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Messages - Dawnmor

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Min/Max 3.x / Re: ... and now, for the Half-Orc Barbarian
« on: November 19, 2013, 02:46:08 PM »
I suggest you look into the Fighter Sub level Dungeon Crasher from the Dungeonscape book.

as for your character, hmm half orc is good Pure orcs are better but anyways classes, I suggest The Barbarian and taking levels in Champion of XXX I forgot the PRC name totally but it increases your Rage as usual as per being a barbarian, you get a spell list, full BAB and whatever is left look into taking fighter?.  or something I dunno.

But you have to remember that Daenaris never actually did any fighting, infact I dont remember her picking up a sword or anything not once through out the book series or the movies now ?

So she probly wouldnrt be a good role model lol.

Also consider being a half dragon? either the 5 level template from Races of Dragon or take a temporary LA cut of I think +3 to get the template? would increase the draconic feel of Daenryis :) you wont control dragons? but you can breath like one.

Min/Max 3.x / Gearing a Dragon
« on: November 11, 2013, 02:48:37 PM »
Im not sure this is the best place for this question but I was curious, if you had a dragon in a game, of any level, how would you gear them ? to increase there already impressive capabilities ?

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Force Dragon
« on: November 06, 2013, 06:47:01 PM »
My bad, sorry :(

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Force Dragon
« on: November 03, 2013, 10:51:54 PM »
I found Deflecting Force :P.  I made up a character ECL 6, I rolled up stats and with Imp natural attack, growth taken into account, I counted about 17/D XXX :P of dice just for one round.

Thats without going into a class level.

Which BTW what is the Force Dragons prefered class ? besides Force Dragon ?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Force Dragon as a PC
« on: November 03, 2013, 10:49:06 PM »
I just put together a level 6 character leaving off 1 level for whatever class I decided to go into.  Turns out that after some contemplating you could potentially take Fist of the Forest to get Con to AC 2x :P, and then the HOARD feat to get a total of +6 to both str and con, which increases damage all together and con to AC 2x.

My worry is that with such a insane Cha, how could you get Cha to Saves without! taking 2 levels of paladin ?

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Force Dragon
« on: November 02, 2013, 11:33:34 PM »
I also dont see how he gets 6 attacks?.

Theres the Breath, bite, 2 claws, tail? thats 5attacks ?

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Force Dragon
« on: November 02, 2013, 11:30:46 PM »
I dont see deflecting Force on the list.

Min/Max 3.x / Force Dragon as a PC
« on: October 28, 2013, 03:57:15 PM »
I asked oslecamo out of utter curiousity what a Force dragon would look like as a PC and it looks good IMO.  Though as Os and my GM says is that the Force Dragon is about the big numbers, and my GM believes there is alot to keep track of and if I could fulfill when to do the stuff correctly.  But due to the fact winter is coming in the next few weeks part of me really wants to play a dragon, but my players think a dragon isnt worth it.  But anyways, what would you guys do to make this character awesome? if I do decide to do a Force Dragon?.

I am debating if gear is superior to VOP but one of the players is making insane use out of Belt of Battle.

But the group is made of a Mindstealer (oslecamo made it but the GM is tweaking it), a Occassional Fire elemental, occassional earth elemental, and a Force Golem (Both made by oslecamo).  Then my brother not sure what hes doing, and a wizard.  We are level 6 but may be level 7 by now.  I am not sure what to do.

ITs either this... or trying my hand at a psion again.  But I have till sunday to get this figured out.

So far where we are, we are dealing with alot of undead.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Diamond Dragon
« on: October 20, 2013, 01:34:20 AM »
untapped potential ?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Diamond Dragon
« on: October 19, 2013, 08:43:14 PM »
Isnt that like the psions version of a wild mage? which you need the overpower feat to pull off ?

Also I got a question about metapower feats, I can Empower a power with a +2 Adjustment but which is better to spend all your points to augment a power or is it better to Augment up to say 7th level spells then Metapower the remainder 2? or is it like a wizard ? you can augment and Metapower and they are essentially seperate much like a wizards metamagic and the d6/level thing?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Diamond Dragon
« on: October 19, 2013, 07:26:56 PM »
yeah Dragon Magic *falls asleep* :P, Any suggestions for a psion specializing in kinetics ?

Min/Max 3.x / Diamond Dragon
« on: October 19, 2013, 07:00:38 PM »
Its a PRC out of Dragon Magazine I am thinking of giving this to my psion but I want to know if its any good ?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Charger Assistence
« on: August 12, 2013, 07:52:16 PM »
I got it from the Fighters handbook, No English is my first language, I just have difficulties typing and spelling.

Min/Max 3.x / Charger Assistence
« on: August 12, 2013, 06:48:23 PM »
It seems my last character I been wracking my brain all over has died yesterday (The 11th) in a horrible attempt to get more XP and little did I know he was killed by 4 red dragonspawn capable of firing off 5d6 fire balls (I was killed with a 30 HP ball SINGLE! HP ball and my HP total was 18 soo I got friends to say the least.

So I was thinking of possibly doing a Charger type character but im in conflict.

1) I have no idea what im doing, I played a charger vanguard in ME3 and a Warrior charger in WOW, now I Want to do one in DND.

2) I was contemplating between a water orc feral, Mineral warrior (Debating the mineral warrior) Which in total would give me 2 claws after INA to 2d6, DR 8/adamantine, +8 str, -2 dex, + 4 Con, -6 Int, +0 Wis, and -2 Cha combining just orc and Feral stats, its a +10 str, +8 con with Mineral warrior.

But I was considering using The thrikreen out of the back of Complete Psionics combined with Feral which would give me top speed than anyone else at a speed of 50ft, and if I use just Feral its a +6 Str, +2 Dex, +4 Con (I think).

Slightly less but I would get 4 Arms with 2d6 claws to each claw after INA, Multi attack, Would get insane jump, so Would make for a fun LEAP ATTACK charger type build.

The idea is to survive long enough to get close, so close they are dead before they realize they are dead. But I never played a Charger before.

Most charges suggest Spiked Chain, shield and weapon, but to me I prefer to stick with claws and the Orc will give me the greater strength bonuse which makes for fun charging, but the KReen gives me more attacks, less stats, greater charge to Leap attack things to death, And slightly less armor.

BUT! This will be made up with Rhino Armor for an additional 2d6 to charge damage, Improved Bullrush, Power attack, Cleave, great cleave, Powerful charge, greater powerful charge, leap attack damage and I am planning on going for the Dungeon Crasher Fighter with taking 1 level of Barbarian to qualify for Frenzied berserker? any additional levels left over will probly go into bear warrior, even 1 level in bear warrior will give me an additional + 8 str and +2 con, + Frenzied with Extra rages or two?.

But knowing my luck I am doing this wrong?

Even considered a warforged but no one in the party can heal a warforged? but then again we dont have a cleric so no one will heal me if I got hurt outside of using a belt of healing. But the heal is to kill them BEFORE! they can kill everyone.

Any books out of Core, races, completes, are allowed as far as I know, Most of the faerun stuff is allowed, pretty much anything is allowed outside of Dragon magazines and such, LA Buy off is allowed which is why I Was considering the Orc feral but with the kreen capable of amusing things with 4 attacks I dunno if the lack of defense will make up for the superior offense?.

Oh yeah starting level is 4, 3 if I do LA buy off.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Blink Dog
« on: August 01, 2013, 02:38:07 PM »
That Battle Jump made me giggle.  Where is the Sun school thing that keeps being mentioned ?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Blink Dog
« on: July 31, 2013, 08:18:25 PM »
Ok I Managed to do some of the work so here it is. Minus equipment.

Race: Blink dog
Special abilities: Blink and Dimension Door 2/day/HD

AC: 10 + 6 Dex + 5 Con (Blink dog ability) = 21

HP 26

Flaws: Shaky, Murky eyed

Str: 16
Dex 18 + 4 Racial = 22
Con 18 + 2 Chaos # = 20
Int 14
Wis 16 + 2 Racial = 18
Cha 14

I have Wis to AC from two different sources what does that mean? Do they stack?

I have Improved Unarmed fighting from two sources what does that mean ? (Unarmed Variant Swordsage *Imp Unarmed Strike*, Monk *Imp Unarmed Strike*)?

Now onto leveling progression: (Dog 2, Monk 2, SS 16)

Blink Dog 1: Flaw (Combat Expertise or Imp Initiative, Imp Natural Attack), 1st feat: Cosmopolitan (Move Silently)
Blink dog 2:
Sword Sage 1: Feat (Shadowblade)
Monk 1: +1 Wis
SS 2:
Monk 2: Evasion, Bonus Feat (Combat reflexes), Normal Feat Bonus: Imp Trip or Superior Unarmed Strike.
SS4: +1 Wis
SS5: feat (Imp Initiative or ?)
SS8 Feat? +1 Wis
SS11 Feat?
SS12 +1 Wis
SS14 Feat?
SS16 +1 Wis

And of course you dont know the skills but im concentrating on Hide, Move silently, Spot, Listen, Tumble, not sure about Concentration.

Ill be trying to provide flanking and fighting unarmed but my knowledge of feats for such characters is slightly limited.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Blink Dog
« on: July 30, 2013, 08:15:39 PM »
I dont plan on blinking much, Just the Dimension door.  Youd be surprised how useful a timed Dimension door is useful, and if I Read the spell right I can take any willing person with me unless they somehow changed it ?, charge in bitew a fallen comrade Dimension door out YAY!.

Also no shenanigans, fair play, no broken or bonker stuff.  Our GM Will escalate things to the point we cant defeat these guys if we tried to to increase things with such abilities.

Right now from what I am understanding if I go either Monk or unarmed variant swordsage im looking at about 28 AC by the time im level 2 Swordsage.

But as a unarmed variant swordsage does that mean I automatically get improved unarmed fighting for free? or do I have to pay a feat/monk level for it ?

Also would a Blink dog make for a decent tripper perhaps ?

And what feats do you think I should take? Im leaning towards Imp initiative and Cosmopolitan (Spot) for Swordsage but if I take atleast a level of monk I dont need that feat

And as for money standard level 2 money, im thinking of doing a healing collar (Belt)

Min/Max 3.x / Blink Dog
« on: July 30, 2013, 03:38:27 PM »
Ok, it seems I am getting to play a blink dog using this as my character

All books are allowed, flaws are OK, dragon Magazines and the like are out which is fine because I dont have any. 

Stats are 16, 18, 18, 14, 16, 14.  I have arranged the stats as those numbers.

Due to being a level 2 blink dog I get 2/day dimension door and blink based off HD/Day.  AC Bonus + Con modifier due to them being tough.

So Stats are.

Str 16
Dex 18 + 4
Con 18
Int 14
Wis 16 + 2
Cha 14

I get a +2 due to the fact that our game revolves around us being in a I guess you could say planes and the like have collapsed onto each other and so I get a +2 bonus stat of my choice.

I am trying to figure out a class.  Its been suggested that I start out as a Unarmed variant Swordsage when I get to my next level and take advantage of the maneuvers but the class lacks the skill spot I believe.  But it has everything else I need.  But I was looking at Monk class and it does have everything I am looking for and may be easier to play but lacks the maneuvers of the Swordsage.

I was looking at the scouting *Not the class but the roll of the group* and I think that could be fun but im not sure which is better due to the fact all I got is teeth and it was suggested I took the swordsage variant due to the maneuvers and stances and I would get Shadowblade feat which gives +wis, dex and str to my damage.  So a total of 13 damage to each attack, but lacks BAB.  But so does Monk.  Ranger has the BAB but not the abilities to augment my character.  Which is where you guys come in.

My GM isnt into optimization but I would like to survive longt enough to level.  Thoughts?

Edit: Even contemplated a Dragon fire adept.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Optimizing a Hobgoblin Monk (Antagonist)
« on: July 26, 2013, 09:40:57 PM »
Well for one, Weapon Specialization is FIGHTER ONLY, you cant take it as Monk, and sense your going with Monk use Supreme Unarmed Strike out of TOB I Think thats the name of the feat.

I always played with a Halfling/blank dog tauric.  You get the dimension door of the dog and the save bonuses and stuff of the halfling :).

Rogue anyone ? :P

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