Viona leans over the map and points out a particular route. "To take these back roads would be more efficient. The highways are surely congested, so we have less of a chance of being held up by abandoned vehicles or hindered by wrecks".
Hudson's eyes widen as he fellows her finger.
"That's my neighborhood".Chuck nods and rolls up the map, handing it back to Hudson. The way was known. It was time to go.
Hudson kicks the second door open and roars. As he does every infected in the area turns see him. Several of them open their mouths agape to screech when something hits the ground near them. One of them begins screeching but the other looks at the object curiously before a small ball of fire erupts in it's place and a concussive blast along with a torrent of shrapnel explodes outwards from the large spark of fire.
The initial explosion-The aftermath-The explosion is gone as quickly as it appeared. Where it had landed on the lower right corner of the barrier Hudson had tossed it near it had spread out in all directions. The recently repaired barrier where it had landed was nearly gone. Just rubble remained. The nearby Infected in the blast radius were all lying on the ground, an arm here, a leg there. The concussive blast and shrapnel had ripped them to pieces. Several of the other barriers in the radius were damaged as well. The bus was smoking from the hood. One of the Infected in front of Hudson had taken some shrapnel to the back but didn't appear to be affected by it, perhaps the barrier behind him had taken the brunt of any damage. The former football player, pads, helmet, and all, screeched at Hudson. The Infected next to him, a young goth girl with too much make up screeched as well, blood dripping from her teeth.
The aftermath is the current state of the battle. Initiative has been collected from your previous rolls. The order is as follows:
Infected humans
Reagan and Brock