Hey all. Once again my regular IRL group has fallen apart and I've started looking around locally to find a new one. There's a couple around I've made tentative officers to, but outside of a basic listing of GM experience, I have no idea what to expect. That's a bit of a problem, because I'm not the best at just designing characters that are awesome in any setting per se.
So it occurred to me- rather than designing one character and hoping I could smush it into whatever character shaped hole the DM might want or expect, why not make several basic concepts and let those concepts inform possible character usage.
It doesn't get more basic than race, and all the DMs are fine with 3.5 material even if it's 'converted' like oriental adventures is. To that end, I've decided that giving Hengeyoukai a shot would be advantageous- because they're sufficiently interesting and useful to low or higher tier play.
That being said, I took one look at some of the suggested variants, and went "Eh... maybe", and that pretty much crapped all over my enthusiasm. I mean they're basic choices, but they're also not especially good. Only a couple have useful kit- Weasels have a climb speed (Not a very fast one, mind you), and rabbits have 40 ft move. None of the suggested birds- Crane or Swallow- are what I'd consider acceptable because they fly 20 ft, which is like, I might as well walk.
But then I read through the racial writeup again, and noticed something. It doesn't present the different variants as 'these are your choices'- but rather as 'your choices include these options'. The actual text says that I may be a hengeyoukai for ANY small or small creature of the animal type.
Well that opens some options up. So I took to the MM and the pathfinder monster books, and came some cool options.
There's a range- foxes that are statistically similar to rabbits (I'm not too keen on being a bunny), various rodents- including a particularly amusing one: You can be a skunk hengeyoukai. Might go with that one
Alternatively, the other serious contender is the Eagle. Eagles are, for the record, bad ass. While like most birds they only clock in at 10 ft landspeed, an Eagle goes like stink while flying, clocking in at 80 ft. A hawk may also be viable- being smaller but still size small than an Eagle, and not quite as fast.
This would open up a lot of options, assuming the campaign I join isn't all 'inside' stuff, which would naturally flavour my choice.
Suggestions, alternatives, would all be appreciated. I haven't decided on class yet, though I'm thinking either a Harmonious Paladin (ACF from CoV that grants bardic music instead of some basic pally stuff), or some sort of spellthief, or spell turning rogue.