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D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Need help enchanting my armor
« on: October 01, 2014, 02:22:53 AM »
So while they THINK they're practicing magic, they're really not. So now he thinks he's a wizard on a quest to find powerful magic. His main magic attacks so far are Magic Missile: He throws a javelin yelling magic missile. Fireball: He lights a flask of oil on fire and throws it yelling fireball. Currently he's using a heavy mace as his wand and beats people with it. And every once in a while he can use elemental rage to light them on fire! If one of his magic spells miss he automatically goes into rage for at least one round.

So basically he's just a wizard with higher health actually following the RAW for spell components?

Haha! Exactly! :lol

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Need help enchanting my armor
« on: October 01, 2014, 12:04:19 AM »
If you are the main tank, and you aren't doing some weird mega dodge bonus build, I'm gonna assume most of your AC comes from your armor and incorporeal undead go straight through that.

Haha! Yeaaaa my guy was actually supposed to be more of a comic relief character with our inquisitor being the tank, but he decided he doesn't like melee and is building pure range now. So I kind of got thrown into the tank role. Basically the idea behind my guy is this:

Poot the Wizard(Barbarian)
He's a half-orc barbarian who's clan was caught in the middle of a mage war. Almost getting wiped out, they managed to escape and rebuild. But, instead of hating magic, they saw the true power of it! They decided to become wizards themselves. Only problem, they're pretty stupid. So while they THINK they're practicing magic, they're really not. So now he thinks he's a wizard on a quest to find powerful magic. His main magic attacks so far are Magic Missile: He throws a javelin yelling magic missile. Fireball: He lights a flask of oil on fire and throws it yelling fireball. Currently he's using a heavy mace as his wand and beats people with it. And every once in a while he can use elemental rage to light them on fire! If one of his magic spells miss he automatically goes into rage for at least one round.

So because of this he has high Dex from all his throwing, decent Con and decent Str. Currently we're level 5 and I have 18 Dex, 17 Str, and 15 Con. (7 Int Haha!) I'm pumping Str up every ability increase now to boost my damage. Plus with our campaign, we just released an unknown and powerful evil that's causing the undead problems, but in doing so we just gained 1 tier of Mythic.

I'm looking for a longsword right now cause of the undead resistance to blunt weapons, but with my str, power attack feat, mythic power attack feat and using two hands for attacking, I'm doing 1d8 + 13 damage a hit without rage and have an AC of 23. I've been able to one shot most zombies so far, so I think I'm doing alright on damage for now. Could be better if i hadn't made my guy as a joke. Haha! Once I get Mythic Titans Rage, vital strike, and mythic vital strike I'll be doing crazy damage with lots of attack of opportunities and still decent AC.

And yea I'm still working on what equipment would help me the most. So far I have an ioun stone dusty rose, my mithral breastplate armor, a cloak of resistance +3, and a ring of protection +2.

What I was thinking about going for eventually is:
Head: Jingasa of the fortunate soldier
Neck: amulet of natural armor +X
Shoulders: cape of free will +X
Waist: belt of strength +X
Wrist: vambraces of defense
Boots: boots of speed
Hands: gloves of storing (for instant magic missiles!!! XD)

So yea, I think I've got pretty good AC for level 5 and decent resistances. A lot of the items are just a little boost to AC, Str, or just for flair. So instead I figured why not spend a little extra to make me immune to drain effects? Thought that might be a bit more useful. Sucks I can't throw it on boots or gloves, but I guess armor wouldn't be a horrible choice. Although, doing ghost touch sounds like a really good idea too. I'll have to think about it some more. Thanks for all the great ideas!!

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Need help enchanting my armor
« on: September 30, 2014, 08:10:21 PM »
Wow! Awesome! That was exactly what I was looking for! Thanks so much for the help! Soulfire sounds sweet! Hopefully my dm will allow it! Haha! 25,000 gold looks a hell of a lot better than +100,000 gold. :lol

I'm guessing I could add soulfire to gloves or boots with the same costs too if I wanted to go that route instead of my armor? Maybe do like a +1 soulfire boots of speed. That'd be sweet! Thanks again for the help!

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Need help enchanting my armor
« on: September 30, 2014, 04:38:13 PM »
Hey everyone,

I could definitely use some help with crafting items and how much it costs to enchant items in pathfinder. Our party basically just accidentally started an undead apocalypse in our campaign and we are about as unprepared as it comes. Having no cleric or paladin is really kicking our butts. My character is pretty much the main tank right now as a barbarian, so that kind of sucks.

So, being the main tank, I’m trying to come up with ways to buff my defenses against undead. I have Mithral Breastplate right now that I’m using and figure it’s good enough to keep for a while, but I’d like to enhance/enchant it with something that would help me fight the undead. To me it seems like the scariest part of fighting undead creatures is their ability to energy/level drain while fighting. So, I was trying to come up with a price of adding either Deathless to the armor or going all out and enchanting it with a continuous Death Ward ability to ignore all energy drains. I’m just not sure what I’m doing with pricing though. I've never crafted items before. :-\

In order to enchant armor you have to have at least a +1 enhancement bonus on the item first right? So for either enchantment, I’d have to at least make it a +1 piece of armor, adding +1,000 gold to the cost automatically. Then, if I wanted to add Deathless to it, it says it’s a +1 Bonus to price, would that just be an additional +1,000 gold? So to make my armor a +1 Deathless Mithral Breastplate, it would cost 2,000 and about 2 days to make? Does that sound right? I guess that’s not bad.

Now, while Deathless would be nice for the 25% chance to ignore energy drain effects, I would definitely rather have full immunity with the Death Ward enchantment. I’m just not sure how much that would cost. Of course, I’m guessing it’d be quiiite a bit of gold, but it’d be nice to have something to shoot for. So going by the equation for crafting magical items, this was kind of my line of thought:

I’d still need to make it a +1, so I’d add an extra 1,000 gold to it.

Base price = Spell level  x  caster level  x  2,000gp (because I want it to be continuous) and then multiply all that by 2 because Death Ward is a 1 minute/level spell.

Spell level is 4, which would mean it’s at least 4 x 2,000 x 2. I’m just not sure what they mean by caster level. Is that just lowest level the caster would need to be in order to cast that spell? So to cast a level 4 spell it would probably be a caster level of 7? Does that sound right? Any way I could lower that level?

So to make my armor a +1 Death Ward Mithral Breastplate it would cost me: (4 x 7 x 2,000)x2 + 1,000 = 113,000gp? And take 113 days to create? :twitch Ouch…the price isn't that bad, but that's a loooong time to wait for it. Oh well, I guess I could always just look for something like the Scarab of Protection. Haha! Any other ideas of equipment I could use against the undead? Thanks for the help! It's also the apocalypse right now, so who knows if I could even find someone that'd be able to craft the armor in the first place! Haha!

Oh dang, you're right! Thanks, that is a 4e build. I must've glossed over that and just assumed it was 3.5 cause the post is like 5 years old. Oh well, it still wouldn't transfer into a pathfinder game though. :-\ It would still be so much fun! Haha! I'm just a blind old gnome! I'm harmless I swear! DEAD! :lol

Hello everybody! Sorry in advanced for the crazy long post! >.<

So, my buddy’s back in town and we’ve decided to strike up another adventure in pathfinder! The only problem is it’s been over 2 years since I’ve played last and I could really use some help building my next character. The last couple times I’ve played I’ve just gone with a straight up Wizard (Conj) build and straight Ranger archer/dual wielding build. They were pretty fun, but got kind of boring pretty quick since we don’t level up very fast. We usually only get to around level 10ish and my wizard only made it to around level 8 or 9. I was pretty much useless for the first 90% of our adventure! Haha!

This time I wanted to try something unusual/weird/different. I looked around different forums for a while and found a couple builds I thought would be fun to try, but could use some help optimizing them. One was actually a *4e* build that I don’t think can translate into pathfinder:

It’s this guy’s Blind Assassin build:

It utilizes the gnome’s ability to stay hidden when he misses his attack. Combine that with the ability to add shrouds that deal damage upon a miss and you get what seems like a lot of fun! :lmao Only problem is I can’t find anything in pathfinder that could equate to a build like that. :(

So, instead I figured I’d go with another idea for an interesting build. It’d be more along the fun RP side instead of crazy damage dealer, healer, or crowd controller, but I’m up for it! I’ll just jump in and explain the idea and would greatly appreciate some critiques and helpful advice to make him better or possibly just more fun in general.

I’d like to try to play a barbarian that is so stupid he thinks he’s actually a wizard! Haha! XD Possibly come up with some back story where when he was a child, his nomadic barbarian tribe got caught inbetween some elven wizard war and was almost completely wiped out. The few families that were able to survive, instead of seeking revenge, saw the incredible power of the wizards and wanted to emulate them! The only problem is, being barbarians, they had neither the intellect nor the control to be able to wield magic. They definitely thought they did though! During the war the elders had seen wizards “throwing aarows of pure power, balls of fire, and bolts of lightning from their fingertips!” They had found piles of wizard spell books and scrolls around the battlegrounds that they were able to have partially explained to them. They took all this information and started raising/training their own wizards. My character is one of the first children to be raised as their first barbarian wizard!

My idea is basically to create a full-fledged barbarian (no actual levels in wizard), but play him so stupid that he thinks he’s a wizard performing powerful magic to defeat his foes!

I figure he’d be Chaotic Good and worship the deity Azuth or maybe Mystra.
With a 20 point buy-in, I figured I didn’t want him incredibly weak in AC so that he’d die really easily, so I’d want to focus on constitution and dexterity and do something like:

Stats:                                             Or maybe something like:
Con: 16                                          Con: 14
Dex: 16                                          Dex: 16
Str:  12                                           Str:  14
Cha: 12                                          Cha: 12
Wis: 10                                           Wis: 12
Int:   7                                            Int:   7

He’s going to be a Half-Orc, so I could put the extra 2 points into either Dex or Con. I was going off the idea that growing up he wouldn’t actually be practicing magic, but instead their tribe would focus on throwing their “spells,” hence the high Dexterity. Being Half-Orc would give him high Constitution and partially high Strength. I kind of liked the first stat spread keeping with the stupid theme and having a low 10 Wisdom instead of 12 and of course Int being as low as it can go. Cha is just whatever’s left.

I’m still not sure exactly what I want to do with the extra 2 points though. Plus, being that we usually only make it to around level 10ish, I’ll have another 2 more ability points to put somewhere else. So what’s more important? Should I bump Dexterity up to 18 for the AC boost, then bump it to 20 through my levels? Or would I get more out of the HP boost from bumping my Con up to 18 and then 20 through my levels? I guess I do get another big boost of HP with my barbarian Rage ability, so maybe I don’t need to worry so much about HP? Grab the extra AC while I can? Another thing I was thinking about is possibly getting the Intimidating Prowess feat so I can add my Strength modifier to my intimidation checks, so the second stat build might be better for that, having Str at 14 instead of 12.

So, with those stats, I’d try to make him think he was a wizard as best I could. Here’s my idea on how I’d build him weapons, armor, and magic-wise:

- His main weapon is a Club that he thinks is a magic wand. Either that or possibly go with a quarter staff that he thinks is a magic wand? What do you think would be better combat-wise? I was also trying to come up with some good curses that some of his items might have to make him think they had magical properties. Like maybe having the Club cursed with Backbiter, so whenever he rolls a 1 it curves around and hits him in the face. Magic is so unpredictable!!!  :lol

- I’d probably have him wearing some kind of stupid cloth robe or just to get a little AC maybe throw him in Leather armor or maybe later upgrade to a chain shirt or something.

- Magic missle: His strongest of spells! He carries around a handful of Javelins that he throws at people and yells “MAGIC MISSLE” at them.
- Mage armor: Maybe get the rage power Increased Damage Reduction because obviously his Mage Armor is always on, making him stronger!
- Fireball: He would carry a couple liters of oil and a bunch of flasks with him. He’d ignite the flasks of oil and throw it at enemies yelling “FIREBALL!” If he ran out of flasks of oil, he’d grab some of his “spell books” he carries, light them on fire and throw those at enemies instead.
- Lightning Bolt/Acid Splash: Possibly go for the Elemental Rage power and have him beat people over the head with his lighting bolt magic wand club!
- Fear/Scare: Intimidating Glare
- Resist Energy: Possibly get Energy Resistance rage power
- Identify: Clearly he’s such a powerful wizard he could easily identify anything magical! The whole game just mistakenly identify things all the time and try to use them wrong.
- Fog Cloud/ Stinking Cloud: ??? Not sure. Anyone think of something?
Then, maybe the only way to get him to Rage in battle is have people make fun of his magic, or have his magic be so useless he gets pissed!?
Any more ideas would be great! Definitely emphasis on the goofy/fun side instead of the practical side on this one! :D

So, to hopefully make my guy not suck completely, at level 10 I’d get about 5 feats and 5 rage powers. My ideas for those would be:

  - I’d definitely need 1.Throw Anything
  - I might want the Orc feat 2.Ironhide for a small AC boost
  - Possibly 3.Toughness for more of a boost to health?
  - If I went with a quarterstaff instead of a club, I’d probably want 4.Two Weapon Fighting and possibly even 5.Two Weapon Defense
  - I’d like to get the 6.Intimidating Prowess to at least be a little useful in battle?
  - Maybe 7.Catch off Guard? Think I’d need that if I grabbed Throw Anything?
  - Finally I was thinking if I went with a club I could use the extra feat slots and get a couple extra rage powers!

Rage Powers:
  - 1.Intimidating Glare for my Fear/Scare spell
  - Maybe 2.Guarded Stance? For survivability?
  - Possibly 3.Renewed Vigor at level 4 for a healing buff? Me so good me even know healing spells!!!
  - 4.Lesser Elemental Rage so I can get ER
  - 5.Elemental Rage for some extra “spells” and bonus combat damage
  - 6.Increased damage reduction at level 8 because my mage armor is getting stronger with me!
  - Then maybe if I take extra rage powers go with 7.Energy resistance and 8.Greater energy resistance?

Can you think of any other feats or rage powers that could work as possible “spells?” Any crazy ideas would be greatly welcome! I’d love to make the build as uncommon and funny as possible! :) Any fun curses that aren’t character breaking that my idiot could have on him? A talisman he could’ve inherited that sucks? I thought of possibly the Gauntlets of Fumbling or Ring of Clumsiness, but I figured that those would hurt my already terrible combat skills too much. Haha!

Anyways, sorry for the incredibly long post! Hopefully it at least entertained you! If you have any ideas to make the build a little better or at least more entertaining I’d love to hear them! Thanks for your time!

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could really use some help as a newbie Wizard
« on: May 21, 2012, 01:01:14 AM »
@Lycanthromancer - Wow! Yea an Empowered Enervation would be insane!!! That just seems crazy overpowered! haha! :smirk

@Captnq - Thanks for that magic missile page! That's got some awesome ideas for both magic missile and burning hands. haha! I'll definitely be waiting for your Metamagic Spellbook to be finished!! Now I can't wait! It'd be great to get some ideas on things like spell combos and what spells mesh really well with others. Not even just Metamagics, but all spells in general. Some people can come up with some awesome and powerful combinations! It's great! And the Triadspell idea would be sweet, but 18,000 gold just for the minor storing ring!!!! >.< It'll be a loooooong time before I could afford that! After a couple weeks of playing I've only been able to save up about 4000 gold! :( And I still haven't really bought any items yet either. haha.

@Dawnmor - Yea we're working on getting her sorcerer a little more powerful. We're all still only level 4, so she doesn't have too many spells yet. She finally just got her 2nd level spells now, so she's got some firepower. We're trying to just kind of slightly help her here and there on things, but we wanted to let her do most of the work building the character to let her learn more. She's doing pretty good so far. We've only had to help out a couple times. We'll see how things go when she starts getting higher level and more powerful spells. Then we might have to help out a bit more. haha! :) And I agree! There are lots of ways to have fun! I love theorycrafting and doing some number crunching. It's great though, how there's so many people that've done quite a bit of theorycrafting already. It's just trying to find all of it that's tough!! haha! :)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could really use some help as a newbie Wizard
« on: May 17, 2012, 08:47:06 PM »
Out of pure curiousity what is the party make up of your group ?

It's actually a pretty great party so far! Haha. We've got a human paladin tank that we're slowly trying to get turned into a blackguard! But he's sure feisty!! :D We'll get him soon though!! Haha!

Then we've got a tiefling cleric, which we weren't supposed to have tieflings, but shes new and really wanted to be one. So we all agreed it was ok. Shes mostly our healer of course.

We have a human ranger that's following Treantmonk's Ranger Guide. So right now at level 4 he's a powerhouse! Haha! I'm hoping he scales off here soon cause he's making the rest of us look bad! >.<

Then we have a half elf sorcerer. She's also pretty new and loves games like dragonage. So she's trying to create the "Super strong melee fighter, that can cast powerful spells, while shooting at them with a bow" character. Haha! Hasn't quite figured out there are usually different roles for that, but she's learning. It's fun.

And then there's me, the Elven Wizard. I'm trying to do a balance of damage and crowd control to help out the newer players. I'm liking it a lot so far. Though I'm definitely looking forward to when I start getting my powerful spells and summons!! Haha! :D

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could really use some help as a newbie Wizard
« on: May 17, 2012, 07:03:51 PM »
Your DM needs to stop having a stick up his arse and letcha play what you want regardless of resource.  I have a DM, that allows everything even 3rd party stuff, problem with that is that we get screwed over by our own creativity :(, you gotta pull out all stops just to survive his games, I dont think we ever had a game where our materials were limited, so I kinda feel sorry for you.

But as the same DM says that he can create a kick butt character just from using the feats out of the PHB alone, so its possible to create a Core only wizard.

I know I just hate it lol.

Oh we're usually like that too. Just coming up with fun/random ideas for characters. This was just our first time trying out pathfinder and we haven't played a campaign in a couple years, so he just didnt want to have to audit everything we do and have us creating crazy characters just yet. Haha! Next campaign he said he doesn't care, but for now stick with core.

Which is also why I needed some help. I'm so used to those crazy fun characters using all the "Complete" books. Plus I haven't played a caster in forever, so I couldn't remember a lot of the rules and whatnot. I tried looking up a bunch of guides, but most just gave you a general jist of things and only help so much.

And I thought I was doing something wrong too cause I thought I saw one guide where a guy had a conjugation wizard, level 5 with like 5 level 0 spells, 7 level 1 spells, 5 level 2 spells, and 4 level 3 spells. So it was like he had 1 extra spell at each level than I did and I couldn't figure out how he got the extra spells! I still don't know, but other guides were more like mine, so I figured maybe he did something wrong. :-/  So, I'm still just trying to figure things out.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could really use some help as a newbie Wizard
« on: May 17, 2012, 04:52:35 PM »
Deflection bonus works against everything, but unlike, say, shield bonus, it is effective against touch attacks. Also, it remains in place even if you are flat-footed. One of the best bonus types for AC.
Oh wow sweet!! Thanks so much for the information! You're awesome! :)  Now I can't wait to get back to plotting world domination!!! MUAHAHAHAH! :plotting

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could really use some help as a newbie Wizard
« on: May 17, 2012, 04:42:22 PM »
First level is kind of weird, any character can die from one unlucky roll. Very frustrating. Are you getting feats at every odd level? Pathfinder isn't exactly my cup of tea, so I would not know.
Yea, that's correct. In pathfinder you get feats at every odd level. So, with my bonus Wizard feat at level 5, I'll get to choose 2 next level. One was going to be Imp. Init. and I wasn't sure what the other one I was gonna take was yet.

That is a solid plan. It is worth noting that Spell focus (Conjuration) does affect Glitterdust, which is amazing.
My thoughts exactly!! Haha! ;)

I would steer away from Enlarge spell, it is not very good. Furthermore, Extend spell is easily replicated with metamagic rods, because for that particular metamagic feat they are rather cheap.
Alright, good to know!

Quickening is a high level strategy, that is for sure. Later on it can be very valuable if you want to buff your fellow players. For example Haste is a buff that doesn't really get old and the melee characters absolutely love it. You could, for example, buff your party's main beatstick with Polymorph and then use a swift action to cast Quickened Haste and send him to do some damage.
Ohhhhh! Buffing/Debuffing! Didn't even think of those! Quick Haste or Slow would be great! Wow thanks! Although, that still kind of sucks that they'd take up a level 7 slot! Haha! But, oh well.  :(

As OutlawPhilosopher pointed out, at least in 3.5e, you cannot ban Divination. But if your other casters have Detect magic, you don't really need it.
Ah crap. I didn't even know it wasn't bannable in 3.5. Haha! I didn't read anything about not being able to ban it in Pathfinder, but nothing's said that changed, so it's probably the same. Shoot! Well I guess it's Abjuration and Necromancy I'll be getting rid of than!  :-\

Handy Haversack is a good deal, always worth getting, same goes for Cloak of Resistance. Remember to prioritise Ring of Protection over Amulet of Natural Armor, because deflection bonus is better. Pearls of Power can only store a single spell at any one time, but you can use them again and again even if it is only once per day.
Oh SWEET!!! I thought the Pearls just got used up! Nice!! Yea, then I'm definitely going to get a couple of those! haha thanks! And I didn't even notice the deflection bonus! I thought both were just a straight increase in AC. Nice! Although, for the deflection bonus, isn't that just against touch attacks? So not against ranged? Or am I reading that wrong?

In 3.5e, all the magic items are in the DMG. Not sure how Pathfinder deals with those.
Yea, the Pathfinder Core book has pretty much most of the magic items in it. A little bit different than 3.5. Haha! It definitely is taking some getting used to. >.< But I'm liking it so far!

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could really use some help as a newbie Wizard
« on: May 17, 2012, 03:47:38 PM »
Toughness was a rather subpar choice for a Wizard and Conjuration spells tend to lack saving throws, so Spell focus (Conjuration) is not that hot either. Improved initiative is an excellent choice for any Wizard.

You mentioned that only the PHB is available to you. This begs the question, how do you plan on handling gear? Magic items, for example, are located in the DMG rather than PHB.

As for metamagic, Quicken spell is something you ought to look at later on. It is not a pressing issue at that level, but consider it as your level 12 feat. Also, if you are allowed magic items, getting a Rod of Extend is a good investment. The cheapest one can double the duration of any spell up to level 3 (three times a day only) for the cheap price of 3000 gp.

You are off to a good start there, battlefield control is the way to go as a Conjurer. One thing baffles me though, where is Glitterdust? That is a spell you should not neglect. Color spray is a fantastic choice, good to see you have it. Personally I tend to keep at least one Detect magic available as well, but your mileage may vary...

Thanks for the reply!! Yea I always hate taking Toughness! But it just seems to help so much at those lower levels! :-\  And I was thinking about taking the Imp Initiative here at level 5. I figured since I didn't really have many CC spells at those low levels, a bit of life would be more helpful than going first. Now that I've got a few CC spells, it's definitely very helpful going first!

Also, the Spell Focus (Conjuration) was pretty much only so that I could get the Augment Summon feat later. I figured I was going to have to take that Spell Focus at some point and just picked it at level 3 because I was rushed and needed to pick something. Haha. Metamagics still kind of confuse me though. They all look like really powerful feats, but having to increase the spells level slots has always turned me off. I did like the Enlarge, Extend, and Quicken feats though! I was looking at those for later. But what would be some good spells for quicken? A quick Web in case we get surprised? But that'd be a level 6 slot! Quick Color Spray seems like it'd be nice, but at a level 5 slot? I'll keep looking into it though. I like the idea of getting a Metamagic Rod though! I'll look into getting one!

And yea, I definitely have Glitterdust in my spell book, I just didn't memorize it for today! Haha! I've already used it, and it worked perfectly :D, but the next couple game days we'll be spending in the middle of this crowded city trying to get a revolt going. So, I figured I didn't really NEED it right now. I could probably get rid of Mirror Image for it instead. And both our Cleric and Sorcerer had Detect Magic and use it all the time, which is kind of another reason I didn't mind getting rid of Divination. So if I find myself alone again I'm kind of SOL, but that's alright.

As for magic items, I haven't looked too hard yet at all the items. I was pretty much just going off of the list Treantmonk had on his God Wizard Guide. Here's most of the items I'm currently looking at getting:

First I was going to try to get a Ring of Sustenance so I can prepare spells easier and don't need to rest so much. Then I was going to try to get the Headband of Vast Int, so I could jump to 22 Int as soon as I could. Next would be something like the Belt of Incredible Dexterity, just for the extra AC, Initiative, etc.

After those, it was kind of just, whatever kinds of Resistance items I could get and AC increasing items. Like: Cloak of Resistance, Amulet of Natural Armor, Ring of Protection, Maybe a Handy Haversack and Efficient Quiver. And then to finish it off I was probably gonna look at getting some Scrolls (Although, don't I have to use Read Magic in order to use them?), some Rods and Wands, and then maybe a few Pearls of Power. Just in case I need to get that one spell back when needed! haha. And just to double check, those Pearls of Power are just a one time use item right? Kind of like just having a "scroll of any spell you've memorized?"

But yea, most of the items I wanted were all in the Core Rulebook. He did say that if we wanted to though, we could look at the Magic Items list in the DMG and he might let us get some things from there. Are there any awesome items you were thinking about in the DMG that I could look into? I still don't really have any ideas for boots, gloves, or even weapons for that matter. haha! :D

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could really use some help as a newbie Wizard
« on: May 17, 2012, 03:04:35 PM »
I also suggest you grab Empower spell and take Scorching ray! or magic missile!!!, those are your basic spells regardless of level.  Grab Fell Drain too.  Tag it onto Magic missile.  Then fire each missile at a different target, that way if your attacked by a bunch of fighter types, you can drain all 5 targets of there strength by 4 pts because of Fell Drain.

Also sense your only going into level 15 maybe as you stated, I suggest you look into Ultimate Magus from Complete Mage.

Haha!! That would be so awesome!  :lmao  I've never seen that magic missile/fell drain combination before! I'll have to remember that! Although, sadly it's not in the Core Rulebook, so I couldn't do it. :-\ I also did look into Ultimate Magus, but it's from Complete Mage. There were quite a few other things I wanted from Complete Mage, but the DM knows it's a pretty overpowered book.

I was also looking into possibly doing something like the Malconvoker, but he put an end to that pretty quickly. Haha! He said next time we play we can start trying some of those unique and overpowered builds if we wanted. For now we need to just stick with the Core Rulebook.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could really use some help as a newbie Wizard
« on: May 17, 2012, 02:38:45 AM »
Haha! thanks!  :lol

Min/Max 3.x / Could really use some help as a newbie Wizard
« on: May 17, 2012, 01:39:13 AM »
Hello all, Sorry in advanced for such a long post!

So, my buddies and I started a new campaign a little while ago to test out pathfinder and see how it compares to 3.5 and 4.0. I decided I wanted to try out a Wizard this time around and I’m not sure I’m exactly getting this right. I could definitely use a bit of help with my guy and was wondering if anyone had some tips for me.

We started the campaign at level 0 and we’re now at level 4, about to hit level 5. Our DM’s leaving in a couple months, so he’s trying to level us a bit faster than usual. I’d say we’ll probably hit somewhere in the low teens by the time we’re done. Level 13, 14, maybe 15. Definitely not close to level 20 though.

That kinda has me a bit worried about my strength as a wizard, because I know they are pretty terrible at low levels and shine at the higher levels. I figure once I get around level 9-10 I’ll start being able to pull some weight, but I feel pretty useless right now at level 4. Level 5 should help a bit once I’m able to start casting level 3 spells, but I won’t have many.

I’m basically trying to use Treantmonk’s God Wizard as kind of a guide for my character. I’ve always kind of been the glass cannon fireball-type casters and was looking for something different this time. So a summoning/crowd control caster sounded pretty interesting. I’m liking it a lot so far, but now that I’m more of a utility caster, I’m having trouble with spell choices and feats. Plus, our Paladin was allowed to tweak his character a little bit, so our DM said if anyone else wanted to make some alterations we could do it now. :)

Also, because we’re new to pathfinder and don’t want to complicate things too much, the DM said we can only use things from the Core Player’s Handbook. Nothing else. So that kind of gimped me a little bit. Like, I wanted to take Rapid Summoning instead of a Familiar, but the DM wouldn’t let me do that. And I still haven’t decided on a familiar yet! >.< Haha. I don’t know if I should go with a Rat for bonus Fort or a Toad for a little extra HP? Any other ideas?

That also means that I was pretty much just going to go with Wizard as my class for every level. There weren’t any other core classes that blended well with this wizard and none of the core prestige classes looked good either.

Anyways, here’s my guy so far: 

Level 4 Neutral Evil Elf, Conjuration Wizard,  HP = 28,  Str: 8, Dex: 17, Con: 12, Int: 20, Wis: 12, Cha: 10
AC: 13,   Fort: 2, Ref: 4, Will: 5

I’ve specialized in the Conjuration School. The two anti-schools I went with were Abjuration and Divination. I had a hard time deciding these schools, but I chose these because, I really didn’t want to get rid of Illusion or Transmutation. I still wanted some blasting spells (force of habit >.<) so I didn’t want to get rid of Evocation. I like using a lot of the Enchantment spells, so I wanted that. So it was basically down to Necromancy, Abjuration, and Divination. Abj and Div didn’t sound that great to me, so I just dumped them. Not sure if I picked the right ones or not. :/ Like do I NEED the spell Read Magic memorized every day if I want to use any scroll? Or transfer a spell from someone else’s spell book to my own? I haven’t gotten a scroll or found another spell book yet, but I should be getting some soon, so that was my first thought about maybe I picked the wrong schools. Haha. Maybe switch Div for Necro?

Now, I’m not sure if I’m doing my spells per day right either. Since I’m specialized I get an extra Conj spell per day too right? So at level 4, with an intelligence of 20, I should get:

Level 0 – 4 Spells: 4 for the level
Level 1 – 6 Spells: 3 for the level, 2 for Int bonus, and 1 for Conj
Level 2 – 4 Spells: 2 for the level, 1 for Int bonus, and 1 for Conj

Does that sound right?

I won’t write down all the spells in my book, but here are the ones I’ve memorized for the day:

0 level: Daze, Light, Flare, and Prestidigitation
1 level: Mage Armor, Sleep, Grease x2, and Color Spray x2
2 level: Web, Flaming Sphere, Mirror Image, and Invisibility

Are there completely obvious spells at those levels that I’m overlooking? At this level it didn’t seem like any of the spells are that great and our party doesn’t really have much for damage. A tank Pally, Cleric healer, Ranger damage, Sorcerer damage, and my wizard damage/cc. So I wanted to try to throw in some CC as well as a little damage too. I usually try to start battles out with mage armor, and a grease/web. Then depending on what happens after that I go more cc or more damage. I figure once I hit level 5 I can start summoning with the Summon Monster III spell, since it seems the consensus on SM I & II are that they kind of suck. Haha.

Finally I’m not exactly sure what feats I should be looking at. I took Toughness at level 1, and Spell Focus Conjuration at level 3. I was looking at getting improved initiative and augmented summoning later, but I don’t really have many choices. Maybe a Spell Penetration? And I’ve never used metamagic before so I don’t really know how effective they can be, taking up higher level spell slots and all. :/

Oh, and all I have so far for items is pretty much just my spell book and components pouch, some rations and then a basic Longsword in case I get into melee. I’ve been trying to save up for some decent items like a ring of sustenance or headband of Vast Int or Belt of incredible dex for a little extra AC. I haven’t looked at items too much yet because we’re so low on gold, but I’ll check them out sometime soon.

So yea, I don’t really have any specific questions exactly, just kind of a general “am I doing something clearly wrong?!” kind of thing. Haha! We’re all still pretty new, so any help would be great! I know I’m pretty weak right now, but I’m hoping I’ll get a lot stronger here soon! ^_^ If you’ve got any advice, tips, critiques, etc. let me know! I definitely want my guy to be as awesome as possible!!! Thanks!

Introduce Yourself / Hello from Minnesota!
« on: March 14, 2012, 08:09:12 PM »
Hello Everyone!! Been a lurker for a little while now and decided to finally join the forum! :) Here are some details about me in case you were curious:

My name is Dave and I'm from Duluth, Minnesota, United States of America.

Oh gosh, I don't even know where to begin with my favorite games. You can probably tell a lot about someone just by the games they play. Haha. Here's a short random list, in no particular order:
Final Fantasy 7, entire Suikoden series, Final Fantasy Tactics, Tactics Ogre, Chrono Cross and Trigger, Wild Arms, entire Fable series, most Star Wars RPGs (Kotor 1&2, Jedi Knight games, Swtor), Pretty much every Pokemon game ever created haha, Xenogears, Baldur's Gate 1&2, Starcraft 1&2, Might and Magic Series, Star Ocean games, Fallout 3, I could go on and on and yet still sooooo many I haven't played but really want to.

Some other stuff I like doing besides gaming would be mostly just hanging out with friends, watching movies. I love pretty much all kinds of music. I like to go Geocaching from time to time. Then a bunch of other random stuff here and there too.

I'm always up for new friends so send me a friend request on facebook:

If you can, put something like "MinMax boards" in the message.

That pretty much about sums me up. If you have any questions just shoot me a message.

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