Okay if we wanna keep teh map similar we need 9 neighborhoods of 3 locations, 11 of which should be unstable
Downtown: Town Hall/Square, Day Spa, ?, 1 unstable
Easttown: Ponyville Retirement Village, Cafe, ?, 1 unstable
French Hill: ?, ?, 2 unstable
Merchant District: Ghastly Gorge, ?, ?, 2 unstable
MSU: Golden Oaks Library, Ponyville Tower, ?, 1 unstable
Northside: Train Station, Marketplace, Ponyyville Express Newspaper, no unstables
Rivertown: Hardware Store, Everfree Forest, ?, 2 unstables
Southside: Sweet Apple Acres, Sugarcube Corner, ?, 1 unstable
Uptown: Hospital, ?, ?, 1 unstable