Yes, design intent the Sorcerer was to be considerable to the Wizard. He traded the versatility of max spells known at a given time for instantaneous spellcasting. Then was handed more spells to cast but loss a level of spell casting advancement. A design by the people that thought the Monk was a solid class and everyone would have a Fighter at the table.
Later expansions literally gave you negative reasons to play a Sorcerer. Classes that expand on spells known, Dracolexi and Sand Shaper, penalize spellcasting advancement where as classes that give spontaneous casting, Mage Of The Arcane Order (designed as wizard only btw) and Shadowcraft Mage, provide full advancement. Coupled with the many published spontaneous methods ranging from Rune Staffs, Rings of Theurgery, Uncanny Forethought, Chaotic Spell Recall, to the horrible Ultimate Magus. A PrC meant to be a balance of Wizard/Sorcerer directly requires more levels of Wizard than Sorcerer to enter it and though intended mark up actually lets you barely give up any Wizard progression to obtain eight levels of Sorcerer. Even if the spellcasting trade offs were "balanced" between the Sorcerer and the Wizard, why exactly does the Wizard get five more bonus feats? Why so many spells to prepare more spells, recast your spells, or just plain tweak your spells known?
WotC finally got around to publishing Arcane Fusion (more slots per day) and the Wings Of spells (nuke/cover). It bumped the Sorcerer in terms of nuking power, but nothing else. Indeed, the Sorcerer is pushed more and more towards replacing the Warmage than being comparable to the Wizard. Understandably, this is taken as unfair. But this isn't nothing new is said by everyone on the flip side.
It's true.
You think the Barbarian doesn't cry him self to sleep? His trade mark ability can be owned for 5k or less, his theme is published in dozens of better PrCs and items. Even his AFCs are craptastic. More damage on the already game breaking charge? Pfft. And the Samurai? Ha, let's not go there. Remember the Fighter? A Bard wrote a song that went something like "anything you can do everyone else can to better than you" in honor of him. Ninja, Scout, Spelltheif, all shitty classes no one gives a damn about and it's not just none casters. Beguiler & Warmage are crap too. What makes the Sorcerer so different?
Of course, you'll see people trying to make this poor classes useful. Either they like the flavor and willing to take the hit but ask for help keeping up, or they are convinced their class should be useful. Lame as hell Ranger's dipping lame as hell Scout for a d6 more to damage to help their fifty points behind everyone else debt. People thinking Swashbuckler makes a great class if you combine it with Rogue and never PrC out. Or even ignoring rules, logic, and your own points 30 seconds ago in an effort to validate Lore Drake as to canonically "fix" your Sorcerer class. Are prime examples of the latter group of people. The former, the ones that like the class but can get over not being the best of, are the ones that find little gems like Dark Moon Disciple or Battle Casting & Sword Of The Arcane Order. Their not out to validate the class, they just want to keep up enough their choice doesn't hurt the party, because they like the class already and are willing to play as it. Opposed to say, I want the word Rogue in my class feild but he isn't as powerful as the StP Erudite, so I'm going to play a god damn Rogue who's as strong as the god damn Erudite and that's final.
And that's my thoughts on the matter.