Wish cheese can grant you infinite spells, and planar shepherd for druids can accomplish similar things with their 10/1 bubble of awesome.
Badly supported by the DM only Wish cheese can yes, so can a lot of stuff go insane with a DM's intervention to make it so.
I think people need to move on to the better things in life too. Planar Bubble is a
spell that does the same thing. As a
spell it is usable by anyone with UMD and if used by a real caster can be subject to Extraordinary Spell Aim preventing the time trait from ever affecting your enemy simply because they charged you. Down with the Shepard!
The "Magic is broken too!" defense however is just plain annoying.
~I don't care if you think lava is worse. We're not discussing how hot lava is, burning alive is still painful, it kills, and it's still pretty fracking hot.~If you want agree and concede it is too then don't pout and add "but
big sister is worse". It's childish.
btw, not only is Psionics game breaking powerful, but it was
Arcane Spellsurge? Printed months after Schism and it's still not helping the Wizard.
Celerity? Printed a month after Complete Psionic's turn breaking trick Anticipatory Strike.
Dal Quar abuse for faster spell recovery? Infinite Power Point tricks were out years before hand.
Dark Chaos Shuffle? Magic's answer to the years before printed Feat Leech.
And yeah, that's all the further I got before I quite looking. It's four examples of Psioinics being straight up more powerful and Magic had to sit on the side lines waiting for their much more dedicated and on going support to catch up. Which is kind of funny when you think about it after hearing about Magic is worse in a dozen posts. Like, sure it's worse now, after the designers started fixing things