FIVE YEAR PLUS NECRO: You don't have to read the maths above just the build notes.
Having 11ST,7Ndb,13SC levels is good enough for 4th,8th,9th level spells or 5th,8th,8th with the balanced spell progression. But we could shuffle the spellcasting progressions around the same number of boosts. Consider:
3base 1ST,1NDb,1SC
1HFf 2ST
7*2 UM 11ST,5NDb,5SC
5*2 LC 14ST,7NDb,10SC
This would get 5th,8th,9th level spells or 6th,8th,8th via the balanced spell progression. NDb is actually a pretty weak casting class (even thought it initially offers high level spells at a great CL). The spells known are just bad and we don't have the energy to start adding spells known. We could instead remove the 14th ST and 10th SC to make way for another PrC, an arcane one with
betterthe best spell access: chameleon. Adding a single PrC will drop the boosts by 2. Still, those 8 boosts is enough to take Chameleon to 6th level spells. It would require MST being taken before UM7 (So Chameleon would have the lowest CL), but we could still re-proc everything with Practiced Spellcaster at 20.
4base 1ST,1NDb,1Ch,1SC
1HFf 2ST
3UM 4Ch
6*2 UM 8ST,1NDb,9Ch,2SC
5*2 LC 13ST,1NDb,9Ch,7SC
This would get 6th,5th,6th,8th level spells the heaviest focus on (any arcane spell) then (any bard or wizard) then (bard spells) then NDb's 3/4,1/4 good spells known (
dimensional anchor,
dismissal, LPB ?, SM IV ?/Flamestrike,Plane shift,
SR, SM V). In fixed 3e, spell progressions are even, meaning that the progression can be shuffled. I'll be redoing the progression (again) to purposely postpone the highest spell levels. This tends to make DM's happier with extreme early entry, and allows for minimal unavailable spell levels.
This build has to pay even close attention to the class skills. Since Chameleon 1 grants prepared spells from a spellbook, we can swap Corrupt Arcana (Arcane preparation works later for the same UM flexibility) with Flexible Mind (Drag Mag326 p80) for the (advancable) prereq bluff and disguise Chameleon skills. The build changes from ST1/HfF1/NDb1/UM1/SC1/UM2-10/LC6 to ST1/HfF1/NDb1/Chameleon1/UM1/SC1/UM2-9/LC6. Note that this is the same as going UM10 & LC5 except we might as well get the extra lesser legacy ability from LC6. This is the last time we'll redo it. I hope. This time we'll be assuming an ioun stone to borrow/wear and then put away after each level up starting at ECL6 or so.
- 1: ST CL1=1base
2: ST CL2=1base+1HfF
3: ST CL3=1base+1HfF+1BL, NDb CL5=1base+3ST(1base,1HfF,1BL)+1BL
4: ST CL3=1base+1HfF+1BL, NDb CL5=1base+3ST(1base,1HfF,1BL)+1BL, Ch CL2=1base+1BL
5: ST CL3=1base+1HfF+1BL, NDb CL5=1base+3ST(1base,1HfF,1BL)+1BL, Ch C3L=1base+1BL+1UM
6: SC CL7=1base+4ST(1base,1HfF,2BL)+2BL, NDb CL10=1base+4ST(1base,1HfF,2BL)+2BL+3SC, ST CL7=1base+1HfF+2BL+3SC, Ch CL7=1base+2BL+1UM+3SC
7: SC CL8=1base+5ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,1UM)+2BL, NDb CL11=1base+5ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,1UM)+2BL+3SC, ST CL8=1base+1HfF+2BL+3SC+1UM, Ch CL8=1base+2BL+2UM+3SC
8: SC CL9=1base+6ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,2UM)+2BL, NDb CL12=1base+6ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,2UM)+2BL+3SC, ST CL9=1base+1HfF+2BL+3SC+2UM, Ch 9CL=1base+2BL+3UM+3SC
9: SC CL9=1base+6ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,2UM)+2BL, NDb CL12=1base+6ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,2UM)+2BL+3SC, ST CL9=1base+1HfF+2BL+3SC+2UM, Ch 10CL=1base+2BL+4UM+3SC (Chameleon is chosen because of the above tie)
10: SC CL10=1base+7ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,3UM)+2BL, NDb CL13=1base+7ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,3UM)+2BL+3SC, ST CL10=1base+1HfF+2BL+3SC+3UM, Ch 11CL=1base+2BL+5UM+3SC
11: SC CL11=1base+8ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,4UM)+2BL, NDb CL14=1base+8ST(1base,1HfF,2BL,4UM)+2BL+3SC, ST CL11=1base+1HfF+2BL+3SC+4UM, Ch 12CL=1base+2BL+6UM+3SC - We aren't going to both with a class-discriminating CL booster for a whole level. It's a shame we can't easily hit 6th level chameleon spells at ECL13 (when they are first allowed in fixed 3e), but being 1 ECL off on a theurge build is acceptable.
12: SC CL14=1base+9ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,4UM)+3BL+1UM, NDb CL18=1base+9ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,4UM)+3BL+5SC, ST CL14=1base+1HfF+3BL+5SC+4UM, Ch 15CL=1base+3BL+6UM+5SC
13: SC CL15=1base+10ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,5UM)+3BL+1UM, NDb CL19=1base+10ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,5UM)+3BL+5SC, ST CL15=1base+1HfF+3BL+5SC+5UM, Ch 16CL=1base+3BL+7UM+5SC
14: SC CL16=1base+11ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM)+3BL+1UM, NDb CL19=1base+10ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM)+3BL+5SC, ST CL16=1base+1HfF+3BL+5SC+6UM, Ch CL17=1base+3BL+8UM+5SC
15: SC C16L=1base+11ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM)+3BL+1UM+0LC, NDb CL20=1base+11ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM)+3BL+5SC, ST CL16=1base+1HfF+3BL+5SC+6UM+0LC, Ch CL17=1base+3BL+8UM+5SC
16: SC CL18=1base+12ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,1LC)+3BL+1UM+1LC, NDb CL22=1base+12ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,1LC)+3BL+6SC, ST CL18=1base+1HfF+3BL+6SC+6UM+1LC, Ch CL18=1base+3BL+8UM+6SC
17: SC CL20=1base+13ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,2LC)+3BL+1UM+2LC, NDb CL24=1base+13ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,2LC)+3BL+7SC, ST CL20=1base+1HfF+3BL+7SC+6UM+2LC, Ch CL19=1base+3BL+8UM+7SC
18: SC CL22=1base+14ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,3LC)+3BL+1UM+3LC, NDb CL26=1base+14ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,3LC)+3BL+8SC, ST CL22=1base+1HfF+3BL+8SC+6UM+3LC, Ch CL20=1base+3BL+8UM+8SC
19: SC CL24=1base+15ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,4LC)+3BL+1UM+4LC, NDb CL28=1base+15ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,4LC)+3BL+9SC, ST CL24=1base+1HfF+3BL+9SC+6UM+4LC, Ch CL21=1base+3BL+8UM+9SC
20: SC CL26=1base+16ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,5LC)+3BL+1UM+5LC, NDb CL30=1base+16ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,5LC)+3BL+10SC, ST CL26=1base+1HfF+3BL+10SC+6UM+5LC, Ch CL22=1base+3BL+8UM+10SC - Now when we add MST the CLs go from 22Ch, 26SC, 26ST, & 30NDb to 38Ch, 42SC, 46NDb, & 55ST:
SC CL42=1base+16ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,5LC)+3BL+1UM+5LC+16MST, NDb CL46=1base+16ST(1base,1HfF,3BL,6UM,5LC)+3BL+10SC+16MST, Ch CL38=1base+3BL+8UM+10SC+16MST, ST CL55=1base+1HfF+3BL+10SC+6UM+5LC+4NDb(1base,3BL)+10SC(1base,3BL,1UM,5LC)+15Ch(1base,3BL,6UM,5LC)
Are 0-6th + 4-8th + 0-6th + 4-5th level spells powerful? Yeah. Is 2 under to 15 over circle magic with them worth all this work? You decide.