Hey all. First off any help is greatly appreciated. This toon isn't perfect but I'm hoping he is "good" to start with. I'd like to make him "great" though and with your expert knowledge I'm sure that can be obtained.
The toon in question is a Crusader (ToB). Its a straight 12 level build designed to use 1h reach weapon and shield and to be the brunt of the attacks against for all of the big bad guys he will have to fight so that the less durable types can do what they do best and not take the beating this guy will. He also would like to take advantage of Attacks of Opportunity as much as possible (at least that's how he is currently built) as part of his strategy since he doesn't do a huge amount of weapon damage.
I threw him together over the course of about 4 hours so I'm sure there are some mistakes but I dont' think they are critical ones so if you see them feel free to just let me know and I will do my best to correct them ASAP.
Standard PHB Races
Ability scores start out with an average of 14 with nothing lower than 10 and only one 18 before adjustments.
Printed WotC sourced allowed and in case of duplicatation of 3.0 and 3.5 use 3.5 otherwise as printed in original source unless DM specifically rejects on case by case basis.
I dont' know what other classes will be played but its a party of 4 counting me.
HP can be maxed every level with xp buy (so assume maxed HP every level).
We don't track weight as its just a headache.
I'm not sure what else you might need to know so just ask and I'll answer.
Here's the link to the character sheet. Some things that aren't crucial are left blank such as item weight, looks, ect. Right now I'm worried about functional as the person wont' change.
http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=54694I'm fairly knowledgable but don't know everything so if you would be so kind as if you have a suggestion as a feat, item, ability, or other change to also list what book its in so I can look it up (I think I have all the non campaign specific WotC books).
Thank you all very much for your knowledge and wisdom. Any questions you have please feel free to ask.