Mirror Image runs out of images fast even if you can keep it up, and by RAW Touch spells can't be persisted (without a lot of work of course). Both as such cost actions after the point where you're aware of the fight (whether you've engaged or not). In general, a fight where you know what's going to happen in advance and can prep for it knowing exactly when it's going to happen is an easy fight.
Do you know of any other cost efficient defenses that work when you DON'T know in advance what you're facing? In other words, the traditional "you're in X situation, when suddenly Y creature/creatures attack"? AC is one of those (yes, it's lower when surprised, though most high AC builds seem to rely on things like armor that do work in those situations). The Minor Cloak of Displacement (20% miss chance, 24kgp) is another, but obviously nowhere near 70% effectiveness (I'm not going to use made up numbers here... obviously a DM could optimize the creatures as much as they like, but then we're just making up numbers). The Major Cloak of Displacement gets you to 50%, but it's 50kgp (useful eventually, but I'm not sure it's something I'd want at level 10 unless taking hits was the main thing I did).
And yeah, as X-Codes says... you can buff AC. Magic Vestment lasts a really long time without DMM Persist sorts of shenanigans (which are needed to make Mirror Image last a significant period of time.