Author Topic: Spellwarped Creature(prc)  (Read 5847 times)

Offline oslecamo

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Spellwarped Creature(prc)
« on: January 11, 2012, 09:19:03 PM »
Spellwarped Creature(prc)

-Must be a living corporeal creature.

HD: D8
Level   Base Attack   Bonus   Fort Save   Ref Save   Will Save   Special
1st   +0   +2   +0   +2   Spellwarped Body, Spell Resistance, Experiment
2nd   +1   +3   +0   +3   Experimental Power, Advanced Experiment
Skill Points 2+Int per level
Class Skill Skills: Concentration, climb, jump, swim, spot, listen, intimidate, Knowledge(any), spellcraft

Proficiencies: Spellwarped creatures don't gain any new proficiencies.

Spellwarped Body: Unlike with other monster classes, the traits of the original race are retained. The Spellwarped Creature then gains aberration traits (basically darkvision 60 foot) and is now an aberration, with the augmented subtype if necessary.

It also gains a natural armor bonus of +1. If it already had a natural armor bonus it increases by an extra +1.

Spell Resistance: The Spellwarped creature gains Spell Resistance equal to 15+HD. It may rise or lower it at any time as a free action. If it already had SR increase it by 4 instead.

Experiment: The spellwarped creature gains +1 to the ability score of his choice.

Experimental Power:Spellwarped creatures were engineered to be strengthened by magic. Whenever a spell or SLA fails to bypass it's spell resistance the Spellwarped creature gains the following bonus of his choice for 1 minute, where Y is the level of the spell or SLA stoped by the SR

Power: +Y enhancement bonus to the ability score of his choice.
Life: +Y x 5 temporary hit points.
Speed: all move speeds increased by Y x 5 foot.
Resistance: The spellwarped creature gains resistance Y x 2 to the energy type of his choice.

Bonus of the same kind don't stack.
Whenever a spell or SLA is absorbed the body of the spellwarped creature is temporally warped in some hideous way acording to the bonus gained, like muscles stretching when a strength enhancement is chosen.

Advanced experiment:
the spellwarped creature gains an extra +1 to each of two ability scores of it's choice.

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« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 02:57:16 PM by oslecamo »

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Re: Spellwarped Creature(prc)
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2013, 10:36:50 AM »
Spell Resistance: The Spellwarped creature gains Spell Resistance equal to 15+HD. It may rise or lower it at any time as a free action.
Shouldn't this have a line similar to what you have elsewhere about it adding to your SR? Maybe getting a boost for already having had it?
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Offline oslecamo

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Re: Spellwarped Creature(prc)
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2013, 02:57:28 PM »
Added clause about that.