Author Topic: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium  (Read 136853 times)

Offline Bozwevial

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[D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:49:17 PM »
Note: A great many of these links lead back to the old forums, which I'm assuming may disintegrate at some point. If you want your entries updated, give me a shout.

Organized, for now, by author. Tags are as follows:
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Admiral Squish
Ancient SpiceBase/Item: The class your class could smell like.

Blood MagePrC: So much blood, there will be blood, etcetera. I'm gonna have to phone this one in, guys. It's too easy. (In collaboration with veekie.)
Miscellaneous ItemsItem: Why hello there, Rin. (In collaboration with veekie.)
Rising SpiritDisc/Feat: Transcendence through swordplay in six easy lessons. Cut up ghosts today! (In collaboration with veekie.)
Veiled DancerPrC: There are no puns to be had here. There are also no dervishes. Only the veiled dancer. (In collaboration with veekie.)
Vestige StuffFeat/Vest: Rasputin and the Void-touched.
War-FrenzyBase: Take this! My love! My anger! And all of my homebrew! (In collaboration with veekie.)

Holy KnightBase: Go beyond the impossible and kick evil to the curb.
Refluffing psionics as sorcery: Strictly speaking, it's just a paint job, but it's a good one.

Bemäntelter SchattenBase: A strange blend of the shadowcaster and a psion, sprinkled liberally with binder flakes.
Blades of the Fragmented SoulACF: "Oh, you're not--no, I must have heard 'soul' and 'knife' and misunderstood."
Book of ArtifactsItem: Fun ways to drive your players mad.
Charm FeatsFeat: Think more along the lines of Odin, less along the lines of sugary cereals.
Cloth of CopperItem: It's like shapesand, but for stupid people!
ConvokerBase: A master summoner, or a Pokemon Trainer if you want to wreck serious campaigns.
Deceit MagePrC: Now you, too, can be burned at the stake despite your lack of any magic whatsoever.
Ectopic Skin FeatsFeat: Crawling in my skiii--okay, sorry, not funny.
The FighterBase: Killin' them as needs killin'.
GestaltwandlerBase: A thousand faces is actually a very conservative estimate.
How to Train your Magic: A work in progress that involves a mage whose major skill is not Spellcraft but more akin to Handle Animal.
The IconBase: Ultimate cosmic power, itty bitty living space. It's a joke.
Impossible WarriorBase/Feat/PrC: Put simply: The Meta-Fighter.
KrigsherrenBase: Combat supremacy, sans maneuvers.
The LibrarianBase: Amechra's already beaten me to the punch here.
The MachiavellianBase: I'd make a joke, but literally all I can think of here is Vetinari.
The MeathookItem: If you see one of these in your butcher's back room, leave. Don't wait for the steak.
The MeistersingerPrC: Bardic music is business of the serious variety.
MetafeatsFeat: Feats about feats. After a while the word feat will sound feat incredibly feat silly feat feat feat.
Monstrous ArmigerBase: Somewhere out there, the person who really wanted to wear a celestial whale as armor is dancing in glee.
The NaseliBase: Yes, you can set heat on fire. No, I don't know how that works, stop asking.
The Nord's BladeBase/PrC/Feat/Item: Possibly the only class that requires you not to use the d20.
The PariahBase/Sub: Twenty levels of the creepiest of pasta.
Resider-In-DreamsPrC: Also known as "Yandere: The Dreaming."
The SalvagerBase/Feat/PrC: The MacGyver-ficer.
Scion of AshardalonPrC: Demons, dragons, lots of bloody sacrifices. Sounds fun, no?
Sibling ParagonBase: No, I don't know if you can have a dvati take this. Stop asking.
The Star-Sworn KnightBase: Kind of like a marshal, crossed with a bard and a truenamer and Sailor Moon or something.
Tiered PermutationsHouserule: ACFs on steroids.
Touched WarriorBase: A warlock-turned-warrior who uses martial maneuvers through fever dreams and seizures. I made none of that up.
Unrepentant Pact-Bound HunterPrC: A ranger-warlock fusion with incredible amounts of hate.
The VassalBase: This class is pact full of invocation morsels.
Whispersong BladeItem: Pffft. Crystal echoblades are so last season.

Andion Isurand
Andion Isurand's CompendiumClass/Race/Feat/Spell/Monster: Wait, I need another joke here?

The EnigmistBase/Feat/Item: What does this class do? I's a mystery.

Blue MageBase/Feat: The Final Fantasy concept given shape in D&D.

Spellfire Redux: Wilder Alternate Class FeatureACF: Absorbing spells and using their energy to push you over the limit? Sounds good to me!

Getting Re-WiredPsi/Item: A 3.5 update of psionic tattoos. Special thanks to PhaedrusXY for archiving this.

Lucent SavantPrC: I'd say this class is brilliant, but someone would shoot me for the pun.

LeviathanRace: bhu converts the post-apocalyptic game to 3.5.
MMII ReduxMonster/Race/PrC/Feat: bhu tackles the second Monster Manual and wrings even more monstrous goodness out of it.
Uncle Kitties Evil Bad Spookity CrittersMonster: Pages upon pages of creatures straight from campfire stories.
Uncle Kitties Guide to Greasy Clown Faced BastardsBase/PrC/Feat: Warning: The giant frog may giant frog your giant frog giant froggingly frog frog giant frog.
Uncle Kitties Guide to Hopefully Humorous Abominations of NatureMonster: A collection of bizarre critters ranging from the Electric Yak to the Habanero Dryad.
Uncle Kitties Guide to the OrientBase/PrC/Feat: A more accurate remake of the Samurai, complete with variants and prestige classes.
Uncle Kitties Handbook o' KittehsBase/PrC/Feat/Spell/Race/Item: What started as the Cat Burglar class exploded into books worth of cat-themed material.
Uncle Kitties Handbook of Spuriously Made Prestige ClassesPrC/Deity: Prestige classes geared for the monstrous races. Goblins need love too.

GamblerBase/Feat: Take a chance on me...
Infinite ShoreDisc: I can't do it. I'm burned out on dream puns.
Interesting TimesDisc/Feat: The favored fighting style of the fortunate unfortunates.
NomadBase: So I've got both the gambler and the rambler here. Huh.

Half-GolemClass/Monster: A half-golem for everything.

Circle of Life
Plague DoctorBase/Feat: If nothing else, check it out for the poisons. Delicious poisons.

Gentle BreezeDisc: A discipline for the watchers of the world.

Feats that can count as other featsFeat: Spice up those boring prerequisites!

Debihuman's CompendiumFeat/Monster/PrC/Item/Temp: Debby was kind enough to provide me with this collection rather than a mess of links. I like her already.

The Demented One
The Demented One's CompendiumFeat/PrC/Spell/Base/Monster/Item/Psi/Incarn/Vest/Dest/Disc/Temp: As that enormous string of tags should have tipped you off, you can find practically anything here. Too monstrous to list.

Dictum Mortuum
Eldritch Disciple AdaptationPrC: What was a Warlock/Cleric class is now a Dragonfire Adept/Druid class.

Bard (Non-Caster)Base: The talespinner, rather than the dabblemaster.
The Codex of SpellshapingBase/Feat/PrC/Item/Sub: I don't always shape spells, but when I do, I prefer impulse mages. Now has its own subforum.
CharacteristicsHouse: Make your next character stand out from the rank and file.
The DementistBase/Feat: Or perhaps the dementalist.
Elementals ReduxMonster: Elementals, paraelementals, and potentially archomentals later. (I've been threatened with electric shock if I use the word 'weird' as a pun.)
The JesterBase/ACF/Feat: The laughing factotum.
Quixotic KnightBase: Face it. This is at least four times better than the regular Knight no matter how you slice it.

Compendium of FeatsFeat: Beyond this link is a collection of feats not tied to any specific project.
Compendium of ItemsItem: And beyond this one are items with no particular theme. Look, just read them yourself.

Falling AnvilDisc: Is it wabbit season or duck season?

Chthonic SerpentDisc: Because what the spiked chain really needed was a little more attention.
Midnight OccultistPrC: A fusion of Incarnum and pact magic, both of which I need to look into.

Hand of RhyxaliPrC: If the assassin and telflammar shadowlord had a child, and that child then had a child with a warlock...look, just read it, alright? I can't cover everything.
Indigo TricksterBase/Feat: An arcane dashing-swordsman type with quite a few interesting mechanics.
The Z FighterBase/Feat/Race: Here's a hint: The Z should be preceded by "Dragon Ball."

Verold Campaign SettingPrC/Campaign/Race/Base/Feat: Clans of human-animal hybrids. Actually, I could just say "barBEARian" and you'd go for it anyway.
Warlock RewriteBase: Carries the distinctive flavor of the 4th Edition pacts.

ErrantX's Homebrew ArchivePrC/Feat/Vest/Base/Disc: A large collection of ErrantX's works.

Falling StarDisc: A martial school for bows instead of swords.
Holy WordDisc: Truespeech? In my Tome of Battle?
Ocean SoulDisc: Underwater Fight Club?

NaturalistBase/Feat/ACF: Not to be confused with the Naturist. Maybe there's some overlap though.
PsychoanalystPrC: "So, tell me about your Dungeon Master."
RavelerBase: Perhaps unfortunately, not a French composer-enthusiast.
SniperBase/Feat: A very calm class with no qualms about shooting people in the face in sneaky and underhanded ways. Ideally from five miles away.
Sound ShaperPrC/Spell: Ask him what the sound of one hand clapping is, and you'll probably learn what the sound of an upraised middle finger is as well.

Garryl's CompendiumBase/ACF/Race/Temp/Feat/Spell/Psi/Incarn/Disc/PrC/Item/House/Sub: Garryl had a lot of good stuff here before he moved out and the boards exploded.

Solaris ArcanumDisc/Feat: A discipline that blends magic with martial prowess.

Guyr Adamantine
GridollsRace/Feat: Frogmen who adventure to fill their stomachs.
Strongarm WarriorPrC: I take no responsibility for any injuries that may occur as a result of you naming one of these Cloud. Or Sephiroth.

Lesser DisciplinesDisc: Some less well-known schools of battle.

Jack Mann
Maneuvers of MadnessDisc: A martial school from the Far Realm.

Adept NinjaBase: If you're tired of people telling you that the best ninja is a Swordsage...
Quick Monk FixBase: 30-second microwavable Monks.

The Broken BladeDisc: For martial adepts, to be used on martial adepts.
The Narrow BridgeDisc: A school that combines positive and negative energy into a single fighting style.

Fixing the SamuraiBase: What's that? You want to play Miyamoto Musashi?
Ghost RiderPrC: Motorcycle sold separately.
Revised HexbladeBase: If Mike Mearls' fix isn't working for you...
Revised MonkBase: It's...a revised Monk. I can't find anything witty to say here.

Kell's Homebrew CompendiumFeat/Spell/PrC/Disc/Psi/Item: When not working on gish builds, Kell enjoys long walks on the beach and writing 3.5 material.
Mystic BlasterPrC: Studying the arcane arts of blowing a planet up.
Super SaiyanPrC: Guaranteed to turn five minutes of combat into a ten-episode stretch.

The ConnoisseurBase: Finger-licking good.
GramarieBase/PrC/Sub Now you know exactly what class to give the physicists at the table. Or to keep away from them at all costs. Either or.
Lost LyricsDisc/Feat: Guaranteed to turn your fights into musical theater.
The Way Words WorkBase/Feat/PrC: Truenaming that, hey, doesn't suck!
The XenoalchemistBase/PrC/Feat: "Yes, I suppose I should have been less literal when I asked for a hand over here."

Fighters with ClassBase: Nasty tricksy fighterses.
HealerBase: Because if your entire class is named for it, you had better do it right.
Materials ReduxItem: Finally, support for metalheads.
Mind Blade Focused SoulknifeBase: It's like New Coke, if Old Coke was almost universally reviled.
Ninja (ToB Variant)Base: Some things go together, like ninjas and Shadow Hand, or this shuriken and your throat.
SwashbucklerBase: There is a three-buckle minimum in this swash club.
WarmageBase: There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!

Krimm's CompendiumPrC/Race/Monster/Temp/Item/Vest/Deity/Dest/Feat/Spell/Psi/Disc: Another prolific poster, Krimm's work would far outstrip my limited list space.

AstrologistPrC: What does your horoscope say today?
Incarnum HomebrewBase/Feat/Incarn: A reworked Soulborn, plus a few other goodies.
ShapechangerBase: All the fun of wild shape, none of the pesky Druids.

Littha's Wonderful Other ThingsBase/Feat/Item/PrC/Monster: The little things in life are the good things. But sometimes lots of little things, rolled into one big thing...I'm not sure where I was going with this except possibly Katamari.

Lord Gareth
HarrowedBase/Feat/PrC: I think at this point I'm supposed to make a Yellow Submarine joke, but the beast dislikes that idea.
MalefactorBase: Man, can't this guy write something cheery?

Master of OnePrC: And you *will* be taking Telekinesis.
Priest of the Unseen HostBase: A class dedicated to the scriptures of demideities.

Toku and TamashiiBase/Item/Feat/Sub: Insert coin, receive badass.
TMK's Extended SignatureBase/PrC/Disc/Spell/Monster: A mage king could probably do all sorts of nasty things if you didn't read this. Just a thought.

Revised SorcererBase: And you thought Charlie Sheen was a warlock.

Morph Bark
Morph Bark's Extended SignatureBase/PrC/Feat/Disc/Race/Monster: I didn't even have the name right in here at first. WHOOPS.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 03:13:24 PM by Bozwevial »
Homebrew Compendiums: D&D 3.5 4e/PF
IRC: #mmxgeneral on Rizon

Offline Bozwevial

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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2011, 11:49:23 PM »
NeoSeraphi's CollectionBase/PrC/Feat/Spell/Race: By the author of the Bro.

Scarlet RoseDisc/Feat/Item: For those of you who thought two-weapon fighting and maneuvers didn't mix well.

Rebalanced PaladinBase: The Paladin 2.0, although I suppose you could really only say that about warforged paladins.

Oslecamo's Custom LibraryDisc/Base/PrC/Monster/Feat/Temp: When you have your own subforum, it might be time to consolidate your stuff into a single link. That leaves more room for me to make bad jokes.

PairO'Dice Lost
Infinite TormentDisc: A discipline for the denizens of the Abyss.
Ninefold DamnationDisc/Temp: Even devils have their own martial traditions.
Ocean TempestDisc: Insert your own water pun here.

Agraramel and WarperBase: Time bandits and space invaders, now available in Tome flavor.
PhaedrusXY's House RulesHouserule/Spell: A collection of changes to the game system, mostly balanced for Tome play, and tweaks to the Polymorph line of spells. Note that this thread contains many of the below entries.
Feat TweaksFeat/Houserule: Modifications to existing feats and a few new ones.
Feat Tweaks 2Feat: More tweaked feats and some new Tome [Combat] feats for Olympic athletes and swarming mooks.
Fighter Remake, Warmage Tweak, and the Naga Apostle: A Fighter fix, slight modification to Koumei's Warmage, and an evil variant on the Rainbow Servant.
FrogmentalPrC: Read carefully; violators will be toad.
Ironwood CarriageItem: The limousine of D&D.
Mind PirateBase: Phaedrus, what were you showing me again?
Wish Economy Item ChartHouserule: A variation on Frank and K's Wish economy that makes equipping PCs much easier.

Kalashtar Dervish Substitution LevelsPrC: Racial substitution levels for kalashtar dervishes with a soulknife fetish.

Prime32's CompendiumBase/PrC/Feat/Monster/Psi/Spell: Don't worry, I'm sure Prime won't abuse his mod privileges if you don't read this.

Witch RazorDisc/Feat: A magical discipline with more than a hint of Hexblade or Warlock.

Archetype SoulmeldsIncarn/Feat: Turbocharged soulmelds.
The FamiliarBase: If you ever wanted to play someone's familiar, you're in luck.
Fey HeritageFeat: Now I can make feyt point jokes.

Factotum to XACF: Monk, swashbuckler, samurai, and soulknife as factotum variants.

Raineh Daze
Netherese ArcanistBase/Item: Has anyone else ever thought that 'Netherese' sounds like someone sneezing? Just me?

Realms of Chaos
XenotheurgyBase/Feat/Sub: An alternate magic system for the Far Realms.

Rich Burlew
Divine TricksterPrC: Like the Arcane Trickster, if the Arcane Trickster snuck into temples before flipping out and killing undead.

Acolyte of the SkinPrC: Now see, if I had waited, I could have done the Linkin Park joke here.
Anointed KnightPrC: "No, man, it's okay to take this heroin. An angel told me to."
Incandescent ChampionPrC: An incarnum-powered champion of good.
Incarnum BladePrC: An incarnum-fueled warrior. Or something. I'm not really sure about incarnum.
Lineage 2-Based PrCsPrC: I've never played Lineage 2, but these classes make me want to give it a go.
Martial Techniques from BlazBlueDisc/Feat/PrC: BANG! (In conjunction with Prime32.)
Order of the Bow InitiatePrC: Someone really needs to make an Order of the Bo Initiate who goes around using a quarterstaff and getting irritated because people keep mistaking him for those other guys.
Psionic DuskbladeBase: A psionic variant of the Duskblade. Exactly what it says on the tin.
Risada's BestiaryMonster: Espers and angels and other mythological beasties. Not exactly the angels that look like someone threw a bunch of eyes and wings into the blender, though.
Risada's LibraryFeat/Spell/Disc: A collection of miscellaneous tidbits. Includes more maneuvers for the standard 9 disciplines.
Shadow WarriorPrC: Someone, somewhere, is playing a Dark Shadow Shadow Warrior. From Scarytown-on-the-Shadowdark.
Shining Blade of HeironeousPrC: What the original Shining Blade desperately wanted to be.
SoulknifeBase: So apparently Risada has this idea for a class called a "soul-knife." As this is a completely original idea and in no way influenced by popular fiction or preexisting classes, we are all very excited about it. (Also it doesn't suck now.)
TempestPrC: You remember that tiny class from Complete Adventurer? This is it all grown-up.

3.5 Deepwood SniperPrC: The popular 3.0 prestige class revamped for 3.5.
Elemental MagesBase: Now all you need is the power of Heart.
OracleBase: Abjuration/Divination specialist, similar to the beguiler.
PurifierBase: A class full of sunshine and kittens. And by kittens, I mean positive-energy-powered laser beams.
Raging StormDisc: We must be swift as the coursing river...
Shadow BladeBase: A martial character that uses darkness and teleportation.
Whip FighterFeat: Approved by Indiana Jones himself.

Arcane Magic RedoneBase: Alternative casting mechanisms.
Celestial ClassesBase: Archons, eladrins, and angels.
Combat Action ChangesHouserule: Grappling made easier.
Construct ClassesBase: Sadly, no modrons yet.
Divine Magic RedoneBase: Not limited to spells, this revision covers class features as well.
Dragon ClassesBase: I shouldn't need to tell you what a dragon is.
Feybook ClassesBase: Nymphs, trolls, and fey nobles.
Fiend ClassesBase: Baatezu, tanar'ri, and the less-popular yugoloths.
Standardizing Monster AbilitiesMonster: Helpful rules for creating custom monsters.
Undead ClassesBase: Currently only covers the vampire.
Universal ClassBase: One size fits all.
VersumageBase: A breadth-over-depth spellcaster.
Warrior Classes RedoneBase: See the other Redone threads.

Sinfire Titan
Rift MagiPrC: A cross between a martial adept and a spellcaster, created for the Skies of Arcadia campaign.

sirpercival's thingsBase/PrC/Race/Monster/Feat/Item/Incarn/Spell/Sub: Perhaps you would partake in a perusal of Percy's persistent homebrew efforts, perchance to play a piece.

Half-SuccubusRace: Also known as the succuvan, or maybe the succutaxi.
HobbiesHouserule: Because a character is more than his caster levels and hit points.
The Hunter of MenBase: Yes, okay, you can hunt women too, if you like.
Shield RewriteHouserule: Captain America awaaaaaaaay
SorcerySkill: Magic for people without magic and with too many skill points.

Mana MageBase: The reader may, if so inclined, insert his or her own "tap that" joke here.

DDO MonkBase/PrC: It's like you're really a pretend martial artist pretending to be a pretend martial artist from a computer game!

Stratovarius' Extended SignatureSub/PrC/Feat/Psi/Item/Base/ACF/Spell: Does using one of these magic systems make you a Stratocaster?

Tempest Stormwind
Falling StarDisc/Feat: A discipline that focuses on...ranged...combat...wait, don't we have one of these already?
Sublime Way Variant MarshalBase: A new take on the Marshal as a battlefield commander.

8-Bit Theater Feats, Yo!Feat: Do you remember when we went to Gurgu?
ArbiterBase: You really, really don't want to be found in contempt of court.
Balance FeatsFeat: The Book of Esoteric Ambivalence.
DovahkiinBase: You know you make me wanna shout...
Her Majesty's GentlemanPrC: Just don't call it soccer.
Kensei of the Five RingsBase/ACF: What Complete Warrior samurai?
Noble PhantasmsItem: Stay a night or two. I guarantee you'll like more than zero of these artifacts.
Penitent BladePrC: War! What is it good for?

Blood MagePrC: So much blood, there will be blood, etcetera. I'm gonna have to phone this one in, guys. It's too easy. (In collaboration with Agita.)
Class Defense ReduxHouserule: This was a thing back in UA and in other d20 systems which weren't so dependent on armor. Now it's a thing you might actually want to use.
Fire WalkerPrC/Feat: You remember the pyrokineticist? No you don't, because its most notable ability was lackluster. You remember veekie's stuff instead, because it's actually good.
Miscellaneous ItemsItem: Why hello there, Rin. (In collaboration with Agita.)
Rising SpiritDisc/Feat: Transcendence through swordplay in six easy lessons. Cut up ghosts today! (In collaboration with Agita.)
Revised Pathfinder MonkBase: Some most people don't like Pathfinder or Monks. I can't promise you'll like the former, but you'll probably like veekie's take on the latter.
War-FrenzyBase: Take this! My love! My anger! And all of my homebrew! (In collaboration with Agita.)
Veiled DancerPrC: There are no puns to be had here either. This is a serious compilahahahaha well I tried. (In collaboration with Agita.)

The Vorpal Tribble's Creation CompendiumBase/Disc/Feat/PrC/Race/Temp/Monster/Spell/Psi/Item: More wonderful things than you could shake a stick at, assuming an eight hour day of stick-shaking.

Vox Clamantis
Untamed EssenceDisc/Feat: A discipline powered by innate magical ability.

Welknair's Extended SignaturePrC/Spell/Bloodline/Base/Race: This man has written twenty-one bloodlines. That's more than two tens. And that's wonderful.

Adapting some prestige classes to better suit IncarnumPrC: Reworked classes such as the Green Star Adept, now with extra incarnum.

Martial Discipline [Style] FeatsFeat: Feats that fuse two disciplines into a unique fighting style.
Vestige Fusion FeatsFeat: Mixing supernatural entities for fun and profit.
Warlock BaptismsFeat: Enhanced invocations for the devoted warlock.

Placid Lake School and Guardian of the Frozen GrottoPrC/Disc: A new martial discipline and a prestige class to go with it.

Sublime Assassin and Black LotusBase/Disc/Feat: A class and discipline for the martially-minded murderer.

Zeta Kai
Dung GolemMonster: I'm the Scatman!
Elemental Plane of FleshMonster: "Dammit, Phil, I said air! Air! No H!"

The Action HeroBase/Feat: A fighter variant that can fulfill a lot more concepts. Even eighties action movie heroes.
Alternate PHB1 Racial TraitsRace: Intended to bring the PHB up to speed.
The BardBase: Do I really have to explain what this remake is?
The BattlelordBase: A class based on Fighter MathTM.
The ChampionBase: "It's like a Paladin, only better!"
Codex of WarBase/Feat/Item: A complete overhaul of the Tome of Battle, and martial classes in general, right down to the level of base attack bonus. (Currently a work in progress.)
Create-a-Feat-Chain!Feat: An experiment in creating feat chains. Handy for Fighters.
The DancerBase: A graceful warrior reminiscent of the Dervish.
The EldermagusBase: A variant on the Warlock with more potent invocations.
Human and Elf ClassesBase: Remember when Elf was a class?
The JourneymanBase: The ultimate improvisational class.
The Legacy ChampionBase: The Fighter has been reading Weapons of Legacy and Magic of Incarnum a little too much lately...
The Magic-UserBase/Spell: Like incarnum and psionics had a child and a warlock delivered the baby.
The MarshalBase: The iconic battle-commander revamped.
The MonkBase: The revamped monk, revamped again to include psionics, which were feeling left out.
Mundane Paladin ReduxBase: Smiting evildoers Batman-style.
PrC RewritesPrC/Feat: It has all of the PrCs. All of them.
The RangerBase: A reworked Ranger that focuses more on terrain than favored enemies.
Revised Feats (PHB 1&2, Completes)Feat: Exactly the same, except they aren't at all.
Revised Feats RevisitedFeat: As above, except with bonus goodies for Fighters.
The RunelordBase/Feat: A Spellthief on steroids.
New Healing SpellsSpell: Gone are the days of spamming Cure Light Wounds.
The SagitteerBase: Shoot down satellites, kick people in the face.
The SamuraiBase: Your favorite Japanese warrior with less suck and more psychic power.
The SavagerBase: A Tome of Battle class that rolls the Ranger, Scout, and Barbarian into one.
The ShadowcasterBase: Warlock+Shadowcaster with no added fat.
The Stolid SphinxDisc: A martial discipline that revolves around streetfighting and improvisation.
The Sublime KnightBase: The chivalrous Knight with a maneuver progression and a lot less suck.
The SwordmageBase: A 3.5 adaptation of the 4e class.
The SwordsaintBase: A cross between the Duskblade and the Crusader.
ToB Disciplines as Tactical FeatsFeat: A present for the Fighter, this project turns the disciplines of Tome of Battle into tactical feats.
The WarlordBase: What the Fighter always wished it could be.
The WarmageBase: A remake of everyone's favorite boom-caster.
The WhitesmithBase: An Artificer made for war.
A Whole Mess of Warrior FeatsFeat: Exactly what it says on the tin.
The VoidreaverBase: He despises matter. (Not quite intended for PCs.)
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 11:46:00 AM by Bozwevial »
Homebrew Compendiums: D&D 3.5 4e/PF
IRC: #mmxgeneral on Rizon

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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2011, 11:49:32 PM »
Still more.
Homebrew Compendiums: D&D 3.5 4e/PF
IRC: #mmxgeneral on Rizon

Offline Bozwevial

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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2011, 11:49:40 PM »
Four is good.
Homebrew Compendiums: D&D 3.5 4e/PF
IRC: #mmxgeneral on Rizon

Offline Bozwevial

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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2011, 11:49:49 PM »
But five is better.

Okay, that's enough.
Homebrew Compendiums: D&D 3.5 4e/PF
IRC: #mmxgeneral on Rizon

Offline DonQuixote

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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2011, 12:12:41 AM »
The Codex of Spellshaping, which was the final name given to the material originally called "The Art of Spellshaping," has been ported over.
“Hast thou not felt in forest gloom, as gloaming falls on dark-some dells, when comes a whisper, hum and hiss; savage growling sounds a-near, dazzling flashes around thee flicker, whirring waxes and fills thine ears: has thou not felt then grisly horrors that grip thee and hold thee?”

Offline Bozwevial

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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2011, 12:15:56 AM »
And its entry has been updated in both link and name.
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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2011, 02:45:39 AM »
Hey, Boz, sorry to do this to you again, but I need you to change my forwarding address. Turns out the new place had an infestation of spammites, and by the time the fumigators could get rid of them, they'd eaten away enough to make the whole building structurally unsound. Anyways, I got this new condo on the cheap and it's got most of the good things I liked about the old place, so I'll probably be taking out a long lease when it comes time to renew.

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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2011, 10:49:46 AM »
I would like to add my Mana Mage to your most wonderful list.
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2011, 04:47:44 PM »
Just ported over a few things that I realized I had never actually gotten around to adding to the compendium:

The Quixotic Knight
Bard (Rewrite)
Jester (Rewrite)
“Hast thou not felt in forest gloom, as gloaming falls on dark-some dells, when comes a whisper, hum and hiss; savage growling sounds a-near, dazzling flashes around thee flicker, whirring waxes and fills thine ears: has thou not felt then grisly horrors that grip thee and hold thee?”

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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2011, 03:50:27 PM »
Added Sohala's Mana Mage and DonQuixote's Quixotic Knight, Bard, and Jester. Updated Garryl's entry and bkdubs123's links (at least where I could find more up-to-date versions on the GitP forums).
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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2011, 10:32:42 PM »
Updated the links for bhu's new threads and Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes.
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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2011, 10:49:09 PM »
Two new offerings:

The Star-Sworn Knight

The Machiavellian- I'm really proud of this one, myself.
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"Now that everyone's so happy, this is probably a good time to tell you I ate your parents."

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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2011, 11:42:16 PM »
You should probably similarly update the link to the spellshaping material, since that's a subforum now.  The analogous thread is here, but I don't know if you'd rather just link to the subforum--since there's going to be another Codex in there soon, it will save a wee bit of time.

Sorry to make so much trouble for you!
“Hast thou not felt in forest gloom, as gloaming falls on dark-some dells, when comes a whisper, hum and hiss; savage growling sounds a-near, dazzling flashes around thee flicker, whirring waxes and fills thine ears: has thou not felt then grisly horrors that grip thee and hold thee?”

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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2011, 08:39:13 PM » is the updated version of my thread.

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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2011, 12:39:07 PM »
Added Amechra's new classes and updated DonQuixote and littha's links.
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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2011, 08:39:41 PM »
I have two classes (both PrC's):

~Primal Soul, a blend of soul manifester and black blood cultist for totemist/wilders.
~Valorous Lieutenant, an initiator class focused on White Raven.

EDIT: And a new base class, the Warpsoul, an aberration-based meldshaping class.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 10:34:17 AM by sirpercival »
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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2011, 10:28:03 PM »
The new location of my compendium:

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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #18 on: November 15, 2011, 12:45:56 AM »
Done, done, done, and done.
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Re: [D&D 3.5] Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #19 on: November 16, 2011, 02:00:18 PM »
Revamped the Hunter of Men from the BG forums. I think I have it good, this time.

Added pretty pictures, so that shoudl generate interest!
A smile from ear to ear
3.5 is disappointingly flawed.