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Messages - carnivore

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D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: [3.P] Combat umbrella?
« on: September 24, 2012, 06:13:42 PM »
found a War Fan:

War Fan
30 gp 1d4(Small) 1d6(Med) x3 6 lb. Slashing (Sword and Fist)

This weapon appears to the untrained eye as nothing more than a beautifully crafted lady's fan. In fact, the vanes of the fan are crafted from steel, and the ribs are needle-sharp. When first brought into melee, the wielder may attempt a Bluff check against an opponent's Sense Motive check. If the wielder wins the contest, he adds a +4 bonus to the attack roll for his first round's attack(s).


Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Core 3 Build Ideas
« on: September 24, 2012, 05:54:47 PM »
what are the House Rules? .... since Craft Wondrous Item requires 3rd lvl Caster and your 1st lvl Forest Gnome has it?


Charisma would simply reflect the force of Personality of the Sorceror and thus his ability to tap the Magic Potential that he was born with, so as his Charisma grows so does his Spellcasting and he would be able to discover new spells to Cast.

not Game Breaking by any means .... but simply more on a level playing field with a Wizard


actually now that i think about it ... why not simply allow Sorcerors to Gain both Bonus Spells per day AND Spells Known for high Charisma attribute scores.


it is not Spell Slots per day that is needed .... it is Spells Known that needs to be boosted ... adding even 1 Spell Known per Spell Level would be a huge boost, IMHO


Min/Max 3.x / Re: Min/Max recommendations, Lvl 15 (PH+DMG only)
« on: September 22, 2012, 09:52:52 PM »
if you like it ... I will also provide Suggested spells and Tactics later


Min/Max 3.x / Re: Min/Max recommendations, Lvl 15 (PH+DMG only)
« on: September 22, 2012, 09:26:48 PM »
try this:


Wizard 7/ Loremaster 6/ Archmage 2

25pt buy
(click to show/hide)
28pt buy
(click to show/hide)
32pt buy
(click to show/hide)

Scribe Scroll(Wizard bonus)
Still Spell(Wizard bonus)
Silent Spell(Loremaster Bonus)
Spell Focus(Illusion)(Human Bonus)
1st lvl Quicken Spell
3rd lvl Spell Focus(Transmutation)
6th lvl Skill Focus(Knowledge(Arcana)
9th lvl Skill Focus(Spellcraft)
12th lvl Improved Initiative
15th lvl ?FEAT?(Improved Familiar or Empower Spell or Maximise Spell)

Loremaster Secrets:
Feat: Silent Spell
=1 Attack
+1 Dodge AC

High Arcana(Spell-like ability: Quickened Magic Missile(8th lvl slot=4 uses/day, 5th lvl slot)
High Arcana(Spell Power(5th lvl Slot))

(click to show/hide)


Min/Max 3.x / Re: So, telepathy...
« on: September 22, 2012, 02:41:08 PM »
normally there is not too much you can do with it other than just Communicate... notice

Telepathy (Su): A creature with this ability can communicate telepathically with any other creature within a certain range (specified in the creature’s entry, usually 100 feet) that has a language. It is possible to address multiple creatures at once telepathically, although maintaining a telepathic conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time.

Some creatures have a limited form of telepathy, while others have a more powerful form of the ability.

maybe Social Skills abuse(Diplomacy,Bluff,etc...)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help with sorcerer/fighter pathfinder
« on: September 21, 2012, 10:46:20 PM »
Fey probably would have been better


Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help with sorcerer/fighter pathfinder
« on: September 21, 2012, 10:20:55 PM »
 :banghead .....sorry about that, its been a long day

what Bloodline do you have?


Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help with sorcerer/fighter pathfinder
« on: September 21, 2012, 10:07:07 PM »
why the High Cha if you are a Wizard ..... wouldnt it be better to have it in Intelligence instead


Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help with sorcerer/fighter pathfinder
« on: September 21, 2012, 09:00:20 PM »
what are your characters stats?


Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help with sorcerer/fighter pathfinder
« on: September 21, 2012, 08:37:55 PM »
need more info....

What Feats do you have?
any other equipment?

can you redo the character .... while keeping the same goal(Wiz 4/Fighter 2 or Ranger 2/Wizard 4 , etc....)


Min/Max 3.x / Re: 3.P Monk - need help! lvl 9, PF only.
« on: September 21, 2012, 08:03:14 PM »
since he posted a crossbow build .... i figured he changed his mind

also ...Elves make very nice Zen Archer builds .... what is the problem?


Min/Max 3.x / Re: 3.P Monk - need help! lvl 9, PF only.
« on: September 20, 2012, 09:31:59 PM »
hows this look


not sure how the PF point buy works... so will use your values

str 12
dex 16
con 12
int 11
wis 18 (22 with item)
cha 12

Fav Class Ability
(click to show/hide)
Alternative Racial Traits
(click to show/hide)

Zen Archer Monk 9

unarmed strike
Point Blank Shot,
Perfect Strike
Deadly Aim

Precise Shot,
Weapon Focus

Zen Archery
Point Blank Master
Rapid Shot

Improved Precise Shot,
Weapon Specialization
Combat Reflexes

Reflexive Shot
Clustered Shots

flurry of blows(with Bow)
Fast movement,
Ki pool (magic)...boost Range
High jump,
Ki Arrows ..... boost Arrow Damage
Wholeness of body
Slow fall 40 ft.


personally i would rather have:

1/2 Dragon Elf(Gray)
Wizard 7/ Loremaster 10

than any Dragon Disciple 10 build, in fact i cant think of any DD 10 build that can come even close in a CORE only setting


sadly ... the 1/2 Dragon Template is Core and makes the Dragon Disciple virtually worthless


Min/Max 3.x / Re: 3.P Monk - need help! lvl 9, PF only.
« on: September 18, 2012, 10:50:26 PM »
i am finishing a Zen Archer Monk that should perform quite well ... will post it later


the key to understanding how to use the Axe, is in what SorO_Lost posted .....

using a Headsman’s Axe ... is a Skill check, it is not an attack roll, but the check can be made in the middle of combat Provided you meet the the Execution Requirements

Headsman’s Axe: When specially sharpened and held with the proper technique, a  greataxe (or a greatsword) can serve the executioner as the instrument of execution. The condemned is restrained, with the neck vulnerable to the strike readied by the executioner. On a successful Profession (executioner) check, the condemned dies instantly. If the executioner fails the attempt, the headsman’s axe delivers a coup de grace against the condemned (automatic critical hit, and the condemned must succeed on a Fortitude save or die). The coup de grace simply completes the executioner’s task more messily.
"the proper technique" refers to a Skilled use of an "instrument" which in this case happens to be an Axe

to understand more clearly ....look at the rules regarding Execution:
The condemned must first be secured by being tied in place, pinned in a grapple, or successfully restrained in a stationary execution device. If restrained in an execution device, the condemned can attempt to make a Escape Artist check every round against the DC noted in Table 3–2, unless magically held or otherwise helpless. If grappled, the condemned can attempt to break the grapple normally.
Once the victim is secure, the executioner can attempt the chosen method of execution.
The executioner makes a Profession (executioner) check against the DC given for the device on Table 3–2. If the check is successful, the condemned is slain according to the nature of the device. If the executioner fails, the execution is botched, and the executioner can make another check the following round. Botched attempts deal the damage noted for the device, so the condemned may be killed even if the executioner botches the attempt. Prideful executioners—which includes most of them—take it as a personal point of dishonor if they kill the condemned on a botched execution.
Execution Devices as Weapons: Some execution devices, such as headsman’s axes, make adequate melee weapons. In melee, such an item deals normal damage for an item of its kind (such as a greataxe) and cannot kill instantly. Most other devices of execution cannot be used in melee.
Masterwork Devices: Masterwork execution devices provide a +1 circumstance bonus on the executioner’s Profession (executioner) check. They cost twice as much as the versions given in Table 3–2.

in most Combat situations it is not possible for a single character to do both :
1) Pin the Character and
2) be free to make the Profession(Executioner) skill check, since it also requires a readied action to make the check

the Axe is not being used to make a Combat Strike but a precise swing at a helpless target .... also the weilder is not in Combat per-say, rather the assistant who Grapples and Pins the Victim is in Combat,since Grappling is a Special Attack Action. The weilder of the Axe simply waits until the victim is helpless, then practices his Skill at Execution

if used as a Melee weapon, it simply does damage as per a regular axe of its type(modified by any enchantments it might have) .... it has no ability to Insta-Kill. Executions are not combat situations and are governed by different rules.


D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Maxing out the fun in a bland encounter
« on: September 17, 2012, 09:32:00 PM »
fun low level encounter:

Kobold Wizard(Illusionist) 3 (CR 3)+ 3 Kobold Warriors(NPC Class) 4 (CR 3) = CR 3 +CR 3= CR5

use multiple Hit&Run encounters .... Wizard (hidden) casts Silent Image of the Kobold Warriors ..... each encounter has some Illusion Foes and some Real foes as follows:

#1 Illusions are Melee combatants, Real combatants are Ranged Support(Splash weapons) .... as Illusions are attacked,Real fire into PCs ... then run away

#2 next, Some Illusions are Melee, some are Ranged before, when 2 Illusions get hit, all run away

3#next, all Combatants are Illusions .... tactics as #2, but all run away to lead PCs into an Ambush by Real combatants and Wizard also casts other Combat Spells

the Idea is to get the PCs to expend resources(Spells,etc..) on Illusions, also to wear them down


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