Name | Source | Leader Requirements | Member Requirements | Benefit |
Awareness | PHBII | Listen 12 and Spot 12 | Listen 2 or Spot 2 | Every member of the team gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Listen and Spot checks if any other team member is within 30 feet. |
Camp Routine | PHBII | Survival 8 or Self-Sufficient | Survival 1 | Your team can set up and break camp with an eye toward defensibility and efficiency. The team member on watch gains a +2 bonus on Spot and Listen checks, and each sleeping team member gains a +4 bonus on Listen checks to hear any sounds within 30 feet. |
Circle of Blades | PHBII | Weapon Specialization and BAB +6 | Sneak attack +1d6 | Any team member who readies an action to attack when the task leader does gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls against the same target. |
Climbing Squad | DS | Climb 8 | Climb 1 | When encountering a surface to be scaled, the task leader must climb it first. Upon reaching the top (or another safe point along the climb), the leader can use the aid another action to grant a +4 bonus (instead of the usual +2) to each other member who attempts the climb. In addition, each member after the task leader can attempt accelerated climbing and take a -2 penalty to the Climb check. |
Crowded Charge | PHBII | Jump 8 | Jump 1 | Other team members do not block movement for the purpose of determining whether a team member can charge. However, a charging team member must still end her movement in an unoccupied space. |
Cunning Ambush | PHBII | Hide 8 and Listen 8 | Hide 1 | If the team members allow the task leader to prepare their hiding positions, he can make a special Hide check to camouflage them. This check is modified by each team member’s armor check penalty and Dexterity rather than the task leader’s, and the camouflage effect lasts until the team member moves. Hiding a team member in this manner requires 10 minutes of work. |
Cunning Ambush, Improved | PHBII | Hide 12 and Listen 12 | Hide 3 and cunning ambush | During the surprise round, each team member who is not surprised and has been camouflaged (see Cunning Ambush) can take a full round’s worth of actions. |
Door Procedures | DMGII | Listen 8 and Search 8 | Listen 1 or Search 1 | When listening at or searching a door or similar portal, the task leader gains a +1 circumstance bonus on his Listen and Search checks for each team member within 10 feet of the door. If the task leader chooses to take 20 on a Listen or Search check made at a door, he can do so in half the normal time (as if he had made ten attempts, rather than twenty). |
Expert Mountaineers | PHBII | Climb 8 and Use Rope 8 | Climb 1 or Use Rope 1 | If a team member succeeds on a Climb check, every other team member adjacent to him gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Climb checks made to ascend the same surface. Furthermore, each team member can make an accelerated climb with only a –2 penalty on the Climb check. Finally, a team member can catch a falling comrade by succeeding on a Climb check against the wall’s DC (not against the wall’s DC + 10). |
Fearsome Roster | HoB | Intimidate 8 | Cha 13 or Intimidate 1 | Enemies who can see at least two members of your team take a penalty on morale checks equal to 1 + one quarter of the Hit Dice of the lowest level member of the team. |
Field Medic Training | DMGII | Heal 8 | Heal 1 | If two team members each attempt to stabilize the same dying creature in the same round, the second attempt automatically succeeds. |
Foe Hunting | PHBII | Favored enemy (any one) +4 | Survival 1 and BAB +4 | Each team member who assumes a flanking position with the task leader against his favored enemy gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls against that creature. |
Friendly Fire Evasion | HoB | Spellcraft 4 and evasion | Ref +2 and Spellcraft 1 | You gain the evasion ability (see page 41 of the Player’s Handbook), but only concerning spells cast by your team members. |
Friendly Fire Evasion, Improved | HoB | Spellcraft 6 and improved evasion | Friendly fire evasion, Ref +3, and Spellcraft 1 | You gain the improved evasion ability (see page 42 of the Player’s Handbook), but only concerning spells cast by your team members. |
Gaze Aversion | DMGII | Spot 8 | Spot 1 | As long as at least one team member is looking directly at the gaze attack monster, any team member averting his eyes need not make a save against the gaze attack. |
Group Trance | PHBII | Elf blood | Concentration 1 | When team members join hands, the task leader can create a trance link that allows each of them, regardless of race, to meditate in the same manner as elves do. Every team member gains the benefit of 8 hours of sleep after just 4 hours of meditation. |
Heavy Cavalry | HoB | Handle Animal 4, Ride 8, Mounted Combat and Trample | Ride 1 | To close their formation, the team members and their mounts first line up in adjacent squares, then move closer together so that each takes up a square half as wide as usual. For example, a Medium character mounted on a horse or other Large creature normally takes up a 10 foot square, and a team of four such characters would occupy a rectangle 40 feet wide and 10 feet deep. By contrast, if the same team had trained together and acquired this teamwork benefit, they could compress their line into a unit only 20 feet wide and 10 feet deep, making it harder for anyone they overrun to doge between the horses’ hooves. All team members must act on the same initiative count, so some members must delay to match the initiative count of the slowest member in the team. As long as the characters remain in a cohesive set of squares and move at least their speed every round, they gain the following benefits: * They don’t take the –4 penalty on attack rolls and to AC for squeezing (described on page 29 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). * Opponents can’t avoid overruns from team members; they must attempt to block. * The team members’ mounts count as one size category larger for purposes of resolving overruns. For example, a horse counts as a Huge creature (+8 bonus to overrun) rather than a Large creature (+4). For the purposes of area spells and determining position on the battlefield, each Medium character on a Large mount is considered to be occupying a space 5 feet wide and 10 feet long. |
Indirect Fire | PHBII | Precise Shot and BAB +6 | Spot 3 | This benefit denies opponents some of the protection normally granted by cover or concealment. If the spotter has an unobstructed line of sight to the covered or concealed target, she can, as a move action, use hand gestures, spoken directions, and body language to alert allies wielding ranged weapons to the target’s position. If the target has covers, it gains only half the normal cover bonus to Armor Class against the team’s ranged attacks. If the target has concealment, the attacker rolls the miss chance twice to determine whether his attack hits. A spotter who can see invisible targets can use this ability to allow a reroll on the miss chance to strike an invisible creature. |
Infiltration | HoB | Hide 8 and Move Silently 8 | Hide 1 or Move Silently 1 | Your team can move at full speed without taking a –5 penalty on Hide and Move Silently checks. Other penalties (such as from difficult terrain) still apply, and you take the normal penalties on Hide or Move Silently checks while attacking, running, or charging. Team members are always visible to each other despite their Hide check results and the presence of anything less than total concealment (although cover might still block line of sight between team members). If you move to a position where none of your comrades can see or contact you, you lose the teamwork benefit at the start of your next turn and don’t count as part of the team until you reestablish contact with at least one member. |
Invisibility Sweep | HoB | Blind-Fight | — | Each team member can check for the presence of an invisible enemy by groping into four adjacent 5 foot squares within reach, making touch attacks into those squares as described on page 295 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Doing so is a standard action. If one team member pinpoints the location of an invisible enemy (whether through groping, Spot and Listen checks, or other means), every other team member within earshot also has that enemy pinpointed until that enemy moves into a different square. (Pinpointed invisible enemies still gain the benefits of total concealment; see page 152 of the Player’s Handbook). |
Joint Grapple | HoB | BAB +4 or Improved Grapple | — | If you successfully use the aid another action to assist an adjacent team member’s next grapple check or Escape Artist check to escape from a grapple, you provide your teammate with a bonus on that check equal to +4 or your Strength modifier, whichever is higher. |
Joint Bull Rush | HoB | Improved Bull Rush | — | To perform a joint bull rush, all the team members involved must ready the bull rush action until the turn of the member with the slowest initiative. Then all the bull rushing team members move to their target at the same time and make a single bull rush attempt using the Strength bonus of the strongest team member. Each additional team member involved in the joint bull rush applies his or her Strength bonus (minimum +1). The team members must end their movement adjacent to one another, and they all provoke attacks of opportunity from the defender (although the defender can only make a single attack unless he has the Combat Reflexes feat). |
Joint Ram | HoB | Improved Sunder | — | When your team is employing a ram to knock down a barrier or destroy another object, the ram deals an extra 2 points of damage for each team member wielding the ram. In addition, if a team member is trying to break down a door or perform a feat of strength similar to ramming, she gains a +4 bonus on the aid another action. The DM should set limits for how many team members can usefully help break down a particular door (typically two Medium creatures for every 5 feet of the door’s width). |
Like a Rock | PHBII | Stability | Balance 1 | The task leader’s stability bonus against bull rush or trip attempts extends to all team members adjacent to her. This bonus stacks with that provided by stability. |
Long Range Archery | HoB | Far Shot | BAB +1 | When a team member misses with a ranged attack made against a target farther away then one range increment, subsequent ranged attacks any team member makes against that foe take only half the penalty for range (–1 per range increment). If the foe moves more than 20 feet, this benefit does not apply until a team member shoots at and misses the foe again. |
Massed Charge | PHBII | Balance 5 | Balance 1 | The team can make a special charge attack. All team members move on the same initiative count, and each must charge and attack the same target. Each team member gains a bonus on his attack roll after the charge equal to the number of teammates participating. |
Missile Volley | PHBII | Far Shot and Precise Shot | Point Blank Shot | Every member of the team who readies an action to fire a missile weapon when the task leader does gains a bonus on the attack roll equal to the number of team members firing. The task leader also qualifies for the bonus, even though she did not ready an action. All these attacks must be made against the same target. |
Ranged Precision | HoB | BAB +4 and Precise Shot | BAB +2 | The penalty for firing a ranged weapon into a melee is cut in half (from –4 to –2) if every ally in the melee is on your team. The AC benefit your foe gets from cover is likewise cut in half (from +4 to +2) if that cover consists solely of team members. |
Scouting | HoB | Listen 8 and Spot 8 | Listen 1 and Spot 1; or Alertness | The team as a whole can make a free Spot check and a free Listen check at the end of each round, regardless of whether any members of the team have already made such checks that round. Use the lowest check modifier of any member of the team present, with a +1 bonus for every team member beyond the first. In the middle of a combat when actions are precious, this teamwork benefit gives the members detailed information about their immediate environment that they otherwise wouldn’t have. |
Search Team | DS | Search 5, trap sense +1 | Search 1 | As a full-round action, the task leader can apply his Search check result to every square searched by a member of the ream (excluding the task leader). |
Snap Out of It | DMGII | Concentration 8 or Iron Will | Concentration 1 | If a team member is known to be under the sway of a compulsion effect, an adjacent team member can spend a full-round action to grant that team member a new save against the compulsion effect (as the rogue’s slippery mind class feature, except that the second save need not happen in the second round of the effect). No character can grant another team member more than one extra save against any one compulsion effect. However, multiple team members can all attempt to help the same character. |
Spell Barrage | DMGII | Spellcraft 8 | Spellcraft 2 | This benefit is triggered when a team member first casts a spell requiring a Reflex save. Whether they succeed or fail on the save, all enemies within its area take a –2 penalty on Reflex saves for each subsequent Reflex save attempted that round against an effect created by another member of the same team. |
Spellcaster Guardian | HoB | Combat Reflexes and Spellcraft 4 | Dex 13 or Spellcraft 1 | If a spellcaster on your team provokes attacks of opportunity by casting a spell, a team member adjacent to the spellcaster can interpose herself between the spellcaster and one or more attackers at the last moment, taking upon herself attacks of opportunity meant for the spellcaster. The team member can intercept a number of attacks of opportunity equal to 1 + her Dexterity bonus. Resole each attack as normal, using the interposing team member’s Armor Class. If the attacks hits, it damages the interposing character but doesn’t distract the spellcaster. |
Steadfast Resolve | PHBII | Concentration 8 and Iron Will | Will +2 | Any team member who must make a saving throw against a fear spell or effect gains a +2 circumstance bonus on the save if he can see or hear at lest one team member. |
Superior Flank | HoB | Sneak attack +4d6 | BAB +3 | Whenever two members of your team flank the same enemy, all members of the team can make melee attacks against that enemy as if they also flanked her. Creatures that can’t be flanked are unaffected. Furthermore, if at least two members of your team are flanking a foe who has the improved uncanny dodge ability, add together the rogue levels of all the team members engaged in melee with that foe to determine whether she can be flanked. If the sum of your teammates’ rogue levels is four more than the foe has Hit Dice, all members of your team can flank that foe. |
Superior Team Effort | PHBII | Any skill 8 and Skill Focus [chosen skill] | Team leader’s chosen skill 1 | Any team member who attempts to aid another member’s check with the relevant skill must make a DC 5 check to succeed rather than a DC 10 check. |
Team Melee Tactics | PHBII | Combat Expertise and Dodge | BAB +6 | Whenever a team member uses the aid another action to grant another member a bonus on attack rolls, that bonus increases by 1. |
Team Rally | HoB | Cha 13, commander rating 2 | Commander rating 1 | Whenever a team member makes a rally check (see Heroes of Battle, page 73), she gains a +1 bonus on the rally check for each other team member the demoralized troops can see or hear. If a team member is successfully rallied by another team member’s rally check, the morale of the rallied teammate improves by two categories (such as from shaken to heartened). |
Team Rush | PHBII | Survival 8 and Endurance | Survival 1 | When the entire team is traveling overland on foot, each team member moves at the task leader’s speed. This benefit does not extend to combat and similar shortterm movement situations, or to mounted characters. |
Team Shield Maneuver | PHBII | Shield Specialization | Shield Proficiency | When a team member’s hit point drop to –1 or lower, any teammate adjacent to him who carries a shield can use an immediate action to push him out of harm’s way. The injured team member moves 10 feet before falling prone. |
Wall of Steel | PHBII | Tower Shield Proficiency and BAB +8 | Shield Proficiency and BAB +2 | As a swift action, any member of the team can lose his shield bonus to AC and grant it to a single adjacent team member instead. This bonus stacks with the recipient’s existing shield bonus, if any. |