Warlock FeatsMany,
many thanks to jameswilliamogle for writing this section. Additions were made by Agent Rasp, and are marked with [AR]. I've added a few feats as well, and those are marked by [TB].
Books not in this list: Dragon Magic, Races of the Dragon, Magic of Incarnum, Sandstorm, Frostburn, Complete Psionic, Heroes of Battle, and possibly a few others (so others can jump in and continue).
Core Feats:Ability Focus: Eldritch Blast: This is a great filler feat for later levels, when the Warlock gets access to Utterdark Blast in particular. Its worth taking earlier if you focus all your invocations as essences. ***
Apprentice [TB] (DMG II): A great feat to get into PrC’s with difficult skill requirements, Apprentice is a first-level-only feat can eventually morph into Leadership, but it requires the DM’s blessing and a lot of work (pun intended). Grants extra skill points, makes cross-class skills class skills, and grants a variety of special bonuses depending on the mentor. I’ve included a larger write-up in the Miscellany section. **/*****
Combat Casting [AR]: Some help when casting defensively, but invocations have somatic components and thus can't be attempted in a grapple anyway. High Constitution gives you at least this good a bonus, plus a nice crop of hit points and improved Fortitude, freeing up another feat in the process. Keep up your ranks in Concentration and you'll be fine. *
Combat Expertise [AR]: Only really useful for melee-locks, and then only at higher levels or when multiclassed for better BAB. The Int requirement may be a slight problem, depending on how you roll or buy; personally, I'm too much of a skill freak to ever play a 2 + Int class without taking Int 14 (and usually human, too). * / *** (melee-locks)
Combat Reflexes [AR]: The advent of eldritch glaive may give some potential to this feat, especially for a melee-lock with good Dexterity; I've got a mental image of Morthos facing a line of armored bruisers and going all Tao Ren as they move in, using a repelling glaive to knock 'em flying and avoid being ground to manburgers next round. However, without Dragon Magic, I'm unclear on the mechanics of the invocation. For warlocks without glaive, the feat isn't worth it. * / ?
Empower Spell-Like Ability: I'd only take this if there was absolutely no time for crafting, as the Warlock is very tight on feats. It still can add some ok damage, though. **
Flyby Attack: Your invocations and blast takes a standard action to activate, and thus Spring Attack, Shot on the Run, and Ride by Attack won't work with them. Flyby Attack allows you to make a standard action as part of a flying move action, allowing every invocation, blast, and any other standard action, and has no other feat prerequisites. You need to pick up the Fell Flight invocation, or have a flight speed by virtue of race or template (Avorial, Dragonborn, etc).
NOTE: Some DM's won't allow you to take this feat because it isn't in the Player's Hanbook, but the Monster Manual is a core book: ask the DM if they'd allow a high level Wizard to take Craft Construct in return. They'll then counter with "you don't have a fly speed all the time" to which you reply "its 24/7!!" and then throw some Cheetos and cans of soda at him. Then find another group. I'd rate this feat higher than Precise Shot even, it's the best you can get. *****+
Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes [AR]: Somewhat useful at low levels to bolster your poor Fort and Ref saves, but your Con and Dex should be above-average to high anyway, and items outstrip the feats. Dark one's own luck is a better long-term investment. *
Improved Critical (eldritch blast) [AR]: Blast-oriented 'locks should take this feat ASAP (you qualify at 11th level), and others should strongly consider it. It doubles your chances to crit, it applies to all flavors and most forms of eldritch blast (except for cone, doom, and likely line), and you can use it from sunrise to sunset. ****
Improved Feint [AR]: With high Charisma, Bluff as a class skill, and the possibility of a bonus from beguiling influence, melee-locks trying to land a hideous blow can get some use out of this feat when facing high-Dexterity opponents. It might also be useful combined with eldritch glaive, which I gather is a melee touch attack, but touch ACs aren't usually very high to begin with, and a warlock already stands a good chance of hitting even if not optimized. Doesn't really seem worth the trouble. **
Improved Initiative: This is good on every character, but unless you plan on multiclassing with Rogue or a Rogue-like class, I wouldn't waste the feat slot on it. ***
Improved Precise Shot: By the time you can take this, you could choose other feats, and your blasts are starting to lose some effectiveness. The concealment reroll ability is nicer than the cover. **
Improved Sunder: Melee Warlocks could take this along with the Hammer Blast Invocation. You can do some serious sundering when you need to. The feat itself is more useful as a prelude to Combat Brute. **
Leadership: It’s the most overpowered feat in the game, but even then, you might not want to take it, simply b/c it adds more complexity than you want (one optimized character is enough to handle, for me). An artificer buddy is my favorite cohort (and that’s for every non-artificer character I take). * to ******, depending on how you design the cohort.
Point Blank Shot: Mainly useful as a prerequisite for Precise Shot, it gives a +1 to hit and damage when within 30' (Complete Arcane is the source for using feats for Weapon-like effects). Without an item to increase your range, every Blast will have the added damage. ****
Thinblade note: It should be noted that there is a long-running and sometimes acrimonious debate regarding the usefulness of Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot, based around the fact that your blasts are touch attacks, and sooner or later you’ll probably only be missing on an auto-fail. The usefullness of these two feats varies extremely between campaigns, builds, the average touch AC of your opponents, and fighting styles. Be warned, your mileage may vary.
Power Attack: You can apply the damage from Power Attack to Eldritch Glaive. That includes damage from Leap Attack, too. This is a must have for any Melee Warlock, along with Quicken SLA: Eldritch Glaive (which you use at the end of your charge). The feat is also useful as a prelude to Shocktrooper (although the feat isn’t as necessary with touch attack rolls only). ****
Precise Shot: Every time you use Eldritch Blast on an enemy that doesn't die right away you'll have to fire into combat. *****
Thinblade note: It should be noted that there is a long-running and sometimes acrimonious debate regarding the usefulness of Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot, based around the fact that your blasts are touch attacks, and sooner or later you’ll probably only be missing on an auto-fail. The usefullness of these two feats varies extremely between campaigns, builds, the average touch AC of your opponents, and fighting styles. Be warned, your mileage may vary.
Quicken Spell-Like Ability: Can be used w/ Flee the Scene to great effect as an exit strategy, but also works well as the Teflammar Shadowlord Prestige Class Prerequisite. Also great to use with Eldritch Glaive, as it grants 2 full attacks using that invocation in a single round. Other than these specific invocations, the utility isn't quite as good. ****
Skill Focus: UMD: Don't take it on a Warlock; by the time you can create items, your UMD check should be high enough, and the ability to take 10 mitigates low rolls. 0
Spell Penetration [AR]: A build with uninterrupted caster level progression can get by (especially if you take penetrating blast), but if you've taken levels in non-caster classes, consider this feat to make up some of the difference against spell resistant foes. Greater Spell Penetration might be a bit much, unless you took a big hit on caster levels or the DM favors massive SR monsters. ***
Weapon Focus: Ray: Generally not worth the spent feat, this might be useful as a prerequisite for other feat or Prestige Classes. *
Psionic Feats: Psionic Shot: The basis for most blast-based builds. This is the crown jewel that's used over and over in many builds. It expends your psionic focus, so you'll need to take Psionic Meditation below to be able to use it every round. ****
Greater Psionic Shot: Adds more damage to Psionic Shot, but since it takes up another feat slot, not quite as good. ***
Psionic Meditation: Needed by most characters taking Psionic Shot to refocus as a move action. Useful only to these characters. ****
Wild Talent: Necessary in many builds to generate the prereq for Psionic Shot, but also can meet the prereq for Thrallherd if you want to use the sacrificial rules from BoVD to make items. Its useless to anyone else that doesn't use either of these. **
Mind Over Body: Only useful for Warlocks that want to take Darkspeech for turning their Summoned Swarms into Hive Minds, and only mildly useful for that (a level of Binder or becoming Undead works much better). *
Psionic Weapon, Greater Psionic Weapon: Similar to Psionic Shot, but is only remotely useful to melee-Warlock builds. Since you have to expend your focus every time you use it, you'll never get a full round of attacks out of it (past 5th level, of course). Not worth the feat slots. *
Item Creation:The Warlock gets the ability to create any item that they have the item creation feat with a UMD check. If you plan on making any items when you get the ability, its always better to take Able Learner at 1st level and dip 2 levels of Chameleon, as the 2nd level ability grants any feat you meet the prereq's for 24 hours. If you can't take Chameleon due to the campaign, then here's a quick ranking of the PHB item creation feats:
Brew Potion: Buy them, don't make them. 1/2*
Craft Magic Arms And Armor: You can wear light armor, after all, and the tank will love you, but generally not as synergistic as the other crafting feats. **
Craft Rod: Not good enough for a feat, but worth it if you burn through Warlock's Scepters often. *+1/2
Craft Staff: They need to hold at least 2 spells, and many DMs don't allow custom staffs. Even then the fire staff is still cheap for what it does. Add a few 0 level spells along with the real spell you want to keep the cost low for custom staffs. Staffs in general are better than Wands as you can use your Cha to boost the DC. *** without custom staffs, **** with custom staffs
Craft Wand: By the time you can make them, they're losing utility. Slightly better than Craft Staff if custom staffs aren't allowed. Don't make wands for blasting for yourself: you've got Eldritch Blast. Instead, make useful utility wands. ***+1/2
Craft Wondrous Item: Always decent, but many items are cheap enough to buy. ***+1/2
Forge Ring: Better if you can make custom rings, but usually still sucks. * with custom rings, otherwise 1/2*
Scribe Scroll: A good feat to have, even with Chameleon, as it allows you to scribe any spell in the game in an emergency. ****+1/2
Craft Construct: A Warlock with a bunch of crafting Homonculi and Golems would make for an interesting character, but its just not worth the feat prerequisites to get this. *
Craft Contingent Spell (CArc): Its good on normal casters, so why wouldn’t it work here? There’s nothing like having a Divine Power saved for the first time you enter combat to really kick arse. ***
Craft Rune Circle: I find the Rune Circles a little expensive to make. Still, there’s some abuses for it. I rate this about equal with Craft Arms and Armor. **
Dual Wand Wielder (CArc): It’s got a bad prereq for Warlocks, although they usually can meet it. You don’t want to rely this heavily on Wands. *
Reckless Wand Wielder (CArc), Wand Mastery (Eb): You don’t want to rely this much on wands. Just wait until you can make staffs instead. *
Magical Artisan, Legendary Artisan, Extraordinary Artisan: These feats are just nominally approved on Artificers, so why would you take them? **
Feats from Lords of Madness:Aberration Banemagic [TB]: Highly campaign specific and requires DM permission since it doesn’t mention invocations, this can be an AWESOME feat if you’re fighting aberrations with anything like regularity. +2d6 damage and +2 DC with ALL invocations whenever used against aberrations. Stacks with anything else that increases damage or DC, like Vitriolic Blast (though obviously not Moralbane). Especially useful with area effects, like Chilling Tentacles. ** / ***** (depending on how often you fight aberrations)
Aberration Blood [Aberrant]* [AR]: The "gateway" Aberrant feat. On its own, it's Skill Focus with an associated deformity, and not really much use to a warlock. Skip it unless you intend to take more Aberrant feats. *
Bestial Hide [Aberrant] [AR]: The fact that the natural armor bonus increases as you take more Aberrant feats is nice, but it costs too much for a warlock to find useful. *
Deepspawn [Aberrant] [AR]: Yay, tentacles! But seriously, three feats for two low-damage tentacle attacks and a small grapple bonus is so-so at best; you're better off with chilling tentacles. ** / **** (if you like tentacles)
Durable Form [Aberrant] [AR]: Gaining extra hit points as you take more Aberrant feats isn't a bad deal, but Improved Toughness is worth more in the long run. **
Inhuman Reach [Aberrant] [AR]: Eldritch blast and eldritch glaive are vastly better ways to reach out and touch somebody. 0
Inhuman Vision [Aberrant] [AR]: All-seeing eyes beats the heck out of the Spot bonus; ditto for devil's sight or see the unseen and the short-range darkvision. 0
Parrying Shield [AR]: No help for warlocks unless they've gained shield proficiency, but VERY useful for characters with a good shield bonus and poor touch AC. 0 for normal warlock / **** if you can use a shield
Quick Recovery [AR]: The ability to throw off stunning and dazing effects is very nice, especially since you can try to shake off effects that didn't allow a save when they occurred. ****
Scavenging Gullet [Aberrant] [AR]: The bonus vs ingested poisons and diseases is appropriate for the (ahem) flavor of the feat, but I've never been in a situation where it would have helped. *
Starspawn [Aberrant] [AR]: Limited flight, minor cold resistance, and immunity to some conditions caused by high altitude is a so-so bonus for having to give up three feats. Fell flight is better. *
Warped Mind [Aberrant] [AR]: The Force of Personality feat from Complete Adventurer gives you the same sort of bonus on Will saves, but more of it, and all up-front. Extra psionic power points are pointless for a warlock. 0
Waterspawn [Aberrant] [AR]: Swimming the Styx will give you all the benefits of this feat except for the slight cold resistance. 0
* The Aberrant feats work best if you take them for thematic reasons rather than mechanical ones. Although intended to reflect a character's (distant) aberration ancestry, they could be used to show a fiendish origin instead.
Feats from Heroes of HorrorBlood Calls to Blood [AR]: This fiend-focused feat is right up the warlock's alley in terms of flavor and function; the only catch is deciding whether or not warlocks qualify as spontaneous arcane spellcasters. If you're in a fiend-heavy campaign, see if you can get the DM to fudge the prereqs a bit. ****
Debilitating Strike [Tainted]* [AR]: This one could be useful for a melee-lock who wants to maul good outsiders and other DR/evil opponents. The ability to damage Constitution and/or Wisdom is nice, too, but the limited uses per day could be a serious hindrance, if they apply to the entire feat and not just the ability damage. ***
Disease Immunity [AR]: If your DM likes biowarfare and cure disease is scarce, this feat can help you and your entire party. Taking it more than once would be overdoing it, though. **
Dreamtelling [AR]: This feat is useless unless the DM has introduced a "dream world" into the campaign. If that's the case, it's handy for dealing with the related weirdness, especially since Knowledge (the planes) is a class skill for warlocks. Not the greatest warlock feat overall, however. 0 or ***
Font of Life [AR]: If energy-draining enemies are anything like common in your campaign world, take this feat. The ability to shrug off a negative level the moment you get it is godly. *****
Lunatic Insight [Tainted]* [AR]: Use all Knowledge skills untrained, plus get a modest initiative bonus and a save bonus vs mind-affecting effects. Not bad. ***
Master of Knowledge [AR]: A flat bonus to all Knowledge checks. Not really that good unless you can use all the Knowledge skills. **
Pure Soul* [AR]: A nice way to avoid physical degeneration and insanity without paying for magical treatment. True, a warlock in a horror campaign should be the one most susceptible to the effects of taint, but the idea of the opposite being true -that the cleric and paladin fall prey to ever-increasing corruption and depravity while the warlock remains unaffected- is darkly amusing. *****
Spirit Sense [AR]: You see dead people. Cheap movie references aside, the bonus to Spot incorporeal creatures is somewhat useful; last I checked, however, such beasties were silent unless they wanted to be heard, making Listen checks (and bonuses thereof) rather irrelevant. The short time-frame for seeing recently dead spirits seems kind of useless too. **
Surge of Malevolence [Tainted]* [AR]: This is like a variant of action points, and it only gets more effective as you turn more corrupt or depraved. Too bad it's only once per day. **
Tainted Fury [Tainted]* [AR]: Gain extra hit points, make a smite attack, and risk Con damage at the end of the rage-like period. A warlock can find use for this feat whether he favors melee or has been dragged into it against his will, but the post-fury hp loss and Con damage is something to watch out for. ****
Unnatural Will [AR]: Charisma modifier + Wisdom modifier on Will saves vs fear? Interesting thought, but I'd rather just take Force of Personality (again), and free up the feat that would have gone to Iron Will. *
* Pure Soul and the Tainted feats are useless if the rules for taint aren't in effect.
Feats from Complete MageBattlecaster Defense [Tactical] [AR]: This feat specifies the casting of spells, but could be converted for a warlock's use with no pain at all, beyond the Combat Casting requirement. ***
Battlecaster Offense [Tactical] [AR]: The flip side of the previous feat, just not as useful. Same caveats. **
Delay Potion [AR]: The only reason I'd take this feat would be so I could walk around with a cure spell in reserve. Since warlocks can manage just as well with UMD, why bother? *
Favored Magic Foe [AR]: A little narrow, but not entirely poor. Your class skill list allows you to meet the requirements for several common enemy types. ***
Magic Device Attunement [AR]: Being able to activate one magical item without further UMD checks sounds nice in theory (especially since you can switch your attunement to a different item), but in practice, no warlock should be worried about failing UMD checks. **
Master of Undeath [AR]: This is a great feat for a warlock with the dead walk, provided that you can find sufficiently big, powerful, and dead creatures to reanimate. Or you can animate one big bruiser and a lot of lesser troops; either way is good, and if you do things right, it's unlikely that the big guy will survive long enough to break free and eat your brains. Mmmm. Brains. 0 without the dead walk / **** with
Feats Tome of MagicBind Vestige [AR]: Bind one of five vestiges and gain a minor supernatural power for up to 24 hours. Sort of like Extra Invocation, except that the powers are only interrupted by antimagic, and you can bind a different vestige each day. The powers themselves aren't much to speak of except at low levels; thematically, though, this is the sort of ability a warlock would be expected to have. ***
Defense Against the Supernatural [AR]: An insight bonus on saves vs supernatural special attacks. If you run into such things often, it'll help; if not, skip it. **
Empower, Enlarge, Extend, and Quicken Utterance [AR]: Unless you multiclass as a truenamer, you burn far too many feats just qualifying for these. 0
Empower, Enlarge, Extend, and Widen Supernatural Ability [AR]: None of these are helpful to a warlock, even if he has Bind Vestige. A binder/warlock might find them useful. 0
Focused Lexicon [AR]: Too narrowly focused to be useful to anyone without binder levels. 0
Improved Bind Vestige [AR]: Opens up eight new supernatural powers you can gain by binding a vestige. They're a bit better than the previous ones. ***
Minor Utterance of the Evolving Mind [AR]: Choose one of four 1st-level utterances, each of which is equivalent to two spells. You have to spend 12 skill points or 6 points and a feat to get this, but some of the utterances are pretty useful. ***
Obscure Personal Truename [AR]: A minor benefit, useful vs enemy truenamers. The notion that your truename is somehow protected (perhaps by the pact that gives you eldritch power) is thematically appealing. Having to spend 12 skill points or 6 skill points and another feat is too rich for this, though. **
Personal Truename Backlash [AR]: The effect is interesting, but minor for something you can only gain at 15th level or higher. By this point, you have better things to spend feats on. *
Practiced Binder [AR]: You gain two abilities for binding a vestige. Combine with Improved Bind Vestige and you can obtain some useful abilities, but really not enough for burning three feats. **
Sudden Ability Focus [AR]: Once per day, you add the benefit of Ability Focus to any one special attack you have. It stacks with regular Ability Focus, and you can take it multiple times for extra uses. Nifty. ***
Supernatural Crusader [AR]: The offensive version of Defense Against the Supernatural. About as useful. **
Supernatural Opportunist [AR]: Gain a sneak attack against threatened enemies that use a supernatural ability. You need Supernatural Crusader as a prereq. Not that helpful for a warlock. *
Truename Research [AR]: The effect of this feat is too specialized to be useful for any warlock who doesn't have ranks of truenamer. 0
Truename Training [AR]: Truespeak becomes a class skill. Doesn't help warlocks at all, except to make feats with Truespeak rank prereqs easier to afford. *
Utterance of the Crafted Tool, the Evolving Mind, and the Perfected Map [AR]: The utterances you can pick up from these feats are handy, but the prereqs are just too costly for a warlock. *
Other Feats Able Learner (RoD): Mainly useful as a prerequisite for Chameleon, which will give some great diversity to the Warlock. If you plan on multi-classing a lot, it’s a great feat, but otherwise just meh. I don’t consider it worth taking if you don’t plan on getting into Chameleon. **
Battlecaster (CA): Most useful to Melee Warlocks, who can use it to wear Mithril Fullplate. Usually they don’t have as many free feats for it, though. ***
Combat Brute (CWar): As Shocktrooper; generally Shocktrooper is taken before this feat. ***
Dark Speech (Hordes of the Abyss): This feat breaks the game (Elephant Jack made this discovery). You can use it with Summon Swarm to generate a Sorcerer that can cast 6th level spells immediately, that can summon more powerful swarms to generate a chain of more and more powerful casters, all under your control (if you do it right). Expect to get chips and soda in your hair after you come to the table with this. *****+++ (broke, as in beyond Druid broke)
Defensive Archery (RotW): A feat to give +4 AC when provoking with a ranged attack? It might be useful for a few levels when your damage is actually worth a damn, but not worth the slot in the long run. *
Diving Charge (RotW): +2d6 damage when charging from flying. Neat for Melee Warlocks, it still would be a tight fit to put this in a standard build. **
Extraordinary Spell Aim (CAdv): Many DM’s won’t allow you to use this, as your Invocations aren’t spells. It’s a nice feat if they do allow it, as it allows you to nicely manipulate your Chilling Touch effects. **
Extra Invocation (CA): A great feat if you have room for it. Generally better to take after you have access to Greater and Dark Invocations. ****
Frightful Presence (Draconomicon): A nice Cha-synergy effect for Melee Warlocks. Only works on charges, but the DC is cha based. I’d add it after a few other charging feats. ***
Leap Attack (CAdv): See Power Attack above. Very useful to Melee Warlocks. ***+1/2
Maximize Spell-like Ability (CA): The main advantage of this feat is that it makes your Eldritch Blast easier to use in combat at higher level (you don’t have to count as many die). Not really worth the feat slot. ***
Mobile Spellcasting (CAdv): Don’t take this if you have access to Flyby Attack. It also specifies spells, not SLAs so you need DM fiat to make it work. You do get more movement out of this than Flyby Attack, normally, though. ***
Mortalbane (BoVD): An extra 2d6 damage to anything not a Construct or Undead or Outsider, and 1/2 to them. If allowed (it’s 3.0), better than Psionic Shot simply because it doesn’t require a power point reserve, psionic focus, or a prereq feat. *****
Neraph Charge (PlH): This is a very useful feat for Rogue / Warlocks that want to melee. Its not horrid on Melee Warlocks, as it renders the opponents you charge flat-footed. Theres worse ways to spend a feat. *+1/2
Plunging Shot (RotW): Another +d6 damage feat if you fly. I have nothing else to say about it. **
Shocktrooper (CWar): Melee Warlocks will find it useful, for obvious reasons, but not surprisingly, its not as useful as in normal melee builds since you only have to roll touch attacks. The prereq feat, Imp Bull Rush, isn’t quite that useful. ***
Tomb-tainted Soul (LM): You can heal with an Utterdark Blast, but by the time you get that, its not worth taking. Just become a Necropolitan instead for the same effect. *
Undead Leadership (LM): See Leadership above. * to *****