Joseph Spades [wip]
Fire Whisper Gnome Beguiler 3Str 16 [+3]
Dex 20 [+5]
Con 20 [+5]
Int 20 [+5]
Wis 18 [+4]
Cha 14 [+2]
HD: 3d6+15 (33 hp)
Saves: F +6, R +5, W +7
AC: 17, touch 15, flat-footed 12 [/b]
Initiative: +10
Speed: 30 ft
Senses: Low-Light Vision, Darkvision
Attacks: Melee: dagger +3(1d3+3), ranged: Light crossbow +7(1d6)
Low-Light Vision, Darkvision, +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks, +2 racial bonus on Perception checks, 1/day silence, ghost sound, mage hand, message. (Caster level 1st; save DC 12 + spell level.)
Armoured Mage, trapfinding, cloaked casting(+1 dc), surprise casting, advanced learning(Shock and Awe), spells.
Darkstalker(base), Improved Diversion(flaw), Thrall to Demon (flaw), Improved initiative(level)
Short Attention Span, Noncombatant
Agressive, Passionate
Max Ranks(7) CC Max Ranks(3) 11 per level (6+ 5 int)
• Animal Affinity +5 or 2 (0 ranks, +5 or +2 ability)
• Arcana +12 (7 ranks, +5 ability)
• Athletics +10 or 12 (7 ranks, +3 or +5 ability)
• Concentration +11 (7 ranks, +4 ability)
• Craft +5 or 6 (1 ranks, +5 or +4 ability)
• Engineering +12 (7 ranks, +5 ability)
• Fool Device +12 or 9 (7 ranks, +5 or +2 ability)
• Heal +4 or 5(0 ranks, +5 or +4 ability)
• Linguistics +5 (0 ranks, +5 ability)
• Natural Lore +4 or 5 (0 ranks, +5 or +4 ability)
• Perception +15 (7 ranks, +4 ability, +4 misc)
• Perform +2 (0 ranks, +2 ability)
• Persuasion +11 (7 ranks, +2 ability, +2 misc)
• Profession +4 or 5 (0 ranks, +5 or +4 ability)
• Scholarship +12 (7 ranks, +5 ability)
• Stealth +22 (7 ranks, +5 ability, + 10 misc)
• Streetwise +5 or 2 (0 ranks, +5 or +2 ability)
• Thievery +14 (7 ranks, +5 ability, +2 misc)
Skill tricks: conceal spellcasting
WBL: 2700
Dagger, Light crossbow w/ 30 bolts, Leather Armour, Backpack, Bedroll, Doppelganger bile x2, Liquid sunlight, nugget of Garl Glittergold, Masterwork Perception, Stealth, Persuasion and thievery gear, 1872 gp
Spell DC 15+spell level
1) In every war, there are traitors. In the great war Joseph’s ancestors made an agreement with a shadow dragon, siding against their fellow gnomes. Perhaps the arrangement stemmed form a liaison with the dragon, or a move in xorvintaal, but when their patron died, other shadow dragons saw no need to protect them. And an unprotected group of gnomes on an isle of dragons are seen, not as fellow citizens, but as potenetial slaves.
2) Long after the war, Joseph was born to this clan of gnome slaves. He served the shadow dragons, as his family long had done. Life as a slave taught Joseph the value of subterfuge, and because he could not defy his masters, he learned to charm them into allowing him some freedom.
3) He won’t tell the details, but somehow Joseph made a pact with a powerful demon. Rather than selling his soul, Joseph wagered it. Having no wish to trade his current master for a worse one, he demanded the condition his soul would be consumed if he lost, rather than tormented. But he played his cards cleverly, and won the power of Sorcery he now wields.
4) Joseph uses his magic to augment his natural talent at charm and deception, and with his new abilities he was able to escape the island and leave his clan of slaves. He now goes by the name ’Spades’ after the card that won him his power and freedom.
5) Joseph seems to alternate between exuberant and somber in mood. He may be naturally good-tempered, but has spent too much time in servitude and done too much out of desperation. Some days he worries that he might give in and become a true servant of the demonic powers he works with. Other days he thinks it might not be so bad if he did…