Or are your vegans something other than just people who don't eat animal products, and more like PETA than Hindus.
Knowing him, probably. No offense Kuro, but your luck is shit.
None taken, SiFir. My personal theory is that luck does enough for me to survive the weird crap I get into that it can't stretch itself enough to cover the other bases.
Only one way to be sure. Kuro, punch a wizard.
If I could find one, I'd ask him to teach me.
And the drama continues, of course.
Midway through the discussion, my original interloper wisely decides to cut it short, after having attacked me on personal grounds several times, which demonstrates some semblance of maturity; I can respect him for that. But then a different person joins the conversation, this one an actual friend of mine, someone I've met relatively recently through my now ex-girlfriend, but that I'd always considered a smart, kind and caring person. The discussion flames anew. And I do mean FLAMES. Cue attempted indoctrination disguised as "education" or "enlightenment", and defended as "the right to express one's opinion and disagree with me". Cue personal attacks on the basis that "I think I own the truth" (which begs the question, is she more afraid that I actually think that, or that what I say might actually hold truth contrary to her beliefs?) and whatnot. I get more stressed out, because my flaming abilities are limited, particularly when I'm up against someone I care for or respect on any level.
I eventually realize that the discussion is going nowhere, and I posit that I am leaving the discussion for good, precisely because neither side is listening to the other, and that I'm doing nothing but stressing myself out on the subject. Cue response that I am attacking someone else's opinion based on "what I think-isms" (like the heavily opinionated myriad texts posted were proof of something) and I stop reading there, then post, "look, I've already said I'm leaving this discussion. I'm not reading your post. Don't waste your saliva."
You know what she replies?
"I didn't expect a different reaction coming from you, [Kuro].
My response to that:
"Too bad. I expected a different one from you."
Why does this hit me hard, you ask? I'm not particularly good at making friends. Oh, sure, I can get a few yaks and have a good time with a lot of people. I can talk about a fairly wide variety of subjects. I get how people think sometimes, and I can find common interest with lots of people if I look hard enough. But I don't open up easily. Actual, good friends for me are hard to come by, and on some levels, there are some people I see everyday that I consider more acquaintances than friends whereas there are people on the internet that I consider better friends than some people I've known my entire life. Most people who see me don't really know the first thing about me, besides the fact I come across as a smartass. I try my best to watch my words and not upset people I barely know, more out of self-preservation than anything else - social survival if you will. (I detest doing so, because it feels like lying. I've known many lies in my life, and at one point I even relied on it, constantly, out of fear of the truth. I took a resolution to be as truthful and honest as possible with myself and others, as long as the truth does not put someone in harm's way indiscriminately. It's not easy, but it's very rewarding.)
But I trust my friends to not hate me over what I think. They may disagree, strongly, with what I believe in (and a lot of them do; my opinions are not commonly shared by my peers. Even my closest friends). But none of the people I usually call "friends" actually hate me for it. What this whole thing feels like, at the moment, is betrayal. I'm aware I'm probably being melodramatic (the situation always seems worse at the center after all). But it does hurt.
In respect to the support you guys have given me at times like this, I won't be complaining about how bitching to someone else makes me feel worse, so there's a little bit of personal advancement for ya.