Author Topic: 3.5e Ardent  (Read 14531 times)

Offline bgatesvoodoodoll

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3.5e Ardent
« on: April 11, 2020, 03:33:03 PM »
3.5e Ardent handbook

The basics:  The Ardent is a Tier 2 base class found in Complete Psionics.  It has ¾ BAB, good will save, 1 power/level with bonus power at level one, and customizable mantles, which are like cleric domains, but with psionic powers instead of divine spells. Each mantle represents a philosophy or concept. An ardent can only pick powers from his mantles. Like cleric domains, each mantle provides special bonuses/feats uniqe to that mantle's concept.

Party role: Straight ardents excel at gish and tank, including PLEASEHITME builds.  With ACF support, they can hold primary healer role with empathic transfer and PSV (psicrystal, share pain, vigor) combo.  As blaster, they can be respectable but a psion or wizard would have more tricks. As battlefield control a psion or wizard still has them beat with sheer variety.  Multiclassing and PrCs takes ardent into traditional casting roles, and in some cases makes the ardent a tanky party animal for boosting.
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Why you should play an Ardent
    Because you want to be more fighter-y than a psion and more manifester-y than a psychic warrior.
    Because you want to build a character with an optimized suite of powers organized around two or more specific concepts or philosophies.
    Because you want to create a character with a self-sacrificing or bodyguard mentality, willing to stand between teammates and an incoming attack, even if that means taking damage.
    Because you want to play a modelled character based on your favorite character, like Adam West of Mindspace Investigations, Evangeline Avernus from The Traitor God, Haruno Sakura from the manga Naruto, Kami Dan'Shir from D'Shai, various Imagers from the Imager Portfolio, Ordermages or Chaosmages from the Magic of Recluse, or any of the witches from the Ethshar novels.

Why you should play another character class
    Because you want to play a character that can learn a bazillion specialty spells. Consider Erudite or Wizard instead.
    Because you want to fill the role of the skillful, secondary martial character. Ardent lacks the skillpoints, class skills and class features for this role. Consider Psychic Rogue.
    Because you want to drill down three or more levels in a given feat tree. With its lack of bonus feats, ardent offers limited support for Greater Two Weapon Fighting,Spirited Charge, or other very specialized feat tree explorations. Consider Psychic Warrior instead.
    Because you want to specialize in a weapon that does not have "spear" or "ray" in its name. Again, consider Psychic Warrior or maybe soulknife for unlimited access to your race's favored exotic weapon.

About this Handbook
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« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 09:58:39 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

Offline bgatesvoodoodoll

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(Continued) 3.5e Ardent - Frame
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2020, 03:34:45 PM »

The Good
    Good WILL Save -- A high WILL save is extremely important for caster types.
    Mantles -- Mantles make your Ardent unique. Mantles function like cleric domains. Feat-like abilities and power lists with a theme are bundled together into a mantle. A straight 20-level Ardent can select up to 6 mantles from 30 available mantles, resulting in a total of 21 powers known. Taken together, the power lists of each chosen mantle become the class power list of the individual Ardent, which determines the powers an Ardent can use from Dorjes (psionic wand equivalent) without a Use Psionic Device roll.
    Manifesting --  Manifester Level = Class Level. You can choose a maximum of 21 powers, so like a sorceror, you have to pick powers which are flexible and/or multi-use, preferably with augments built-in. You get PP equal to a Psion, but with WIS determining bonus PP, so shoot till you're dry.
    Tank supporting features... heavy armor and shields and simple weapons, including the reach weapon longspear. Even with PP equal to a psion, you may still shoot dry, so you can fall back on these tools in combat.

The Bad
    Medium Base Attack Bonus -- Good enough for rays and other touch attacks, targeting squares with splash weapons and using weapon attacks as a backup to manifesting.
    D6 Hit Die -- This means that you should aim for a score of 14 in constitution to have enough hit points for the front line.
    Gish supporting features -- Simple weapon proficiency lack most two handed weapons and in turn prevents full use of power attack.
    Low number of powers -- Not as bad as wilders, but with 4 dips into other classes or PrCs it could get close (17-21 as opposed to 15 for a wilder). Some PrCs offer additional powers known, increasing their value.

The Ugly
    Bad REFlex and FORTitude Saves -- Since you will typically ignore dexterity, your reflex save will be extremely low in most cases. At least your will save profits from your wisdom score which you will need for manifesting. But as a compensation, you can select powers to boost your saves.
    Skill starved -- 2+INT, the class skills of the ardent are a bit of a disappointment.  Missing jump means no Leap attack for gish builds till much later.  You will likely spend all 2-3 of your skills ranks on concentration or psicraft anyways.  Autohypnosis is an interesting skill but with the emphasis on the concentration and psicraft, it is unlikely that you will have a bunch of ranks in it. Not unusual to see L1 in another class to provide a base set of skills. No Spot or Listen?
    Feat starved -- Not a problem unique to ardents.  Still, you could always use more.  Some mantles give feats or feat-like abilities but few of them are feats that an optimizer use (improved sunder? weapon focus? ectopic form? alignment strikes? Weapon Focus(ray)!)

« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 08:46:15 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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(Continued) 3.5e Ardent - Abilities
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2020, 03:36:49 PM »

   samb: "The stats an ardent needs are similar to a cleric with the exception that CHR is not that important unless you are going to be using metamorphic transfer that requires DCs.  DEX could be more important if you are going for a blasty type of ardent using lots of touch attacks... CON is always important but even more so for concentration"

In typical order of importance for a 20-level plain vanilla ardent:

WIS.  Wisdom determines what powers you can learn, how many bonus Power Points (PP) you get, and the Difficulty Check (DC) on your powers. Max WIS if you can.
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CON. Constitution is for hp and concentration checks, especially at early levels. Max CON if you can.
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INT. Ardents are starved for skills. Bonus Skill Points from Intelligence would help make up for 2 SP/level.
   For melee builds, combat expertise and its follow-ups (improved trip) demand a score of 13.

STR. Need enough Strength to wear heavy armor and carry big weapons.
   At L1, you need 13 for the Power Attack feat tree and to call scale armor, longspear, and club a light load.
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DEX. Dexterity is a dump for most builds. REFLEX saves are not your good ones.
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CHA. Charisma is a dump for most builds. Ignore Hidden talent feat, unless the DM disallows Substitute Power ACF.
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« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 08:46:56 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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(Continued) 3.5e Ardent - Races
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2020, 03:41:41 PM »

   samb: "In general, any race that penalizes WIS should be avoided... Thanks to ardent's funky way of selecting powers LA is not as big of an issue.  No race has favored class as ardent although humans and Synad can select their first class as a favored class."

Due to complexity of building Ardents, this list focuses on races up to and including +2LA. Other races could work, but these are high speed low drag. Listed races are sorted in order of +cost and -benefit.

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« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 08:47:37 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

Offline bgatesvoodoodoll

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(Continued) 3.5e Ardent - Alternate Class Features
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2020, 03:42:30 PM »

   Ed Grubermann: "...just show me all those nifty moves so I can start trashing bozos..."
   - Tae Kwon Leap by the Frantics

   ACF Original descriptions here:

   The ACFs of the ardent fix a lot of the class's inherent weaknesses.  Between them, two of these ACFs make playing a straight Ardent possible. Without them, most players will view Ardent as an attractive dip. See the Appendix on Action Economy, later. In theory, splitting the Elements mantle into four separate mantles should pay off, but like most of the existing power lists, these need to be re-tooled.
   Unfortunately, these are ACF's. Substitute Powers is a separate ACF from Elemental Mantles, meaning you cannot edit the power list of the Air, Earth, Fire, and Water mantles.

Substitute powers ACFM'sE: With DM agreement that new powers meet the mantle theme, re-interpret existing mantles.
   Add and/or substitute powers from any power list, to a maximum of 10 powers per mantle.
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Dominant ideal ACFM'sE:  Pick a mantle. For powers in that mantle, never expend psionic focus when applying metapsionics on powers of that mantle AND reduce costs of metapsionics by 2 (to free)!!!!   
   Dominant ideal replaces the mantle an Ardent receives at Ardent level 10.
   Linked power to Hustle may result in multiple uses of psionic focus in the subsequent round.

Elemental Mantles ACFM'sE: Breaks the Elements mantle into 4 separate individual mantles, Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. This weakens the Granted ability, as each of the four mantles permanently gets its own part of the Elements granted ability. The powers lists for each of the new individual mantles likewise weaken.

Dragonscale HuskDrM012: For most campaigns, enchanting armor leads to better bonuses across a 20-level career. If you're in a low magic or "metal is rare" campaign, this might be useful.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 08:48:49 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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(Continued) 3.5e Ardent - Skills
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2020, 03:46:32 PM »

   "I learn from my mistakes. It's a painful way to learn, but without pain, the old saying is, there's no gain."
   - Johnny Cash

Across a 20 level build, a straight Ardent receives 40 SP before INT bonus. Make the most of what SP you get. For that reason, you have to know EXACTLY what each skill does. The following four skills will be in almost every build of a straight Ardent:

Concentration (CON)  -- MAX IT. You need to beat a DC 20 concentration check regularly for regaining your psionic focus.
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Psicraft (INT) -- MAX IT. Identify psionic powers as they are cast or as they hit you.
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Autohypnosis (WIS) is Trained. Buy at least one rank to get a roll. It can save your Ardent's life.
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Knowledge:Psionics (INT) is Trained. Buy at least one rank to get a roll. This lets an Ardent identify astral constructs, psionic races, and their special powers or vulnerabilities. Usually, an Ardent is the only psionic in a party, so nobody else will have this skill.
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Mantle support skills
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Other build support skills
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Skill Tricks
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Buy ranks of the following skills only to qualify for a Prestige Class (PrC). If not to qualify for PrC, these are all Red.
   Knowledge - (anything not listed above) is Trained.
   Profession - (anything other than Sailor) is Trained.
   Diplomacy - This may be the best skill in the game, but not for Ardents. Most Ardent builds are CHA-dumps.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 08:49:28 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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(Continued) 3.5e Ardent - Feats
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2020, 03:48:18 PM »

   samb: "The key thing to remember when optimizing an Ardent's feats is make the most of your metapsionics.  All the other stuff can be done by other classes (and often better) with the same feats.  This means getting the best metapsionic feats, increasing ML, and decreasing cost.  All the other 'gishy' type feats take a back burner, because the true meaning of optimizing means to make the most of what is unique to that class while minimizing/overcoming its weaknesses.  Not losing focus on metapsionics is very unique (and powerful) and one should focus on that aspect."

This view of feats is loosely arranged around the attribute to which the feats relate. Within each Attribute, feats are in descending order of usefulness based on the entry feat for each feat family. For a comparison of how feats interact with psionic focus, see Appendix II, Action Economy.

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       Inlindl School(DotU):(INT13, Combat Expertise, Weapon Finesse)sac shield bonus to AC for a bonus on melee attack rolls equal to one-half that bonus.

STRENGTH - includes melee attack options
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DEXTERITY - includes ranged attack options
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    Goad(CAd,CHA13,BAB+1) - taunt

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« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 10:23:38 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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(Continued) 3.5e Ardent - Mantles
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2020, 03:49:53 PM »

   samb: "Your life as an ardent and your builds all depend on these.  They are what makes you and gives you your powers."

There are no bad mantles. Each represents a philosophy with a granted ability and a power list. Pre-ACF, there are some mantles that are good only for their granted ability or to use as Dorje powers. Of these, samb classified several of the least useful as red, or "avoid". Post-ACF, the lowest rating any mantle gets is black, which is the equivalent of "boring".

There are several ways to reinterpret each mantle with ACF, but suggestions here should help cut research time. '+ x' indicates a power added for that level. 'ACF' indicates a possible substitution after all adds. '- x' indicates a recommendation to drop a power, to keep the mantle power list at 10. Where lists are long/confusing, example ACF plans are provided.

   Mantles below are roughly in descending order of usefulness with versatility weighted heavily.

   expend psionic focus as an immediate action to make an attack of opportunity against a foe that attacks one of your allies.
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   While psionically focused, gain +10-foot bonus to your speed. 
   Expend your focus to add your ML to a roll made to resist/escape grapple.
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  Once/day,  expend psionic focus to add a bonus on one d20 roll equal to your level in the class that allowed you to access this ability.
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   As an immediate action, expend psionic focus to displace yourself until your next action.
   While displaced, attacks that target you have a 50% miss chance.
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   Expend psionic focus to gain resistance 5 against one energy type for rounds =3+Wis modifier.
   At 10th level, you gain resistance to energy 10 instead.
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   +2 bonus on initiative checks.
   1/day, expend focus as an immediate action to delay onset of one damaging attack or effect by one round. If, in the intervening turn, you gain immunity that would protect you from the delayed damage, you still take the delayed damage.
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   Bonus feat: Ectopic FormCPsi50 and learn the form of your choice. You must meet all the feat's prerequisites for the form.
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   As an immediate action, expend psionic focus to share pain of the next melee attack that damages you. The attacker takes damage equal to half damage it deals you.
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   To determine bonus PP for the class that gives you this mantle, treat your WIS score as 2 points higher than its actual value
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   You have the Improved Sunder feat as long as you are psionically focused.
   If you expend your focus as part of a sunder attempt, the hardness of the object you are sundering is treated as 4 less.
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   While psionically focused, make Knowledge checks as if trained.
   Expend your psionic focus to gain a +5 bonus on one Knowledge check.
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   Expend your focus to gain a +4 bonus on ML checks made to overcome an outsider's power resistance.  Stacks with Power Penetration or Greater Power Penetration
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   Expend psionic focus as swift action when you manifest a power from this mantle, your manifester level for that power is considered 1 higher (thus increasing  the  number  of  power  points  you  can  spend  on manifesting the power, among other benefits).
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   Bonus feat: Weapon Focus, with a weapon of your choice... pick RAY or SPEAR
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   Gain Use Magic Device as a class skill. Convert cross-class UMD or Use Psionic Device ranks to class rate,
   as if it had always been a class skill for you. Always treat magic and psionics as identical.
   This mantle is most useful in campaigns where "Psionics is different".
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   Expend psionic focus to deal additional damage to a non-good creature.
   +1d6 points of damage with melee/ranged attack, or a spell that deals damage and targets a single creature.
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   While psionically focused, gain +1 deflection bonus to your Armor Class.
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« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 08:50:51 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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(Continued) 3.5e Ardent - Mantles II
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2020, 03:51:02 PM »

   When you gain this mantle, choose to gain low-light vision OR darkvision out to 60feet.  Already have both?
   Double range of LLV OR add 30 feet to range of DV.
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   Expend psionic focus to deal additional damage to nonchaotic creatures.
   +1d6 points of damage with a melee/ranged attack or a spell that deals damage.
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   Gain the wild empathy class feature(PHB35), except the result is determined by 1d20 + ML + your CHA modifier.
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   Expend focus as an immediate action to gain 5 temporary hit points when someone within 10 feet is wounded.
   These temporary hit points last for up to 1 minute.
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   Expend your psionic focus as an immediate action to take the damage dealt to an adjacent ally by a single melee attack. Declare use of this ability after you know the result of the attack roll against your ally, but before damage is rolled.
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   While psionically focused, you gain a +2bonus on Concentration checks.
   Expend your focus as  a  free  action  to  gain  a  +5  bonus  on  a  single  Concentration check.
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   While psionically focused, you cannot be confused.
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   When psionically focused, gain +2 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks
   Focused or not, when making a rushed Diplomacy check as a full-round action, take only –5 penalty on the check.
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   ...gain one of four benefits, which you pick when gaining focus
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   As a free action, expend psionic focus to gain a +2 bonus to Str, Dex, or Con for 1 round.
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   Expend psionic focus to kill a dying creature, as the death knell spell (PH 217).
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   Expend psionic focus to deal additional damage to nonlawful creatures.
   +1d6 points of damage with a melee/ranged attack or a spell that deals damage.
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   Expend psionic focus to deal additional damage to a non-evil creature.
   +1d6 points of damage with a melee/ranged attack or a spell that deals damage and targets a single creature.
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« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 08:51:51 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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(Continued) 3.5e Ardent - Multiclassing/PrC's
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2020, 03:52:25 PM »

- The main reason to dip other classes is bonus feats and skills, two things that ardents sorely lack.
- Other considerations for dips include: gain access to class power list for Dorjes(or wands/staves), increase number of powers(or spells) known, reduce PP costs for specific powers, increase BAB/saves, obtain unique abilities.
- Each level taken in something other than Ardent loses one of 21 Powers Known, one Manifester Level, and PP for daily manifests. With enough "something elses" you lose some of your 6 domain choices, which is 5 after Dominant Ideal ACF.
- Where possible, use each race's Favorite Class (FC).
- Before building, read Practiced ManifesterXPH to decide whether to use a feat to preserve Manifester Level for up to 4 non-Ardent levels.
- Before building, read Additional Favored ClassUA100 to decide whether to use a feat to save 20% XP throughout your build.

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Full Ride Prestige Classes
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Prestige Class Dips
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« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 08:52:45 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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(Continued) 3.5e Ardent - Armor and Weapons
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2020, 03:55:05 PM »

Mundane aka L1 options
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Materials aka masterwork+ or what to get enchanted
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« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 08:53:53 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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(Continued) 3.5e Ardent - Other Equipment
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2020, 03:57:58 PM »
-- Psionic Items
   Torc of Power PreservationXPH177,SRD - pay 1 less PP each time you manifest a power, minimum 1.
   Stacked PsionitricesCPsi111 - wear up to 5 with one basic psionitrix as a single psionic item, filling the Necklace slot. Each one let you manifest a different power once a day
   Torc of PassionAE104 - turn that 1-level Wilder dip into a 5-level Wilder dip for Wild Surge purposes. Also reduces Overchannel damage from d8 dice to d6 dice.
   Crystal PoleAE094 - awesome zone defense! plant one in the ground for deceleration AoE to take effect. Various versions have different PLAs, such as Eradicate Invisibilty.
   Wastelander's CloakAE088 - eliminates the Armor penalty to FORT saves versus Heat.
   Amulet of Enemy DetectionMIC - Always-on Detect Hostile Intent.
   Boots of SkatingXPH,SRD - Superior movement enhancer, especially if you did not take FREEDOM mantle
   Gloves of Object ReadingXPH,SRD - Take this if you don’t otherwise have access to the power. Can ruin your DM’s best laid plains.
   Pendant of JoyRoE - While you wear it, you can give yourself, and nearby allies, a bonus to Diplomacy checks. Slip it on, then position yourself to give your negotiating team an edge over the competition.
   Psychoactive SkinsXPH,SRD,MIC - Skin of Proteus beats all the others. But, since you can wear three at a time, other good choices include: Skin of the Hero, Skin of the Psion, and Skin of the Troll.
   Third EyesXPH,SRD,MIC The following ones are really worth taking: Conceal, Concentration, Expose, Penetrate, and Sense.
   DorjesXPH,SRD - manifest powers on your power list which you didn't take as powers known. A dorje of Identify is particularly good.
   Power Stones - one-time-use psionic item that lets you manifest powers that are not on your power list.

Racial Psionic Items
   Warforged ComponentsMoE - Warforged only (obviously). For a psionic Warforged character the Expanded Reservoir, Power Crystal, and Psychic Generator components are particularly useful. Especially if the character has the Psyforged Body feat (see the entry in the Feats section, of this guide).
   Quori Embedded ShardsMoE - Kalashtar only. If you're of that race, get as many as you can.

-- Magic Items
-- Miscellaneous Gear

« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 09:13:27 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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(Continued) 3.5e Ardent - Appendix I - Comparison of Powers/Spells Known
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2020, 03:58:22 PM »
Appendix I - Comparison of Powers/Spells Known

                                                Spells/Powers Known                Highest level spell/power known
                                                (L0 does not count)
Cleric/Shaman + domains!infinfinfinfinfinfinfinf12345678999

Note: Bard is not included because it does not get spellcasting at its first level.

CONTROVERSY! RAI vs RAW for Ardent Powers Known
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« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 11:44:05 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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(Continued) 3.5e Ardent - Appendix II - Action Economy of Psionic Focus
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2020, 03:58:47 PM »
Appendix II - Action Economy of Psionic focus

Economy of Psionic focus
Normally, a psionic character has to spend one round and pass a DC20 check to become psionically focused. This is a huge deal. This makes most of the granted abilities from ardent mantles and from psionic feats one per encounter unless the psionic character can re-focus. It also limits the psion to using ONE of several options until he refocuses. For most Ardent builds, refocusing is a vulnerable time to be avoided. For PLEASEHITME builds, this is one technique to encourage foes to attack the Ardent.

Example Action Economies
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Psionic mantles or feats that do not rely on psionic focus(6+4):
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Gain psionic focus(6):
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Be psionically focused to(8+13):
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Expend psionic focus(1+13+31+20):
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« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 09:15:19 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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(Continued) 3.5e Ardent - Appendix III - Non Canon Material
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2020, 03:59:57 PM »
Appendix III - Non Canon Material

Everything in this Appendix is non-canon. Assume it's all RED and that your GM bans it until he/she says otherwise.

Possible New Powers for Independent Research
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Pathfinder possibilities
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4e possibilities
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Material Buildouts for Psionic PrCs WoTC Suggested, but did not build out
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« Last Edit: June 02, 2020, 10:52:03 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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(Continued) 3.5e Ardent - Appendix IV - Modelling Ethshar witches
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2020, 04:01:56 PM »
Appendix IV - Modelling Ethshar witches

The Ethshar series by Lawrence Watt-Evans is an excellent setting for a campaign. If you and your GM, want to flesh out witches as Ardents, and Sorcerors as Wilders, the hints below will get you started...
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« Last Edit: June 06, 2020, 12:12:23 AM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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(Continued) 3.5e Ardent - Appendix V - Modelling Other Fictional Characters
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2020, 04:03:14 PM »
Appendix V - Modelling Other Fictional Characters

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« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 09:28:01 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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Re: 3.5e Ardent - reserved for future use
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2020, 04:03:35 PM »
reserved for future use
« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 09:29:51 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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Re: 3.5e Ardent - reserved for future use
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2020, 04:04:00 PM »
reserved for future use
« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 09:31:13 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »

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Re: 3.5e Ardent - reserved for future use
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2020, 04:04:15 PM »
reserved for future use
« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 09:30:54 PM by bgatesvoodoodoll »