Author Topic: Advice on Straight Psion Build  (Read 8069 times)

Offline Brassthorn

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Advice on Straight Psion Build
« on: March 27, 2012, 10:53:32 AM »
Psion Egoist
Elan Female, True Neutral
Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 11

Books in Play:
[Core] DMG I & II, PHB I & II, MMI
[SRD] UA Class Variants, Feats
[Eberron] ECS, PGtE, SoS, Sharn - City of Towers (planned, not yet acquired)
[Other] XPH, CompPsi(many spell nerfs ignored), CompArc, Spell Compendium

Notable House Rules:
  • Not using action points.
  • Divine Mind barred.
  • Warforged, Synad, Artificer currently NPC only.
  • Bestow Power only transfers PP from a manifester to one and only one other manifester, period.
  • Manifesting a power directly from Addressing a power stone flushes it.
  • Sharing Metamorphosis with your psicrystal allows it to change into whatever you do. Same with Metamorphosis(Greater) if you instantly initiate a change, but other changes during the spell duration can be done independently.
  • Plane of Shadows has multiple layers (DC 35 Knowledge(Planes) to know this.) Loosely based on JAGS Wonderland.
  • Dal Quor has access to lower planes of Shadow.
  • Astral Construct CompPSi nerf ignored.
  • With DM's permission, Amethyst Burst is taken from Dragon Magic. And has been already used against us! :twitch

The tone of the campaign is a bit grim, with a story arc that (metaphorically) starts in Chinatown and ends in R'lyeh, but is not without hope.

Character is one of a party of 9, all level 2. Since we've already hit level 2, cries to be a synad, human, kalashtar, start as an Erudite or Shaper are of no avail. :p

She has a focus on survivability, but not so heavily as to make her useless to the rest of the party. She currently wears leather armor and has a masterwork heavy darkwood shield for protection, and is saving gold for a mithral chain shirt. My feeling is that armor covers the AC needs at the lower levels, so I don't need Inertial Armor until later. Personality wise, she is slightly traumatized by the binding of a Quori to her, and spends a lot of time a bit out of touch.

The rest of the party is all second level, consisting of:
  • Human Dragon Shaman
  • Half-Elf Beguiler
  • Human Ranger (Urban Variant) (Lurk multiclassing at 3rd)
  • Gnome Bard
  • Human Monk (Ardent multiclassing at 3rd Mantles: Life, Freedom(?))
  • Changeling Cleric (Diety:The Traveler, Domains: Artifice, Travel)
  • Half-Elf Warlock
  • Half-Orc Barbarian
Because of the party size, our healing and buffing is stretched a little thin. The Cleric covers about half, and the hope going forward is that a Dragon Shaman, Ardent with Life Mantle, Bard, and Psion with Vigor + Share Pain + Psicrystal + Empathic Transfer equals roughly another cleric for healing purposes. There is also no Wizard or Sorcerer, but Psion + Beguiler + Bard + Warlock should cover the usual role of a full arcane caster well enough.

None of the other characters are particularly optimized, nor do I expect them to be. Some of the players simply don't care about optimizing or dislike dealing with it, or will only do enough to feel their character is adequate. (The last is the reason for the Monk/Ardent.) That's fine - it's a group of family and friends, and D&D is the instrument of our socializing, not the reason for it. My goal is to have a strong, effective character without overshadowing the rest of the party members.

Much of the following build was made possible by Saeomon's excellent Virtually No-Nonsense Guide To Psions and he has many thanks from me for the work he did. The credit for any good stuff is wholly or partially his - the blame for bad stuff is completely mine.

  • Thematic: Feats and powers with a green glow are so a part of the character concept that I'm willing to accept a less than perfectly optimal choice in order to have them. That doesn't mean they are sub-optimal, just that I'm willing to accept it. I'll only drop them if they turn out to be trash.
  • BonusB: Feats marked with a superscripted "B" are bonus feats.
  • ResearchedR: Powers marked with a superscripted "R" are powers known by research.
  • KnownEK: Powers marked with a superscripted "EK" are powers known through the Expanded Knowledge feat.
  • Weak: Powers or feats in gray italics are selections I would like to improve or feel uncertain about their strength.

The feats and powers listed below are the selections as they come up in level, and do not necessarily reflect final selections. Once Psychic Reformation enters the picture, the build begins to change.

| Feats | Powers
| Combat Manifestation, Enhanced Elan ResilienceB | Demoralize, Entangling Ectoplasm, Vigor
| | Crystal Shard, Ectoplasmic Sheen (aka Psionic Grease)
| Expanded Knowledge: Astral Construct | Amethyst Burst, Astral ConstructEK, Energy Adaptation (Specified)
| | Empathic Transfer, Share Pain
| Psicrystal Affinity (Single-Minded)B | Energy Wall, Precognition (Defensive)
| Metamorphic Transfer | Concealing Amorphia (Greater)R, Time Hop
| | Dispel Psionics, Metamorphosis
| | Psychic Reformation, Touchsight
| Expanded Knowledge: Schism | Hustle, SchismEK, Wall of Ectoplasm
| Extend PowerB | Dominate (Psionic)R, Inertial BarrierR
| | Temporal Acceleration
| Boost Construct | Contingency (Psionic), Disintegrate (Psionic)
| | Inconstant Location
| | Energy Conversion, Fission
| Psionic Meditation, Quicken PowerB | Mind Blank (Psionic)
| | Bend Reality, Teleport (Greater)
| | Metamorphosis (Greater)
| Psicrystal Containment | True Metabolism, Reality Revision
| | Fate of OneR
| Twin SpellB | Assimilate, Stygian Conflagration

Psychic Reformations and Researches by Level
Note: Where reformations make powers or feats very fleeting, I have not listed them on the above table.
Research Concealing Amorpha(Greater) (3rd level power, 200XP x 3 weeks = 600XP)
Reformat Psicrystal Affinity (Single Minded) to Craft Dorje. Reformat highest level powers (except Psychic Reformation) into Identify(Psionic), Animal Affinity, Divination(Psionic), True Seeing(Psionic) and Ectoplasmic Shambler and make Dorjes of all. Reformat Craft Dorje into Psicrystal Affinity(Nimble) and restore original power selection. (250XP + 250XP = 500XP)
Research Inertial Barrier (4th level power, 200XP x 4 weeks = 800XP) and Dominate(Psionic) (4th level power, 200XP x 4 weeks = 800XP) (Total: 1,600XP)
Reformat 1st level Demoralize into Inertial Armor. (12 x 50XP = 600XP)
Take the power Fusion and the feats Psionic Meditation and Craft Dorje. Make a Dorje of Fusion, then reformat into the power Mind Blank(Psionic) and reformat the Craft Dorje feat to Quicken Power. (50XP)
Reformat 1st level Combat Manifestation to Psicrystal Affinity, change 5th level Psicrystal Affinity to Boost Construct, change 12th level Boost Construct to Linked Power. (16 x 50XP = 800XP)
If and only if a Tome of Clear Thought(+5) has not yet been obtained and after gaining sufficient XP for level 19 (but before training), manifest five Reality Revisions in immediate succession (using  to grant +5 inherent bonus to intelligence. (25,000XP)
Research Fate of One (7th level power, 200XP x 7 weeks = 1,400XP)

After all this, we end up with this feat/power selection:

| Feats | Powers
| Enhanced Elan ResilienceB, Psicrystal Affinity (Nimble) | Entangling Ectoplasm, Inertial Armor, Vigor
| | Crystal Shard, Ectoplasmic Sheen (aka Psionic Grease)
| Expanded Knowledge: Astral Construct | Amethyst Burst, Astral ConstructEK, Energy Adaptation (Specified)
| | Empathic Transfer, Share Pain
| Boost ConstructB | Energy Wall, Precognition (Defensive)
| Metamorphic Transfer | Concealing Amorphia (Greater)R, Time Hop
| | Dispel Psionics, Metamorphosis
| | Psychic Reformation, Touchsight
| Expanded Knowledge: Schism | Hustle, SchismEK, Wall of Ectoplasm
| Extend PowerB | Dominate (Psionic)R, Inertial BarrierR
| | Temporal Acceleration
| Linked Power | Contingency (Psionic), Disintegrate (Psionic)
| | Inconstant Location
| | Energy Conversion, Fission
| Psionic Meditation, Quicken PowerB | Mind Blank (Psionic)
| | Bend Reality, Teleport (Greater)
| | Metamorphosis (Greater)
| Psicrystal Containment | True Metabolism, Reality Revision
| | Fate of OneR
| Twin SpellB | Assimilate, Stygian Conflagration

Why are my grays uncertain? Here's my thinking on each:

Stygian Conflagration: No save is great, and negative levels are a good way to cripple the enemy. But power resistance still applies, and immunities to level loss effects are not uncommon at higher levels.

Reality Revision: For flexibility, I've got Bend Reality. But Reality Revision is harsh at 5000XP per casting. Having it take up spell slot all the time for something I might use once in a blue moon seems wasteful. I'm thinking of just getting Imprint Stone and keeping one or two around for emergencies, and going with something else. I'm not sure what else to take. Is it irrational to not want to give up a 9th level slot for a mid-level power? Yes, I think it is, and maybe I'll go with Anticipatory Strike.

Psicrystal Containment: Yes, having a second focus is marvelous for ... what? I can think of some going nova scenarios that are nice, but I'm mostly looking at the Psionic Meditation feat and Hustle for quickly regaining focus. Quickened Twin Power Some Power (Swift) -> Regain focus (move) -> Some Power Twin Power is a good opening move, but that won't be the bulk of my actions.

But mostly, can you expend two psionic foci on a single action? Does Psionic Meditation allow you to refocus your psicrystal's focus as a move action as well as your own? RAW mostly fails to say you can't - is that really a statement that you can? If the answer to both is yes, I'm inclined to keep it.

Finally, some items I think I'll pick up as my budget allows.
Many Utility Spells: Dorjes listed above.
Detect Hostile Intent: Amulet of Enemy Detection (maybe add Anticipatory Strike 3/day).
Freedom of Movement: Ring of Freedom of Movement.
+1 Mithal Chain Shirt of Heavy Fortification, with psionic Seeing and Gleaming.
+5 Animated, Radiant Heavy Darkwood Shield.

Whew! Thanks to every one who read the whole thing, and triple thanks in advance to anyone who offers constructive advice.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 09:12:15 AM by Brassthorn »
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Offline Lycanthromancer

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Re: Advice on Straight Psion Build
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2012, 01:57:40 PM »
Addressing a power stone FLUSHES IT?! This means that you cannot use them, because you have to address a power stone to learn what's on it, and you must do that before you can later use an action to manifest a power from it.

That's basically the same as saying using Read Magic on a scroll wipes the scroll. Either you used the wrong wording, or your DM doesn't know what he's doing.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 02:00:30 PM by Lycanthromancer »

Offline Brassthorn

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Re: Advice on Straight Psion Build
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2012, 02:48:29 PM »
Sorry, wrong wording! I meant to say learning a power (for 1 round) from a stone for manifesting flushes the stone.
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Re: Advice on Straight Psion Build
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2012, 06:59:15 PM »
Divine Mind is nerfed ?!
Oh that's just terrible. 
I mean it saves it from dying like round 2 or 3 every combat, but STILL ...

Can you use the Mind's Eye update(s)?
The level 5 thingy helps the healing, and opens mantles to you.
That can cut down the amount of researching and EK feats.
Especially if your DM allows mantles to have Substitute Powers.

Slightly more room for feats and item crafting.
Your codpiece is a mimic.

Offline Brassthorn

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Re: Advice on Straight Psion Build
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2012, 10:08:30 PM »
Divine Mind is nerfed ?!
Oh that's just terrible. 
I mean it saves it from dying like round 2 or 3 every combat, but STILL ...

Can you use the Mind's Eye update(s)?
The level 5 thingy helps the healing, and opens mantles to you.
That can cut down the amount of researching and EK feats.
Especially if your DM allows mantles to have Substitute Powers.

Slightly more room for feats and item crafting.

Our main DM (there's rotation) is a new one - I've been acting as a "mentor" and it was my desire to see the Divine Mind barred. Not that anyone in our group would ever play one, but I hated the whole shift in psionics the Divine Mind creates. Psionics goes from "inner power" to just another power that depends on leeching off someone else's mojo. Their mere existence is an offense to the self-sufficient mentalists we all know and love! (I'm not fond of some of the planar powers for the same reason.) Still, if it could be guaranteed that any Divine Mind we met would die within 2 rounds  :clap - but no, I guess not...

Some Mind's Eye is allowed. Web material is done on a case by case basis. I looked at the True Healer option, but as an egoist, all the healing powers I wanted were already in my class list, and I'm not trying to be a primary healer. It's a tempting exercise in casuistry to try to justify Astral Construct, Schism, Dominate, Inertial Barrier, Concealing Amorpha and Fate of One as Substitute Powers in a Healing mantle though! If I could do that, I would be an Ardent!

Once I have Psychic Reformation, any item crafting feat is always just a few hundred XP away at most between adventures. The added XP cost will mean I need to really ask myself if it's justified, and I'll want to save up my crafting to do in bulk to reduce the overhead (although I can also get Legendary Artisan, et. al. if that's a more than break even proposition.) Since we have nigh full magic/psionics transparency, I might pick up a Talisman of Transference.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 09:08:00 AM by Brassthorn »
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Re: Advice on Straight Psion Build
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2012, 04:59:33 AM »
My best advice:  You go, girl!

Offline Rebel7284

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Re: Advice on Straight Psion Build
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2012, 08:55:56 AM »
try to age soon.  So many stats being odd numbers hurt my eyes.

Also, take linked power earlier. 

Offline Brassthorn

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Re: Advice on Straight Psion Build
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2012, 10:20:07 AM »
try to age soon.  So many stats being odd numbers hurt my eyes.

Also, take linked power earlier.

Thanks to her back story, she's already older than usual for a starting character, but I still have about a century to go before middle age. I guess I could go ghost hunting, but I really don't want to lose that point of Con! Of course, a 20 level dip in monk would take care of that.

Linked Power was a late addition to the build. I'm thinking I could swap it with EK:Schism as they perform similar roles - granting me more manifester opportunities.

My best advice:  You go, girl!
I'll ... pass that along to her.  :huh

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Re: Advice on Straight Psion Build
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2012, 10:37:37 AM »
You can use Greater Bestow Curse (or maybe even the normal one) to age a category.

Make it an easy to break curse so if someone is draining your CON score, you can break it instantly.  Better than real aging!
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 10:40:24 AM by Rebel7284 »

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Re: Advice on Straight Psion Build
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2012, 12:59:14 PM »
This is relevent to my interests.
(I am playing an old Elan Psion, Lvl 8 (But a telepath), who got levels of anarchic Initiate and Thrallherd)

I would think (Based on my experience) that if you have an used the Vigor/Sharepain/Psirystal combo, you don't need to have the enhanced Elan Resistance. I planned for taking that feat at Level 9... but the effect is mostly limited. (In our game we are usually the attackers, so i know when i have to expect trouble and have Vigor up. If surprised, I mostly have enough Power Points to survive the alpha. Also if beset by many attackers or mutliple effect... you can use it only once per round (I hate getting hit by magic missiles *g*)

I totally support your choice of having Schism and Time-hop (Time-Hop is amazing in utility) Ususally i am sending doors and such into the future

With the Psicrystal containment vs "Getting it back". Tough one. Both good... and yeah, i had a lot of situations were i would have liked more than one focus (And i only have Empower Power)

But i rely on my opening attack (If attacking HP) on an overchanneled, chaotic surged, empowered whatever to just decimate the foe. Would be nice to have a focus in the second rounde too.

Short question: Anybody has a reasonable way of having Schism last longer in mid-levels?

So far i have to say: I really like the Psion. Yours too *g*

Offline Brassthorn

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Re: Advice on Straight Psion Build
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2012, 01:45:27 PM »
This is relevent to my interests.  [...] you don't need to have the enhanced Elan Resistance. [...] (In our game we are usually the attackers, so i know when i have to expect trouble and have Vigor up. [...]

As I've said, I'm partially taking it because it was thematic. She entered the campaign as a rescued slave. She was somewhat feared by the superstitious slave masters because beatings, starvation, etc. didn't take, and they were afraid to push too hard as she was not to be killed. (The bound quori spirit is expected to suffer.)

But there's also enough intrigue in the campaign that it's reasonable to expect a number of surprise attacks when Vigor is down. I'm looking for ways to improve initiative and avoid being flat-footed.

We also had an encounter with ogres where her 1st standard action was to drag a fallen team member away from the ogre, and that feat allow her to survive the AoO. Kind of makes me sentimental. (misty tear drop falls)

With the Psicrystal containment vs "Getting it back". Tough one. Both good... and yeah, i had a lot of situations were i would have liked more than one focus (And i only have Empower Power)

But i rely on my opening attack (If attacking HP) on an overchanneled, chaotic surged, empowered whatever to just decimate the foe. Would be nice to have a focus in the second round too.

If it's worth two feats and a power selection to you: Psionic Meditation, Expanded Knowledge(Hustle) and Hustle.
Round 1: Expend Focus.
Round 2: Manifest Hustle as swift action, granting you an additional move action. Use new move action to recover focus (as allowed by Psionic Meditation.) Still have your normal move and standard action to wreak havoc! If you don't need your move action, you can skip the Hustle.

Short question: Anybody has a reasonable way of having Schism last longer in mid-levels?
Do you mean beyond what Extend Power can do? It's only a 2 point augment, so it won't take long to be able to use it afterwards. Plus, it really is great for those 1/hour per level powers around 12th level. Buff at bedtime, wake with buffs still running and all power points back!

Without Persistent Power (non-WoTC), I don't think you'll get Schism to run through multiple combats.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 01:47:35 PM by Brassthorn »
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Re: Advice on Straight Psion Build
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2012, 02:14:17 PM »
At the very least, I feel I should mention that the power stone houserule isn't a houserule at all.  That is actually official.
"When life gives you lemons, fire them back at high velocity."