I just noticed horn of gorgon (Complete Champion, p132), which makes any spell that gives a bonus to strength give an extra +2.
Well, for the purposes of buffing Str, I link to your handbook on stat increacing, so, umm, yeah. Granted, that lets you go past the CL cap on EG, but since you can buff the creature you're gimping from's Str by abusing Consumptive Field (even w/o the TO of looping it).
Hmmm... I haven't read the spell itself in a while, so...
If you were to, say, Planar Bind two Lilitu, and use Extract Gift to give one of them a +5 Enhancement bonus to Charisma, could you loop that to give you a +6 to Charisma?
For another, probably easier method of grabbing a small bonus to your Charisma, Succubi are listed as possible cohorts (they are ECL 12, though, so...); give her a couple character levels as you yourself level, and she would get the Elite Array for her ability scores; that would bump her up to Charisma 30, officially matching the Lilitu, which can be further buffed with a variety of magic items (give her a Cape of Charisma +4; you can get a +6 bonus out of her with the spell.)
You can also give her nifty little abilities to keep her eyes on you; all in all, it is win-win.
What I bound when I used this as a Killer-Gnome.
The Succubus
You want a Demon with at least one level in Fiend of Corruption and five levels in Fiend of Possession. I use a Succubus as the example. Note: with the FoC’s prerequisites, she would have to go into FoP first.
Because her Hide Presence ability is so important, you want to make sure she takes the Elite ability score array and puts the highest score into Int. Because you will be binding her initially, you may wish to have the 8 (for a -2) into her Cha. Because she has passed the 8HD point and the 12HD point, she gets two ability score increases, so of course we are putting that into Int as well.
Soneilon is a Succubus that has been advanced to 12HD, and has Fiend of Corruption and Fiend of Possession maxed at 6 each. She is Forgotten Realms specific (and was my first encounter with those classes). For some (very unknown to me) reasons, she not only has not advanced her ability scores for being a specific creature, or her levels and HD, but her scores are actually LOWER than the standard Succubus in the Monster Manual. She also has the 3.0 DR. CoR p135-140, her stats are on 138.
HD: 6d8+5d6+1d6 (85hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30ft; Fly 50 (Average)
AC: (+9 Natural)
BAB / Grapple: +6
Attack: Claw, 1d6
Space / Reach: 5ft / 5ft
Special Attacks: Energy Drain; SLA’s; Summon Tanar’ri
Special Qualities: DR 10 / cold iron or good; Darkvision 60; immunity to electricity and poison; resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10; SR 18; Telepathy 100ft; Tongues; Ethereal Form; Hide Presence; Possess Object; Curse; Magic Item; Control Object; Animate Object; Possess Creature; Ally or Enemy; Possess Noncontiguous Object; Alternate Form; Fiend’s Favor
Saves: Fort +11; Ref +11; Will +11
Abilities: Str 15; Dex 14; Con 16; Int 23; Wis 17; Cha 24
Skills (78 remaining): Knowledge (Arcana) 6; Bluff 15; Disguise 15; Hide 15; Sense Motive 15; Listen 15; Spot 15; Search 15;
Feats (5): Whatever, not important at this point.
LA: +6
CR: 13
Energy Drain (Su): irrelevant
Summon Tanar’ri (Sp): irrelevant
Tongues (Su): as the spell
SLA’s: all are at will Charm Monster (DC 21); Detect Good; Detect Thoughts; Ethereal Jaunt; Polymorph (Self, humanoid only); Suggestion (DC 21); Greater Teleport (Self)
Class (Fiend of Possession)
Ethereal Form (Su): How she possesses
Hide Presence (Ex): Int – based hide from any attempt to be detected
Possess Object (Su): irrelevant
Curse (Su): irrelevant
Magic Item (Su): irrelevant
Control Object (Su): irrelevant
Animate Object (Su): irrelevant
Possess Creature (Su): *kinda* THE point
Ally or Enemy (Su): IS THE POINT
Possess Noncontiguous Object (Su): irrelevant
Class (Fiend of Corruption)
Alternate Form (Su): same as her Polymorph
Fiend’s Favor (Su): IS THE POINT
Still bound at this point
Charm her
Dominate her
Keep her dominated forever
Use Expunge the Supernatural (ToM p256) to get rid of Possess Object, Curse, Magic Item, Control Object, Animate Object, Possess Noncontiguous Object, Alternate Form, and Energy Drain
Use the DCFS for Supernatural Transformation (SS p39) to convert Detect Good, Detect Thoughts, Ethereal Jaunt, Polymorph, Suggestion, Greater Teleport, and Summon Tanar’ri into (Su) abilities
Use Expunge the Supernatural (ToM p256) to get rid of Detect Good, Detect Thoughts, Ethereal Jaunt, Polymorph, Suggestion, Greater Teleport, and Summon Tanar’ri
DCFS her Feats to be Mask of Gentility (EE p25); Skill Focus Hide; Stealthy; Sly Fortune (CS p81); Unbelievable Luck (CS p82);
Finally, use the Helm of Opposition on her until she fails to make her Lawful Good.
When Done with Her
HD: 6d8+5d6+1d6 (85hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30ft; Fly 50 (Average)
AC: (+2 Dex, +9 Natural) Touch 12, Flat-Footed 19
BAB / Grapple: +6
Attack: Claw, 1d6
Space / Reach: 5ft / 5ft
Special Attacks: SLA’s
Special Qualities: DR 10 / cold iron or good; Darkvision 60; immunity to electricity and poison; resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10; SR 18; Telepathy 100ft; Tongues; Ethereal Form; Hide Presence; Possess Creature; Ally or Enemy; Fiend’s Favor
Saves: Fort +11 (14); Ref +11 (13); Will +11 (15)
Abilities: Str 15; Dex 14; Con 16; Int 23 (48); Wis 15; Cha 24
Skills (123): Knowledge (Arcana) 6; Bluff 15; Disguise 15; Hide 15 (60); Sense Motive 15; Listen 15; Spot 15; Search 15;
Feats (5): Mask of Gentility (EE p25); Skill Focus Hide; Stealthy; Sly Fortune (CS p81); Unbelievable Luck (CS p82)
LA: +6
CR: 13
Tongues (Su): as the spell
SLA’s: at will Charm Monster (DC 21)
Class (Fiend of Possession)
Ethereal Form (Su): How she possesses
Hide Presence (Ex): Int – based hide from any attempt to be detected
Possess Creature (Su): *kinda* THE point
Ally or Enemy (Su): IS THE POINT
Class (Fiend of Corruption)
Fiend’s Favor (Su): IS THE POINT
Feat powers, Can re-roll her hide 3/day, registers as having a true neutral alignment to divinations, lowest save gains +2 luck bonus
If she has extra HD she can also take other luck feats to gain more rerolls per day. Survivors Luck at 15, and Dumb Luck at 18.
And, yes, there is still a point to giving her Mask of Gentility. Despite your having changed her actual alignment, the Evil subtype still will make her register as evil to spells and effects, so the feat at least takes away any chance of registering as evil to divinations, which will make it that much less likely to be hit by the other spells. (Why cast Holy Word if you can’t sense anything evil in the area?)
The Succubus Mark 2
Paragon, Pherenic, Dark, Succubus, Fiend of Possession 6, Fiend of Corruption 4, Survivor 4
When Done with Her
HD: 6d8+6d6+4d6+4d6 (Maxed +12 HP per HD) 572
Initiative: +9
Speed: 100ft; Fly 160 (Average)
AC: (+9 Natural, +12 Insight, +12 Luck, +9 Dex) 42; Touch 33
BAB / Grapple: +12 (+25 luck on all attack rolls)
Attack: Claw, 1d6 (+20 Luck on damage)
Space / Reach: 5ft / 5ft
Special Attacks: SLA’s
Special Qualities: DR 10 / cold iron or good; Darkvision 60; Superior Low-Light Vision; Fast Healing 20; immunity to electricity and poison; resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10; SR 48; PR 30; Telepathy 100ft; Tongues; Uncanny Dodge; Improved Uncanny Dodge; Evasion; Improved Evasion; Hide in Plain Sight; Ethereal Form; Hide Presence; Possess Creature; Ally or Enemy; Fiend’s Favor
Saves: Fort +18 (38); Ref +18 (39); Will +18 (39)
Abilities: Str 30; Dex 29; Con 31; Int 42 (68); Wis 32; Cha 43
Skills (554 unspent): Knowledge (Arcana) 6; Bluff 23; Concentration 23; Diplomacy 23; Disguise 23; Hide 23 (89); Sense Motive 23; Listen 23; Spot 23; Search 23;
Feats: Mask of Gentility (EE p25); Skill Focus - Hide; Stealthy; Sly Fortune (CS p81); Unbelievable Luck (CS p82); Survivors Luck (CS p81); Shadow Heritage (PlH p42)
LA: ---
CR: 38
Tongues (Su): as the spell
SLA’s: at will Charm Monster (DC 42)
Paragon Skills: +10 Competence on all skill checks
Dark Skills: +8 racial on Hide, +6 racial on Move Silent
Class (Fiend of Possession)
Ethereal Form (Su): How she possesses
Hide Presence (Ex): Int – based hide from any attempt to be detected
Possess Creature (Su): *kinda* THE point
Ally or Enemy (Su): IS THE POINT
Class (Fiend of Corruption)
Fiend’s Favor (Su): IS THE POINT
Feat powers, Can re-roll her hide, can re-roll a failed save, registers as having a true neutral alignment to divinations, lowest save gains +2 luck bonus, four re-rolls / day.
And, yes, there is still a point to giving her Mask of Gentility. Despite your having changed her actual alignment, the Evil subtype still will make her register as evil to spells and effects, so the feat at least takes away any chance of registering as evil to divinations, which will make it that much less likely to be hit by the other spells. (Why cast Holy Word if you can’t sense anything evil in the area?)
As you note: Lilitu would be better for certain purposes, namely just getting +2 profane to saves.
The Naga Goddess
Ha-Naga (ELH p195); Draconic (RotD p74); Pherenic (XPH p205); Multi-Headed, 29 extra heads (SS p125); Half-Fiend (MM p148); Paragon (ELH p209)
Chaotic Evil
Colossal Outsider (Dragonblood) (Psionic)
HD: 78d8 (maxed, +12 per HD) = 5,382 HP
Initiative: + 27
Speed: 180ft; Fly 180ft (average); Fly 120ft (perfect)
AC: (-8 size; +55 natural; +12 Insight; +12 Luck)
BAB / Grapple: +58 / +93 (+25 Luck)
Attack: Coil Whip (4d6+19+20 Luck); Sting (2d8+9+20 Luck + poison); Bite x 30 (4d8+9+20 Luck)
Space / Reach: 15ft / 15ft (Coiled)
Special Attacks: Charming Gaze; Poison; Improved Grab (Coil Whip); Constrict; Spells; Psi-Like Abilities; Smite Good; SLA’s;
Special Qualities: SR 64; DR 10 / Epic; Darkvision 90ft; Low-light Vision; Immunity to Poison; Resistance 10 to Acid, Cold, Electricity and Fire; Magic Strike; Fast Healing 20; Flight; Chameleon Ability; PR 88; Psionic;
Saves: Fort +26 (85); Ref +26 (59); Will +41 (70); (+4 racial against Sleep and Paralysis; +10 Insight on all)
Abilities (14): Str 48 (19); Dex 57 (23); Con 109 (49); Int 70 (30); Wis 48 (19); Cha 59 (24)
Skills (2025): Bluff; Concentration; Diplomacy; Disguise; Hide; Intimidate; Listen; Move Silently; Psicraft; Search; Sense Motive; Spellcraft; Spot; Survival; Use Magic Device; All 10 Knowledges
Feats (27): Improved Multiattack (B); Improved Initiative (B); Combat Reflexes (B);
CR: 54
Flight: As the Fly spell, except 120ft speed; grants Her a +6 circumstance bonus on Move Silently checks.
Charming Gaze: As Mass Charm Monster; 90ft range; Will save DC 86
Chameleon Ability: +8 circumstance to Hide checks.
Poison: Initial and Secondary damage 2d8 Con; Fort save DC 101
Spells: As a 21st level Sorcerer, plus all Cleric spells with the domains of Chaos and Evil.
Draconic Skills: +2 racial bonus on Intimidate and Spot.
Multi-headed Skills: +58 racial on Listen, Search and Spot.
Paragon Skills: +10 Competence on all skills
Smite Good: 1 / Day; add +20 to melee damage on one attack against a good enemy.
Psi-Like Abilities (ML = 93) (DC = (a)PL + 47)
3 / Day: Defensive Precognition, gain a +31 insight to AC and saves for 93 minutes; Empty Mind, gain a +48 to Will saves for 1 round; Mind Thrust, 93d10, Will DC 94 negates; Intellect Fortress, halve damage from psionics, 87 rounds; Teleport
1 / Day: Force Screen, Shield to AC of 27 for 93 minutes; Body Adjustment, heal 45d12HP; Brain Lock, Dazed for Concentration +1 round, Will DC 49; Aversion, Will DC 94; Blast, ???; Psychic Crush, Will save DC 52 or be dropped to -1 HP, take 45d6 damage; Dominate, Will DC 94; Energy Current 93d6 damage to primary target, see text; Tower of Iron Will, useless; Fission; Ultrablast, 93d6 damage within 15ft of you, Will DC 54 half.
SLA’s (CL = 93) (DC = SL + 47)
3 / Day: Darkness, Shadowy Illumination to 20ft; Poison; Unholy Aura; Greater Dispel Magic, CL cap 20; Haste; See Invisibility
1 / Day: Desecrate; Unholy Blight, useless; Contagion, minor ability damage; Blasphemy, Creatures within 40ft are screwed, see text; Unhallow; Horrid Wilting, 30ft radius, 20d6 damage, Fort DC 55 for half; Summon Monster 9 (Fiends Only); Destruction, SoD, Fort DC 54, 10d6 damage if pass
The Naga Goddess’ Simulacrum
Ha-Naga (ELH p195); Draconic (RotD p74); Pherenic (XPH p205); Multi-Headed, 29 extra heads (SS p125); Half-Fiend (MM p148); Paragon (ELH p209)
Chaotic Evil
Colossal Outsider (Dragonblood) (Psionic)
HD: 39d8 (maxed, +12 per HD) = 2,691 HP
Initiative: + 27
Speed: 180ft; Fly 180ft (average); Fly 120ft (perfect)
AC: (-8 size; +55 natural; +12 Insight; +12 Luck)
BAB / Grapple: +29 / +64 (+25 Luck)
Attack: Coil Whip (4d6+19+20 Luck); Sting (2d8+9+20 Luck + poison); Bite x 30 (4d8+9+20 Luck)
Space / Reach: 15ft / 15ft (Coiled)
Special Attacks: Charming Gaze; Poison; Improved Grab (Coil Whip); Constrict; Spells; Psi-Like Abilities; Smite Good; SLA’s;
Special Qualities: SR 64; DR 10 / Epic; Darkvision 90ft; Low-light Vision; Immunity to Poison; Resistance 10 to Acid, Cold, Electricity and Fire; Magic Strike; Fast Healing 20; Flight; Chameleon Ability; PR 49; Psionic;
Saves: Fort +26 (85); Ref +26 (59); Will +41 (70); (+4 racial against Sleep and Paralysis; +10 Insight on all)
Abilities (4): Str 48 (19); Dex 57 (23); Con 109 (49); Int 60 (25); Wis 48 (19); Cha 59 (24)
Skills (1050): Bluff; Concentration; Diplomacy; Disguise; Hide; Intimidate; Listen; Move Silently; Psicraft; Search; Sense Motive; Spellcraft; Spot; Survival; Use Magic Device; All 10 Knowledges
Feats (14): Improved Multiattack (B); Improved Initiative (B); Combat Reflexes (B);
CR: 54
Flight: As the Fly spell, except 120ft speed; grants Her a +6 circumstance bonus on Move Silently checks.
Charming Gaze: As Mass Charm Monster; 90ft range; Will save DC 66
Chameleon Ability: +8 circumstance to Hide checks.
Poison: Initial and Secondary damage 2d8 Con; Fort save DC 81
Spells: As a 21st level Sorcerer, plus all Cleric spells with the domains of Chaos and Evil.
Draconic Skills: +2 racial bonus on Intimidate and Spot.
Multi-headed Skills: +58 racial on Listen, Search and Spot.
Paragon Skills: +10 Competence on all skills
Smite Good: 1 / Day; add +20 to melee damage on one attack against a good enemy.
Psi-Like Abilities (ML = 54) (DC = (a)PL + 47)
3 / Day: Defensive Precognition, gain a +18 insight to AC and saves for 54 minutes; Empty Mind, gain a +27 to Will saves for 1 round; Mind Thrust, 54d10, Will DC 54 negates; Intellect Fortress, halve damage from psionics, 48 rounds; Teleport
1 / Day: Force Screen, Shield to AC of 17 for 54 minutes; Body Adjustment; Brain Lock; Aversion, Will DC 94; Blast, ???; Psychic Crush, Will save DC 52 or be dropped to -1 HP, take 25d6 damage; Dominate, Will DC 54; Energy Current, 54d6 damage to primary target, see text; Tower of Iron Will, useless; Fission; Ultrablast, 93d6 damage within 15ft of you, Will DC 54 half.
SLA’s (CL = 54) (DC = SL + 47)
3 / Day: Darkness, Shadowy Illumination to 20ft; Poison; Unholy Aura; Greater Dispel Magic, CL cap 20; Haste; See Invisibility
1 / Day: Desecrate; Unholy Blight, useless; Contagion, minor ability damage; Blasphemy, Creatures within 40ft are screwed, see text; Unhallow; Horrid Wilting, 30ft radius, 20d6 damage, Fort DC 55 for half; Summon Monster 9 (Fiends Only); Destruction, SoD, Fort DC 54, 10d6 damage if pass
Using buff spells, and looping EG in between two simulacrum, I was able to get all of their stats up over 106, allowing me to boost all stats by +24, which was the highest I could with my CL at the time.
For the record, I do still intend to come back and write in the entire process I used for this, added into the handbook at some point.
EDIT: Also, note of the notation or explanation was written in handbook form for your benefit, that's how it was presented to the DM. I have an odd writing style.