You sure you don't want Ahuizotl as a Herald based off making it difficult to get Unique Items? It seems like a natural fit.
Potential Cragadile stats:
Aquatic Movement
Horror Rating -1, Sanity damage 1
Combat Rating -2, Stamina damage 2
Toughness 3
Normal Movement
Horror Rating +0, Sanity Damage 1
Combat Rating -4, Stamina Damage 2
Toughness 2
No Movement
Horror Rating -1, Sanity damage 1
Combat Rating -3, Stamina damage 0
Toughness 1
Magic Resistance
Investigators who lose a Combat Check are delayed
Normal Move
Horror Rating -2, Sanity damage 2
Combat Rating -3, Damage 3
TOughness 3
Overwhelming 1
Physical resistance
Aquatic Move
Horror Rating -1, Sanity damage 1
Combat Rating -2, Damage 2
Toughness 3
Physical Resistance
Are there any other new monsters?
Also whats the name of the nightmares? I may do him as a herald.