Well in the setting I currently play in, which is very warhammer fantasy, the world has guns. Some cheap guns are black powder and balls - take a while to reload. There are also expensive rifles designed for long range. Reloading a musket or flintlock takes 2 or 3 rounds (1 or 2 with quick reload), which is quite fast compared to realistic reload times. DM will occasionally roll if someone is unpractised that they drop something or fumble and take longer. The upside is they do MUCH more damage than a crossbow. My more expensive rifle with dragonbone engravings and what not is more akin to a hunting shotgun in the manner it's reloaded. clicking it open and inserting a cartridge, then clicking it shut. However even with quick reload this is a standard action.
combined with cragtop archer, deepwood sniper and other various goodies this results in a sniper with a 2 mile range, a scope and a dead target vis called shot to the head every other round. I've shot a couple unaware wizards who were just completely unprepared for such an attack. I had a wizard with contigent spell teleport who evaded me once. I ready attacks to shoot wizards who cast in combats, as whilst casting a blast spell their protective magics are usually not sufficient to block a bullet. Even if they have windwall up there are ways around it. Have special ammunition, or make special ammunition. We rule that breaking runes or glyphs triggers them, so I have my ammunition enchanted with explosive runes or paralyzing glyphs, if they have windwall pick an AoE one and shoot the square next to them. Penetration rounds that act attack in a line, like a line breath weapon.
We also rule that armour rating on heavy armour = damage reduction on flintlocks and muskets, unless under 1 range increment away.
All in all, it's doable, I just recommend throwing together your favourite house rules and remembering, if guns exist enemies have them too.