Ok, so I was messing around with/looking at Psychic Reformation.
Very nice power, allows re-working of skills, feats, and powers gained (possibly, by extension, spells gained from level advancement, but that is kind of a grey area).
However, it doesn't allow you to change out classes or prestige classes that were taken.
So, I'm trying to figure out a way to "retrain" or change out my classes, in game, that is legally viable and can be done in only an hour or two.
I know Unearthed Arcana has a retraining section that indicates you could, eventually, permanently retrain classes or prestige classes that were taken, as long as you continue to meet the pre-reqs for the remaining prestige classes or new prestige classes you have or will take. However, I'm guessing (since I don't have my books right here with me) that this would take time, as in possibly weeks. This is not acceptable.
I understand that some people do some kind of level draining, but I'm not sure how that would work to truly take a different level of a class or prestige class, other than to eventually regain all the lost xp, also sure to take more than a few hours, even in a verdant oasis of xp available for the killing/taking. Note: this is assuming no use of a Thought Bottle, which would really likely not be allowed by my DM.
Any ideas?