I was having trouble sleeping, so I made a spreadsheet of all the template classes in the index. The spreadsheet lists the number of levels each class has, which type(s) you can enter it with, how it changes your type, and any other prerequisites. It contains less information than FireInTheSky's index tables, but there isn't an index table for the templates.
If the "Entry Type" column is empty, that means you can enter the class from any type. Some classes require that you be "living"; in most campaigns, constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead are not living, and all other types are. Because the prestige class only says "living" and doesn't list specific types, however, I put "living" in the "Other Requirements" column instead of in "Entry Type".
If the "Exit Type" column is empty, then the template doesn't change your type. Some lines in this column have a ____, which represents your original type. For example, Mineral Warrior doesn't change your type, but does add the Earth subtype, so its entry in this column reads "____ (Earth)".
The "Other Requirements" type uses some standard abbreviations; if you don't know what they stand for, feel free to ask. "Flavor" is a catch-all term for all kinds of prerequisites. It includes the rituals or ancestries required for some of the Half-X classes, the disease requirement for the Were-X classes, and anything that requires you to spend gp, among other things.
My primary goal with this spreadsheet was to make it easy to fill in holes with builds, where I know I have a few levels to spare (a common problem when building with monster classes) but can't think of a good dip. The spreadsheet includes the information I thought would be most useful for this purpose. If anybody wants me to add anything else, I will be so happy that you thought my work was useful that I won't mind digging through all 80 template classes (including Anomander's 22 zombies and the 17 Weresomethings). I'll also try to keep the spreadsheet updated if any new templates get added to the index thread.
Here's the link. If it doesn't work, yell at me and I'll try to fix it.