I expected you to tell me about how I clearly love bards too much because they are up with the tier 1's (wtf btw).
I bounced around a lot and some things I caught, some I didn't. The Druid was pretty obvious through there is a little Barbarian love going around in it too.
The quote are split up which can be a pain to handle so I'll just ramble on.
Melee: It's not Waithstrike I was thinking, simply Touch Attacks. For instance, the Druid was ranked at 1 (of course), the Wizard is a 2 (like always, Sorcerer is auto+1 point to Wizard no matter the consequence of stating such), and the Monk is 3. So, Unarmed Damage's dozen of dice is ranked lower than Arcane Touch Attacks, which is lower yet than a couple lame Natural Weapons for some reason (did he only count dragon wild shape or something?). Now take the Duskblade who needs a number and is based on Touch Attacks. In this screwed up ranking, where should he go? A little less ambiguity would be nice.
Scout: Intel & Stealth would cover it. To be honest I'd almost leave out Stealth.
Healer: Let me rephrase. Do you Heal in combat or not? If you're in the not area, the amount of course doesn't matter. And if you're in the combat area either it's free (regeneration, devoted spirit, wrathful healing) or great enough to be worth the action (I cast Heal!). Best case, 3 choices. But in details, it snips back down to 2 (sic devoted spirit casts heal, clerics can auto quicken cure spells via dragon prophecy, etc).
Traps: D&D loves it's traps, but Classes actually capable of dealing with them vs the ones that hit them with +1 Acid Daggers is pretty limited. It's almost like this shouldn't be a category in so much as colored text. A highlight that "
Hey, this Class is one of the key 4, stick someone with it!". You know, you can reflect back on Healing much the same way.
Dominator: Do you see what I meant? I guess not. You refuted the examples as Summoners but didn't smack your head afterwards. Doh, SorO literally drew a line between Charming Monsters and the actual THEY OBEY ME WITHOUT QUESTION Spells,
like Summons (and better). The comment on making it a Save-or-Die category is an excellent one to use.
Debuff: "But I can't think of a tier 1 debuff spell wizards would throw at a construct, for instance." A. Does it matter? Wizard is still the best. B. Construct has no inherent Immunity to Raping Tentacles to start with. C. I think you mean Golems, each of which has a Key Spell or two that ignores the Immunity to debuff/harm them. And the Wizard is 15 minutes or less away form whatever Key Spell you bring up on top of being able to drop houses on them (walk through that!).
CC/Utility: Yeah, the Barbarian was inflated up to the Beguiler's level. Expected honestly, this came from GitP. And in their world Barbarians are better than most Spellcasters for some reason. You can expect Person_Man's list isn't really based on a lot of insight. Some of that you'll have to work with and correct as people spot them.
Summon: I try not to bring DMs into things. I have my own sense of balance (to which over use of planar binding does send bounty hunters) but like I said I try not to see things from my own parameters. When you get down to it, the stuff I suggested on Dominator belongs here because it's all one category. Minions. For that the Druid has the ability to Summon Animals and has a pet dog. The Cleric has Animated Undead, turned Undead, interplaner deals on bindings, and he isn't limited to an animal only list. But don't entirely get me wrong, after things like Greenbound and Domain Staffs the Druid jumps right back up there, so it's a matter of how much optimization will play into this and judging by all these DM comments, you're looking at Greenbound being banned off the table.
Game Changing Panic: The Druid is the best Class listed, often scoring 1s or nearly such, it's average was lower than every other Class as well. But when it came time to ask if this
Best Class Ever was game breaking, hell no was the answer.
everyone with Spells is totally better *wink wink*. It''s like you're in a High School Swimming competition and Michael Phelps steps up to the line, but because you want to watch him swim you toss all concepts of fair play out the window.
Also, with a Domain Staff a Druid can cast Miracle (luck) or even Wish (envy). Just saying.