After seeing the rain Linnorm, I would like to request more of said serpentine dragons.
There seems to be three of them in MM II, any other source besides 2e that I don't have anyway?
Also note to self: get those epic dragon prcs going already!
Also, will you be working on the epic Pseudonatural any time soon?
Ah, glad you remind me. I had a rough draft which I completely forgot about, I'll see if I can get it finished this weekend (but before gotta get the deepsawn done, it's an quite interesting monster and Merchant earned some priority by contributing quite a bunch of work himself).
And also gotta finish reviewing Anomander's martial school to review his zombie prc.
And gotta get fluff for my super robot wars d20.
And classes restarting so science work wee!
And I guess that's why I keep forgeting about the pseudonatural creature draft. But no, seriously, I'll see if I can get some time to do it this weekened, it has been sitting on the waiting list for quite a bit.
Guess I'm glad my campaign players also seem to be quite busy themselves and aren't updating.