'nother Psi combo is the Dr#349 Cerebremetamgic feat.
Throw in some recharge to make it sillier.
I made a short thread about it at BG TO.
So basically it needs:
Early Entry Arcane or Divine
Ardent 2 or Psion 3
the Cerebremetagaic feat
as many Metamagic feats as you can find
Dual -Fester PrC as much as you can stand
... solely to get Ppoints up the wazoo to power
all those metamagic slots.
Ardent gets better power access for those spell levels.
Mix in some Psiotheurgist(s) to make it silliest.
Thing is, it isn't a blaster at all while trying to set it up.
Actually is sucks the same way dual casters suck early.
And it's completely OP after it gets going.