I got the Hero Builder's Guidebook in my hot little hands (worst purchasing decision I made aside from buying the Encyclopedia to Demons & Devils).
Basically, you score Lawful points for trusting authority and obeying the voice of community leaders. People who distrust the government or don't get along with family elders lean more towards the Chaotic side. The "revolutionary political opinion" question gives you Chaotic points if you choose one of the first two answers. Effectively, this makes most Americans Chaotic.
Also, holding up monogamy as an ideal is Lawful, while more casual relationships are Chaotic.
Spying for a foreign power is Chaotic, somehow. What if you live in a Chaotic Evil nation like the Empire of Iuz, and were payed by a Lawful Good government?
Also, the famine question gives you Evil points if you steal food to survive.
You get Evil points if you say that the best use of wealth is to stay on top of the heap. This makes capitalism and Randian Objectivism Evil.
I scored Neutral Good when I took this test during my middle school years, when I didn't consider the possible negative repercussions of crusading against tyranny. I was more zealous and opinionated during these years, and I desperately wanted to fix problems I saw in society
right now. I guess my loss of idealism tempered me alignment-wise.