ZERN(MM IV p.195)
Zern | HD: d8 |
| Base Attack Bonus | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 | +6 |
| | | |
Special | Morphic Body, Warping Energy, Transmutation Affinity | Adaptive Defenses | Shifting Guise, Shifter’s Power | Shifting Anatomy, Morphic Healing | Greater Shifter’s Power | Mutable Form |
Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier per level (x4 at 1st level).
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana, Nature, and Religion), Search, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.
Proficiencies: Zern are proficient with their own natural weapons, as well as all simple weapons. In addition, a Zern is proficient with light armor but not with shields.
Class FeaturesMorphic Body: At first level a Zern loses all other racial bonuses and traits and gains monstrous humanoid traits (essentially darkvision 60ft.) A Zern also has the [shapechanger] subtype and is immune to polymorphing, petrification, and any other form-altering attack that he does not wish to be subject to. A Zern is a medium sized monstrous humanoid with a base land speed of 30ft. All Zern speak their own language and may also choose an additional number of languages to speak equal to their intelligence modifier. Additionally, a Zern receives a bonus to its natural armor equal to its constitution modifier.
Warping Energy (Su): Zern have control over a powerful form of mutating energy which can damage a creature by causing its flesh to shift and tear. This attack is a standard action and can take the form of either a melee or ranged touch attack. When used as a ranged touch attack it has a range of 120 feet with no range increment. This attack deals 1d6/2HD + Int modifier damage. This attack can only affect living creatures. This attack is a polymorphing effect.
Transmutation Affinity (Ex): The Zern race specializes in transmutation magic due to their own shapeshifting abilities. The save DC’s of any transmutation spells or spell-like abilities the Zern uses increase by +1 for every 4 HD the Zern possesses. Additionally, a Zern who multiclasses into an arcane casting class can count his Zern levels as levels of that class for purposes of CL and for the purposes of learning new spells and getting new spell slots, but not for any other abilities.
Adaptive Defenses (Ex): A Zern’s ever-changing physiology allows it to shrug off effects that attack its endurance or disrupt its bodily functions. At 2nd level a Zern gains a +2 racial bonus against effects that require fortitude saves unless those effects also affect objects or are harmless. This bonus increases to +4 at 6th level, and again to +6 at 10th level. At 14th level the Zern loses these bonuses and instead becomes immune to any effect that those bonuses would have applied against.
Shifting Guise (Su): Zern are capable of changing their body into nearly any form. This effect is identical to the effects of Alter Self. A Zern can shift in this manner once per day per HD. At 10th level, a Zern can use this ability at will and may stay in any form it assumes for any amount of time.
Shifter’s Power (Sp): Zern are masters of transformative magic. At 3rd level a Zern can use reduce person and enlarge person each as a spell-like ability once per day per HD. It can use those SLAs on itself regardless of creature type.
Shifting Anatomy (Ex): A Zern’s body is constantly moving and shifting; even when it doesn’t appear to be. At 4th level, a Zern becomes immune to stunning and extra damage from critical hits and sneak attacks. At 10 HD, the Zern also becomes immune to poisons and diseases.
Morphic Healing (Ex): When wounded, a Zern's body naturally repairs itself by forming undamaged flesh. The Zern gains fast healing 1. This fast healing increases by another point for every 4 HD the Zern possesses.
Shifter's Power, Greater (Sp): At 5th level, a Zern’s natural transmutation magic becomes more powerful. He may use gaseous form once per day per two HD. As a Zern gains levels, these powers continue to grow. Any save DCs are 10+1/2 HD+Int mod.
At 8 HD, a Zern may use polymorph as a spell-like ability once per day per 4 HD.
At 10 HD, the Zern can use baleful polymorph as a spell-like ability once per day per 5 HD.
At 15 HD, a Zern can use polymorph any object once per day per 6 HD.
Finally, at 20 HD, a Zern can use shapechange as a spell-like ability once per day per 10 HD.
Mutable Form (Ex): At 6th level a Zern has mastered its own morphic powers to the point to where it can rapidly alter its own metabolism, internal structures, organs, and other bodily systems to cope with a variety of environments and situations. As a swift action, a Zern can gain one of the following benefits. Each benefit has an unlimited duration. Generally, a Zern remains in one form, and then slips into another one as the situation dictates. When a Zern uses a swift action to gain one of these forms, it loses the benefits of the form it previously held.
Adrenal Surge: The Zern’s upper-body muscles bulge and grow with enhanced power. It gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +4 bonus on damage rolls, including those using its warping energy ability.
Boneless Form: The Zern’s body seems to melt into a puddle of goo as its bones liquefy. It gains a +8 bonus on Escape Artist checks, which increases to +16 on checks made to squeeze through a tight area.
Impervious Hide: The Zern’s skin shifts into plates of armor. It gains a +4 bonus to AC and DR 5/piercing.
Size Shift: The Zern can shift to Large or Small size. A Large Zern gains a +2 bonus to Strength, and its space and reach increase to 10 feet; one that shifts to Small takes a –2 Strength penalty. The Zern gains the standard size bonuses or penalties on attacks, Hide checks, and so forth. This stacks with the Zern’s
Shifter’s Power ability.
Speed Burst: The Zern’s legs lengthen and its lower body muscles bulge and grow. Its base speed increases by 30 feet.
COMMENTS AND CORRECTIONSDoing the silthilar reminded me of this creature which was one of my favorite forms for my Master of Many Forms. Anyway, slightly more combat focused master of alteration. Once again, please inform me of any mistakes.
Done by AustontheGreat1 from GITP