Kitty Magic Items: AccessoriesBoots of ManPrice (Item Level): 12,000 GP (13th)
Body Slot: Feet
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint; (DC:16) Transmutation
Activation: - (Use Activated)
Weight: -
These appear to be perfectly ordinary boots until slipped on the feet of an animal. While worn these allow the animal to stand upright, and allows the use of some skills which would normally be impossible for the animal.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, must be able to cast second level spells, one of which must be a Transmutation spell
Cost to Create: 6000 GP, 6 days, 240 XP
Breathing CollarPrice (Item Level): 6,000 GP (10th)
Body Slot: Throat
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint; (DC:18) Transmutation
Activation: Swift (Command Word)
Weight: -
This appears to be an ordinary necklace in human form, and a cat's collar while you are in Kitty Form. The command word can be a particular meow in kitty form. While wearing it the owner does not need to breathe. Favored by Plane traveling or underwater Cat Burglars, or by the Sons of Pinky (who often wear them so dozens of them can be carried in a Bag or Collar of Holding).
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Water Breathing
Cost to Create: 3000 GP, 120 XP, 3 days
Cat's Eye GemPrice (Item Level): 22000 GP (15th)
Body Slot: Choose Face, Head or Throat
Caster Level: 17th
Aura: Strong; (DC:24) Divination
Activation: Standard (Mental)
Weight: -
The wearer of the Cat's Eye Gem can cast Eye of Power (see Spell Compendium) once per day. It can be made into one of various forms of jewelry.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Eye of Power
Cost to Create: 11000 GP, 440 XP, 11 days
Collar ArmorPrice: +1 Bonus (6th)
Body Slot: Throat as a Collar, Body when in use
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong; (DC:21) Transmutation
Activation: Swift (command)
This appears to be a normal collar. But when the command word is meowed it morphs into a suit of Light or Medium armor sized and made for you in kitty form. When it is meowed again the armor retreats into the collar. Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Ironwood
Cost to Create: Varies
Collar CharmsPrice: Double that of the Collar whose effects it mimics.
Body Slot: Throat as a Collar, Body when in use
Caster Level: Identical to Collar whose effects it mimics
Aura: Identical to Collar whose effects it mimics
Activation: Varies (see text)
Collar Charms appear to be medals, baubles or other attachments to collars. They are effectively another magical collar, allowing the Cat Burglar to wear multiple collars (assuming he can afford the massive expense). Only one Collar Charm may be worn, effectively allowing you to wear two magical items on the Throat location.
Prerequisites: Identical to the Collar whose effects it mimics
Cost to Create: Double that of the Collar whose effects it mimics.
The Collar of Furious Furry FuriesPrice (Item Level): 4000 GP (8th)
Body Slot: Throat
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint; (DC:16) Transmutation
Activation: - (Use -Activated)
Weight: -
This appears to be an ordinary necklace in human form, and a cat's collar while you are in Kitty Form. While wearing this collar you are considered to have the Intimidating Rage and Instantaneous Rage Feats. If you have both Feats the collar is of no use to you.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Intimidating Rage, Instantaneous Rage
Cost to Create: 2000 GP, 80 XP, 2 days
Collar of HoldingPrice (Item Level): 750 GP (3rd)
Body Slot: Throat
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate; (DC:19) Conjuration
Activation: Swift (command)
Weight: -
This appears to be an ordinary necklace in human form, and a cat's collar while you are in Kitty Form. It acts in all ways as a Bag of Holding with some exceptions. By touching something and speaking the command word (or meow, it has 2 separate command words, on in Common, one in Cat) whatever you touch is teleported and held inside the collar. Most Cat Burglars use this for keeping a set of clothes and some sparse equipment with them, or to steal things if necessary. The collar can hold a maximum of 63 pounds, and a a maximum volume of 8 square feet.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Leomund's Secret Chest
Cost to Create: 375 GP, 1 day, 15 XP
Collar of Sneakery BlackmailPrice (Item Level): 1000 GP (4th)
Body Slot: Throat
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint; (DC:17) Illusion and Divination
Activation: Swift (command)
Weight: -
This appears to be an ordinary necklace in human form, and a cat's collar while you are in Kitty Form. 3 times per day the wearer can activate it and it will record events in front of the PC for 10 minutes. A second command word replays the recording at will. Think of it as a neat little video camera. The command word is a particular meow while in kitty form.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Major Image, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
Cost to Create: 500 GP, 20 XP, 1 day
Cute Widdle BowsiesPrice (Item Level): 4000 GP (8th)
Body Slot: -
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint; (DC:17) Transmutation
Activation: - (Use-activated)
Weight: -
These appear to be pretty little bows that can be attached to any magic item that is worn on the body. While wearing them you can select 1 piece of clothing or personal item per point of charisma modifier (you magically have enough ribbons and bows to tie to each item). These selected items remain on you when you switch to Kitty Form and in the case of Magic Items, continue to function. Switching items can only be done in human form, and is a Swift Action.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Kitty Form (Tiny)
Cost to Create: 2000 GP, 80 XP, 2 days
Darth RobesPrice (Item Level): 70000 GP (19th)
Body Slot: Body
Manifester Level: 11th
Aura: Moderate; (DC:21) Telepathy
Activation: Swift (Mental)
Weight: -
The wearer of Darth Robes can Manifest the Mass Cloud Minds power 3/day.
Prerequisites: Craft Universal Item, Mass Cloud Minds
Cost to Create: 35000 GP, 1400 XP, 35 days
Dog CollarPrice (Item Level): 1000 GP (4th)
Body Slot: Throat
Caster Level: 1st
Aura: Faint; (DC:16) Conjuration
Activation: Swift Action (Command)
Weight: -
This appears to be an ordinary necklace in human form, and a cat's collar while you are in Kitty Form. The command word can be a particular meow in kitty form. While wearing it you can summon a Dog once per day as a Supernatural ability. This otherwise works like Summon Nature's Ally I. Perfect to get yourself adopted when the mean ole' doggie chases the poor little kitten into the princess' arms and the guards have to shoo the dog away.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Summon Nature's Ally 1
Cost to Create: 500 GP, 20 XP, 1 days
Feathered HatPrice (Item Level): 16000 GP (14th)
Body Slot: Head
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint; (DC:18)
Activation: - (Use -Activated)
Weight: -
This is a wide brimmed hat with a feather plume in the band. It sticks to your head when worn, never gets dirty, and mends itself if torn. While wearing it you gain +4 Enhancement Bonus to Cha as long as the hat is worn. While the hat does stick to your head and will not fall off, the force is not strong enough to prevent it from being removed by an opponent who grabs it and pulls.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Eagle's Splendor, Prestidigitation
Cost to Create: 8000 GP, 320 XP, 8 days
Flea CollarPrice (Item Level): 16,000 GP (14th)
Body Slot: Throat
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: moderate; (DC:17) Abjuration
Activation: -(continuous when worn)
Weight: -
This appears to be an ordinary necklace in human form, and a cat's collar while you are in Kitty Form. When worn, the wearer gains the benefit of a Repel Vermin spell as though cast by a 7th level Druid (however the duration is continuous while worn). Vermin are common in areas where Cat Burglars sneak into, and this keeps them away.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Repel Vermin
Cost to Create: 8000 GP, 320 XP, 8 days
Fly CollarPrice (Item Level): 17,000 GP (14th)
Body Slot: Throat
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint; (DC:17) Transmutation
Activation: Swift (command) and Continuous (see description)
Weight: -
This appears to be an ordinary necklace in human form, and a cat's collar while you are in Kitty Form. 3 times per day the wearer can activate it and gain the benefit of a Fly spell. He also gains the benefit of a Feather Fall spell for as long as he wears the collar. The command word is a particular meow while in kitty form. When activated a small red cape unfurls from the collar.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Feather Fall, Fly
Cost to Create: 8500 GP, 340 XP, 9 days
The Fruit Helmet of Mighty JusticePrice (Item Level): 90000 GP (20th)
Body Slot: Head
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate; (DC:20) Abjuration
Activation: - (Use -Activated)
Weight: -
At some point in civilization the rich and perpetually stoned had a neat idea of carving fruit into little helmets and putting them on their cats for the purposes of comedy. As cats (and Cat Burglars) were forced to endure this crap it was decided to turn this to their advantage by enchanting actual fruitlike headgear so as to be able to wear even more magic items openly. While wearing the Fruit Helm you gain the benefits of the spell Contingent Energy Resistance.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Contingent Energy Resistance
Cost to Create: 45000 GP, 90 days, 3600 XP
Gloves of ManPrice (Item Level): 12,000 GP (13th)
Body Slot: Feet
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint; (DC:16) Transmutation
Activation: - (Use Activated)
Weight: -
These appear to be perfectly ordinary gloves until an animal or being without functional hands slip them on. These gloves allow them to function as if they had hands.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, must be able to cast second level spells, one of which must be a Transmutation spell
Cost to Create: 6000 GP, 6 days, 240 XP
HoodiePrice (Item Level): 500 GP (3rd)
Body Slot: Torso
Caster Level: 1st
Aura: Faint; (DC:16) Illusion
Activation: Swift (Command Word)
Weight: -
While wearing the Hoodie you may cast the following spells 1/day: Catsfeet (Complete Mage), Secret Weapon (see Cityscape).
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item
Cost to Create: 250 GP, 10 XP, 1 day
Jabba CollarPrice (Item Level): 2000 GP (6th)
Body Slot: Throat
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint; (DC:17) Transmutation
Activation: Swift (Command)
Weight: -
This appears to be an ordinary necklace in human form, and a cat's collar while you are in Kitty Form. The command word can be a particular meow in kitty form. While wearing it you can cast Whispering Wind 3 times per day, and cast Message at will.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Message, Whispering Wind
Cost to Create: 1000 GP, 1 days, 40 XP
Kitty CostumesPrice (Item Level): 22000 (15th)
Body Slot: Body
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Moderate; (DC:19) Necromancy (Bestow Curse, Poison), Evocation (Ice Storm, Shout), Enchantment (Charm Monster), Conjuration (Call Lemure Horde, It Was the Dog, Summon Feline IV), Transmutation (Catapult, Dancing Blade, Polymorph, Primal Speed), Abjuration (Break Enchantment, Freedom of Movement, Stoneskin)
Activation: - (Use-Activated)
Weight: 5 lbs.
Your 'owner' insists on dressing you up in goofy little costumes because it's cute. So you've had some of them enchanted to take advantage of this. Each one gives you a specific buff depending on it's appearance:
Bee: While wearing this Costume you may cast Poison 2/day as a 7th Level Caster.
Chicken: While wearing this Costume you may cast Shout 2/day as a 7th Level Caster.
Cute: While wearing this Costume you may cast Charm Monster 2/day as a 7th Level Caster.
Devil: While wearing this Costume you may cast Call Lemure Horde 2/day as a 7th Level Caster.
Frog: While wearing this Costume you may cast Primal Speed 2/day as a 7th Level Caster.
Goat: While wearing this Costume you may cast Catapult 2/day as a 7th Level Caster.
Jester: While wearing this Costume you may cast It Was the Dog 2/day as a 7th Level Caster.
Lion: While wearing this Costume you may cast Summon Feline IV 2/day as a 7th Level Caster.
Lobster: While wearing this Costume you may cast Stoneskin IV 2/day as a 7th Level Caster.
Musketeer: While wearing this Costume you may cast Freedom of Movement 2/day as a 7th Level Caster.
Pirate: While wearing this Costume you may cast Dancing Blade 2/day as a 7th Level Caster.
Reindeer: While wearing this Costume you may cast Ice Storm 2/day as a 7th Level Caster.
Shark: While wearing this Costume you may cast Polymorph 2/day as a 7th Level Caster. You may cast it on yourself only, and can only become Sharks.
Witch: While wearing this Costume you may cast Bestow Curse 2/day as a 7th Level Caster.
Wizard: While wearing this Costume you may cast Break Enchantment 2/day as a 7th Level Caster.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item plus the spell it allows you to cast.
Cost to Create: 11000 GP, 880 XP, 2 days
Lucky Cat CharmsPrice (Item Level): 2500 GP (7th) for a +1, 10000 GP (12th) for a +2
Body Slot: Throat
Caster Level: 3 (+1) or 6 (+2)
Aura: Faint (Moderate for +2); (DC:17 for +1, 18 for +2) Transmutation
Activation: -
Weight: -
Lucky Cat Charms are minor talismans that prevent either a +1 or +2 Luck Bonus. At the beginning of the day when you awaken you make a brief prayer to the Cat Gawds and set what the Bonus is for. You may choose to make it a Luck Bonus to a specific skill, Reflex Saving throws, or Armor Class.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Lucky Streak
Cost to Create: 1250 GP, 5 XP, 2 days (+1) 5000 GP, 200 XP, 5 days (+2)
MasquePrice (Item Level): 65000 GP (19th)
Body Slot: Face
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate; (DC:20) Transmutation
Activation: Swift (Mental)
Weight: -
This is a white porcelain mask with a stylized representation of one of various cats. It allows the wearer to cast one of the following spells 3/day: Aggressive Cat Is Aggressive, Basement Cat, Cat Burglaring, Ceiling Cat, Defensive Cat is Defensive, Happycat, Hover Cat, Pussywillow, Serious Cat or Velcro Cat.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, whichever of the above spells the item allows you to cast
Cost to Create: 32500 GP, 1300 XP, 33 days
MonoclePrice (Item Level): 100000 GP (20th)
Body Slot: Face
Caster Level: 11th
Aura: Moderate; (DC:21) Divination
Activation: - (Continuous)
Weight: -
While wearing this monocle the owner has the benefits of an I See What You Did There spell.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, I See What You Did There
Cost to Create: 50000 GP, 2000 XP, 50 days
Mousie CollarPrice (Item Level): 1000 GP (4th)
Body Slot: Throat
Caster Level: 1st
Aura: Faint; (DC:16) Conjuration
Activation: Swift Action (Command)
Weight: -
This appears to be an ordinary necklace in human form, and a cat's collar while you are in Kitty Form. The command word can be a particular meow in kitty form. While wearing it you can summon a Dire Rat once per day or a regular rat 3 times per day as a Supernatural ability. This otherwise works like Summon Nature's Ally I. Perfect to help your disguise when someone wonders what a cat is doing in the treasury vault (just chase the rat). Or save the King's daughter from that mean ole Dire Rat.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Summon Nature's Ally 1
Cost to Create: 500 GP, 20 XP, 1 days
The Official Catfort Seal of ApprovalPrice (Item Level): 112500 GP (21st)
Body Slot: Throat
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate; (DC:20) Evocation/Transmutation
Activation: - (Use Activated)
Weight: -
Assuming one of your Allies possesses the Catfort magic item this allows you to communicate with anyone inside it at will as per the Sending spell cast by a 9th Level Wizard. It also allows you to pass through the walls of the Catfort as if they were immaterial. All Seals work with one specific Catfort, which is created at the same time they are (a maximum of 40 Seals can be made per Catfort). If a Seal is destroyed a new one can be made, but must be done so in the Catfort's presence. Seals only work for the Catfort they were made to function for.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Passwall, Sending
Cost to Create: 56250 GP, 113 days, 4500 XP
Pointy Witch HatPrice (Item Level): 36000 GP (17th)
Body Slot: Head
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Moderate; (DC:22) Transmutation
Activation: - (Continuous)
Weight: -
Favored by Catwitches everywhere, they may add their Cat Powah Bonus to the Save DC of spells they cast that do direct damage while wearing it.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Ejo's Extemporaneous Enhancement
Cost to Create: 18000 GP, 18 days, 720 XP
Punishment CollarPrice (Item Level): 132,000 GP (22nd)
Body Slot: Throat
Caster Level: 11th
Aura: Moderate; (DC:21) Enchantment
Activation: -(use activated)
Weight: -
This appears to be a thick, black collar. When placed around an individuals neck it has the effect of a Geas spell, requiring him to shelter and feed all stray cats he sees for 1 year so long as they wish to stay. He must also protect them from harm. Should he refuse to do so, he will have to spend 1 year as a cat himself. Cat Burglars use this collar to punish individuals who are cruel to cats, and to ensure that someone has to put them up for the night so long as they are in kitty form. After the year is over the collar falls off. At which point it can be placed on the neck of someone else. The collar does not work for anyone who has worn it in the past.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Geas/Quest
Cost to Create: 66000 GP, 66 days, 2640 XP
ShadesPrice (Item Level): 128000 GP (13th)
Body Slot: Face
Caster Level: 15th
Aura: Strong; (DC:23) Abjuration
Activation: -(use activated)
Weight: -
The wearer of these dark glasses enjoys the benefits of a Protection from Spells spell.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Protection from Spells
Cost to Create: 64000 GP, 64 days, 2560 XP
Tank CollarPrice: +1 Bonus (+ an additional 50 GP, 6th)
Body Slot: Throat as a Collar, Body when in use
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong; (DC:21) Transmutation
Activation: Swift (command)
This appears to be a normal collar. But when the command word is meowed it morphs into a suit of Heavy armor sized and made for you in kitty form. When it is meowed again the armor retreats into the collar. The Armor has a seat and wand mounted on the back. This seat is usually occupied by an Awakened Mouse partner with the skill or power to use the wand who functions as a sort of Defensive gunner while the Cat Burglar goes about his business. Remember to include the cost of the Wand when making the collar. When the wand is empty it may be swapped out for another wand if it cannot be recharged.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Ironwood
Cost to Create: Varies
Tent CollarPrice (Item Level): 6,000 GP (10th)
Body Slot: Throat
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint; (DC:17) Evocation
Activation: Swift (command)
Weight: -
This appears to be an ordinary necklace in human form, and a cat's collar while you are in Kitty Form. Once per day you can command it to become a Leomund's Tiny Hut, as per the spell of the same name. The command word can be a particular meow in kitty form. Beloved by rural Cat Burglars everywhere. There is also a one person collar sized for a single cat. It retails for 500 GP.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Leomund's Tiny Hut
Cost to Create: 3000 GP, 240 XP, 3 days
Whoopin' CollarPrice (Item Level): 24,000 GP (15th)
Body Slot: Throat
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Faint; (DC:24) Transformation
Activation: Swift (Command)
Weight: -
This appears to be an ordinary necklace in human form, and a cat's collar while you are in Kitty Form. The command word can be a particular meow in kitty form. While wearing it you can cast Nightstalker's Transformation 3 times per day.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Nightstalker's Transformation
Cost to Create: 12,000 GP, 12 days, 480 XP