Author Topic: Succubus and Lilitu  (Read 24657 times)

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Succubus and Lilitu
« on: November 13, 2011, 02:37:54 PM »

1+0+0 +2+2 Body of temptation, Corrupter initiate, Change Shape, +2 Cha
2+1+0 +3+3Demon, Deadly Seduction, +1 Cha
3+2+1+3+3Lesser Corruptor ,Gifted, +1 Cha
4+3+1+4+4Wings, Abyss skin, +1 Cha
5+3+1+4+4Corruptor, Temptation Incarnate, +1 Cha
6+4+2+5 +5 Kiss, +1 Cha
7+5+2+ 5+5Greater Corruptor, +1 Cha

Skills:8+Int modifier per level, Class skills are Bluff, Concentration,Craft(any), Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge(any), Listen, Profession(any), Search, Sense Motive, Spot,  Use Rope, Use Magic Device.

Proficiencies:Simple weapons, Whips, and her own natural weapons.


Body of temptation: The succubbus loses all other racial bonuses and gains outsider traits (basically darkvision 60 feet). She's an outsider with base speed 30 feets and two claws as natural attacks, each dealing 1d6+Str modifier damage.

She also gains a bonus to natural armor equal to her Cha modifier.

Corrupter initiate:
The Succubus can use Detect Good, Detect Thoughts, Charm Person as SLAs twice per day per HD, any DC=10+1/2HD+Cha modifier.  If she multiclasses for an arcane/divince class she can count her succubus levels as levels of that class for purposes of CL and for the purposes of learning new spells and geting new spell slots. So for example, a succubus 3 who took 1 level of sorceror could choose to have CL 4, get 3 2nd level spell slots, 1 1st level spell slot, 1 2nd level spell known and 1 0th level spell known. She wouldn't get the spell knowns and spell slots of a sorceror 3 however.  She would get the familiar ability, but succubus levels wouldn't count for it.

If the succubus multiclasses into cleric, she may use Cha as her main Casting stat instead of Wis, but she can't take any domains if she does so.

Change Shape:At 1st level a Succubus can assume the form of any Small or Medium humanoid 1/day for each HD it has.
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Ability increase:The succubus gains +2 Cha at first level and +1 every other level, for a total of +8 Cha at 7th level.

Demon:At 2nd level the Succubus gains resistance to electricity and a bonus on saves against poison equal to her HD, and resistance to fire, acid and cold equal to half her HD. Plus telepathy 40 feets plus 10 feets for each extra HD from here. Also she gains the evil and chaotic subtypes and her attacks with natural and manufactured weapons count as chaotic and evil for bypassing DR.

Deadly seduction:At 2nd level if the Succubus sucessfully feints an oponent in combat, that oponent takes a penalty to AC equal to the succubbus Cha modifier untill the end of the next succubus turn.

Gifted:At 3rd level the Succubus is under a permanent Tongues effect. She also gains a bonus to listen and spot checks equal to her HD.

Lesser corruptor:At 3rd level the Succubus can use Sugestion as a SLA once per day per HD. DC=10+1/2HD+Cha modifier. 

Wings:At 4th level the Succubus grows bat-like wings  allowing her to fly at a speed of 50 feet with average maneuverability.

Abyss skin:At 4th level the Succubus gains DR/cold iron or good equal to half her HD and SR equal to 11+HD. She may drop or raise her SR at any time as a free action. At 10 HD her DR improves to DR/cold iron and good.

Corruptor:At 5th level the Succubus can use Charm Monster as a SLA once per day per HD. DC=10+1/2HD+Cha modifier.

Temptation Incarnate:At 5th level the succubbus benefits from a permanent sanctuary effect as the spell,  save DC= 10+1/2+Cha mod, except that creatures must make will saves every round they try to attack the Succubus and if the Succubus attacks a creature the sanctuary effect is only lost towards that creature. The succubus can force an attacked oponent to make Will saves for this ability again by performing and suceeding on a new feint check.
Kiss:At 6th level a Succubus drains energy from a mortal it lures into some act of passion, or by simply planting a kiss on the victim. If the target is not willing to be kissed, the succubus must start a grapple, which provokes an attack of opportunity. The succubus’s kiss or embrace bestows one negative level. The kiss also has the effect of a suggestion spell, asking the victim to accept another kiss from the succubus. The victim must succeed on a DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha modifier Will save to negate the effect of the suggestion. The DC for removing the negative level is the same, except that it demands a fortitude save.

For every two negative levels inflicted on a single sentient creature by kiss the succubus gains +1 to an ability score of her choice other than charisma for 1 hour. The succubus cannot gain a bonus to any of her ability scores trough this ability bigger than her HD.

Greater corruptor:At 7th level the Succubus can now use Ethereal Jaunt and teleport 1/day as SLAs for each 4HD she has. A succubus with 12 HD or more can use greater teleport SLA instead of the teleport SLA.

In adition, the succubus mind-affecting SLAs and spells can now affect oponents immune to mind-affecting, but they gain a +5 bonus on their saves. If they were flat-footed by deadly seduction, they gain no special bonus for having immunity instead.

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« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 04:34:17 AM by oslecamo »

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Re: Succubus and Lilitu
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2011, 02:38:53 PM »

-Must have taken all 7 Sucubus levels.
-Must have at least one cleric level.
-Must perform a decadent and shocking 24 hour ritual with at least twenty sentient creatures that believe they're worshiping a good deity. The ritual must conclude with the killing of all the participants, including the succubbus herself. Sealing the participants inside a church and seting it on the fire is the most usual way, but other methods such as poisoned drinks,  magic traps or unleashing some berseker monster are also possible. The succubus may finish herself with suicide should she prove more resilient than her sacrifices. After her demise, she rises as a Lilitu.

Special: You don't need to have enough exp to level up to become a Lilitu. Meeting all the prerequisites is enough, after which the succubus swaps any cleric levels she had for Lilitu levels.

1+ 1+0+0 +2 Body of Heresy, Mock Divinity, Shroud Alignment, Mock Artifact, +1 Dex
2+ 2+0 +0 +3 Lilitu's Gift, Profane Domain, Corrupter Mistress, +1 Str
3+ 3+1+1 +3Stingers, Decay Poison, +1 Dex
4+ 4+1+1 +4Irresistible Corrupter,  +1 Str
5+ 5+1+1 +4 Mocking Dance, +1 Dex, +1 Str

Skills:8+int modifier per level, Class skills are Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge(any), Concentration, Hide, Move Silently,  Search, Spot, Listen, Sense motive, Use rope, Perform(Any), Profession(any).

Proficiencies:A Lilitu gains no new proficiencies.


Body of Heresy: The Lilitu loses her wings during her rebirth, but otherwise doesn't lose any of her previous racial abilities, and her base speed increases to 40 feet. She can also now magically fly as if under a permanent Fly effect. This is a supernatural ability.

Mock Divinity: A Lilitu becomes able to cast spells as a cleric of her Lilitu level+4, except she gains no domains and can user Cha as her main casting stat. This stacks with actual cleric levels, but not with the Sucubus Corrupter Initiate ability.

However, she also takes a -2 penalty in saving throws against divine magic, and such spells gain a +4 sacred bonus to overcome her SR.

Shroud Alignment: All magical abilities able to detect alignment  treat a lilitu as if her alignment
was good, unless she wills otherwise. This includes magic items, traps and Su abilities. This is a supernatural ability

Mock Artifact: A Lilitu automatically suceeds at any Use Magic Device check.  If she had ranks on that skill, she may put them on other skills of her choice.

Ability Score Increase: A Lilitu gains a permanent +1 to

Dex at levels 1, 3, 5.
Str at levels 2, 4, 5.

For a total of +3 Str, +3 Dex at level 5.

Lilitu’s Gift: At second level, a number of times per day equal to her Cha mod, a lilitu can embrace a willing or helpless living creature as a standard action and grant it a +2 profane bonus to Charisma and Str and a +2 profane bonus on saving throws for every 7 HD she has. The effect persists for 24 hours or until the target creature is affected by a dispel chaos. Until the gift expires or is removed, the affected creature radiates chaos as if his alignment were chaotic. Moreover, its natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as chaotic-aligned for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. As long as the character possesses the gift, the lilitu’s name (written in Abyssal) appears as a tattoo somewhere on the character’s body. Most lilitu take pains to place this mark somewhere that’s easily hidden. The recipient of a lilitu’s gift cannot see his own tattoo. As long as the gift remains active, the lilitu can monitor the character’s condition and location as if she had placed a status spell on that character. She can communicate telepathically with the character at all times, despite any intervening distance (even across planes), and by concentrating can observe the world around the character as if she were there in his place. Lilitus often use this ability to influence and trick a character into performing chaotic or evil acts. Accepting a lilitu’s gift is a chaotic act and could have repercussions on the recipient’s alignment. It is also a supernatural ability.

A creature can resist gaining a lilitu’s gift by making a DC 10+HD+Cha mod Will save.

Profane Domain:
At second level a Lilitu gains one domain of her choice, but it must be connected somehow to the Abyss and Corruption. Trickery or Demonic(from Fiendish Codex) are the most usual choices.

Corrupter Mistress: At second level, the Lilitu can now use Sending and Disguise Self as SLAs 1/day per HD.

Stingers: At third level the Lilitu can grow a pair of long tentacles from her back as a free action, wich have double her normal reach and can be used as a natural weapon dealing 1d4+Str mod damage. They can perform simple tasks such as grabbing objects, grapple and bullrush, but not complex tasks like fighting with weapons and activating magic items. The Lilitu may retract them inside her body as another free action, but not on the same turn on wich she took them out. She may always grow the Stingers regardless of her current shape.

For each extra level on the Lilitu class from here, she can grow an extra Stinger, up to four stringers at fifth level.

Decay Poison: Inflicted by the Stinger hits, Fort save DC 10+1/2HD+Con mod, inflict 2d6 Wis damage as primary damage and 1d4 Negative levels as secondary damage. Both effects can affect creatures normally immune to them, but they gain a +5 bonus on their saves.

Irresistible Corrupter: At fourth level, the Lilitu can now use Dominate Person and Symbol of Persuassion 1/day per  6 HD. At 15 HD the Dominate Person upgrades to Dominate Monster. Save DCs are 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod.

Mocking Dance: One of the things that really sets Lilitus apart from Succubus, it's that the second are more than willing to fight by themselves when things get rough, using her powerfull stingers. At fifth level, as a fullround action, the Lilitu may move up to her speed while performing a full attack. She must move at least 5 feets between each attack. If she only attacks with her stingers, keeping her hands free, she may also use one of her spells or SLAs taking a standard action or less at any point during the movement. Once Mocking Dance is used, the Lilitu must wait 2d6 turns before using it again.


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« Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 02:46:46 PM by oslecamo »

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Re: Succubus and Lilitu
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2012, 02:02:09 AM »
Two questions:

1.  You don't say anything about the abilities only working on the opposite sex.  Should there be anything about that, or does that go under the heading of "if the target is unwilling"?

2.  If I wanted to play an Incubus, should I just use this class exactly as-is, except as male?

Offline littha

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Re: Succubus and Lilitu
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2012, 02:08:30 AM »
Two questions:

1.  You don't say anything about the abilities only working on the opposite sex.  Should there be anything about that, or does that go under the heading of "if the target is unwilling"?

2.  If I wanted to play an Incubus, should I just use this class exactly as-is, except as male?

1. That would be the unwilling bonus... unless it involved lesbians maybe or if you were in a male form using your change shape.

2. As far as I am aware in 3.5 an incubus is just a succubus shapeshifted into a male form. They don't reproduce like normal creatures do being demons (they spontaneously form from the abyss) so they don't have a real gender just the illusion of one.

There is also an incubus monster in dragon mag somewhere but it doesn't bear much relation to the succubus
« Last Edit: September 12, 2012, 02:12:33 AM by littha »

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Re: Succubus and Lilitu
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2012, 10:31:49 AM »
So if you want a nastier sucubus with tentacles, the Lilitu is for you!
Who doesn't?  :D :love
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Offline oslecamo

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Re: Succubus and Lilitu
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2012, 11:06:12 AM »
Two questions:

1.  You don't say anything about the abilities only working on the opposite sex.  Should there be anything about that, or does that go under the heading of "if the target is unwilling"?

2.  If I wanted to play an Incubus, should I just use this class exactly as-is, except as male?

1.It's a succubus, master of seduction. The gender of your target is a minor tag, and you can totally make them go lesbian/gay over you. On the other hand, only friendly and above creatures will be willing to kiss just like that. Indiferent creatures may be willing to kiss in special conditions like a party or festival.

2. Like Littha pointed out they don't have an actual gender, so an Incubus is simply a succubus that likes to spend more time looking like a male. Actually some of the old legends said that after sleeping with a man, the succubus would "store" his semen, turn into an incubus and then impregnate a women with it (impersonating the man the succubus had slept with before optional).

Bhu is actually playing an Incubus with this class in one of my campaigns.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2012, 11:13:30 AM by oslecamo »

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Re: Succubus and Lilitu
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2012, 10:06:02 PM »
For Succubus, you have Change Shape at 1st level in the table, but 2nd level in the text

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Re: Succubus and Lilitu
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2012, 10:47:17 PM »
On the other hand, only friendly and above creatures will be willing to kiss just like that. Indiferent creatures may be willing to kiss in special conditions like a party or festival.

It is not as though you cant make people friendly with this class anyway. Charm Person followed by Suggestion would likley do it.

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Re: Succubus and Lilitu
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2012, 01:11:34 PM »
Yes, but the point is that you can't always just  walk to that angry ogre and he being willing to kiss you right away.

Also change shape is suposed to be 1st level, fixed.

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Re: Succubus and Lilitu
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2019, 04:48:30 PM »
Inconsistencies with "Corruptor Initiate"
"as levels of that class for purposes of CL and for the purposes of learning new spells and geting new spell slots."
"She wouldn't get the spell knowns and spell slots of a sorceror 3 however."

Which is it?
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Re: Succubus and Lilitu
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2019, 02:58:51 PM »
Wouldn't it make sense for both succubus and Lilitu to consistently grant casting of the same type? I don't see a reason for one to almost grant spellcasting followed by the other granting extra spellcasting, unless this was meant to lay foundation for some kind of Mystic Theurge or a Caster Level exploiter like Nar demonbinder, Spellthief, or Ur Priest.

3/4 casting across the board?
« Last Edit: August 23, 2019, 03:34:47 PM by Doxkid »

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Re: Succubus and Lilitu
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2019, 05:53:51 AM »
Inconsistencies with "Corruptor Initiate"
"as levels of that class for purposes of CL and for the purposes of learning new spells and geting new spell slots."
"She wouldn't get the spell knowns and spell slots of a sorceror 3 however."

Which is it?

Both. The key part is the "new". Gains the new spells that a sorceror would gain when leveling up from 3 to 4, but not anything before. More details in the FAQ.

Wouldn't it make sense for both succubus and Lilitu to consistently grant casting of the same type? I don't see a reason for one to almost grant spellcasting followed by the other granting extra spellcasting, unless this was meant to lay foundation for some kind of Mystic Theurge or a Caster Level exploiter like Nar demonbinder, Spellthief, or Ur Priest.

3/4 casting across the board?

The Lilitu is meant as an alternate path for the Succubus, in particular losing wings while gaining tentacles and whatnot. And the Lilitu is meant to be a caster while the Succubus isn't. Now D&D always has been quite wonky about deciding to become a caster mid-career so basically the Lillitu is meant to be a toned down Ur Priest kinda yes.

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Re: Succubus and Lilitu
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2019, 03:50:04 PM »
What would you consider an standard build for a level 20 Succubus/Lilitu?

I'm seeing something like [Succubus 7/Spellthief 1/Lilitu 5/Nar Demonbinder 1/Mystic Theurge 6], using Master Spellthief to bring arcane CLs up. This gives us full Nar Demonbinder casting, a Nar CL of 20 (+7 from succubus Arcane casting, +1 for Spellthief, +7 Nar, and +5 from selecting Lilitu as the class Nar absorbs CL from), Steal 9th level spell, 15th level cleric casting; almost at 9th level spells.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2022, 09:16:27 PM by Doxkid »

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Re: Succubus and Lilitu
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2019, 01:37:41 AM »
Well for a Lilitu I would probably just go for Paragon or some 3.5 cleric prc. Not even sure what Nar demonbinder is supposed to be, closest I could find is 3.0 unaproachable east and has its own fixed progression up to 8th level spells so I don't really see how it could stack to 9th level cleric spells.