Okay. Do this.
1. Get a cleric who can cast 5th level spells.
2. Buy a ring of spell storing.
3. Get him to cast
Triadspell into it.
4. Triple all your 3rd and lower spells.
Read this spell carefully. It isn't limited to 3rd level clerical or lower. It's ANY third level spell or lower. It can be cast once PER MEMORIZED SPELL. This spell rocks. It's Rary's Mnenomic Enhancer on steroids. It's one of the few spells I'd get as a spell-like ability just so I could cast it three times a day. If you’re a 3rd level wizard/3rd level cleric/6th level Arcane Mystic (almost makes Arcane Mystic not suck. Almost.) you can cast this on yourself over and over and effectively triple your 0-level, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells. Of course it interfers with dumping a spell for a cure/inflict wounds spell, but if you devote one slot per level to healing, you'll have three anyways. The other option is to spend 50,000 gp on a ring of spell storing, cast this spell into the ring, then hand the ring off to the wizard. Repeat the next day. I'm sure he'll love being able to cast fireball three times for one slot. The down side is time. Using this particular trick isn't going to work in the middle of the adventure. Between adventures, when you have a few weeks of down time, there is no reason every spellcaster in the party shouldn't be heading off to battle with the ability to cast every 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spell three times each.
But you want core only headbutting?
Okay, remember this: Damage is capped depending on the level of the spell with a few exceptions. The only way to get beyond the 1d6/level is disintegrate, scorching ray, and empower spell. Rods are your best friend. A metamagic rod... oh hell, just down load the metamagic section of THE SPELLBOOK.
Here. If you check back in a week, I should be done with SSI 2.01 and maybe SSII 1.11. I'd REALLY wait on SSI 2.01, as it should be chock full of goodies involving spell rules and theory.
It has everything you need to know about metamagic including comments, suggestions and what not taken from the internet. You'll need to stick to the feats that are from the PHB, every feet is labled as to the origin, so you'll know which feats to read and which ones to skip.