Alternate Magic SystemsPast, Present, and Future (Chronomancy)Osteomancy (Bone/Shaman Magic)Ritual Magic (Sacrificial/Blood Magic)Rune Magic (Incomplete)Astral Magic (Incomplete)Twisted Minds, Twisted Bodies: The Tome of Psionic AberrationsPrestige ClassesAnomaly ScionHeteromorphNeurasthenic HeterocliteScion of the Twisted ThoughtsOther MaterialFeatsPowersMagic ItemsMonstersBase ClassesArcane Swashbuckler - Rogue/Sorcerer mix.
Baresark Psion - Barbarian/Wilder. Very angry.
Bowman - Basic archery class, built for NWN but playable in PnP.
Dread Magnate - Fear based necromancer
Elementalist - Elements based spellcaster.
Feral Shifter - An attempt to create a shifting based class, using existing options. Parts borrowed from Barbarian, Druid, Ranger.
Master of the Forgotten Bloom - Necromantic, Incomplete
Nature's Champion - Requested, Paladin/Druid/Ranger combo.
Netherlord - Horde style necromancer, evil and fond of armies.
Numinous - A combined casting class that possess both divine and arcane spells, but functions best when casting one followed by the other.
Proteus - An attempt to recreate the fighter/mage/thief of 2e.
Psychic Singer Requested, Bard/PsyWar/Soulknife combo
Siphoner - Melee touch attack, stealing souls
Skald - A bard/barbarian mix that boosts the power of both slightly.
Soothsayer - Requested, Rogue/Druid combo
Sphere Priest - Requested, Cleric/Druid combo
Thane - Requested, All 11 PHB classes
Unraveller - Fields that create holes in existence, Complete
Wilding Knife - Psionic, Wilder/Soulblade mix.
Wildspeaker - Bard/Druid/Ranger mix. In tune with nature.
Prestige ClassesCartographer of the Corrupted Map - Truenaming, Perfected Map
Corrupted Torturer - Vile, tortures people
Gravebound - Necromantic, uses souls as fuel for necromantic spell assaults
Harbinger of Sorrow - Psionic, negative emotions and sadness
Necromancer of the Dead Legion - Slain enemies rise as swarms, Necromantic
Peritan Gnaral - Specialist, hyper-focused.
Swarm Caster - Summoner, summon many, many creatures
Alternate Class FeaturesDomain Cleric - A different spellcasting method
Non-Spellcasting Ranger - Spellless ranger based around more favoured enemies as a replacement
FeatsBrew Potion, Reimagined - An attempt to make potions a more useful tool
Shaman's Rites - A three part feat for nature spellcasters
Spell Focus (Descriptor) - Spell Focus added for all spell descriptors.
Two Weapon Fighting - Boosting the power of TWF to make it more useful
SpellsHealing Spells are Necromancy - A movement of the Healing subschool from Conjuration to Necromancy
Capped Spellcasting - Greatly reduces the power of spellcasters.
Stratovarius' Slapping Salmon - Summons
Grizzly Bears.
OtherWounded Monsters - A way to make damage a little more useful
Crafter's Magic - Idea
Linked Magic - Idea