Derp, I did that. I just listed my levels in the wrong order.
I thought about Martial Study, but don't have the free feat for it. Actually, does wearing a Crown of the White Raven (or whatever the Diamond Mind one is) allow you to use the extra maneuver known for the purposes of meeting prerequisites? Otherwise, I'll try to convince my DM to let me retcon Dancing Mongoose for Disrupting Blow - it shouldn't be a problem because I never actually used Mongoose during that session.
Bloodclaw master looses a point of BAB, which means delaying Eternal Blade by a level and not getting Island in Time until epic. I did think really hard about Bloodstorm Blade though, but decided against it because it only has half IL progression and so I'd only get one 9th level maneuver, and also because it doesn't really fit the character that well.