I would love to see the horned devil in monster classes.
Hornde Devils are the big red ones that're like CR20 with red scales, tails, wings, and big horns on their heads right? Cause if so I'm pretty sure (correct me if I'm wrong) that they're also called Pit Fiends, and that there's already a class for 'em. Again, could be ENTIRELY wrong there though, so sorry if I am.
I do have a request, though! Not for someone to make something, but for any number of people to agree to HELP me make something. Specifically, it's based off something I already tried (And failed!) to make - a fusion-based class. Specifically, and I'm not sure this is the right place for it, a class that's as many levels long as we can make it (Minimum five) That effectively grants the Fusion psionic power, which I've always felt is extremely lackluster for its level.
The ideas Ih ave are basic fusion of two creatures pooling some of their resources into one bigger pool, that unlocks the ability to use the better of the two creatures ability scores or etc, and then the ability to fuse with creatures of larger sizes, and then the ability to fuse with a creature of any type.
And, if possible, I'd want to add in minor augmentations between levels, but it's hard to know what'd be balanced, y'know? So I'm wondering if anyone'd be willing to help me craft that class.