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Messages - Shadlith

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Touhou Battle Grimoire / Re: Shrine Maiden
« on: June 18, 2016, 01:29:51 PM »
Revelatory Dream: At 11th level the Shrine Maiden can use any one maneuver up to the level of maneuvers she could usually initiate from the schools gained at her first Shrine Maiden level. If she does so, all of her remaining readied maneuvers become expended without benefit, and she cannot iniate any single specific maneuver more than once per day with Revelatory Dream.

EDIT: WHOOPS Completely misunderstood this! Crap. >.< Sorry.

Touhou Battle Grimoire / Re: Septette for the Dead
« on: June 17, 2016, 01:36:18 AM »
But how do you gain them in the first place?

Like, I've got a pool of 5, fine. I spend them. Okay. Now... how do I recharge that pool?

Touhou Battle Grimoire / Re: Septette for the Dead
« on: June 16, 2016, 10:31:17 PM »
Okay, I think I missed something, and it'll likely turn out to be somewhere stupidly obvious, but, uh, how exactly does a human (or otherwise non vampire) practitioner actually gain blood charges to use in the first place? I mean, I realize the young descendent feat lets you hold onto them, but it requires draining 1000 to begin with...

Table and text thoroughly disagree on the level you get your Wu Wei's.

Touhou Battle Grimoire / Re: General Discussion and Sugestions
« on: June 03, 2016, 08:44:28 AM »
Got it, thank you!

Touhou Battle Grimoire / Re: General Discussion and Sugestions
« on: June 02, 2016, 08:41:16 AM »
Question: Can Ordinary and Youkai magician take spell mastery? It says it's a wizard only feat, but generally wizards are the only ones with a spell book, so it hadn't needed to be accessible by anyone else. Ordinary Magician and Youkai Magician both use spell books though, and could benefit from it and its follow up feats.

Edit for clarity: That is, would an Ordinary Magician/ Youkai Magician count as a wizard for this? I'd assume no, but it does seem like they should, since, you know, spellbooks.

Touhou Battle Grimoire / Re: General Discussion and Sugestions
« on: May 24, 2016, 04:44:04 PM »
Huh. That should work then! Thank you!

Touhou Battle Grimoire / Re: General Discussion and Sugestions
« on: May 24, 2016, 09:49:31 AM »
Question: Is the Shrine Maiden supposed to be allowed to be Evil? Because the Dream Battle school doesn't really seem to work for Evil shrine maidens, since it's abilities only trigger against "Evil" targets, no matter what alignment the user is.

Asking because I was tinkering with a Lawful Evil Shrine Maiden villain, and promptly realized that, um, she'd kinda get her butt kicked by the Whatever Good PC's, because her Dream Battle abilities wouldn't trigger against them.

Ordinary Magicians prefer to go all out. If she casts a spell without using maneuvers that round, she recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to 1/3 the level of the spell cast, rounded up. Those spells can be ones binded to a Love-Coloured Magic stance

During levels 1 and 2, only level 0 spells can be bound to a love colored magic stance. These spells do not recover maneuvers, since 1/3 of 0 remains 0. Is this intentional?

Weird question:
Dark Flight: At 5th level the Ordinary Magician can fly at twice her base speed with good maneuverability in some bizzarre way, like holding into an unattended household object like a broom or oven, or simply sprouting wings out of nowhere.

How big can the object being held onto be? Can I fly around in my bath tub? What if it's filled with water? I presume the answer to the second is "as long as it fits your encumberance" but just making sure.

... hold on, if the result of using this is paradox, doesn't that kind of make it useless? It's like casting wish and wishing for omnipotence. You've basically given the DM free reign to screw you over, and paid for the privilege. Except unlike wish, there's no safe way to use this.

Edit: Ninja edited. Okay, cool.

"Deflation World"
 Luna Dial (Strike)
Level: Mythical Maid 9
Initiation Action: Fullround action
Range: See text
Target: See text.
Duration: See text
Save: DC 19+Int mod.
One of her secret arts that compresses the flow of time. Compressed time allows the past and future to exist in the present at the same time. You have to deal with all of them, so it's quite a tough move.
Make one full attacks with knives at every enemy inside your range, then you gain a 1 turn Time Stop effect, then repeat those two steps another time. You cannot recover maneuvers until after the 2nd Time Stop ends.

Stopwatch-You make one knife attack that affects all in a line with infinite range. Every enemy inside this line that is hit must make a Reflex save or be erased from both past and future, only a Wish or Miracle can bring them back.

... So... any reason I can't use this to wipe out all life by retroactively killing the sun? Which probably has neither a good AC nor a good Reflex save? Just out of curiosity.

Edit: hold on, let me rephrase for more constructive:
What happens if I actually hit someone with this? They've been wiped from the past. Grandfather paradox time!

Touhou Battle Grimoire / Re: Riverside View
« on: May 16, 2016, 04:52:13 PM »
I am, though Osclecamo's reply brings up the question of if he forgot he put that there originally.

In that case, I would like to remind you that that's totally there. :P I bring it up because (assuming that The Purple Mage Heretic both gets finished and is a buff-and-melee class) I was hoping to make a Youkai Magician who uses Love Colored Magic and Riverside View (original plan was Dream Battle) along with Youkai Magician's normal casting to qualify.

Touhou Battle Grimoire / Re: Riverside View
« on: May 15, 2016, 01:16:18 PM »
Odd question, but does Riverside View count as arcane magic? I'd think it'd count as divine, but the only schools you have pointed out as divine are Dream Battle and Lunatic Princess. Unless I missed it somewhere of course.

Touhou Battle Grimoire / Re: General Discussion and Sugestions
« on: May 04, 2016, 02:20:55 AM »
True, and its definitely not a bad thing to make them play it smart. It's more that I'd just realized that it was an issue at all, and thought I might have missed something. Eh. Worst comes to worst I'll just put in an additional house rule that the Shrine Maiden has an ACF that gives her the Ordinary Magicians casting with cleric spells instead of her 2/3 casting, and let a player pick that. Shouldn't be too broken. Thank you for your help!

Touhou Battle Grimoire / Re: General Discussion and Sugestions
« on: May 04, 2016, 01:40:33 AM »
I saw that. The problem is that the only HP damage poison I can find is Sassone leaf residue, which costs 300. At that point, might as well just go for broke and buy a wand of lesser vigor, or just buy 6 healing potions.

Edit: which, again, 1st levels, just starting, so can't afford. Sorry, should have been clearer. Though I suppose your point was correct, so I guess I'm shifting goal posts on you. ^.^" But yeah, as I said, reason I'm asking is because I'm planning a campaign with just these classes, and I'd prefer the players survive the first level under their own power instead of through blatant DM intervention in the frm of me handing them the perfect items. Not that I can't of course, just... you know what I mean.

Edit 2: Actually, this is all a moot point since you did, in fact, answer my question. Whoops. Sorry.

Touhou Battle Grimoire / Re: General Discussion and Sugestions
« on: May 03, 2016, 10:49:12 PM »
Really weird question, and not sure where to put it other than here: None of the classes seem to have access to any form of healing at level 1, where in my experience, it's actually needed (since it's before you can just run around with a fistful of lesser vigor wands). Is that intentional?

Just asking because I was considering trying a pure Touhou Battle Grimoire setting (as in, these are the only classes) for the kicks, and quickly realized that, well, low level healing seems to either be the Fortune Scale at level 2, the Shrine Maiden using her 2/3's cleric at level 2, or someone using Devoted Spirit in their second "School known" slot, which, admittedly, isn't exactly a bad way to go about it, but still seems somewhat odd to rely on.

I think Devildom Torch already allows potions of Wish. The only limit on brewing potions in the SRD is that "Spells with a range of personal cannot be made into potions." and "The imbiber of the potion is both the caster and the target."

Wish doesn't have a range, and most wishes worth wishing for through a potion are going to target the drinker anyway. Since you still have to pay the XP cost, plus the XP cost of the potion, there's no real difference (well, other than getting 5 wishes for the +5 inherent bonus is now going to require chugging 5 potions in a row instead of casting 5 wishes from scrolls, but that actually sounds pretty cool and doesn't make wishes any more accessible, so it's cool). I'm just curious if it's supposed to give us the ability to brew potions of, say, fireball, so an Ordinary Magician can throw a potion of fireball at someone with a pre-brewed one, instead of only being able to toss one with her Magical Recycled Bomb, which, as it is, seems like a rather odd limitation.

Devildom Torch: At 11h level, if you use a Swift action before throwing a Magical Recycled Bomb, it splits upon impact! You can target another two creatures with the same potion effect, make new attack rolls but consider the point of origin the first target. If the spell demanded expensive components or exp, you must pay them for each target. In addition she can now brew her potions with spells of any level she can cast.

Does this mean that an Ordinary Magician can now put Personal spells or spells without a target into her potions, or are they still restricted to non-personal and targeted ones? For example, does this let an Ordinary Magician create a Potion of Fireball? Normally I'd assume that's a no, but considering it's Marisa, and we're already throwing these potions at people...

Edit: That is, it's clear that it just lets you make higher level potions. What I'm curious about is if it's intended to just do that, or if it's intended to basically let you actually craft the Magical Recycled Bombs yourself, because as it stands, you can ad-hoc a bomb potion, but you can't actually brew one.

Ah, got it, thank you!

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