Author Topic: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO  (Read 12739 times)

Offline PlzBreakMyCampaign

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Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
« on: November 20, 2011, 03:39:39 PM »
I am taking a second look at the CL craziness. It draws most all its power from a few PrCs and one feat.

Consider: Sorc 1 / Wiz 3 / Spellthief 2. The CL of 1 for sorcerer, 3 for wizard do not stack. Now we take the Master Spellthief feat: "Your spellthief and arcane spellcaster levels also stack when determining your caster level for all arcane spells."

The Wizard's CL is now 5 (3+2) and the sorcerer's level is now 3 (1+2). Notice that there is no rule allowing the wizard and sorcerer's CL to stack with each other aside from the PrCs below.

Notice if we wanted to take practiced spellcaster there is no CL for spellthief without the Trickster Variant [DragMag353p85] in exchange for 2skill points, appraise, bluff, disable device, escape artist, hide, jump, move silently, open lock, search, swim, tumble, trapfinding and all SA above 1d6. Would this make the spellthief's caster level = 3+2 (which is the higher of the other arcane spellcaster levels) or 3+2+1? I assume the stacking rules stop the 3 from being a 5 as above. Otherwise its NI CL at level 2.

The no-reference and strange number-pulling OP build is unclear. Does anyone know where I can find "song of arcane power" or even what it is? I know its not a feat (not listed in my dragon index or WotC's) nor a spell (analogous places checked) nor is it in the mango index...

For Kell's build a level Prestige Paladin only adds paladin spells to whatever class took the spellcasting bump so SotAO doesn't seem anymore useful than adding 1(the dip length)+wizard levels.

I also don't see how Ur-Priest (divine) is progressed by Ultimate Magus (arcane). Southern Magician (though not mentioned) works the other way around. Not to mention Ur-priest being evil only while presitge paladin is good only. Also keep in mind Ultimate Magus's Arcane Spell Power ability adds to the spells, not the class's CLs.

As far as Sublime Chord, Nar Demonbinder, Ur-priest, etc are concerned, they add other spell-casting class's levels not spell levels. Knight of the Weave and Mystic Fire Knight simply should not gain class level from other CL to avoid infinite CL as per the dirty handbook trick fixes.  Phaerimms of course don't work the way some might want.

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Re: Arcane DilettanteROUND TWO
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2011, 05:39:15 PM »
Here's what I can do for you:

1) Song of Arcane Power is a 2nd level Sublime Chord ability. It lets you make a perform check that increases the caster level by the next spell cast by up to +4

2) Sword of Arcane Order: Can't find anything that explains this. Checked sanctified one, but a strict RAW would say only Paladin 4 or Effective Paladin 4 through bloodlines or Legacy Champion.

3) Ur-Priest being progressed by arcane: Southern Magician allows spells to be cast as arcane or divine on the fly, but does not turn Ur-Priest into arcane as a whole. "The actual source of the spell's power doesn't change, nor does its means of preparation."

Here's a rough shot at something simpler and reasonably annotated:

Spellthief 1/Bard 1/Sorcerer 1/Wizard 3/UM 3/UrPriest 1/Sublime Chord 1/UM +7/MT +2

Spellthief 1: No CL
Bard 1: Bard CL 1
Sorcerer 1: Sorcerer CL 1
Wizard 3: Wizard CL 3
UM 3: +2 Wiz, +3 Sorcerer, (+1 effective for casting spells) = Sor 4, Wiz 5
Ur-Priest 1: Ur-Priest + 1/2 others at end
Sublime Chord 1: Sublime Chord + 1  other arcane casting class (which gets the same benefit) --- At this level, 6. By level 10,  practised caster in wizard to get bumps to Sublime chord (via choosing sorcerer CL); so Wizard 9, Sorcerer and Sublime Chord 5
UM +7: At 4: +1 Sublime Chord (SC, Sorcerer 6, Wizard 9(
At 7: +1 Sublime Chord (SC, Sorcerer 9, Wizard 11) --- This is character level 15. Take practised caster in Sublime Chord here (feats resolve after class levels).
At 10: +1 wizard (SC, Sorcerer 19, Wizard 14) ---
Last 2 levels: +2 Ur-Priest, +2 SC.

Final Breakdown:
SC 21
Sorcerer 21
Wizard 14
Urpriest 3 + 10+10+7 = 30

Can't figure out how you would possibly use spellthief, given that you have to sink 4 levels to get +2 to other arcane casters.  4 levels for +6 isn't great (UM will give you 4 levels for +7, MT will give you 4 levels for +8). I think the Spellthief thing is one of those grand oversights that crashes a lot of builds.

Frankly, I don't think any of the really ridiculous stuff works if you:
a) Remove Sublime Chord - Ur-Priest loops
b) Require 4 physical or effective levels of paladin or spell thief

Offline Garryl

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Re: Arcane DilettanteROUND TWO
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2011, 07:36:07 PM »
I was under the impression that "caster level" referred to your, well, caster level, but "spellcaster level" referred to your actual class level in a casting class. Under that interpretation of the wording, your first example (Sorc 1/Wiz 3/St 2) would have an effective caster level of 6 for Sorc and Wiz, and either 3 (half of 6) or 0 (no caster level) for Spellthief, depending on whether or not it counts as having any caster level at all since it can't cast spells yet.

Offline PlzBreakMyCampaign

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Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2011, 08:44:36 PM »
Thanks for the effort. I just noticed that I (and everyone else it seems) missed bearsarebrown's post showing that most of the PrCs aren't as stackable as previously thought.

The last version in that thread was: Spellthief 1/ Bard 1/ Ardent 1/ Wizard 1/ Knight of the Weave 1/ Ur Priest 1/ Shadowcraft Mage 3/ Nar Demonbinder 1/ Sublime Chord 1/ Ultimate Magus 7/ PrC Paladin 1/Tainted Scholar 1

Can anyone make a 'reasonable' version that doesn't have KotW and correctly calculates ND and SC as class levels rather than CL?

Offline Garryl

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Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2011, 08:56:29 PM »
Quick version, not intending to be the best possible. Probably doesn't qualify for something in there, too, but it's to illustrate calculations, not be a real build.
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Did I get that right? I think I'm missing something.

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Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2011, 06:24:13 PM »
No SC checks levels, not that classes' last sum of CL.

Master spellthief only makes the CL of spellthief levels stack for arcane spells. So there's no real synergy there...

Offline Garryl

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Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2011, 08:37:46 PM »
No SC checks levels, not that classes' last sum of CL.

Master spellthief only makes the CL of spellthief levels stack for arcane spells. So there's no real synergy there...

Whoops. Recalculating.

Caster levels:
Class levels only: 1/1/13/24/14
Master Spellthief: 13/27/27/27/27
Ultimate Magus (+4): 17/31/31/31/31

Offline PlzBreakMyCampaign

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Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2011, 11:13:24 PM »
Sorry but can I get explanation on each number? Pretty please? :)

Offline Garryl

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Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2011, 11:24:13 PM »
It's the effective caster level for each class (Spellthief, Bard, Wizard, Nar Demonbinder, and Sublime Chord, in that order) after applying each stage of effects for the aforementioned build (Spellthief 1/Bard 1/Wizard 6/Ultimate Magus 10/Nar Demonbinder 1/Sublime Chord 1).

The first line is only considering class levels, not abilities (Spellthief should actually be 0 here). Wizard is 13 (6 levels +7 from Ultimate Magus), Nar Demonbinder is 24 (1 class level + 10 effective class levels from Ultimate Magus and 13 effective Wizard class levels for the purpose of caster level), and Sublime Chord is 14 (1 + 13 Wizard). Then, Master Spellthief applies and sets the effective class levels to the sum of class levels (1 St + 1 Bard + 13 Wiz + 11 Nar + 1 SC), which Spellthief divides by two for its caster level. Finally, Ultimate Magus gives a +4 bonus to your caster level for all classes.

The reason this is 27 instead of 20 in step 2 is because Ultimate Magus counts as gaining a new level of each of two classes for 7 of its 10 levels. IIRC, it says for the purpose of determining caster level (and other things), not just specifically caster level for that specific class.

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Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2011, 03:27:29 PM »
One thing about that thread that always bugged me (well, other than the use of Ur Priest and Prestige Pally) was the interpretation of Dragonsblood Pool, which I considered very dodgy.

The benefit of Dragonsblood Pool is as follows:

A spellcaster who draws forth the power of a dragonblood pool gains one bonus arcane spell slot of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level (spellcaster's choice, but not of a higher level than the character can cast).

Now: notice that the parenthetical reference refers back to the earlier part of the sentence, which is talking about arcane spells.  If you don't HAVE a third level arcane spell, you can't gain a third level bonus spell slot.

It seems to me that it's stretching the syntax to the breaking point to say that the parenthetical reference is to spells of ANY kind, despite the fact that the rest of the sentence is explicitly talking about arcane spells.

It seems an even FURTHER stretch to then declare that your divine spellcaster, having gained a bonus arcane spell slot, is now an arcane spellcaster for all intents and purposes.

Like I said: very, VERY dodgy.

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Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2011, 04:15:02 PM »
Bauglir also got grumpy about the inconsistent CL wordings, on his old handbook.
Your codpiece is a mimic.

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Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2011, 09:37:16 PM »
I'm confused. I never understood this trick at all and Plz seems to be trying really really hard to explain things and I'm still not getting it.

As I understand things.
  • It doesn't really matter if you can find "spellcaster levels" is synonymous with "caster level" by pulling different PrC entries. The author of Master Spellthief choose to write two entirely separate things there in a single sentence. They are not the same thing.
  • Since "spellcaster levels" does not mean "caster level", Practiced Spellcaster is of no value to it's formula it is only effects "caster level" thus the only beneficial way of stacking it is after Master Spellthief. Else it would simply be ignored via the set to formula employed.

Which leads to: Example build is Wizard 3 / Sorcerer 1 / Spellthief 1 / Ultimate Magus 10.
If "spellcaster levels" means levels in a class, including virtual levels from PrCs,  and Ultimate Magus gives 17 effective levels of spellcasting between the two classes you have: 17 (um) + 1 (thief) + 1 (sorcerer) + 3 (wizard) which makes your all your caster levels 22 at the time of Master Spellthief's application.

From there, I'm clueless. What happens next and how do these other classes interact with this?

Offline PlzBreakMyCampaign

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Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2011, 02:47:40 PM »
    They are not the same thing.[/li]
    [li]Since "spellcaster levels" does not mean "caster level", Practiced Spellcaster is of no value to it's formula it is only effects "caster level" thus the only beneficial way of stacking it is after Master Spellthief. Else it would simply be ignored via the set to formula employed.[/li][/list]
    @ADMG Bauglir isn't as clear as I would like but I believe he is correct if I understand him.
    Now: notice that the parenthetical reference refers back to the earlier part of the sentence, which is talking about arcane spells.  If you don't HAVE a third level arcane spell, you can't gain a third level bonus spell slot.
    Stretching syntax is correct. However this is what modern English is (sloppily) allowed to do on occasion. I understand your side and DocRoc's side and say that the text is ambiguous. Therefore DMs are within their right to demand your interpretation and prevent that reading which would otherwise boost divine casters.

    Notice that the Prerequisite Handbook (which I still haven't ported over...) specifically only uses the dragonsblood pool for arcane casters. Divine have their own tricks ;)
    Spellthief 1/Bard 1/Wizard 6/UM 10/Nar Demonbinder 1/Sublime Chord 1
    Caster levels:
    Class levels only: 1/1/13/24/14
    Master Spellthief: 13/27/27/27/27
    Ultimate Magus (+4): 17/31/31/31/31
    It's the effective caster level for each class (Spellthief, Bard, Wizard, Nar Demonbinder, and Sublime Chord, in that order) after applying each stage of effects for the aforementioned build (Spellthief 1/Bard 1/Wizard 6/Ultimate Magus 10/Nar Demonbinder 1/Sublime Chord 1).

    The first line is only considering class levels, not abilities (Spellthief should actually be 0 here). Wizard is 13 (6 levels +7 from Ultimate Magus), Nar Demonbinder is 24 (1 class level + 10 effective class levels from Ultimate Magus and 13 effective Wizard class levels for the purpose of caster level), and Sublime Chord is 14 (1 + 13 Wizard). Then, Master Spellthief applies and sets the effective class levels to the sum of class levels (1 St + 1 Bard + 13 Wiz + 11 Nar + 1 SC), which Spellthief divides by two for its caster level. Finally, Ultimate Magus gives a +4 bonus to your caster level for all classes.

    The reason this is 27 instead of 20 in step 2 is because Ultimate Magus counts as gaining a new level of each of two classes for 7 of its 10 levels. IIRC, it says for the purpose of determining caster level (and other things), not just specifically caster level for that specific class.
    Hmm I was hoping for better annotation. Original post follows:
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    Thus @ECL 17 we have 5th level SC spells @CL15, 5th level NDb spells @CL15, 3rd level Bard spells @CL17, 6th level Wizard spells @CL18 , & first level Spellthief spells @CL26. But of course this is highly unoptimal. I think I now see the intent: to use UM to boost Ndb and SC. Let's try again, faster:


    Let's assume fixed 3e's equal spell progressions: NG human (custom Major BL) Trickster [DragMag353p85] ST 1 with Precocious Apprentice (CArc181), Negotiator, & Spell Focus (Conjuration) & Skill Focus (Perform) (later us Hewards Hall [CS] 5k magical location). Make a faustian pacts for pop psychology feats: Apprenticeships (entertainer & philosopher) [DMGII 176]. Not that by the time the "time limit is up on tithing, we gain the ECL to not care
    • 1:  ST CL1=1base
    • Find an elf who is Heartfire Fanner [DragMag314p23] to "inspire you" (Very fluff compatible). Help optimize his build (psy ref is good) with Song of the Heart (ECS60) and words of creation or Focused Performer & Focused Performance (DragMag338 89). Become a Heartfire Fanner 1.
      2:  ST CL2=1base+1HfF
    • Borrow an Aquamarine of Spell Extending (PGtF123) and use it to find and get a Metamagic Storm (CM151) magical location. Now you can use your BL feat of Santum Spell. Saving some XP allows an early Nceropolitan so we can take over inspiring ourself. Don't forget to pay your apprentise dues for third level a little early. Get the Otyugh Hole (CS) for Iron Will and Dragonsblood pool magical locations. Using words of creation and inspire greatness ourselves (alone), we can enter NDb 1.
      3:  ST CL3=1base+1HfF+1BL, NDb CL5=1base+(ST's3)+1BL
    • We get mild depravity and take Corrupt Arcana [HoH120] so we can prepare from a spellbook to enter UM1. Without Practiced Spellcaster we would have to advance spellthief and we are fine with that since we will max out NDb anyway.
      4:  ST CL4=1base+1HfF+1BL+1UM, NDb CL6=1base+(ST'4)+1BL if it recalculates (it will by the below regardless)
    • SC1 requires nothing. A strict interpretation would require not letting a year go by since getting the metamagic storm at 2nd level
    • 5:  SC CL8=1base+(NDb's6)+1BL, NDb CL9=1base+(ST's5)+1BL+2SC, ST CL6=1base+1HfF+1BL+1UM+2SC. We do not recalculate NDb CL because if we did, it could bump SC's CL the same logic. If we snuck MST in via a BL feat, it would then bump twice and therefore NDb's CL would bump again,etc so that the CL would grow exponentially. I'll be using the conservative approach to what order to run the calculations in so that it renders lowest CL and is therefore most likely to keep your DM happy.
    • Unfortunately which class is boosted by UM depends on their CL and since we can only boost 2 of the three, we have to step through each level. I have purposely not taken MST yet, although we could easily now. @UM2 & 3 we boost NDb & SC:
      6:  SC CL12=1base+(NDb's9)+1UM+2BL, NDb CL14=1base+(ST's6)+4SC+1UM+2BL, ST CL8=1base+1HfF+1UM+3SC+2BL
      7:  SC CL19=1base+(NDb's14)+2BL+2UM, NDb CL18=1base+(ST's8)+5SC+2BL+2UM, ST CL10=1base+1HfF+1UM+2BL+5SC
    • ST takes the boost at UM4 and will clearly do so again at UM7:
      8:  SC CL23=1base+(NDb's18)+2BL+2UM, NDb CL20=1base+(ST's10)+5SC+2BL+2UM, ST CL11=1base+1HfF+2UM+2BL+5SC
      9:  SC CL26=1base+(NDb's20)+2BL+3UM, NDb CL23=1base+(ST's11)+2BL+6SC+3UM, ST CL12=1base+1HfF+2UM+2BL+6SC
      10: SC CL30=1base+(NDb's23)+2BL+4UM, NDb CL26=1base+(ST's12)+2BL+7SC+4UM, ST CL13=1base+1HfF+2UM+2BL+7SC
      11: SC CL33=1base+(NDb's26)+2BL+4UM, NDb CL27=1base+(ST's13)+2BL+7SC+4UM, ST CL14=1base+1HfF+3UM+2BL+7SC
      12: SC CL36=1base+(NDb's27)+3BL+5UM, NDb CL32=1base+(ST's14)+9SC+3BL+5UM, ST CL17=1base+1HfF+3UM+3BL+9SC
      13: SC CL42=1base+(NDb's32)+3BL+6UM, NDb CL37=1base+(ST's17)+3BL+10SC+6UM, ST CL18=1base+1HfF+3UM+3BL+10SC
    • At this point NDb is maxed out so we'll advance ST:
      14: SC CL46=1base+(NDb's37)+3BL+7UM, NDb CL39=1base+(ST's18)+3BL+6UM+11SC, ST CL20=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+11SC
    • We are out of UM, but the text says that if there were to be levels above 10, they not drop spellcasting progression anymore. Legacy Champion time! The first level doesn't advance anything but might force a recalculation:
      15: SC CL50=1base+(NDb's39)+3BL+7UM+0LC, NDb CL41=1base+(ST's20)+3BL+6UM+11SC, ST CL20=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+11SC+0LC
      16: SC CL53=1base+(41NDb's)+3BL+7UM+1LC, NDb CL42=1base+(20ST's)+3BL+6UM+12SC, ST CL22=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+12SC+1LC
      17: SC CL55=1base+(42NDb's)+3BL+7UM+2LC, NDb CL45=1base+(22ST's)+3BL+6UM+13SC, ST CL24=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+13SC+2LC
    • You'll notice that we are out of SC levels. But we can still gain more for purposes of calculations, just like BL.
      18: SC CL59=1base+(45NDb's)+3BL+7UM+3LC, NDb CL48=1base+(24ST's)+3BL+6UM+14SC, ST CL26=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+14SC+3LC
      19: SC CL63=1base+(48NDb's)+3BL+7UM+4LC, NDb CL51=1base+(26ST's)+3BL+6UM+15SC, ST CL28=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+15SC+4LC
      20: SC CL67=1base+(51NDb's)+3BL+7UM+5LC, NDb CL54=1base+(28ST's)+3BL+6UM+16SC, ST CL30=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+16SC+5LC
    • Phew. Looking above, it's really now surpise that a PrC CL can get high (especially with BL). Theoretically a PrC could manage almost CL40 that way and this is a little above 60. The progression we see is that SC is what we want to advance (+1). NDb dries up quickly and so we often also boost ST (+1), which also get's the SC's+1 back (total of +2 each level). The NDb get's the SC's +2 and the SC's +1 for a total of +3 each level. The SC get's the NDb's +3 (which is +1SC*2 and the other side boost of +1 to ST) and then it's own original +1 that we mentioned at first for a total of +4 each level. Put in the 16SC boots and 3 BL and you've got that 67 above.
    • So what about MST? All it really does is take any normally separate arcane CL pools and instead make them include your ST CL. It also makes your ST CL include all your other arcane CLs. Obviously it can't do this recursively as that would give you infinite CL at level 2 (ST CL=1+1 and other CL =1+1 but with recursion it would then be ST CL=2 and other CL = 1+2 so then ST CL = 1+2 and other CL would be 1+3, etc). First let's do the other CL(s) and then we'll do the ST CL, just like above. Note that since the PrC CL's depend on the ST CL, we can't do the ST CL first just like we mentioned originally because it could still lead to infinite CL, similar to the MST recursion example:
      20: SC CL97=1base+(51NDb's)+3BL+7UM+5LC+30MST, NDb CL84=1base+(28ST's)+3BL+6UM+16SC+30MST, ST CL151=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+16SC+5LC+(97SC's+84NDb's) or ST CL151=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+16SC+5LC+(67SC's+54NDb's) if treated as all being simultaneous such that no entry has time to look at how another as changed.

    • In fact, we could have done that for the above and solved: the recursion problem, the "does it recalculate problem" and arrive at more balanced numbers. Let's redo the above if the simultaneous nature prevents referrencing any changes to numbers from the same level:
         Level 1and 2 are still CL1,2. Level 3 actually still stays CL3 because BL levels come just before 3, 6 & 12. It was condensed to save space.
         We assume UM to also be simultaneous in its advancements 4: ST CL4=1base+1HfF+1BL+1UM, NDb CL5=1base+(ST'3)+1BL
      5: SC CL7=1base+(NDb's5)+1BL, NDb CL6=1base+(ST's4)+1BL+0SC, ST CL4=1base+1HfF+1BL+1UM+0SC
      6: SC CL10=1base+(NDb's6)+1UM+2BL, NDb CL11=1base+(ST's4)+3SC+1UM+2BL, ST CL8=1base+1HfF+1UM+3SC+2BL
      7: SC CL13=1base+(NDb's11)+2BL+2UM, NDb CL17=1base+(ST's8)+4SC+2BL+2UM, ST CL9=1base+1HfF+1UM+2BL+4SC
      8:  SC CL22=1base+(NDb's17)+2BL+2UM, NDb CL19=1base+(ST's9)+5SC+2BL+2UM, ST CL11=1base+1HfF+2UM+2BL+5SC
      9:  SC CL25=1base+(NDb's19)+2BL+3UM, NDb CL22=1base+(ST's11)+2BL+5SC+3UM, ST CL11=1base+1HfF+2UM+2BL+5SC
      10: SC CL29=1base+(NDb's22)+2BL+4UM, NDb CL24=1base+(ST's11)+2BL+6SC+4UM, ST CL12=1base+1HfF+2UM+2BL+6SC
      11: SC CL31=1base+(NDb's24)+2BL+4UM, NDb CL26=1base+(ST's12)+2BL+7SC+4UM, ST CL14=1base+1HfF+3UM+2BL+7SC
      12: SC CL35=1base+(NDb's26)+3BL+5UM, NDb CL31=1base+(ST's14)+8SC+3BL+5UM, ST CL16=1base+1HfF+3UM+3BL+8SC
      13: SC CL41=1base+(NDb's31)+3BL+6UM, NDb CL35=1base+(ST's16)+3BL+9SC+6UM, ST CL17=1base+1HfF+3UM+3BL+9SC
      14: SC CL46=1base+(NDb's35)+3BL+7UM, NDb CL37=1base+(ST's17)+3BL+6UM+10SC, ST CL19=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+10SC
      15: SC CL48=1base+(NDb's37)+3BL+7UM+0LC, NDb CL40=1base+(ST's19)+3BL+6UM+11SC, ST CL20=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+11SC+0LC
          You'll notice that the "dead" LC level allows the CL calculations to catch up to almost what it was before and that most of the time it was only off by one to three.
      16: SC CL52=1base+(40NDb's)+3BL+7UM+1LC, NDb CL41=1base+(20ST's)+3BL+6UM+11SC, ST CL21=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+11SC+1LC
      17: SC CL55=1base+(41NDb's)+3BL+7UM+2LC, NDb CL43=1base+(21ST's)+3BL+6UM+12SC, ST CL23=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+12SC+2LC
      18: SC CL57=1base+(43NDb's)+3BL+7UM+3LC, NDb CL46=1base+(23ST's)+3BL+6UM+13SC, ST CL25=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+13SC+3LC
      19: SC CL61=1base+(46NDb's)+3BL+7UM+4LC, NDb CL49=1base+(25ST's)+3BL+6UM+14SC, ST CL27=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+14SC+4LC
      20: SC CL65=1base+(49NDb's)+3BL+7UM+5LC, NDb CL52=1base+(27ST's)+3BL+6UM+15SC, ST CL29=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+15SC+5LC
         Then MST comes along and can reference the changes for this level, but not during it's own changes:  SC CL98=1base+(52NDb's)+3BL+7UM+5LC+(30ST's), NDb CL86=[1base+(30ST's)+3BL+6UM+16SC]+(30ST's), ST CL147=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+16SC+5LC+(SC's65+NDb's52). Note that once MST comes along, it probably forces a recalculation to allow that last SC boost to kick in.
    • You'll also notice that NDb appears to double dip because just like SC, the first ST CL is hidden within the main PrC's CL for its spells. I could be wrong about this, though because it would seem by adding a CL boost, you could "proc" the calculations as many times as you wanted, leap-frogging your way to higher CLs. It then seems we have an arbitrary limit (one proc per bonus) limitation.
    • This makes me want to remove all multiple instances of ST's CL and redo the calculations. While it would be more conservative to only remove the like terms that show up directly, one could simply alternate CL boosters on the lowest CL classes whilst the total was still below 20. To illustrate:
      6a: SC CL10=1base+(NDb's6)+1UM+2BL, NDb CL11=1base+(ST's4)+3SC+1UM+2BL, ST CL8=1base+1HfF+1UM+3SC+2BL
      6b: SC CL10=1base+(NDb's11)+1UM+2BL, NDb CL16=1base+(ST's8)+4SC+1UM+2BL, ST CL10=1base+1HfF+1UM+4SC+2BL+1x
      6c: SC CL20=1base+(NDb's16)+1UM+2BL, NDb CL19=1base+(ST's10)+4SC+1UM+2BL+1y, ST CL10=1base+1HfF+1UM+4SC+2BL+1x
      6d: SC CL23=1base+(NDb's19)+1UM+2BL, NDb CL19=1base+(ST's10)+4SC+1UM+2BL+1y, ST CL11=1base+1HfF+1UM+4SC+2BL+1x+1z
      6e: SC CL23=1base+(NDb's19)+1UM+2BL, NDb CL21=1base+(ST's11)+4SC+1UM+2BL+1y+1w, ST CL11=1base+1HfF+1UM+4SC+2BL+1x+1z
         As you can see the same sort of CL progressions are happening, which is no surprise given that the ECL progression is just a special case of CL boosting. It's basically a system of equations that settles down to a change close to the input values after a few iterations. This really makes me want to unravel the "other class" values so that we can remove multiple ST or SC stacking. Ug

    • The only thing that changes is NDb which doesn't get the SC boost from inside ST: "equal to his NDb level + his levels in one other spellcasting class." The SC boosts aren't a level in that other class. Oops. Likewise the SC CL boosts to other classes doesn't reapply to the SC itself. Again only other class levels (of 1 class) add back into SC. On yet ANOTHER look, I edited the below (as I did to the above once too) because the SC and NDb CL is NOT dependent on the CL of ST until MST. We want to wait to take MST until after UM7 (ECL11 here). Levels 1-6 don't change:
      6: SC CL9=1base+5ST(1base,1HfF,1UM,2BL)+1UM+2BL, NDb CL12=1base+5ST(1base,1HfF,1UM,2BL)+3SC+1UM+2BL, ST CL8=1base+1HfF+1UM+3SC+2BL
      7: SC CL10=1base+5ST(1base,1HfF,1UM,2BL)+2BL+2UM, NDb CL14=1base+5ST(1base,1HfF,1UM,2BL)+4SC+2BL+2UM, ST CL9=1base+1HfF+1UM+2BL+4SC
      8:  SC CL10=1base+5ST(1base,1HfF,1UM,2BL)+2BL+2UM, NDb CL15=1base+5ST(1base,1HfF,1UM,2BL)+5SC+2BL+2UM, ST CL11=1base+1HfF+2UM+2BL+5SC (note a temporary CL booster before the UM level rep-procs ST and SC to be tied so we can choose)
      9:  SC CL12=1base+6ST(1base,1HfF,2UM,2BL)+2BL+3UM, NDb CL17=1base+6ST(1base,1HfF,2UM,2BL)+2BL+5SC+3UM, ST CL11=1base+1HfF+2UM+2BL+5SC
      10: SC CL13=1base+6NDb(1base,2BL,3UM)+2BL+4UM, NDb CL19=1base+6ST(1base,1HfF,2UM,2BL)+2BL+6SC+4UM, ST CL12=1base+1HfF+2UM+2BL+6SC
      11: SC CL14=1base+7NDb(1base,2BL,4UM)+2BL+4UM, NDb CL20=1base+6ST(1base,1HfF,2UM,2BL)+2BL+7SC+4UM, ST CL14=1base+1HfF+3UM+2BL+7SC
    • Now add in MST. We don't care if the ST CL skyrockets (the whole point of the thread) because all UM and over-cap UM levels are full double casting boosts. Do note that I'm taking a very conservative assumption that since MST procs immediately after the CL change from ECL, it doesn't re-proc ECL since it's already proc'd once from that one change. If your DM is nicer about this, MST simply puts the ECL CL calculations back on track rather than looking one level behind. Lastly note that I had to stop myself writing the progression (again) to make sure SC's levels were higher than ST and use it when appropriate for NDb. Looking even hard (is that possible?) I saw another one of my earliest objections: stacking. Calculating NDb off of SC is a bad idea because SC already adds to NDb. They both use generic "plus"/"add" "to"/"in" the casting "class". This sounds too much like a general bonus to your CL which can be used in a CL check. Remember that this kind of "... check ... do(es) not stack if they have the same type or come from the same source." It's kind of hard to argue that the number which is solely determined by your SC level isn't the same source as that other SC level you just added in. In contrast, MST is a bit more of a grey area: "Your ST and arcane spellcaster levels also stack when determining your CL." It seems pretty like specific trumping general to me: these things stack even if they were already adding. I'm aware that normal separate CL pools don't add (this isn't 5e) and that the feat might have just been trying to say this, but it is pretty direct about the stacking. One could argue that perhaps if MST is added before the first SC level, then the addition from SC might not stack. But when MST came afterward (and logically has to proc after the ECL change), it's hard to ignore MST. If your DM has a problem with this middle way interpretation, just play a red wizard and save yourself the agony of calculating all this. That's why we will stick to ST for the chosen NDb class, even though it appears we could get some slightly higher numbers by using SC instead. Lastly, as you'll in the next session NDb is going to quickly become unimportant anyway.
      12: SC CL25=1base+8NDb(1base,3BL,4UM)+8MST+3BL+5UM, NDb CL33=1base+8ST(1base,1HfF,3UM,3BL)+8SC+3BL+5UM+8MST, ST CL34=1base+1HfF+3UM+3BL+8SC+9NDb(1base,3BL,5UM)+9SC(1base,3BL,5UM)
      13: SC CL27=1base+9NDb(1base,3BL,5UM)+8MST+3BL+6UM, NDb CL35=1base+8ST(1base,1HfF,3UM,3BL)+3BL+9SC+6UM+8MST, ST CL37=1base+1HfF+3UM+3BL+9SC
      14: SC CL29=1base+10NDb(1base,3BL,6UM)+8MST+3BL+7UM, NDb CL36=1base+8ST(1base,1HfF,3UM,3BL)+3BL+6UM+10SC+8MST, ST CL41=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+10SC+11NDb(1base,3BL,7UM)+11SC(1base,3BL,7UM)
      15: SC CL30=1base+10NDb(1base,3BL,6UM)+3BL+7UM+9MST+0LC, NDb CL39=1base+9ST(1base,1HfF,4UM,3BL)+3BL+6UM+11SC+9MST, ST CL42=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+11SC+0LC+11NDb(1base,3BL,7UM)+11SC(1base,3BL,7UM)
    • Remember that MST procs after ST's CL due to ECL change has been calculated:
      16: SC CL32=1base+10NDb(1base,3BL,6UM)+3BL+7UM+1LC+10MST, NDb CL40=1base+9ST(1base,1HfF,4UM,3BL)+3BL+6UM+11SC+10MST, ST CL44=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+11SC+1LC+11NDb(1base,3BL,7UM)+12SC(1base,3BL,7UM,1LC)
      17: SC CL34=1base+10ST(1base,1HfF,4UM,3BL,1LC)+3BL+7UM+2LC+11MST, NDb CL43=1base+10ST(1base,1HfF,4UM,3BL,1LC)+3BL+6UM+12SC+11MST, ST CL47=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+12SC+2LC+11NDb(1base,3BL,7UM)+13SC(1base,3BL,7UM,2LC)
      18: SC CL37=1base+11ST(1base,1HfF,4UM,3BL,2LC)+3BL+7UM+3LC+12MST, NDb CL34=1base+11ST(1base,1HfF,4UM,3BL,2LC)+3BL+6UM+13SC+12MST, ST CL50=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+13SC+3LC+11NDb(1base,3BL,7UM)+14SC(1base,3BL,7UM,3LC)
      19: SC CL40=1base+12ST(1base,1HfF,4UM,3BL,3LC)+3BL+7UM+4LC+13MST, NDb CL36=1base+12ST(1base,1HfF,4UM,3BL,3LC)+3BL+6UM+14SC+13MST, ST CL53=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+14SC+4LC+11NDb(1base,3BL,7UM)+15SC(1base,3BL,7UM,4LC)
      20: SC CL43=1base+13ST(1base,1HfF,4UM,3BL,4LC)+3BL+7UM+5LC+14MST, NDb CL38=1base+13ST(1base,1HfF,4UM,3BL,4LC)+3BL+6UM+15SC+14MST, ST CL56=1base+1HfF+4UM+3BL+15SC+5LC+11NDb(1base,3BL,7UM)+16SC(1base,3BL,7UM,5LC)
    • That's a big difference: It reminds me of simple vs compound interest. You'll notice that another ioun stone or whatever will reproc the ECL calculations to adjust that +4LC to +5LC for +1 to NDb and SC. These are finally about the numbers I was expecting. Note that I removed another set of calculations for MST at the end. It turns out it wasn't needed. Concerning balance, I don't find an -2 to +16 CL off from CL40 in a campaign of circle magic users that powerful, even if it breaks the normal cap RAW or your DM might to expect. Note that the above is the fastest progression or "worst case scenario" for fast caster stacking without going full 999 limberger. It's still not the most powerful in total, though.

    tl;dr I did this too many times. The next post has the final build.[/list]

    Offline PlzBreakMyCampaign

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    Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
    « Reply #13 on: January 28, 2017, 07:53:45 PM »
    FIVE YEAR PLUS NECRO: You don't have to read the maths above just the build notes.

    Having 11ST,7Ndb,13SC levels is good enough for 4th,8th,9th level spells or 5th,8th,8th with the balanced spell progression. But we could shuffle the spellcasting progressions around the same number of boosts. Consider:

    3base   1ST,1NDb,1SC
    1HFf      2ST
    3UM      5ST
    7*2 UM   11ST,5NDb,5SC
    5*2 LC   14ST,7NDb,10SC

        This would get 5th,8th,9th level spells or 6th,8th,8th via the balanced spell progression. NDb is actually a pretty weak casting class (even thought it initially offers high level spells at a great CL). The spells known are just bad and we don't have the energy to start adding spells known. We could instead remove the 14th ST and 10th SC to make way for another PrC, an arcane one with betterthe best spell access: chameleon. Adding a single PrC will drop the boosts by 2. Still, those 8 boosts is enough to take Chameleon to 6th level spells. It would require MST being taken before UM7 (So Chameleon would have the lowest CL), but we could still re-proc everything with Practiced Spellcaster at 20.

    4base   1ST,1NDb,1Ch,1SC
    1HFf      2ST
    3UM      4Ch
    6*2 UM   8ST,1NDb,9Ch,2SC
    5*2 LC  13ST,1NDb,9Ch,7SC

        This would get 6th,5th,6th,8th level spells the heaviest focus on (any arcane spell) then (any bard or wizard) then (bard spells) then NDb's 3/4,1/4 good spells known (dimensional anchor, dismissal, LPB ?, SM IV ?/Flamestrike,Plane shift, SR, SM V). In fixed 3e, spell progressions are even, meaning that the progression can be shuffled.  I'll be redoing the progression (again) to purposely postpone the highest spell levels. This tends to make DM's happier with extreme early entry, and allows for minimal unavailable spell levels.
       This build has to pay even close attention to the class skills. Since Chameleon 1 grants prepared spells from a spellbook, we can swap Corrupt Arcana (Arcane preparation works later for the same UM flexibility) with Flexible Mind (Drag Mag326 p80) for the (advancable) prereq bluff and disguise Chameleon skills. The build changes from ST1/HfF1/NDb1/UM1/SC1/UM2-10/LC6 to ST1/HfF1/NDb1/Chameleon1/UM1/SC1/UM2-9/LC6. Note that this is the same as going UM10 & LC5 except we might as well get the extra lesser legacy ability from LC6. This is the last time we'll redo it. I hope. This time we'll be assuming an ioun stone to borrow/wear and then put away after each level up starting at ECL6 or so.

    • 1:  ST CL1=1base
      2:  ST CL2=1base+1HfF
      3:  ST CL3=1base+1HfF+1BL, NDb CL5=1base+3ST(1base,1HfF,1BL)+1BL
      4:  ST CL3=1base+1HfF+1BL, NDb CL5=1base+3ST(1base,1HfF,1BL)+1BL, Ch CL2=1base+1BL
      5:  ST CL3=1base+1HfF+1BL, NDb CL5=1base+3ST(1base,1HfF,1BL)+1BL, Ch C3L=1base+1BL+1UM
      6:  SC CL7=1base+4ST(1base,1HfF,2BL)+2BL, NDb CL10=1base+4ST(1base,1HfF,2BL)+2BL+3SC, ST CL7=1base+1HfF+2BL+3SC, Ch CL7=1base+2BL+1UM+3SC
      7: SC CL8=1base+5ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,1UM)+2BL, NDb CL11=1base+5ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,1UM)+2BL+3SC, ST CL8=1base+1HfF+2BL+3SC+1UM, Ch CL8=1base+2BL+2UM+3SC
      8:  SC CL9=1base+6ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,2UM)+2BL, NDb CL12=1base+6ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,2UM)+2BL+3SC, ST CL9=1base+1HfF+2BL+3SC+2UM, Ch 9CL=1base+2BL+3UM+3SC
      9:  SC CL9=1base+6ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,2UM)+2BL, NDb CL12=1base+6ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,2UM)+2BL+3SC, ST CL9=1base+1HfF+2BL+3SC+2UM, Ch 10CL=1base+2BL+4UM+3SC (Chameleon is chosen because of the above tie)
      10: SC CL10=1base+7ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,3UM)+2BL, NDb CL13=1base+7ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,3UM)+2BL+3SC, ST CL10=1base+1HfF+2BL+3SC+3UM, Ch 11CL=1base+2BL+5UM+3SC
      11: SC CL11=1base+8ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,4UM)+2BL, NDb CL14=1base+8ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,4UM)+2BL+3SC, ST CL11=1base+1HfF+2BL+3SC+4UM, Ch 12CL=1base+2BL+6UM+3SC
    • We aren't going to both with a class-discriminating CL booster for a whole level. It's a shame we can't easily hit 6th level chameleon spells at ECL13 (when they are first allowed in fixed 3e), but being 1 ECL off on a theurge build is acceptable.
      12: SC CL14=1base+9ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,4UM)+3BL+1UM, NDb CL18=1base+9ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,4UM)+3BL+5SC, ST CL14=1base+1HfF+3BL+5SC+4UM, Ch 15CL=1base+3BL+6UM+5SC
      13: SC CL15=1base+10ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,5UM)+3BL+1UM, NDb CL19=1base+10ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,5UM)+3BL+5SC, ST CL15=1base+1HfF+3BL+5SC+5UM, Ch 16CL=1base+3BL+7UM+5SC
      14: SC CL16=1base+11ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM)+3BL+1UM, NDb CL19=1base+10ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM)+3BL+5SC, ST CL16=1base+1HfF+3BL+5SC+6UM, Ch CL17=1base+3BL+8UM+5SC
      15: SC C16L=1base+11ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM)+3BL+1UM+0LC, NDb CL20=1base+11ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM)+3BL+5SC, ST CL16=1base+1HfF+3BL+5SC+6UM+0LC, Ch CL17=1base+3BL+8UM+5SC
      16: SC CL18=1base+12ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,1LC)+3BL+1UM+1LC, NDb CL22=1base+12ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,1LC)+3BL+6SC, ST CL18=1base+1HfF+3BL+6SC+6UM+1LC, Ch CL18=1base+3BL+8UM+6SC
      17: SC CL20=1base+13ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,2LC)+3BL+1UM+2LC, NDb CL24=1base+13ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,2LC)+3BL+7SC, ST CL20=1base+1HfF+3BL+7SC+6UM+2LC, Ch CL19=1base+3BL+8UM+7SC
      18: SC CL22=1base+14ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,3LC)+3BL+1UM+3LC, NDb CL26=1base+14ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,3LC)+3BL+8SC, ST CL22=1base+1HfF+3BL+8SC+6UM+3LC, Ch CL20=1base+3BL+8UM+8SC
      19: SC CL24=1base+15ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,4LC)+3BL+1UM+4LC, NDb CL28=1base+15ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,4LC)+3BL+9SC, ST CL24=1base+1HfF+3BL+9SC+6UM+4LC, Ch CL21=1base+3BL+8UM+9SC
      20: SC CL26=1base+16ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,5LC)+3BL+1UM+5LC, NDb CL30=1base+16ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,5LC)+3BL+10SC, ST CL26=1base+1HfF+3BL+10SC+6UM+5LC, Ch CL22=1base+3BL+8UM+10SC
    • Now when we add MST the CLs go from 22Ch, 26SC, 26ST, & 30NDb to 38Ch, 42SC, 46NDb, & 55ST:
      SC CL42=1base+16ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,5LC)+3BL+1UM+5LC+16MST, NDb CL46=1base+16ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,5LC)+3BL+10SC+16MST, Ch CL38=1base+3BL+8UM+10SC+16MST, ST CL55=1base+1HfF+3BL+10SC+6UM+5LC+4NDb(1base,3BL)+10SC(1base,3BL,1UM,5LC)+15Ch(1base,3BL,6UM,5LC)
    Are 0-6th + 4-8th + 0-6th + 4-5th level spells powerful? Yeah. Is 2 under to 15 over circle magic with them worth all this work? You decide.

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    Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
    « Reply #14 on: January 29, 2017, 12:57:46 AM »
    So from what I can tell, the highest CL any of these in your newest one is 58?  What is the current record CL?  Also, my Twice-Betrayer Slayer using mainly Circle Magic hits higher than that without Master Spellthief trickery.

    Offline SorO_Lost

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    Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
    « Reply #15 on: January 29, 2017, 06:35:34 PM »
    So from what I can tell, the highest CL any of these in your newest one is 58?
    It's ok, I still don't know what the he is doing anyway.

    "Your spellthief and arcane spellcaster levels also stack when determining your caster level for all arcane spells." ~Master Spellthief
    Spellthief 4 / Sorcerer 2 / Wizard 4 / Chameleon 2 has ten spellcaster levels, only four of which are spellthief, and that is a static value that only changes when you gain or lose a level, period. Branching into bad TO, ie the Chameleon can't qualify but still counts as still only brings you to a total of twelve spellcaster levels. His caster level on the other hand is 2/2/4/4, or 4/2/4/4 with trickster, before the feat and each one becomes 12 afterwards which is the sum of his spelltheif and [all] his arcane spellcasting levels. There is no loop or net gain. Chameleon said his CL is twice his class level and the only thing that's change is his CL, not his class or spellcasting level.

    Also, minor tangent but a 20th level Cleric takes the Reserve Feat Summon Elemental, casts Consumptive Field and murders his elemental ten times. His CL is now 30 and he recasts Consumptive Field can takes "original caster level" to mean before the bonuses of the new instance. Per Same Effect More than Once in Different Strengths only the best one implies but Same Effect with Differing Durations really suggests you should pay attention to their duration separately, so a case is made that the one with the cl cap of 30 expires and the Cleric quickly kills some more using the newer Field's cap of 45 before it expires. Progressively, 5 Slots and 3 bonus for 34 Wisdom, without using higher level Slots, he can produce a CL of 505. Is it necessarily legal? Eh I can see original CL being argued but what's important here is that it's almost ten freaking times the value of godawfully misreading something else that comes to mind. So food for thought.

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    Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
    « Reply #16 on: January 30, 2017, 01:22:06 PM »
    So from what I can tell, the highest CL any of these in your newest one is 58?  What is the current record CL?
    Well 55. That's why I broke down a level by level breakdown of every classes CL and even separated the last revision into a different post. See?
    Now when we add MST the CLs go ... to 38Ch, 42SC, 46NDb, & 55ST
    I could copy/replace Ch with Chameleon and SC with Sublime Chord and NDb with Nar Demonbinder and ST with Spellthief if you need. The compactness was a necessity since I did this without a spreadsheet. I only realized I would need one 80% of the way through...

    Soro do need even more formatting? I realize its dense. It was a nightmare to keep track of while doing it.
    each one becomes 12 afterwards which is the sum of his spelltheif and [all] his arcane spellcasting levels.
    There are two ways to read the feat. I chose the more conservative approach that MST doesn't make two non-ST classes stack with each other for CL on any classes besides ST. This is probably what the feat was supposed to do but you are correct that it is ambiguous and could be read in a more stronger way. You'll notice it gets a lot more complicated on your own when you replace your simple base class example with SC & NDb. Or you can just read my plainly expanded examples above.

    And yes consumptive field with abusive reading does seem to allow a NI CL, with NI castings. I trucked through the arcane dilettante build progressions, making several mistakes along the way, for everyone to see. Sometimes showing your work with an annotated mistake is more useful than a clean, correct version.

    Offline SorO_Lost

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    Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
    « Reply #17 on: January 30, 2017, 03:34:18 PM »
    Soro do need even more formatting? I realize its dense. It was a nightmare to keep track of while doing it.
    It's pretty easy to track the CL if you follow the Class entries.

    There are two ways to read the feat.
    No there isn't.

    Same for stuff like "To determine the caster level of an ur-priest, add the character's ur-priest levels to one-half of his levels in other spellcasting classes. (Any levels gained in the cleric class by an ex-cleric don't count.)". Trying to claim "level" is ambiguous is an insult to anyone reading your text. And "The demonbinder's caster level is equal to his demonbinder level plus his levels in one other spellcasting class of his choice." is also impossible to insinuate other wise.

    The only one that shows any form of misusing terms is the Sublime Cord form it's second sentence on CLs which accidentally uses the term "sublime chord spellcaster level". We all know what it actually means but if you want to jump in the TO forum and claim otherwise, whatever. You can take the consolidation prize a bunch of people on the 339 thought was cool; you'll always be wrong in context so go post it in the TO sub-forum instead of here like a pariah. It's cool enough for the TO board!

    I trucked through the arcane dilettante build progressions, making several mistakes along the way, for everyone to see. Sometimes showing your work with an annotated mistake is more useful than a clean, correct version.
    This however I can semi-agree with. We're a community and thus a tool that can help you succeed, correct your errors, and offer alternative ways to legally accomplish your goal. Such as my mention of Consumptive Field or Kell's suggestion of the Twice-Betrayer or Circle Magic and there are plenty of others. Like Bloodlines actually increase CLs like you're failing to do, a Bard 10 / Sublime Chord 1 / Uncanny Trickster(chord) 3 / Legacy Champion(trick) 2 / Bloodline 3 passes his Bloodline Level to all level calculations in all four of those Classes resulting in a Bard CL of 13 and a Sublime CL of 26.

    We can produce high CLs, not that way you want to, but it can be done.

    Offline KellKheraptis

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    Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
    « Reply #18 on: February 15, 2017, 12:00:36 PM »
    It might have to wait until this weekend, but I've been messing around with the usual CL boosters along with several separate builds, two centered around Wizard, and a third around Archivist.  Ironically, despite having the entire Cleric list and easy access to the Wizard list, it's hard to beat the bells and whistles a couple feats grant arcane casting for boosting CL.

    Offline Ice9

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    Re: Arcane Dilettante ROUND TWO
    « Reply #19 on: February 15, 2017, 06:31:15 PM »
    His CL is now 30 and he recasts Consumptive Field can takes "original caster level" to mean before the bonuses of the new instance. Per Same Effect More than Once in Different Strengths only the best one implies but Same Effect with Differing Durations really suggests you should pay attention to their duration separately, so a case is made that the one with the cl cap of 30 expires and the Cleric quickly kills some more using the newer Field's cap of 45 before it expires.
    I don't think it works quite like that:
    Quote from: Consumptive Field
    Additionally, your effective caster level increases by one per death caused by this spell, to a maximum increase of half your original caster level, improving spell effects that are dependent on caster level.
    It's not a cap of 1.5x CL, it's an increase of 0.5x CL.  Which matters since it doesn't stack with itself.  So:
    Start: CL = 20
    CF1: CL = 20 + 10 = 30
    CF2: CL = 20 + 15 = 35
    CF3: CL = 20 + 17 = 37
    CF4: CL = 20 + 18 = 38
    CF5: CL = 20 + 19 = 39

    And it terminates there, since 39/2 = 19.  Now if you also use Greater Consumptive Field, and count that as a different effect that does stack, then it can go as high as you have spell slots, roughly +13 CL for each CF or GCF if your starting CL was 20.
    « Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 06:36:02 PM by Ice9 »