Hi all,
I'm playing a level 3 gnome beguiler in a 3.5 game (with some pathfinder-y house rules. We use the core books, PH2, and SpC spells approved by the DM for my advanced learning only). He looks like this:
HP 29 Str 7 Dex 14 Con 18 Int 18 Wis 11 Cha 15 AC 15 with some leather armor, a light crossbow, dagger, and a backpack full of all the adventure-y stuff his weak little gnomish arms can carry.
We're nearly done with a two-part adventure and by the time it's over I expect my savings in gold to tip over to the 2000-ish range. I'm kind of at a loss of what to spend it on.
My top two choices are a Mithril Chain Shirt or a Handy Haversack with a resistance cloak as a distant third, but can't decide which is better. The chain shirt gives me 2 more AC and frees up another lb or two, while the Haversack makes it so I have to worry less about carrying in general or retrieving items.
If I try to answer the question in character, I'm kind of stuck too (he really doesn't want to get stabbed/ die, but has only been hit a handful of times and is pretty darn hardy- the Amazonian warrior woman, elf druid, and wizard blasting fire from his hands have been more obvious targets- whereas carrying stuff is probably getting tiresome. But we have made friends with a Dwarven armorer in our base city who could use the business.).
So I'm wondering which is better from a min/max side/ what you would go with?
p.s. hoping I did this right, the beguiler handbook discussion thread was pretty dead.