eyeball jar shatters and becomes useless. A jar found with fewer than four eyeballs is worth 250 /o less for each missing eyeball.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, blindness/deafness, true seeing

Dust of Disjunction
Aura moderate abjuration and evocation; Cl 10th
slot none; Price 2,500 gp; Weight —
This fine powder looks like crushed diamonds. A single handful of this substance can be thrown in a 15-foot cone, at which point it attempts to absorb and neutralize any magic it comes in contact with. The magical properties of each unattended magic item in the area are suppressed for 1d4 rounds as if targeted by dispel magic spell (caster level 10th). Each creature in the area is affected as if by a targeted dispel magic, though the user cannot specify a spell effect to dispel; if a target has no spells affecting it, the dust instead attempts to suppress the abilities of one magic item carried by the target, selected at random following the rules for items surviving a saving throw (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 217). The dust does not affect other ongoing magical effects. Dust of disjunction has a curious effect on golems, which also demonstrate anti-magical properties. A golem exposed to this dust must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or be staggered for 1 minute. At the end of its turn, a staggered golem may attempt a new saving throw to end the staggered effect.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dispel magic, shatter

Aura strong enchantment; CL 18th
Slot none; Price 40,000 gp; Weight 6 lbs.
This white, slender rod is engraved with decorative emblems of elephants, jackals, alligators, and other wild beasts, and is worth 2,000 gp because of its masterful craftsmanship. The wielder can command the obedience of golems within 120 feet when she activates the device (a standard action), bypassing their immunity to magic and any other resistances to magic they may possess. Up to 300 Hit Dice worth of golems can be ruled at once with an ivory baton. Ruled golems obey the wielder as if she were their creator. Still, if the wielder attacks a ruled golem or gives it a command that is obviously harmful to it, the magic is broken. An ivory baton can be used for 500 total minutes before crumbling to dust. This duration need not be continuous. For each golem ruled beyond the first, multiply the number of minutes expended by the number of golems ruled (so, for example, a creature wielding an ivory baton to control three golems effectively expends 3 minutes of the rod’s total duration every minute). In addition, an ivory baton acts as a golembane scarab as long as its wielder holds the rod in one hand.
Requirements Craft Rod, geas/quest, mass charm monster; Cost 21,000 gp

Aura faint abjuration and divination; CL 5th
Slot neck; Price 45,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This small carving of an anteater is fitted with a chain so it can be worn as a necklace. When worn, a talisman of tongues grants its wearer the ability to speak and understand anyone it interacts with as the spell tongues. Furthermore, it provides the wearer a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws against language-dependent spells and special abilities.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, resistance, tongues; Cost 22,500 gp

Death's Head talisman
Though several necromancers in Kaer Maga deal in undead servants, all use variations of the same method, instilling their innate control over the creature into a convenient magic item that can then be passed to the customer.
Quote from: price
Death's Head Talisman PRICE Varies
CL 5th (10 HD) 1,000 GP
CL 7th (14 HD) 1,400 GP
CL 9th (18 HD) 1,800 GP
CL 12th (24 HD) 2,400 GP
SlOT neck Cl varies WEIGHT —
AURA faint or moderate necromancy
This amulet allows the wearer to command a number of undead skeletons and zombies, which are keyed to the amulet when it is created. The animation of the undead is part of the creation process—undead that have already been created cannot be bound to a death’s head talisman. The number of HD of undead tied to the amulet is equal to twice the amulet’s caster level. The amulet allows the wearer to command the undead as if she had created them with animate dead, even if she has no magical talent of her own. The undead are only under control while the amulet is worn; if the amulet is removed, the undead revert to normal behavior, standing in place but responding if attacked. Once the specific undead tied to the amulet are destroyed, the talisman loses all power.
Quote from: Construction
10 HD 625 GP
14 HD 875 GP
18 HD 1,125 GP
24 HD 1,500 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead

Burnt othur oil (2,100 gp, limit 1; as burnt othur fumes with the injury type)

season 6:
6-07: Not an item but linked to one above
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Note: 1 PP=375GP of value since you can spend 2 to get something worth 750GP, though this can't be converted to cash. This makes the cost 1875 and 9375 for the second version.

Also present is a mention that one can prevent a wish from being twisted with "a DC 15 Intelligence or Wisdom check" (That's near automatic for any wizard capable of casting the spell.), though these wishes are explicitly limited due to organized play being organized play.

6-08 has a lore tidbit worth mentioning
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SLOT none CL 12th WEIGHT —
Aura moderate divination and evocation
While orbiting a creature’s head, this ioun stone provides its bearer a +2 enhancement bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost. Once per day, its user can use it to cast know direction.
When slotted into a wayfinder, the stone causes the wayfinder’s needle to point toward the nearest hematite sphere ioun stone, no matter the distance, enabling bearers to locate one another across a city or even across a continent. When an ioun stone of this type comes in contact with another hematite sphere ioun stone, one of the two stones fades into a dull gray ioun stone, while the other stone begins to home in on the
next nearest stone.
Craft Wondrous Item, know direction, sending
Note the wayfinder ability isn't actually a resonance power and always works. At 1000 GP+500 GP this has lots of interesting uses. Note you can stick any extras into extradimensional space to stop them from being tracked.

Wow! There's a lot of stuff here! Most of it is reprinted from monster codex, but still good chunk of new stuff.

SLOT none CL 3rd WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA faint necromancy
Bad luck lingers in this greasy braid of dried pugwampi hide. As an immediate action, the braid’s bearer can unravel the braid (which destroys it), to force a target within 5 feet to roll twice and take the lower result the next time it makes a d20 roll. This is a mind-affecting effect that does not work on humanoids with the gnoll subtype, animals, or gremlins. A creature under the effect of a luck bonus is immune to this effect.
CONSTRUCTION COST 21,000 GP, Craft Wondrous Item, ill omen APG or pugwampi’s grace
(Note: The construction cost looks to be a copy past error given its the cost of the next item)

Part of trap
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10,000 GP
SLOT head CL 3rd WEIGHT —
AURA faint transmutation
This nose ring seems to be braided from five platinum strands. It grants its wearer the scent ability (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 304) along with a +4 competence bonus on Perception checks involving smell and on Survival checks to track using scent.
Craft Wondrous Item, bloodhound APG , platinum ring worth 250 gp
11,000 GP
SLOT head CL 8th WEIGHT —
AURA moderate abjuration and necromancy
When wrapped around the neck and jaw, this swath of black cloth lets its wearer see normally in a sandstorm (her vision isn’t reduced, nor does she take the –4 penalty on Perception checks) and avoid taking nonlethal damage from the storm.

Once per day on command, the shawl’s wearer can emit a strange cackling. Enemies within 30 feet of the shawl’s wearer who can hear the cackling must succeed at a DC 16 Will saving throw or become frightened for 1 round. Those who succeed at the saving throw are shaken for 1d4 rounds instead. Both of the cackle’s effects are sonic mind-affecting fear effects.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 5,500 GP, Craft Wondrous Item, fear
PRICE 9,000 GP
SLOT none CL 8th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA moderate necromancy
This braid, crafted from strips of pugwampi pelts, is 1 inch in diameter and 12 inches long. It can be carried in the hand like a riding crop or worn as an adornment.

Once per day with a command word, the owner of the braid can create a 5-foot-radius aura around the braid for 1 minute. Creatures other than the owner within the aura must roll twice and use the lower result whenever a situation calls for a d20 roll. This is a mind-affecting effect that does not work on humanoids with the gnoll subtype, animals, or gremlins. A creature under the effect of a luck bonus is immune to the aura.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 4,500 GP, Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse

Braids have no save. Really good if you're trying to hose an enemy's saves to disable them and have someone willing and able to get with in range of them.

PRICE 4,000 GP
SLOT none CL 9th WEIGHT 5 lbs.
AURA none
This backpack operates in all ways as a typical handy haversack, but it does not detect as magical to detect magic and similar divinations (such as magic aura). In addition, the haversack resists most wear and tear incurred by the typical adventure—it has hardness 5 and 20 hit points.
CONSTRUCTION COST 2,000 GP, Craft Wondrous Item, magic aura, secret chest
Simple, but really good and cheap for price.

hammer of lightning (1,500 gp; functions as a javelin of lightning)
Uh... Mildly better in that it's a non-improvised weapon when used in melee?

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Minimal extra cost (200 GP) over a +1 Longsword for a survival bonus. The better versions are overpriced though (official boards note dropping the first 1 or being +2 would make price work, but no official mention I've seen).

Edit: Looks like I was missing some of the bonus modules from season 6. Stuff from them.
Armor of luck (18,500 gp plus the price of a suit of masterwork armor of the appropriate type) You may purchase a suit of armor that has all of the properties of a banded mail of luck. This armor may be of any type (such as leather, breastplate, or full plate), but it cannot be made of a special material.
Circlet of persuasive disguise (7,200 gp): This splendid circlet functions simultaneously as a circlet of persuasion and a hat of disguise.
Elven rune-cloak (price varies): This diaphanous cloak functions simultaneously as a cloak of elvenkind and a cloak of resistance. To calculate its price, add 3,750 gp to the market price of a cloak of resistance. You may upgrade the resistance bonus to saving throws granted by the cloak following this same calculation (e.g. upgrading an elven rune-cloak’s resistance bonus from +1 to +2 costs 3,000 gp).
Lesser versatile metamagic rod (6,000 gp): This functions as a metamagic rod (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 484) and has 3 charges per day; however, these charges can be used to replicate the effects of any of the following metamagic feats: Extend Spell, Merciful, or Reach Spell.

Season 7:

Says you can spend double on an alchemical item to increase "saving throw DCs to resist these alchemical
items by 2, and it increases the damage dealt by damaging alchemical items by 50%". This is presented as a property of a town, but worth a note regardless.

None of these have stats outside of this
Amulet of armored fists (28,000 gp; neck slot) This barbed amulet allows its wearer to take advantage of his enemies’ weaknesses and protects its wearer from harm. It functions simultaneously as a cruel UE menacing UE amulet of mighty fists and an amulet of natural armor +2.
Amulet of the god caller (gills, swim; 6,000 gp; neck slot): The wearer of this amulet grows a pair of gills, and can breathe underwater indefinitely. She also gains a swim speed equal to her base land speed.
Mask of mental warding (16,000 gp; head slot): This intricate mask from the elves of the Mordant Spire helps its wearer combat mental influences. The wearer is continually immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to magically discern her alignment, as if wearing a ring of mind shielding. In addition, once per day when the wearer fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, she may attempt a new saving throw on the following round as a free action to end the effect

PRICE 27,000 GP
SLOT none CL 9th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA moderate divination
This bone-white candle has the power to transmit occult information across great distances. To form the necessary bond, a group of between two and four creatures must participate in a 1-hour occult ritual that culminates with lighting the candle. Once alight, the candle functions as a continual flame that can only be extinguished if one or more bound creatures dies or departs the plane, or if all the participants mentally agree to end the effect. It also acts as a status spell between bound creatures.

As long as one of the linked creatures carries the candle, others may perceive general impressions of their surroundings through the candle. Once per day, each linked creature may perform one of the following occult skill unlocks through the candle: prognostication, psychometry, or read aura. These checks can occur over any distance, and any person or object within 10 feet of the candle can be the subject of the skill. The candle’s flame glows blue when a creature is using one of these skill unlocks. The candle otherwise does not transmit detailed sensory information, nor does it provide any means of communicating with other participants over long distances.
A candle of conveyance is sensitive to the presence of ley lines and exhibits a white halo when brought within 100 feet of one. While the candle exhibits this halo, a creature performing occult skill unlocks through the candle gains information more quickly—the prognostication and read aura skill unlocks take only 1 minute, and the psychometry skill unlock takes 1 round per piece of information gained.
Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Psychic Sensitivity or ability to cast psychic spells, continual flame, status, telepathic bond; Cost 13,500 gp

PRICE 12,000 GP
SLOT feet CL 5th WEIGHT 1/2 lbs.
AURA faint necromancy and transmutation
These delicate slippers function as slippers of spider climbing, and provide the wearer with additional spider abilities. Once per day, the wearer can fire a sheet of sticky webbing as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet, and a maximum range of 50 feet. If the attack hits, the target is entangled until he frees himself with a DC 16 Escape Artist or Strength check as a standard action. Other creatures can burst the web as a standard action with a successful DC 12 Strength check. Once per day, as a part of an unarmed strike, the wearer can cause fangs to emerge from the boots and deliver a dose of medium spider venom. This poison cannot be extracted from the boots without destroying them.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 6,000 GP, Craft Wondrous Item, poison, spider climb, web

7-08 has a custom spellbook.
The leather cover of this formula book depicts a wheel with five spokes, one for each of the five elements—fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. Its four corners are trimmed with silver brackets, each containing a tiny vial of holy water.
Value 3,940 GP
4th—death ward, fire shield
3rd—cure serious wounds, remove curse, undead anatomy I
2nd—bear’s endurance, darkvision, false life, ghostly disguise, lesser restoration
1st—anticipate peril, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, detect secret doors, detect undead, identify, shield, true strike
Ray of Sunlight (Su) Each day you prepare extracts from this book, you can apply the blinding bomb discovery to one of your bombs. If you already have the blinding bomb discovery, you can instead apply the sunlight bomb discovery.

7-09 has a magic item only in chronicle sheet
Heartstone of the Wronged (Aura moderate evocation and transmutation; CL 8th; Slot neck; Discounted
Price 8,000 gp): One larger glassy talisman that resembles a night hag’s heartstone hangs from this amulet
of obsidian beads. Its wearer gains immunity to disease. Once per day as an immediate action when she
fails a saving throw against an effect that would cause confusion, she can activate the amulet to attempt a
second saving throw with a +2 insight bonus and use the second result. Finally, if the wearer is an oracle
with the dark tapestry mystery, she treats her effective oracle level as 2 higher when determining the effects
of the many forms revelation.

7-10 has a new drug.
Type inhaled, ingested, or injury; Addiction major,
Fortitude DC 20
Price 50 gp
Effects 1 hour; variable effect; causes as equal chance to suffer a – 4 penalty on Bluff checks or a –4 penalty on Will saving throws; 25% chance to forget everything that takes place during the next hour
Damage 1d3 Int, Wis, or Cha damage

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potion of desperate escape (functions as both a potion of cure light wounds and a potion of vanish; CL 2nd, 250 gp
potion of greater desperate escape (functions as both a potion of cure moderate wounds and a potion of invisibility, 750 gp)
(both potions explicitly blocked from things that let you reuse them in a footnote)

Worst boon ever that isn't intentionally negative.
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This large crystalline disk contains countless, minute inscriptions that trace their way through its interior.
Opposition School Air [sic]
Value 2,300 gp
4th—elemental body I, stone shape, stoneskin
3rd—gentle repose, protection from energy
2nd—bear’s endurance, glitterdust, shatter, stone call APG
1st—detect secret doors, endure elements, expeditious excavation APG , magic weapon, stone fist APG
Deep Earth Mysteries (Su) Once per day as a swift action, expend this boon’s effect when you cast one of the following spells on yourself to gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Strength or Constitution score for the duration of the spell (maximum 20 minutes): elemental body I–IV (earth only), stone fist, or stoneskin. You must prepare at least three spells (not including cantrips) from this spellbook in order to use this boon.

CL 3rd WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint enchantment
It is a common practice for initiates of a faith to spend significant portions of their time penning scrolls for the temple they serve. Most of these are simple prayers equivalent to a scroll of bless, offered in exchange for donations. Not all initiates are normal, however. Though Zefiro is unable to confirm the rumors surrounding this particular scroll, one of the acolytes who studied alongside Iomadae did indeed scribe it. The vellum is brittle with age, and the once dark ink is now a faded red.

This scroll is especially potent thanks to its connection to the Inheritor. When activated as a magic scroll, it replicates the effects of both bless and consecrate in a 40-foot radius. If an undead creature or evil outsider is within this area, the caster can end the consecrate effect as a free action to grant every weapon wielded by creatures affected by the bless effect the holy weapon property for 1 round. If activated by a worshiper of Iomedae, all of the scroll’s durations are doubled.

Requirements: 250 GP, Scribe Scroll, bless, consecrate

PRICE 9,310 GP
SLOT none CL 7th WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA moderate illusion
This +1 short sword with a thin, dull gray blade provides a +2 bonus on its wielder’s attack and damage rolls when he is making a sneak attack with it.
A lesser sword of subtlety can be upgraded to a sword of subtlety following the standard rules for upgrading magic items. Craft Magic Arms and Armor, blur

SLOT none CL 4th WEIGHT —
AURA faint conjuration and divintion SCALING bauble
This flask can hold a single ounce of liquid. If a potion of a 1st-level spell is poured into the flask, the flask’s interior analyzes the potion. If the wielder drinks a potion directly from the flask, the flask bubbles, as strange reagents mix within it. After 1 week, the flask produces a new potion of the same 1st-level spell at minimum caster level. If anyone empties the flask before the week is over, they gain no benefit and the flask stops recreating the potion.The flask can reconcoct a potion of a 2nd level spell in a week if the owner is at least 8th level or in a day if the owner is at least 10th level. The flask can reconcoct a 3rd level potion in a week if its owner is at least 12th level, or in a day if its owner is at least 14th level.
Craft Wondrous Item, alchemical allocation APG
If you purchase this item, you earn less treasure to compensate for its increased abilities. So long as you own the flask, reduce all gold you earn on Chronicle sheets by 5% (rounded down) until you reach 14th level. The listed price assumes that you are 3rd or 4th level. If you purchase the item when you are higher level, pay the cost listed for your level in the bauble column on page 160 of Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained instead of 300 gp. Likewise, if you sell the item, use the corresponding value to calculate its effective market price. See page 160 of Pathfinder Unchained for information about scaling magic items

PRICE 22,000 GP
SLOT none CL 8th WEIGHT 5 lbs.
AURA strong transmutation
The staff always appears as fire-blackened wood with cracks exposing glowing embers and dripping blood red sap. If a non-evil creature carries the staff, she takes 2 permanent negative levels. These negative levels persist for as long as she holds the staff and cannot be removed by any means (including restoration spells), but they are immediately removed as soon as she sets the staff down. A charwood staff grows into a tree if its user plants it in the ground and speaking the proper command word. This process functions as permanent a tree shape spell that can only target the staff. By speaking the same command word, the tree turns back into a staff.

This staff allows use of the following spells: produce flame (1 charge), warp wood (1 charge), diminish plants (2 charges), spike growth (2 charges), and wall of thorns (5 charges).
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 13,500 GP, Craft Staff, blight, diminish plants, produce flame, wall of thorns, warp wood

PRICE 27,000 GP
SLOT none CL 9th WEIGHT 5 lbs.
AURA strong divination and transmutation
This wood of this staff quietly thrums with life energy. A heartwood staff turns into a tree if its user plants it in the ground and speaks the proper command word. This process functions as a permanent tree shape spell that can only target the staff. By speaking the same command word, the tree turns back into a staff.

This staff allows use of the following spells: entangle (1 charge), wood shape (1 charge), speak with plants (2 charges), plant growth (2 charges), and commune with nature (5 charges).

Additionally, while the staff is in tree form, it assists creatures that rest within 20 feet of it for at least 8 hours. Such creatures heal twice as many hit points from resting and gain a +2 bonus on their saving throws to end long-term effects such as diseases and negative levels.

You found a pot of nightmarish pigments, which you may purchase for 1,000 gp. Nightmarish pigments function as marvelous pigments, except the items they create subtly bend, warp, and discolor, and they occasionally show reflections of horrific vistas or screaming maws. As a result, they cannot be mistaken for objects made of standard valuable materials like gold. One pot of nightmarish pigments is sufficient to create a 125-cubic-foot object by depicting it two-dimensionally over a 25-square- foot surface. The pigments can create a collection of mundane items whose value does not exceed 500 gp
(Remember that pigments are instantaneous and can be used to make masterwork arms and armor, so this can give your sword and armor a really cool visual. Marvelous Pigment's ability to instantly created necessary mundane items is still really useful even if they won't fool anyone into thinking the result is purely mundane.)
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PRICE 1,000
SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT —
AURA faint abjuration and transmutations
This vial of golden liquid emits light as a candle and
feels warm to the touch. Drinking an elixir of solar vigor
grants the imbiber fire resistance 10 for 1 minute. Any
fire damage that fails to overcome the fire resistance
invigorates the drinker, granting the effect of a haste
spell for 1 round.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 500 GP, Craft Wondrous Item, haste, resist energy

Kalistocrat’s Mantle (Aura moderate abjuration and divination; CL 7th; Slot chest; Discounted Price 6,000 gp): This elaborate gold mantle helps you gain wealth and protects you from ambushing thieves. The mantle provides the benefits of a miser’s mask. Additionally, you automatically gain the benefits of a sanctuary spell (DC 16) on the first surprise round you experience each day.

a unique apparatus of the crab in the shape of a giant mantis shrimp. You can purchase this unique apparatus of the mantis for 60,000 gp rather than its normal cost. Instead of claws, it has two slam attacks that gain a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls underwater but otherwise behave as an apparatus of the crab’s pincer attacks. You can enchant this pair of slam attacks as it they were a single masterwork weapon, and you can enchant the apparatus’s body as though it were a suit of masterwork full plate; this does not increase the device’s hardness. For the purpose of using Fame to qualify for enhancements, treat both the slams and body as though their base cost were each 10,000 gp.

Variant of existing item.
PRICE Normal 9,600 GP, Greater 16,670 GP
SLOT head CL 6th WEIGHT 1 lbs.
AURA strong conjuration
Made of interwoven wicker strands and insect-excreted resin, these horrific masks have the appearance of mutated, spore-infested insects. The mask’s wearer is rendered immune to swarms’ distraction special attack. Additionally, once per day the wearer can transform into an insect as per the spell vermin shape I, or vermin shape II for a greater visage of the broodlord. A greater visage of the broodlord also grants its wearer DR 5/— against the melee attacks of swarms.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST varies, Craft Wondrous item, vermin shape I (normal) or vermin shape II (greater)

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PRICE 30,000 GP
SLOT eyes CL 5th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint divination
These brass and leather goggles house dark ruby lenses and allow the wearer to find and dispatch targets at range. The wearer can make ranged sneak attacks from any distance instead of the normal 30 feet. When making ranged sneak attacks within 30 feet, the wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus on each sneak attack damage die.

Furthermore, the goggles have 3 daily charges that the wearer can expend to enhance his visual perception. By spending a charge as a standard action, the wearer can gain the effects of darkvision or see invisibility for 30 minutes. He can spend a charge as swift action to gain a +2 circumstance bonus on each sneak attack damage die on ranged attacks at any range—not just those within 30 feet—until the end of his turn. The wearer can have multiple effects active at once, and charges replenish automatically after 24 hours.

CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 15,000 GP, Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, see invisibility, true strike
Badge of the Charlatan: (Discounted price 35,000 gp; CL 5th, aura none) This gold Aspis badge simultaneously provides all benefits of a ring of invisibility and a hat of disguise. As a standard action, the wielder can transform it into any other badge of authority with which she is familiar. The badge is under a constant greater magic aura effect to appear nonmagical.
Belt of Many Forms (Discounted price 40,000 gp; CL 8th; aura moderate transmutation) This flexible belt provides a +6 enhancement bonus to your choice of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. You may change the bonus granted to another ability score once per day as a standard action, treating it as a temporary bonus for the first 24 hours afterword. The belt also grants additional benefits depending upon the ability score selected, granting all of the benefits of the one of the following items: belt of the weasel (Dex), elemental earth belt (Con), or minotaur belt (Str).
Headband of Mental Adaptability (Discounted price 40,000 gp; CL 8th; aura moderate transmutation) This headband functions as a the belt of many forms above, except it grants its +6 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, and it grants the benefits of one of the following items: headband of ponderous recollection (Int), headband of unshakable resolve (Wis), or rod of splendor (Cha). The skills granted by the Intelligence option are fixed at the time of creation (one of which must be a Knowledge skill)

Necklace of shattered dreams (Aura moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Slot neck; Price 3,000 gp): This delicate steel chain with five obsidian beads functions as a necklace of fireballs (type II), but it deals negative energy damage rather than fire damage (Will DC 14 for half) and is at risk of exploding when subjected to negative energy damage rather than fire.

Scabbard of bleeding edges (Aura faint evocation; CL 5th; Slot —; Price 12,000 gp): This sheathe appears to be woven from sickly green spider silk. It functions as a scabbard of keen edges (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 318) except that it grants the affected weapon the wounding weapon enhancement for 5 minutes. When activated, sweet-swelling ichor sweats from between the threads for several seconds, and the affected blade appears noticeably serrated.
Viridium moonbeast (Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Slot —; Price 10,000 gp): This statuette of a tentacle-headed, quadruped is cast in sickly green metal. It functions as a bronze griffon figurine of wondrous power but has a fly speed of only 20 feet (good). It bite attack sickens its target for 1d3 rounds (DC 15 Fortitude negates). While animate, it intermittently babbles telepathic nonsense and incensed proclamations of doom to its owner.
Wrathful Ring of Spell Storing (Aura faint evocation; CL 5th; Slot ring; Price 16,000 gp): The ring acts as
a minor ring of spell storing, but it is further enchanted to allow the wearer can apply the Empower Spell
metamagic feat to one stored spell by only increasing the effective spell level by 1, not 2. The wearer does
not need to have the Empower Spell feat to use this property.

liquid chaos (functions as a liquid blade but creates a +1 anarchic short sword with the fragile quality; 400 gp, limit 5)

« Last Edit: December 29, 2019, 10:39:32 PM by Nanashi »

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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2019, 08:12:19 PM »
PRICE 14,020 GP
SLOT none CL 10th WEIGHT 10 lbs.
AURA moderate evocation
This +1 adamantine tetsubo UE has both the flaming and frost weapon special abilities, but only one may be active at a given time. Activating or switching between the abilities is only a swift action.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 11,865, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fireball, ice storm

(I think this is the first time I've ever seen anyone not assume flaming weapons and the like don't stay on until manually shut off while being safely contained in their sheath. Still no reason to take over merciful, particularly since from what I've seen in the Society modules so far, it's pretty common to reward being able to knock out enemies without killing them.)

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PRICE 25,000 GP
SLOT none CAPACITY 3 charges WEIGHT 8 lbs.
USAGE special

Nanites contained within this synthesis rod gradually convert air into rare chemical gases. A fully charged synthesis rod contains 3 charges and regains 1 charge every 24 hours. By spending 1 charge as a standard action, the wielder can release a blast of caustic poison in an adjacent 5-foot square. By spending 2 charges, the area increases to a 15-foot cone. Creatures in the affected area take 3d6 points of acid damage (Reflex DC 16 half). Any creature harmed this way is also exposed to caustic creep poison.
Caustic Creep—inhaled; save Fort DC 15; frequency
1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d2 Con; cure 2
consecutive saves.
Kineticists are especially equipped to channel this rod’s abilities. Either by expending 1 additional charge or accepting 1 point of burn that cannot be reduced, the blast’s acid deals 3d6 damage or an amount equivalent to the kineticist’s energy blast, whichever is higher. When doing so, the kineticist can also use her substance infusion save DC in place of the poison’s save DC. Once per day, a kineticist able to channel air can activate this enhanced effect without expending an additional charge or accepting burn.
(Note this doesn't overwrite the normal need to have all hands free when gathering power, therefore useless without third party kineticist support)

SAVE Fortitude DC 13 TYPE poison (contact)
EFFECT unconsciousness for 1 minute
SECONDARY EFFECT 1 Wisdom damage
CURE 1 save

PRICE 1,200 GP
SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 8 lbs.
AURA faint evocation [good]
This gourd has been hollowed out and carved with the symbol of a good-aligned deity. It sheds light as a candle. If the gourd is smashed onto the ground, the 20-foot-radius area around the crushed gourd is affected as if by a consecrate spell for 10 hours, and all non-evil creatures in the area gain the benefits of remove fear for 5 rounds. This magic item is often crafted from a pumpkin, though other types of gourds, or even large turnips, can be used.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 613 GP, Craft Wondrous Item, consecrate, remove fear, creator must be good-aligned

PRICE 2,000 GP
SLOT none CL 10th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA moderate evocation
A keylight lantern is wreathed with elemental runes. When lit, it gives off light as per a typical lantern, but the shifting flame gives its user a +2 competence bonus on Perception checks to find secret doors. In addition, once per day, the lantern’s bearer can fling the oil as a splash weapon that functions as a flask of acid, except that its damage type is random among acid, cold, electricity, and fire. Each keylight lantern has an indentation where an elemental gem could fit. If an elemental gem is slotted in the lantern, the damage type is fixed based on the gem’s element—acid for an earth gem, cold for a water gem, electricity for an air gem, and fire for a fire gem. The lantern’s bearer may choose to expend the elemental gem to infuse the oil with its energy. If she does so, the next time she throws the oil, it functions as per fireball, centered on the square (10d6 damage, Reflex DC 14 half) instead of as an acid flask. The damage type of the fireball matches the damage type associated with the elemental gem.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 1,000 GP, Craft Wondrous Item, acid splash, ray of frost, fireball, guidance, shocking grasp

PRICE 20,000 GP
SLOT none CL 7th WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA moderate evocation
This curved length of opaque crystal twists and expands from its mouthpiece, ending in a small raging tornado. Lightning dances within the crystal whenever the horn is sounded. As a standard action, the horn is able to be blown to create a 30-foot cone of elemental lightning that deals 3d6 points of electricity damage (5d6 in Subtier 6–7). The cone deals 6d6 points of electricity damage (10d6 in Subtier 6–7) against creatures that have the air subtype. This damage ignores any immunities or resistances to electricity that such creatures have. A DC 17 Reflex save reduces the damage by half. Creatures with the air subtype take a –4 penalty on their saves against this effect.

The horn can also simply be used in a mundane fashion to produce an echoing tone. However, if the Horn of the Hurricane is used magically more than once in a given day, there is a 20% cumulative chance with each extra use that it explodes and deals 10d6 points of electricity damage to the person who is sounding it.

CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 10,000 GP, Craft Wondrous Item, lightning bolt, shout

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Also an artifact.

1,200 GP
SLOT none CL 9th WEIGHT —
AURA moderate abjuration
When eaten, this sweet-tasting spongy moss grants immunity to energy drain and negative energy effects, including channeled negative energy, for 1 minute. Eating spectre moss does not remove negative levels that the creature has already gained, but it does remove the penalties from negative levels for the duration of its effect.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 600 GP, Craft Wondrous Item, death ward
(3E Death Ward!)

PRICE 2,250 GP
SLOT none CL 9th WEIGHT —
AURA moderate abjuration
By imbibing this bitter dark violet brew, a creature gains the ability to safely access any of the Gloomspires. Though the spires continue to shift for creatures that do not drink Gloomspire tisane, a creature consuming it can access any of the Gloomspires as if they were fixed in place. Additionally, while under the brew’s effects, a creature can see twice as far as normal in conditions of fog or mist. For example, it can see creatures up to 10 feet away when in a fog cloud instead of only 5 feet (though such creatures still have concealment). The tisane’s effects last for 24 hours. As soon as the effects end, the creature experiences a madness-inducing waking nightmare and takes 1d6 points of Wisdom damage.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 600 GP, Craft Wondrous Item, break enchantment

PRICE 22,000 GP
SLOT none CL 14th WEIGHT 5 lbs.
AURA strong abjuration, conjuration, and enchantment
This ancient rune-carved book functions as an ordinary stone golem manual, but contains additional instructions to call elemental spirits into lifeless stone. When you are adjacent to at least 2,000 pounds of natural, unworked rock, you can take a full-round action to summon a stone golem (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 163) that emerges from the rock. The golem follows your commands perfectly for 1 round for each Hit Die you possess before vanishing along with the Jistkan stone golem manual
Wow that's bad! Thankfully it costs the same and can be used the normal way as an ordinary stone golem manual. No idea how that works in society.

PRICE 250 gp
WEIGHT 1 lb.
This hollow tin ball holds several metallic powders, crystals of compressed air, and explosives. When ignited, it creates an alchemical fire that can burn underwater or even in a vacuum. Lighting the fuse is a move action, and throwing it functions as throwing a splash weapon. The grenade explodes 1d3 rounds after it is thrown, dealing 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 2d6 points of fire damage to all creatures in a 10-foot-radius burst (Reflex DC 15 half). The area within the blast radius burns for an additional 1d4 rounds, dealing 2d6 fire damage to creatures and objects that ends their turn in the flames (Reflex DC 15 half). An effect that would deal at least 5 points of cold damage extinguishes the flames in one square; covering the flames or dousing them with water has no effect. Crafting an ironflame grenade requires a successful DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check

Elixir of dragon’s breath (brine dragon) (Price 2,000 gp; CL 10th; aura moderate evocation) : This vial contains a swirling current of luminescent blue liquid. A creature that drinks the elixir can breathe out a single blast of energy that deals 10d6 points of acid damage in a 30-foot line, plus an additional 1d6 points of acid damage for each Water Affinity boon you have earned on any of your characters. The magic of the elixir ends after one use of the breath weapon or after 1 hour has passed, whichever comes first.
Nautilus coral armor (Price 8,000 gp; CL 9th; aura moderate transmutation) : This +1 full-plate is made of coral and pieces of nautilus shell. This armor does not impose an armor check penalty on Swim checks. The wearer can hold her breath underwater for a number of rounds equal to four times her Constitution score, rather than twice her Constitution score. You can increase the armor’s enhancement bonus or apply armor special abillities as though the armor’s masterwork price were 7,000 gp.


PRICE 15,000 GP
SLOT wrists CL 10th WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA moderate abjuration and evocation Magma oozes out of cracks in these obsidian bracers. Once per day as a swift action, you can gain the benefits of fire shield [warm] and stoneskin [50 points] until the beginning of your next turn. If you activate these bracers as a standard action, the effect lasts for 5 rounds instead.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 7,500 GP, Craft Wondrous Item, fire shield, stoneskn

ring of fire storing (40,000 gp; functions as a ring of spell storing but only for spells with the fire descriptor)

Honor's Echo
(click to show/hide)
broken figurine of wondrous power (alabaster pegasus): When animated, this figurine has the statistics of a horse with a movement speed of 60 feet but can make no attacks. The item can be used three times per week for up to 12 hours per use. When 12 hours have passed or when the command word is spoken, the creature again becomes a tiny statuette. Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11th (1,250 gp, limit 1)
figurine of wondrous power (alabaster pegasus): Other than its appearance, this figurines functions identically to a figurine of wondrous power (ebony fly). You may upgrade into this item from the broken version above by paying 8,750 gp (10,000 gp; limit 1)
(The broken version is pretty good for overland travel at lower levels, giving you a fast steed that you make a forced march with without real penalty since all of them vanish when it despawns.)

Season 9:
soothsayer’s travel raiment (10,300 gp; this +1 chain shirt has the properties of soothsayer’s raiment
sporedream poison (500 gp, Poison—injury; save Fort DC 16; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1 Wis and confused for 1 round; cure 1 save; limit 2)
Also says you can make Noble Born (Kingmaker version)
Also says Noble Scion (Kingmaker) can be taken as a regional trait.

circlet of persuasion, lesser (2,000 gp; acts as a circlet of persuasion but only grants a +2 bonus on related skill checks, and a PC can upgrade this to a standard circlet of persuasion by spending an additional 2,500 gp)
dagger of venom, lesser (2,602, limit 1; acts as a dagger of venom but each activation of the poison ability expends one of the dagger’s 5 charges [maximum 1/day], and a PC can upgrade this to a standard dagger of venom by spending an additional 5,700 gp)
(This one is weird. You can expend all charges then upgrade it as though none were)

SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 8 lbs.
AURA faint transmutation
This bag contains 56 assorted pieces of debris connected to the distant planet Aucturn. Dumping the bag fills a 10-foot square area with shards, which function as magic caltrops with a +1 bonus on their attack roll. If a creature steps on a shard, it suffers the usual effects of a caltrop injury, and the shards animate into a swarm (rolling their own initiative). The activated shards function as a spider swarm without poison. A creature that takes damage from the swarm must succeed at a DC 11 Fortitude save or take 1d2 points of precision damage from invasive lacerations to whichever ability score is currently the highest. Once activated, the shards attack their target and any other nearby creatures. After 5 rounds, the shards disintegrate.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 200 GP, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, bleed
(You can craft stuff and it's still from another planet?)

Elixir of Sacred Breath (Aura moderate evocation; CL 11th; Weight —) This golden elixir functions as an elixir of fire breath, except that half of the damage it deals results directly from divine power and is therefore not subject to being reduced by resistance to fire-based attacks. [...]discounted to 1,100 gp
Lesser Celestial Shield (Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th; Weight 7 lbs.) This gold-edged +1 blinding shield has all the properties of a celestial shield (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 131), except that its synergy with celestial armor boosts the caster level of the armor’s granted fly spell to 7th instead of replacing it with overland flight. It can be upgraded into a standard celestial shield by paying the difference in price. [...]7,070 gp

horn of freezing fog (2,500 gp; functions as a horn of fog that once per day can create chilling fog that deals 1 point of cold damage to each creature that enters or starts its turn in the affected area for the first minute after activating the horn)
scabbard of argent blades (5,000 gp, limit 1; functions as a scabbard of many blades that contains a +3 undead bane longsword that you can draw from the scabbard once and use for up to 10 minutes before the sword disappears forever; Advanced Class Guide 235)
scabbard of argent vigor (2,000 gp; functions as a scabbard of vigor that can also add the undead bane special ability to the affected weapon by reducing the bestowed enhancement bonus by +1 [e.g., a +2 undead bane weapon for 3 rounds] so long as the weapon has at least a +1 enhancement bonus;.
(click to show/hide)

Gloves of Swimming (aura faint transmutation; CL 5th; 2,500 gp): These gloves grant their wearer a +5 competence bonus on Swim checks. Both gloves must be worn for the magic to function. A PC can pay 3,750 gp to upgrade these gloves to gloves of swimming and climbing
Muleback Cords of Resistance +1 or +2 (aura faint abjuration and transmutation; CL 5th; 2,500 gp or 5,500 gp): These sturdy leather straps combine the benefits of muleback cords with the benefits of a cloak of resistance +1 or cloak of resistance +2, respectively. A PC who buys the +1 version of the cords can later upgrade into the +2 version by paying 3,000 gp, and a PC who finds the +2 version can purchase the +1 version instead.
(Premium is 500 GP on muleback cords. Sadly only goes up to +2)

+1 wrathful chainmail (if the wearer has the rage, bloodrage, or raging song class feature, she can use it an additional number of rounds per day equal to twice the armor’s enhancement bonus; 4,300 gp, can be upgraded as though wrathful were a +1 bonus base price modifier)
ring of minimal fire resistance (4,000 gp, grants fire resistance 5 and can be upgraded to a ring of minor fire resistance for 8,000 gp

upgrade [Glorymane] by spending 15,000 gp. This upgrade increases the shield’s enhancement bonus from +2 to +4. In addition, Glorymane gains a +4 bonus on attack rolls with its bite attacks, and the damage dealt increases to 2d10.

Growling Bag of Tricks: On the First World, you found a fur-covered bag that grumbles and growls. This functions as a typical bag of tricks, with the following modifications. A growling bag of tricks can be used once per day, to a maximum of 3 times per week, and the creatures it summons last for 5 minutes. The animals it summons come from the First World. They have unusual physical features, such as bizarre coloration or abnormally long fur. Compared to typical animals of their type, they gain resistance 5 to both cold and electricity and a +4 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects. Their creature type counts as both animal and fey.
Subtier 1–2: growling bag of tricks (gray; 1,500 gp; CL 3rd; aura faint conjuration): This sack functions as a gray bag of tricks, with the differences listed above.
Subtier 4–5: growling bag of tricks (rust; 4,000 gp; CL 5th; aura faint conjuration): This sack functions as a rust bag of tricks, with the differences listed above.

ochre bag of tricks (8,500 gp; functions as a bag of tricks that produces a dire bat [1–30], crocodile [31–60], constrictor snake [61–85], or gorilla [86–100])

Hellfire rod
Aura faint conjuration; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 6,480 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
This black rod inlaid with silver Abyssal script curves slightly, resembling an unstrung bow. Once per day, the wielder of a hellfire rod can speak the command word to create an arrow of burning fire. Treat this as a ranged touch attack identical to the acid arrow spell, except the damage is fire instead of acid.
Requirements Craft Rod, acid arrow, creator must be able to cast at least one spell with the [fire] descriptor; Cost 3,240 gp

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Staff of the Overwatched (aura moderate divination; CL 9th; Weight 10 lbs.): This black basalt staff twists into irregular geometric patterns. Its structure channels the power of sacred geometry to protect its wielder, granting her some concealment against ranged attacks (a 10% miss chance). While this staff was once one of Ralzeros’s treasures, the influence of Corners of Spheres has sealed much of its potential. The staff allows the use of the following spells.
・ identify (1 charge)
・ twisted space (2 charges)
You can purify the staff between adventures, unlocking the abilities below.
Augment the staff’s protective abilities, increasing the 10% miss chance against ranged attacks to 20%, by paying 6,000 gp.
Augment the staff’s magical abilities, adding the following spells to the staff and reducing the cost of using twisted space to 1 charge. This upgrade costs 8,000 gp.
・ wandering star motes (2 charges; Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 355)
・ hold portal (1 charge)
If you have already performed the spell upgrade above, you can pay a further 8,000 gp to add the following spells.
・ prying eyes (2 charges)
・ stone shape (2 charges)
[...]discounted price 10,000 gp

gloom wakizashi (wakizashi with the properties of a gloom blade; 8,835 gp;
(click to show/hide)

primal air elemental gem (functions as an air elemental gem, except it summons a Huge air elemental; CL 13; 3,300 gp, limit 1)

greater ricochet hammer (55,301 gp; functions as a ricochet hammer but gains the speed special weapon property when thrown
minotaur belt (11,000 gp; can be upgraded to grant a +4 Strength bonus for an additional 12,000 gp or a +6 bonus for an additional 32,000 gp
(I like seeing this, but minotaur belt is obsolete once you can fly and there's tons of better ways to do it other than the belt too)

Ruins of Bonekeep
Aura moderate necromancy, CL 5th
Slot neck, Price 7,200 gp, Weight 1/2 lb.
This gnarled black rat skull is carved with intricate necromantic runes and hangs from a worn leather strap. Three times per day, the wearer of the ratskull can call upon its power as a full-round action to summon a swarm of undead rats. This functions as summon swarm, using the exact same statistics as a rat swarm except that they are also undead. The rat swarm obeys the wearer's commands for 5 rounds before crumbling to dust.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead, summon swarm; Cost 3,600 gp

Aura faint abjuration and illusion; CL 3rd
Slot shoulders; Price 4,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This tattered piece of cotton cloth functions as both a cloak of elvenkind and a cloak of resistance +1.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility, resistance, creator must be at least 3rd level and an elf; Cost 2,000 gp
Aura faint abjuration and illusion; CL 6th
Slot shoulders; Price 7,750 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This tattered piece of cotton cloth functions as both a cloak of elvenkind and a cloak of resistance +3.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility, resistance, creator must be at least 6th level and an elf; Cost 3,875 gp
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th
Slot ring; Price 21,000 gp; Weight –
This ring, crafted of red-tinted gold in a double helix, has the functions of both a ring of minor spell storing and a ring of
protection +1.
Requirements Forge Ring, imbue with spell ability, shield of faith, creator must be at least 3rd level; Cost 10,500 gp
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th
Slot ring; Price 45,000 gp; Weight –
This ring, crafted of red-tinted gold in a double helix, has the
functions of both a ring of minor spell storing and a ring of
protection +3.
Requirements Forge Ring, imbue with spell ability, shield of faith, creator must be at least 9th level; Cost 22,500 gp

Also a pair of artifacts.

Season 10:

PRICE 1,250 GP
This gritty white powder rapidly polymerizes into a spongy foam when exposed to magic. Any spell, spell-like ability, supernatural ability, or magic item that targets a dose of arcane amplex or a square containing a dose of arcane amplex causes it to expand, functioning as a tanglefoot bag. Alternatively, a dose of arcane amplex can be mixed with a dose of ingested poison. In this case, any magical attempt to cure the poison causes polymerized foam to fill the victim’s lungs. The victim must succeed at a DC 10 Constitution check as if it were holding its breath. The check must be repeated each round, with the DC increasing by 1 for each previous success. If the victim fails one of these Constitution checks, it begins to suffocate (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 445). The foam decomposes after 1d4 hours, or within 1 round if exposed to violet fungus venom. Using violet venom to dissolve arcane amplex that’s used in this way requires a successful DC 20 Craft (alchemy) or Heal check, with failure exposing the victim to the poison

Reskinned magic item with no stats changes

Ice Shape
This 2nd-level spell (for clerics, druids, and sorcerer/wizards) functions as stone shape, but affects only ice and snow.
(Even appears on the chronicle sheet that way)

A sticky, foul smelling pod from a strange fungus growing on the walls of the Bastion of Light. When thrown, this pod explodes on contact, releasing a cloud of poison spores in a 10-foot radius that functions as an inhaled poison.
Fungal Spores: inhaled; save Fort DC 20; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Con damage and fatigued for 1 minute; cure 2 saves.

Dancer’s starknife (Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Slot —; Price 16,324 gp): A dancer’s starknife is a +1 returning starknife that allows its wielder to cast dispel magic (CL 7th) as a standard action once per day. If the dispel attempt succeeds, the magic surges into the starknife. At any time in the next 24 hours, the wielder can unleash this energy to make a ranged touch attack as a standard action that deals 1d6 points of force damage for every spell level of the dispelled effect (minimum 1d6) with a range of 100 feet. A dancer’s starknife can be augmented with further enhancements—treat it as a +2 weapon with a price of 8,000 gp when determining the additional cost.

GP value for selling your soul and similar concepts
Soul (15,000 gp): Your soul belongs to Hell. If the you die, you cannot be restored to life under any circumstances.
Power (15,000 gp): You surrendered part of your power, gaining one permanent negative level that cannot be removed.
Hope (10,000 gp): You lost your ability to hope or aspire toward unlikely outcomes. A natural 20 no longer represents an automatic success for your attack rolls, saving throws, stabilization rolls, and other such checks. You cannot use any ability to reroll a natural 1 rolled on any d20 check.
Emotions (5,000 gp): You no longer feel strong emotions. You cannot benefit from morale bonuses or bardic performances (or similar abilities). You also gain a +3 bonus on saving throws against effects with the emotion descriptor.
Fate (5,000 gp): Portents of imminent doom haunt you. You take a –1 penalty on all saving throws and cannot stabilize while below 0 hit points.

Corona Blade (aura moderate evocation; CL 10th; Price 50,355 gp; Weight 2 lbs.): This weapon was once a sun blade, but the Abyss has slowly altered its abilities. It has the properties of a sun blade, with the following changes. It deals additional damage to creatures with a strong or overwhelming aura of law (see detect law) instead of to Negative Energy plane creatures or undead creatures. Additionally, instead of the sunlight power, it allows its wielder to create an unholy nimbus of light as a standard action in a 30-foot radius burst, dazing all non-demon creatures other than its wielder for 1d4 rounds (Will DC 20 negates) and suppressing the weapon’s additional enhancement bonus against evil creatures for 1 minute.
Deskari’s Wing (aura moderate abjuration and evocation; CL 10th; Discounted Price 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.): This cloak is made from one of the wings of the demon lord Deskari. It functions as a cloak of resistance +3, but the resistance bonus it grants increases by 1 against acid, cold and fire attacks, and by 2 against charm, compulsion, death, electricity, and poison effects. Additionally, once per day when the wearer takes damage from an attack that deals bludgeoning, force, piercing, or slashing damage, the wearer can spend an immediate action to cause the wing to release a discordant rasping sound. All non-demon creatures within 10 feet must succeed at a DC 24 Fortitude save or be sickened for 1d4 rounds. This is a sonic effect. Deskari’s wing can be upgraded, improving its baseline resistance bonus (+3 to +4 for 10,000 gp, +4 to +5 for 15,000 gp).

PRICE 9,000 GP
SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint necromancy
This +1 dagger inflicts persistent wounds, dealing 2 points of bleed damage. Bleed from a wound caused by Weeping Torment is particularly difficult to stanch. A creature can stop the bleeding with a successful DC 17 Heal check, but any attempt to magically heal a creature wounded by Weeping Torment requires the caster to succeed at a DC 16 caster level check or the spell fails. On a success, the magic works normally and stops all bleed effects on the victim. A creature with Weeping Torment in her possession can recite the dagger’s ritual verse to end all bleed effects caused by the dagger.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 4,500 GP, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bleed
bracers of divine range, lesser (functions as lesser bracers of archery UE but grants a bonus only on ranged touch attacks granted by divine spells; 5,000 gp, limit 1)
bracers of divine range (functions as bracers of archery but grants a bonus only on ranged touch attacks and associated damage rolls granted by divine spells; 25,000 gp; limit 1)
(How many such spells are there?)
tattered cloak of resistance +1 (functions as a standard cloak of resistance +1 but imposes a –1 penalty on Diplomacy checks; 648 gp; limit 1)

Lesser Lithomancy Stones (6,000 gp; Slot none; Aura moderate divination; CL 7th; Weight 2 lbs.) This set of 15 semi-precious stones allows its wielder to gain visions of the future. It functions as a set of lithomancy stones (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 260), except that it can only be used to ask questions regarding the next 30 minutes.
swift obsidian bastard sword (11,335 gp; as swift obsidian greataxe

Flameleaf Extract (500 gp): The flameleaf plant is named both for its red-tinged leaves and its uncanny ability to survive fire. Distilled flameleaf extract provides its drinker with 20 fire resistance for 1 hour. However, it also makes them more sensitive to cold. If the drinker takes cold damage while under the extract’s effects, she must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or be staggered for 1 round. The DC of the Craft (alchemy) check to create flameleaf extract is 20.

Establishes standing in continous fire damage spells is valid for healing with Phoenix Bloodline's ability.

Dark Life Ring
PRICE 1,250 GP
SLOT ring CL 3rd WEIGHT —
AURA faint necromancy
This black ring’s carved pattern makes it resemble fossilized bone, such as a creature’s hollowed out vertabra. It grants its wearer a +2 profane bonus on Will saving throws against effects that deal negative energy damage. In addition, anytime the wearer takes negative energy damage, she subtracts 5 from the damage taken (calculated after the wearer has rolled her Will save against the effect), to a minimum of 0 points of damage.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 625 GP, Requirements Forge Ring, death ward
Autumn’s Cowl
PRICE 7,000 GP
SLOT back CL 5th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA moderate transmutation
This resplendent cowl is created from thousands of magically-treated, colored leaves sewn together with spiders silk. The cowl provides cozy insulation, granting the wearer a +5 bonus to fortitude saving throws made to resist cold weather. As a standard action the wearer may wrap the cowl around herself and discorporate into a swirling cloud of leaves. This ability acts as the spell gaseous form, except the wearer gains a vulnerability to fire. The wearer can remain in this form for up to five minutes per day. The duration need not be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 3,500 GP, Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, gaseous form

PRICE VARIES (9,000 gp and 23,000 for greater are listed on chronicle sheet as discounted price.)
SLOT body CL 9th WEIGHT 5 lbs.
AURA moderate conjuration
Sevenfingers’s sea coat is a long black coat sealed shut by bronze clasps. The coat is fully waterproof. Its two large pockets provide additional protection for and easy access to treasure, acting as the side pouches of a handy haversack. When in a place with cardinal directions, such as Golarion, the wearer of the coat always knows which way is north, as the know direction spell. Once per day, the coat’s wearer can cast dream.
The greater Sevenfingers’s sea coat from Subtier 10–11 allows the wearer to cast dream council 1/day instead of dream.

sustaining spoon (5,400 gp; tastes like cinnamon oatmeal rather than soggy cardboard)
(In related note, there's a version of the spoon for 6,400 in Songbird, Scion, Saboteur that "producing not flavorless mush but a rotating assortment of rich soups; this unique adaptation increases its value by 1,000 gp." )

Blood Lily Barb
Aura faint conjuration and moderate abjuration (greater
blood lily barb); CL 9th
Slot none; Price 25,620 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This +1 wounding rapier is constructed from the pristine petal of a blood lily, a carnivorous aquatic plant. The spiky, bright red petal ends in an impossibly sharp tip and is mounted in a fine mithral hilt. Whenever a creature holding this rapier in its hand is standing on the deck of a ship, or in water at least 2 feet deep, a low-cresting wave of water carries the wielder as though they were affected by a slipstream spell.
CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, slipstream; Cost 12,970 gp

That's all. There's some special modules I don't have access to and may be more buried in the ones I just skimmed, but I doubt I'll be checking them in any organized fashion. Might do a search of each for animated object, but otherwise I'll only find them by random reading. Edit: There's one more scenario, 10-98, which is a multi-table scenario that will only be released to the general public next year. I'll check it when I get access.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2019, 08:04:43 PM by Nanashi »

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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2019, 09:58:18 PM »
Realized there's one more source to check: Sanctioned Play rules for APs and modules. Only checking APs I'm already familiar with.

Jade Regent:

Iron Gods sanctioned rules:
Take petromin, pilo, or sorico as familiar (no bonus given) or animal companion (not a single one of these has AC rules).

(click to show/hide)

Mummy's Mask:

Reign of Winter:

War for the Crown:
Rules for scaling the relics with just GP investment! All of these are added to the previous cost, not costs for the item at that stage. The relics themselves are already on AoN, but pricing out their increases make them usable by something other than GM fiat.

Dignity’s Barb 350 GP. Upgrade costs: 1st 1750 GP, 2nd 3800GP, 3rd 11,600GP, 4th 17,500 GP, 5th 21,000.
Envoy Ring 1000 GP. Upgrade costs: 1st 1100, 2nd 2100, 3rd 8400, 4th 3500 [sic], 5th 8500
Koriana’s Blade 15,500 gp. Upgrade costs: 1st 3,500 gp, 2nd 12,000, 3rd 4,200 gp, 4th 13,500 gp.
Subtle Mask 1,400 gp. Upgrade costs: 1st 2500, 2nd 6,500 gp, 3rd 8500, 4th 17,500
Scion’s Dagger 25,500 gp. Upgrade costs: 1st 6,300 gp, 2nd 14000, 3rd 28000
Standard of Conquest 8,500 gp. Upgrade costs: 1st 12,500 gp, 2nd 14,000, 3rd 14,000.
Band of the Crusader’s Alliance 15,000 gp. Upgrade costs: 1st  27,500 gp, 2nd 32,500
Ovetrian’s Plate 29,500 gp. Upgrade costs: 1st 53,000 gp, 2nd 15,400 gp

Offline TiaC

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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2019, 11:54:27 PM »
(click to show/hide)
This is cool with Holy Ice Weapon. Use a 2nd level spell to deal 100 damage unless they succeed at a DC 30 Fort save.

War for the Crown:
Rules for scaling the relics with just GP investment! All of these are added to the previous cost, not costs for the item at that stage. The relics themselves are already on AoN, but pricing out their increases make them usable by something other than GM fiat.

Dignity’s Barb 350 GP. Upgrade costs: 1st 1750 GP, 2nd 3800GP, 3rd 11,600GP, 4th 17,500 GP, 5th 21,000.
Envoy Ring 1000 GP. Upgrade costs: 1st 1100, 2nd 2100, 3rd 8400, 4th 3500 [sic], 5th 8500
Koriana’s Blade 15,500 gp. Upgrade costs: 1st 3,500 gp, 2nd 12,000, 3rd 4,200 gp, 4th 13,500 gp.
Subtle Mask 1,400 gp. Upgrade costs: 1st 2500, 2nd 6,500 gp, 3rd 8500, 4th 17,500
Scion’s Dagger 25,500 gp. Upgrade costs: 1st 6,300 gp, 2nd 14000, 3rd 28000
Standard of Conquest 8,500 gp. Upgrade costs: 1st 12,500 gp, 2nd 14,000, 3rd 14,000.
Band of the Crusader’s Alliance 15,000 gp. Upgrade costs: 1st  27,500 gp, 2nd 32,500
Ovetrian’s Plate 29,500 gp. Upgrade costs: 1st 53,000 gp, 2nd 15,400 gp
These seem pretty cheap, I think it's giving half price for crafting?

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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2019, 12:12:45 AM »
Oh wow, that's nifty. It's even PFS legal if you get the boon. edit: I don't see Holy Ice Weapon having anything about making ammo. I don't think recharging takes that long though. Worst case you to pair it with Recharge and its expensive material component to Mind Render an enemy, but it seems a decent combo. Maybe you can make a Holy Water Timeworn Mind Render and get the free charge from it.

As for the prices, it may be assigning monetary value to triumphs.
If you do not have enough triumph boons to reach the next level of your relic but are at least the level listed in that relic's next triumph entry, you may spend 4 Prestige Points to qualify for the relic's next triumph. You can never unlock more than 6 triumph upgrades.
(Triumph boons=triumph=the story progression that unlocks those extra abilities when playing the AP normally)
That's only an extra 1500 per stage though and the base items are still underpriced.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 01:07:28 AM by Nanashi »

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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2019, 08:21:46 PM »
Went and checked all modules, knowing I won't remember which one anything came from anyways.

Thornkeep sanctioning document

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th
Slot none; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This glass flask looks similar to the alembics used by alchemists to distill various liquids, but this one is
framed in a delicate silver brace and the glass is etched with various arcane runes. The arcanolembic can be
used to hold one potion. When a creature consumes a potion from the arcanolembic, the potion is treated
as if its caster level were 2 higher than the usual minimum for a potion of its level. Placing a potion into the
arcanolembic is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
Requirements Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Item, 5 ranks in Craft (alchemy); Cost 1,000 gp

bloodstone of Gultariix (200 gp; when this dark crystal is dissolved into a potion, the potion is enhanced as
if by the Extend Spell metamagic feat)
(Is this reusable with Alchemical Allocation? Makes a great spell even better if so.)

Tomb of the Iron Medusa
Adella map collection (200 gp; grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge [geography] checks between Katheer and Oppara, from the Inner Sea to the World’s Edge Mountains.)
tomes of Taldan history (400 gp; grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge [history] checks regarding Taldor)


Blood of the City
Dampening ring of Laurdin Iket (1,000 gp, limit 1; on a successful melee touch attack targeting a construct, this small, ring-like device attaches to the target, forcing the construct to make a DC 16 Will save of be unable to move or take any actions [as if paralyzed]. At the end of each round during which it is unable to act, the construct may attempt a new Will save to end the condition with a cumulative +1 bonus on the saving throw for each round it suffers the dampening ring’s effects. After an affected construct is destroyed or saves against the effect, the ring is destroyed.)

Scrysphere (6,000 gp; once per day you may command this black, glassy marble from any distance to cast spherescry [CL 5th, Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Classic Treasures Revisited 45], allowing you to observe events within a 20-foot radius of the scrysphere. The scrysphere functions only for you.)

Plague of Shadows
Ring of Shadow Walking ( 26,400 gp; once per day the bearer of this ring can cast shadow walk at caster level 11)

Prince of Wolves
Corpselight Rapier (21,320 gp; this +2 undead-bane rapier is ornate and covered with thousands of tiny spirals of Pharasma, with the tail of a single large spiral stretching half the length of the blade. Designed for hunting and dispatching the undead, the unsheathed blade glows when and undead are within a 6o-ft. radius. Unfortunately, its antipathy with undead also acts as a beacon, and undead within 1 mile of the blade can sense its presence and direction, even when the sword is sheathed.)

Winter Witch
Laughing Eric’s Sword (18,315 gp; with a guard resembling a golden dragon, this +1 throwing returning longsword’s namesake was as famous for his martial prowess as for his constant laughter in battle. This laughter unlocks the sword’s ability to fly across the battlefield, slicing down foes before returning to its owner’s hand).

« Last Edit: December 11, 2019, 08:35:56 PM by Nanashi »

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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2019, 01:50:00 AM »
Worst boon ever that isn't intentionally negative.
(click to show/hide)

whats worse? the oread opened up as a free race option in season 8, staying so until the end
add me on Steam- zook1shoe
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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #15 on: December 12, 2019, 02:17:26 PM »
I sure hope nobody actually spent the PP during those months to pick Oread as a race for a new character.

On the subject of weird boons, there's a handful of boons that let you erase one negative boon off your character and these can be kept in reserve. Wonder if anyone sold their soul in 10-8 and immediately used such a boon to get it back for free. Being able to say you scamming the devils would totally be worth it.

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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2019, 03:43:36 PM »
my wizard sold his emotions in that game.

that was probably my favorite scenario i had ever played in PFS, if not in the top 3

edit: that oread boon works in Core as long as the character that got the boon is Core
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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2019, 03:08:30 AM »
Normally don't post monsters, but troops are rare and and I'm sure having stats for an angry mob will be useful for somebody

(click to show/hide)

Immediately before this there's mention of using mass charm person on the troop. I'm genuinely not sure if that's a rules error, or if it's a valid loophole to the troop's immunity.
A troop is immune to any spell or effect that targets a specific number of creatures (including single-target spells such as disintegrate and multiple target spells such as haste), though it is affected by spells or effects that target an area or a nonspecific number of creatures (such as fireball or mass hold monster).
Mass Charm Person doesn't effect a number of creatures, but a number of hit die which can easily cover an entire troop.

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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2021, 05:59:16 PM »

here is a list of the convention boons. one of which opens up a Sapphire Ooze as a CG improved familiar
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Re: New mechanical bits in PFS scenarios
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2021, 01:15:01 PM »
Oreads are really not a bad race. With the Gemsoul variant heritage you can get a 20 Charisma Oread Sorcerer that gets another +2 Cha for purposes of class features by taking the Deep Earth or Verdant bloodlines (along with Wildblooded, Bloodline Mutation, and archetype variations thereof), the Granite Skin alternate racial trait gives them 1 natural armor, the Ferrous Growth alternate racial trait can be very useful with some creativity (or you can keep the Color Spray SLA, which is still worth a 1 round aoe stun at higher levels), and you can add the Mostly Human alternate racial trait for access to the Human favored class bonus, so if you make them Razmiran Priests they're really not bad. They also make decent Rangers with their stats and favored class bonus (+1/4 animal companion natural armor). The Stone Shield racial spell also has its uses (immediate action +4 AC and +2 reflex for 1 round).

If you can use Oread Gem Magic (ie. not PFS) then it's definitely a solid race, since it lets all Elemental Body spells last 10 min/level, turning them into a very good out of combat buffs, especially at higher levels.

Before Plane Hopper's Handbook came out they were mostly a feasible pick for Rangers, Druids, and Clerics.