Wow..this escalated quickly. Anyways to add some more clarification(always helps) the wild shape has also been amended in tandem with being swift cast that I take on all abilities of the shape taken. I will also be able to shift into anything up to 2more HD than myself(as opposed to just the same HD). That being said what shapes at level 10 would allow me to best use this ability?
Ok, throw everything everyone said out the window. You have been given the most powerful ability in the game, period. All you have to do is expand your Wildshape options a bit - the feats Reshy mentioned at the beginning are a start, but you really want Master of Many Forms and Planar Shepherd. A Druid 5/Planar Shepherd 9/MoMF 6 has 7th level spells, but can wildshape into animals, humanoids, giants, monstrous humanoids, fey, vermin, aberrations, magical beasts, and outsiders. If you get all the abilities of those, that includes thing like Wildshaping into a Planetar for 17th level Cleric spellcasting. Or Wildshaping into a Choker for 2 standard actions per round. Or an Efreet for 3 Wishes per day.
Edit: A Wild Shape Amulet (Magic of Faerun, pg 167) will let you Wild Shape as a Druid 4 levels higher than you actually are, which means you can Wild Shape into creatures with 6 HD more than you actually have. Super useful.
Keep in mind that a Sarrukh is a 14HD Monsterous Humanoid. I'm not saying that you
should become Pun-Pun, but, you know, it's a thing that could potentially happen.