Uber charger is worthless in a practical aspect. Simple THF'ing with a Greatsword at 18 Str does 2d6+6 or 13 damage. It's enough to effectively kill all but the Barbarian in one hit (assuming 14+ con). Charging it's self is mostly about the +2 bonus to attack than damage.
It would have it's use against Greenbound. After all, even a Wolf would sport almost 20HP with DR 10 at that point. But focusing on dealing double to triple overkill damage is a waste of resources and on the same token target the Druid and not his ungodly summons.
Come to think of it, all melees are working up hill vs Divines. Take the Wild Proto-Dragonborn template set up I've used else where. No Wisdom penalties but +6 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con, -4 Int, -6 Cha, +3 Natural AC, Breath weapon(s), +5 to Speed, +2 Spot/Listen, and so on. A Cleric or Druid can pick of this chain of Templates for free and still have +0 LA and still mechanically work like a pure caster (caster feats, 18 casting stat, etc). A Sanctuary Cleric can be all peaceful one moment, and beat your face in with his Morningstar held in two hands the next, he hits and you're probably dead. I mean, you could be a Raging Barbarian with 14+ base Con to a templated monstrosity as well, but it's enough to drop anything that isn't so it's a pretty broad spectrum range of death there.