eh. I developed this tactic while playing with a group who had a horrible time killing big enemies. little stuff they had no trouble with but with big 'end' guys, demons, dragons, anything that was a single large creature the party just could not lay out the damage to kill it without taking massive damage. I play a duskblade in plate armor and a great sword. had the sword enchanted with a +2, spell storing, and shock (+1d6 electric damage). I could burn a huge amount of spells FAST and deal a huge amount of damage. use the smiting spell (twined shocking grasp), end action. next turn move adjacent to monster, cast true strike, end action. cast blade of blood as swift action, channel twined shocking grasp, discharge twined shocking grasp, burn level 3 spell slot for arcane strike. level 12
+43 to hit 2d6+1d6 electrical+3d6+3d4+30d6 electrical+10 (36d6+3d4+10)
with the big monsters the DM was using it was enough to cripple the monster. I could only do this like 4 times a day. then I started taking levels of PrC dragon disciple. if you want I can dig up the build its around here somewhere and I can post it or pm you with it. point buy system.
you have to be very careful how you expend your spells. if you use too much on smaller guys then you can't go nuke when you need to. my duskblade took more prep and more careful expenditure of magical resources than the wizard of our group. we had a wizard8/fighter4, a psiblade12, a rouge12, a NPC cleric12 and then me.
if your group isn't having as much trouble holding its own then I would suggest a slightly modified version of the above build. or you can take the build as is and only use the nuke as a last resort.