Looking through
My Kirby, I'm thinking about some changes.
Changing Inhale as follows:
Inhale (Ex): As a standard action a Kirby can inhale large amounts of air. This grants the Kirby the Full of Air status, which is required for the use of some of its abilities. While Full of Air, the Kirby is holding its breath and is counted as having prepared to do so, see Suffocation page 304 of the DMG for details.
As the Kirby grows and develops, his ability to inhale the volume of air improves in speed. At 4th level, Inhale becomes a Move action. At 7th level, Inhale becomes a Swift action.
And also, making Deep Breath occur at level 11.
These changes serving two purposes:
(A) making it so there are no dead levels.
(B) making it so that there isn't such a huge gap of power between level 9 and 10, when Inhale becomes swift.
Also, a third change, to Inhale Enemy:
Making it so that non-flying enemies get a +2 to their saves (cumulative with the stability bonus, which would total to +6), instead of cutting the DC in half.
That was inherited from Umbral Blot, and is way to much of a cut to the effectiveness.