So, as I searched desperately for a new name for homebrew class, I realized that there's no generic fantasy term for the concept of a gish. The archetype is there, all right, but it has no general name.
For magic-users, we have a slew of generic words: mage, witch, wizard, sorcerer, and so on. Some of these are class names, yes, but they make sense as things to say in-universe. For example, a commoner can refer to a "mighty wizard" that lives in a nearby tower. Hell, even if the character sheet doesn't say wizard, such statements make sense and are acceptable.
For melee characters, we have fewer words, but still some terms: warrior, champion, and even fighter. Contextually, you can have combatant and other words. There are also some specifics bouncing around: the word "knight" clearly evokes a melee-type character, but it's more accurately a representation of a profession than a training.
Gishes, however, have no generic term that I've been able to call to mind. There are specifics--paladins, for instance--but those are often restrictive in their definition. In a game in which paladins exist, one wouldn't think of using "paladin" to refer to a fighter who just happens to be religious. Hell, the word "gish" itself was originally pretty specific: a Githyanki fighter/wizard.
While gish is a fine word, and a very useful one away from the table, it can't exactly be introduced in the standard game universe. Gishes tend to be referred to as mages or warriors. Sometimes, a hyphenated "mage-warrior" is used.
Maybe I'm a stickler, but I really think that it could be worthwhile to come up with a good, campaign-transcending word for the gish. Anyone have any ideas?