Author Topic: [3.5] [Base Class] [Mythos] Philothusia/Phileotheysia Main Table  (Read 311 times)

Offline Draco Dei

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((Currently exhausted and depressed. Posting this because my hard drive MIGHT be failing. Feel free to post replies! Other parts of the class will be in separate threads.))

Starting Age: As per Sorcerer.
Starting Wealth: 6d4x5 GP
Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 6 + Intelligence Modifier + 1 for each [Skillful Protector] tag you have from Excellencies and/or Mythoi  (Quadrupled at 1st level except in Pathfinder)
Class Skills: Concentration(Con), Craft(Int), Diplomacy(Cha), Heal(Wis), Knowledge[Religion] (Int), Profession(Wis), Psicraft (Int), Sense Motive(Wis), Speak Language(N/A), Spellcraft(Int), Tumble(Dex), and Use Rope(Dex)
Additional class skills are added by several excellencies. This includes (but is not necessarily limited to):
Full use of the following(some may also be available from different excellencies for partial use/access): Balance, Bluff, Climb, Decipher Script, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge[Dungeoneering], Knowledge[Geography], Knowledge[Local], Knowledge[Nature], Knowledge[Nobility and Royalty], Listen, Move Silently, Perform (via an Exceptional Mythos), Ride, Sleight of Hand Spot, Swim, and Survival
And partial use of these: Disable Device, Knowledge[Arcana], Knowledge[History],  Knowledge[The Planes], and Search.
1st+0+2+2+2Aura, Divine Protection, Hands of the Healer, Healing Item Use, Swift Protection, Mythos Known, The Mythos of Sacrifice, Exceptional Mythos, Excellence in Sacrifice, Sacrifice, Whatever Needs Doing+2+1
3rd+1+3+3+3Hands of the Healer(Blindness, Deafness, and Corpse Preservation)+1+0
4th+2+4+4+4Hands of the Healer(Poison and Disease)+0+1
5th+2+4+4+4Divine Protection(Charisma Bonus +1)+1+0
6th+3+5+5+5Hands of the Healer(Negative Levels, Level Drain, and Ability Score Drain)+0+1
7th+3+5+5+5Fantastic Mythos, Gift of Life (Last Breath), Hands of the Healer(Minor Effects ((Needs better name!)) )+1+1
9th+4+6+6+6Gift of Life(Raise Dead and Revivify)+1+0
10th+5+7+7+7Divine Protection(Charisma Bonus +2)+0+1
11th+5+7+7+7Hands of the Healer[Time Limit on Level Drain Increases]+1+0
13th+6/+1+8+8+8Legendary Mythos, Gift of Life(Resurrection), Hands of the Healer[Take 10 on all uses] +1+1
15th+7/+2+9+9+9Divine Protection(Charisma Bonus +3)+1+0
17th+8/+3+10+10+10Gift of Life(True Resurrection)+1+0
19th+9/+4+11+11+11Exalted Mythos+1+1
20th+10/+5+12+12+12Divine Protection(Charisma Bonus +4)+1+1
*This divergence from the standard Mythos advancement may be necessary to deal with the "I ANTICIPATE and PREVENT what the ENEMY is trying to do." focused schtick of the class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
You are proficient with one type of simple melee weapon OR with one type of melee weapon that naturally deals subdual damage(such as a whip or sap, or one-handed/two-handed versions of a sap) OR with nets. You are also proficient with Bolas, but ONLY when making trip attacks with them rather than attempting to deal damage.
If you pick "unarmed strike", then you gain the Improved Unarmed Strike feat for free.
If you pick nets, then, for purpose of threatened areas for attacks of opportunity you treat nets as a melee weapon with reach. Thus you can strike opponents 10 feet away with it. In addition, unlike most other weapons with reach, it can be used against an adjacent foe. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when making an attack of opportunity of their own with a net. You use the better of your strength and dexterity modifiers when calculating to-hit with such attacks.
You are proficient with light armor but not with shields.
Too much protection, especially protection that slows the ability to reach those in need of your aid stifles the spirit of Sacrifice. All uses of mythos that do not inherently involve a skill check and require a swift, move, standard, or full-round action suffer from arcane spell failure if you are wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield . A multi-class Phileotheysia still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from levels in other classes.
The Mythos of Sacrifice: A Phileotheysia's power is expressed in terms of one or more "Mythos", the building blocks of the legend that they are, and the stories that they have told and will tell. While any given Mythos varies from the rest, they share some similar traits. They are always Extraordinary abilities[COLOR="#0000FF"]*[/COLOR], and in the rare cases when reference a difficulty class for an imposed saving throw, that saving throw is always calculated as (10 + 1/2 class level + Charisma modifier, unless otherwise stated). When a Mythos references a "level" that is not clearly defined in some other way, such as "character level", it refers to "class level" as in the number of levels one has in the Phileotheysia class. When a Mythos references "allies", it specifically does not refer to the Phileotheysia using it. When a Mythos or Excellency grants a feat as a bonus feat, it is regardless of whether the character meets the prerequisites for that feat (unless otherwise stated), and if the character already possesses that feat (in some permanent fashion - via the normal allotment gained by leveling up, or through another Mythos, and so on, but not those gained temporarily, such as via a "Heroics" spell), they must replace the prior instance of that feat with another feat that they qualify for.
[COLOR="#0000FF"]*Although they have certain similarities to arcane spells and warlock invocations such as often provoking AoOs (although not being subject to disruption from damage while “casting”) and suffer from arcane spell failure for armor heavier than light.[/COLOR]

If a mythos or excellency requires an action to use and grants a bonus or ability to an ally or if it alters the type of a bonus to yourself it provokes attacks of opportunity and requires the usual concentration checks for a "spell" with no components, except for when being damaged. HOWEVER,  it is still NOT subject to being disrupted by damage from said attacks of opportunity (nor from ongoing damage). Such abilities may be used on the defensive at the usual DC(s).
Every Mythos has a Tier. The Tier of a Mythos ranges from 1 to 4, typically referred to as Exceptional, Fantastic, Legendary, and Exalted.
Some Mythos, in addition to their initial stated effect, have Basic and Advanced manifestations. When a Phileotheysia gains access to a Mythos with a list of Basic manifestations, they may choose one such manifestation, and they gain that benefit immediately as well. This choice may not be changed later. When a Phileotheysia gains access to a Mythos with a list of Advanced manifestations, they may choose one such manifestation, and they gain that benefit upon achieving their next level of Phileotheysia. This choice may be changed at any point before receiving the chosen manifestation itself, but not after (choosing beforehand is just an easy way to mark it down on your character sheet so you don't forget that you'll be getting something later).
Mythos Known: A 1st level Phileotheysia begins play with two Exceptional Mythos that he qualifies for if this is his first level in a PC character class. At higher levels, he gains additional Mythos as noted on the Phileotheysia class table.
For characters that multiclass into Phileotheysia after having taken levels in another PC character class, the 1st level of Phileotheysia grants only a single Exceptional Mythos, rather than two.
A Phileotheysia also has the ability to learn more Mythos, above the ones automatically allotted to him by leveling up - by destroying part of his selfhood and personal possessions to make room for more selflessness. At any time, a phileotheysia may donate one of his own possessions (something that has been in his possession for at least a week's time) to a cause he approves of, but has no personal involvement in or means of materially benefiting from the success of. Alternately, at the GM's discretion, the object may simply be destroyed (most common for devout worshipers, or when destroying objects with no use that the phileotheysia would approve of them, such as a Good phileotheysia who takes an unholy weapon from a fallen enemy), in any case the annihilation must be complete enough that the item could never be repaired. The donated or destroyed item's value in gold pieces is recouped by the Phileotheysia as an equal amount of Mythos Points.

At the GMs discretion services/labor of a "non-adventuring" sort may also be donated to similar causes at their fair market value.

(click to show/hide)

In addition, if the phileotheysia dies selflessly protecting their comrades or cause* and is returned to intelligent animation (most usually life) by a means that cause them to end up with a lower XP total than when they died, the lost XPs are instead retained as a separate pool that may only be used for purchasing mythos, manifestations, and excellencies of the phileotheysia class. Points from this pool may also be converted into mythos points at any time at a ratio of 1 XP to 5 mythos points, although the reverse is NOT possible.
*Most “standard” adventuring deaths will qualify, even getting killed by a trap that someone else set off by accident since the default assumption was that the Phileotheysia wouldn’t even have been around unless it was for the purposes described.
By spending 1,000 Mythos Points, and 250xp, he may learn an Exceptional Mythos. A Fantastic Mythos requires 5,000 Mythos Points and 500xp. A Legendary Mythos takes 10,000 Mythos Points, and 1,000xp. And an Exalted Mythos takes 20,000 Mythos Points and 2,000xp.
For half the listed price for a given Tier, a Phileotheysia may learn a Basic or Advanced manifestation of a Mythos they already know of that Tier.
Learning Mythos, manifestations, or excellencies above the standard amount requires astounding, nearly single-minded devotion to a mentality of self-sacrifice. A Phileotheysia may only utilize this ability while more than half of his effective character level (ECL) is devoted to levels in the Phileotheysia class.
Excellence in Sacrifice: As denoted on their class table, a Phileotheysia gains a certain number of abilities known as "Excellencies". These tend to be more general, generic, and passive than a Mythos, but are useful nonetheless, and are drawn from their own separate list, unsegregated by Tiers. Like a Mythos, a Phileotheysia may learn more Excellencies above their allotted amount (provided at least half their ECL comes from levels of Phileotheysia). Each one costs 1,000 Mythos Points and 100xp, plus an additional 1,000 Mythos Points and 100xp for each time a new Excellency is innovated beyond the first. (So, 2,000mp and 200xp for the second, 3,000mp and 300xp for the third, etc.)
Aura(Ex): You have a particularly powerful aura corresponding to their chosen alignment(s) (see the detect evil spell for details). For example if you are chaotic good you have powerful auras of good and chaos, while if you are neutral good you have only a powerful aura of good and if you are lawful neutral you only have a powerful aura of law. These auras otherwise function like a cleric's aura.
Divine Protection(Su):You add your Charisma bonus (if any) to your AC as a deflection bonus. In addition, you increase this bonus by 1 at the 5th level of Phileotheysia. This bonus increases by a further 1 for every five Phileotheysia levels thereafter (+2 at 10th, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th level). If you do not have a charisma bonus, the level-based bonus still applies. If you have levels in any other class then the total AC bonus after combining these two sources is capped at your Phileotheysia class level.
At 12th level the you may take a full round action to change the/all* AC bonus(es) from this ability to (an) insight bonus(es). All bonuses* granted by this ability must be of the same type at any given point in time.
At 18th level a third option is gained. If you are Good aligned you can change it to a sacred bonus. If you are Evil you can change it to a profane bonus. If you are neither Good nor Evil you may pick which you will be able to change it to, but, like a neutral cleric choosing whether to channel positive or negative energy the path can not be altered after the fact for the rest of the character's existence. HOWEVER this choice ONLY applies when you are neither Good nor Evil. When Good or Evil, your actual alignment determines the type of bonus provided by this option. In any case this change of bonus type lasts until the you spends another full-round action to switch it again. Changing from any one of the three types to another is still a full-round action and all bonuses* from this ability must still be of the same type.
*See the Gift of Protection Exceptional Mythos for details on why this sentence is necessary.
Swift Protection(Ex): When acting during a surprise round you may take a swift action instead of a standard or move action. This swift action may only be used for Phileotheysia mythos and excellencies.
Hands of the Healer(Ex):
(click to show/hide)

Healing Item Use(Ex):
Just as Sacrifice’s mergence with Healing allows you to treat things on your own, it also allows you to call forth the power of physical vessels for magics that set things right with a person or persons.
You may use certain clerical spells from scrolls, wands, staves, etc. as if you were a cleric of equal level to your phileotheysia level plus any actual levels of cleric OR favored soul you have. You may substitute your charisma score for your wisdom score for this purpose. The spell must target one or more individuals (including individuals in a given area), must allow a Fortitude or Will Save, and must have the [Harmless] descriptor. It must also either be instantaneous or be one of the specified in the list found below. Any saving throw against such a spell that is not voluntarily failed is automatically successful and the spell has no effect on such individuals, even if it would normally have some effect even on a successful save.
The following non-instantaneous spells are allowed, however their duration changes to Concentration, capped at the duration of the original spell:
Any spell with Vigor or Vigorous in the name that grants fast healing.
Neutralize Poison
The [Sacrifice] tag means that some part of that mythos or excellency requires taking harm or giving up a bonus. These losses usually bypass all resistances, immunities, saving throws, spell resistance, etc etc. The major exceptions to this are for reductions (usually  burn) to an ability score that the specific character does not have. If no other specific penalty is provided in the text of the specific mythos, excellency, or class feature (and it usually will be) then apply ability score reduction to charisma instead.

Whatever Needs Doing(Ex):
Increase the skill-base of this class by 1 point for each [Skillful Protector] tag. Thus if you had the Singing Songs to Gladden the Heart Mythos and the Quiet Mother Betrays Not Her Brood excellency, you would get 8+Int Mod skill points per Phileotheysia level, quadrupled for first level unless playing Pathfinder. This increase is retroactive, and recalculated based on your current intelligence score from all permanent effects* each time you take another mythos or excellency with this tag.
*So the bonuses from a Headband of Intellect and a Tome of Clear Thought would count, but that from Foxes Cunning would not.
You must always have at least as many skill ranks invested in skills granted by things with this tag as they grant you.
((Idea April 2022: If the fact that this can become such a good skill-monkey is imbalanced, reduce maximum ranks in all class skills by FLOOR([Skillful Protector] instances/2) to a minimum of the normal cross-class skill maximum? If so, make sure this works with the "dabbler" type excellency, especially since I think it grants [Skillful Protector] twice. Note that while the class is currently better than the normal skill-maxing Excellencies, and does add NEW skills, it is still inferior to, say Peerless Parkour Athleticism... although that is an Exceptional-grade MYTHOS.))
Gift of Life (Su):
All uses of this ability require half the material components but have the same casting times as the spells they duplicate. In all cases if the you do not have a constitution score you must substitute an equal amount of burn to strength AND half that amount of burn to charisma. If you also do not have a strength score, then that requirement is waived but you still take the charisma burn.

At 7th level you may take 2 points of constitution burn to duplicate the effects of Last Breath. The version of this spell on pages 167-8 of Complete Divine is preferable, however if you don't have that book or find the level loss burdensome to use on the fly* then the version on page 130 of Spell Compendium may be substituted.
  • If using the Compete Divine version apply the constitution burn AFTER the hit-point damage, and this constitution loss can not reduce the Phileotheysia below 1 hitpoint. No such protection exists for the preceding hitpoint damage. Also note that this version has no material component.
  • If using the Spell Compendium option the material component for a Phileotheysia is 250 gp of diamonds, rather than 500 gp worth of rare oils and uguents. Note that there appears to be a typo that omits the material component notation from the "Components" line of the spell header in that version.
*One idea would be to say that the level loss doesn't take effect until a later time. One minute would get you out of the fight in most cases, with progressively longer times allowing more breathing room. If mechanical rigor is not required, a GM could even use "until the end of the session" or "until the end of the adventure".

At 9th level you may take 4 points of constitution burn to duplicate the effects of either Raise Dead or Revivify (Spell Compendium p. 176). They can mix and match as they choose, but must take the burn, provide material components, etc for each individual effect.
At 13th level you may take 6 points of constitution burn  to duplicate the effects of Resurrection.
At 17th level of Phileotheysia you may take 8 points of constitution burn  to duplicate the effects of True Resurrection.
« Last Edit: Today at 11:04:04 AM by Draco Dei »
P.E.A.C.H. = Please Examine And Critique Honestly

Offline bhu

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Re: [3.5] [Base Class] [Mythos] Philothusia/Phileotheysia Main Table
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2024, 02:08:25 PM »
Multiple links aren't working.  I'll have to read the class abilities before commenting, but with d12 HD, 6 skill points and all good saves it does currently seem fairly powerful

Offline Draco Dei

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Re: [3.5] [Base Class] [Mythos] Philothusia/Phileotheysia Main Table
« Reply #2 on: Yesterday at 02:09:17 AM »
The d12 HD and all good saves are definitely in-theme. The idea is that it is a brick wall... EXCEPT there active powers are all about giving their "bricks" away to their allies, one round at a time, while also being short-ranged enough that you have to play intelligently in order not to desperately need the "brick" you just gave away. The mythoi that most directly make use of these are Gift of Resistance (for saves), Gift of Shielding (for hitpoints), and Gift of Protection (for AC bonuses). So yeah, in some cases you have more than one layer of "bricks" over any particualr way of ending up dead or what-have-you. AC and Reflex saves overlap with high hitpoints... I HAVE been pondering if the AC bonuses should only come with the mythos that lets you give them away... and maybe the Reflex saves are poor unless you have Gift of Resistance.
tl;dr: Read at least the Exceptional mythoi (here: ) and then tell if you still think it is overkill.

Also, what links? Nevermind, I found the problem and fixed at least most instances of it... I think...

As for the skill points, it is traditional for mythos classes to have higher skill points than PHB classes, because the creator of the sub-system hates M.A.D. with a passion, and feels like classes don't get enough skill points. In addition, you want Heal (because: Hands of the Healer), Tumble (because: mostly short-range, 1 round duration buffs), and Concentration (because: caster who needs to stay near the front lines usually), so a lot of those skill points are kinda spoken for, so a good supply increases variety between characters...
Of course, with [Skillful Protector] you can build to end up with HUGE number of skill points.
THEREFORE: If isolated from the rest of Mythos, I could easily see dropping it down to 4+Int. Mod.
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 02:29:01 AM by Draco Dei »
P.E.A.C.H. = Please Examine And Critique Honestly