So if you had a Ghost Touch spiked chain, could you attempt to trip it due to the chain counting as incorporeal? Could you grapple it if you're wearing Gauntlets of Ghost Fighting (ignores incorporeal miss chance on all attacks and spells, deal an extra 1d6 damage vs incorporeal with melee attacks)?
On Trip, yes as Incorporeality is fully affected by Ghost Touch and also this statement for further clarification on Trip:
Given that being prone means you are lying on the ground (PH 311), who can be prone? Can oozes be prone? What about creatures with no limbs like snakes? What about incorporeal creatures?
Anybody can be “prone.” Creatures that use limbs for locomotion can use a free action to drop prone and must use a move action to stand up again. Something with no motive limbs, such as a snake, can go prone or “stand up” as a free action. Such creatures might want to become prone to gain an Armor Class bonus against ranged attacks. (Although giving something like a gelatinous cube that option defies common sense and should not be allowed.) Officially, there’s an attack of opportunity any time a creature stands up. The Sage, however, heartily recommends no attack of opportunity when a snake or similar creature “stands up.”
Reasonably Ghost Touch Gauntlets would work, mindful you're into an area not covered by the rules as no exactly notation on how to grapple is over used (for instance a headlock doesn't hold an opponent with your hands). But I'd rule yes as plenty of hand based holds exist.
Just remember that RC/FAQ exemplify three different Conjuration[Creation] spells despite two of them having durations other than Instantaneous meaning they are still considered magical objects. So
real catch is the fine line of what CC can or cannot affect an Incorpereal Target, to which it certainly seems Conjuration[Creation] it self doesn't and under Attacks neither would Entangle (bushes and weeds != force). Whereas Glitterdust's Blindness will work but maybe the dust portion (-20 hide checks) may not. Ask your DM for further clarification in what may or may not work in this area.