Found one. Unearthed Arcana, p58. Lets a wizard/sorceror trade his familiar for an animal companion, as a druid of 1/2 the wizard level.
I've never compaired animal compainions vs familiars, but my gut says that "1/2" means familiar is better.
Edit: Found another. Unearthed Arcana, p59ff. The various specialist wizards can trade the familiar for various things. Since my adept is not a specialist, I doubt the DM will allow any of these.
Abjurer - get energy resistance 5 vs 1 energy type for 1 hour, 1x/day. I prefer the familiar.
Conjurer - get rapid summoning (std action instead of full round). Sounds interesting, but in other games I've not had a problem with it being a full round spell.
Diviner - Enhanced Awareness - sense motive as class skill, Identify in 10 minutes, Arcane Eye travels at double speed, +1 DC to divination spells.
Enchanter - gain Cohort as if with leadership feat (doesn't happen till wizard hits 6th level). This sounds great, but I doubt the DM will allow it.
Evoker - pick an energy type and cast spells of that type at +1 CL. I prefer the familiar
Illusionist - harder to disbelieve the illusion
Necromancer - gain skeleton minion - my DM would believe this to be evil, and wouldn't allow a good PC to take it
Transmuter - +2 enhancement bonus to any score, a couple of times/day. I'll get this from items that last all day.